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[412  Bi]  Lovina  E.  Gregory^  daughter  of  Lovina  Porter 
(2327)  and  John  Gregory,  married  June  22,  1867.  Halscy  II. 
Adams,  of  Troy,  Vt 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 
5Ko3.  Bertie  Adams,  lioru  April  27,  1868.  I 

5H54.  Orra  Adams,  bom  December  3,  1869.  ' 

[4129.]  Charles  H.  Porter,  son  o{  Charies  Porter  (2^28)  and 
Electa  Hand,  married,  1870,  Alice  Geare.     Removed  to  Idaho. 

Their  children  were  [l)eing  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 
r»»i5o.  Eva  S.  Porter,  bom  May  a,  1871, 
6856.  Charles  F.  Porter,  bom  April  18,  1873. 
8867.  Mynie  K.  Porter,  bom  August  7,  1875. 

f'1  1:^1,1  Elora  A.  Porter,  daughter  of  Charles  Porter  (2328) 
and  lilcita  Hand,  married  — r-.  i860.  Horace  W.  Brotun.  Resi- 
dence. Tn>y,  Vt. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation 
586A.  Harvey  Brown,  bora  1861. 

.w.ii.  V.'         ■■ 

6861.  Gine\Ta  Brown,  Ikora  1867. 

[4147.]  Jesse  Root  Grant,  son  of  Noah  Grant  (2341  ; 
Anna  Duell,  married  June  i,   1820,  Harriett  Simpson^  daughter 
q{  John  Simpson,  of  Montgomery  county,  Pa. 

'"'  '   '■  "  if  the  eighth  pciRiiiioTi  ;j 

.V'  .  1821,  married  Julia  B.  Dfut 

•  Vkl.  Samuel  S.  Grant,  bom  September  23,  1835. 

il«r  M,  1828. 
•  lary  ao,  1832. 
6H66.  Orville  L.  Grant,  bom  May  15.  1835. 
5K67.  Mary  F.  Grant,  bora  July  30,  1839, 

[41BD.]  Olivia  A.  Root,  daughter  oi  Joel  Root  (2445)  and 
Eleanor  Strong,  married,  1805,  Samuel  Badi^cr,  graduate  of  Yale 
College,  1805;  lawyer  in  Philadeli'l  i  1  Pi  ■'am"  '1i«'1  Manh 
1856.     She  died  January  22.  1827, 

:irrli     i  i 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 

5868.  Elizabeth  A.  Badger,  born  1805,  married  Dr.  E.  B.  Gardette. 

5869.  Edmund  R.  Badger,  born  May  7,  1S12,  married  Mary  A.  Davis. 

5870.  Sarah  Badger,  born  April  iS,  1814,  married  Dr.  N.  B.  Ives. 

5871.  Ellen  Badger,  born  July  i,  1816,  married  John  Roberts. 

5872.  Samuel  Badger,  born  September  i,  1818,  married  Cornelia  Holmes. 

[41B1.]  Lucy  C.  Root,  daughter  of  Joel  Root  (2445)  and 
Eleanor  Strong,  married  January  8,  180S,  Charles  Atwater,  mer- 
chant in  New  Haven,  Conn.  He  died  March  5,  1824.  She  died 
December  10,  1821. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 

5873.  Sarah  Atwater,  born  November  29,  1808,  married  M.  B.  Denman. 

5874.  Charles  Atwater,  born  January  2,  1815,  married  Mary  Montgomery. 

5875.  Elizabeth  B.  Atwater,  born  March  11,  1818,  married  W.  S.  Charnley. 

5876.  Lucy  R.  Atwater,  born  March  n,  1821,  married  Thomas  Elmes. 

[41B2,]  Eliza  M.  Roof,  daughter  oi  Joel  Root  (2445)  and 
Eleanor  Strong,  married  March  5,  18 12,  Samuel  H.  Woodrnjf, 
lawyer  in  Southington,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 

5877.  Samuel  Woodruflf,  born  December  30,  1813. 

5878.  James  Woodruff,  born  February  26,  182 1.  , 

5879.  Henry  D.  Woodruff,  born  Dec.  24,  1824,  colonel  in  war  of  Rebellion. 

5880.  Joel  R.  Woodruff,  born  August  26,  1828. 

[416  3,]  Eleanor  P.  Root,  daughter  of /^^/  Root  (2445)  and 
Eleanor  Strong,  married  April  30,  181 5,  Reuben  Rice,  merchant 
in  New  Haven,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 

5881.  John  S.  Rice,  born  April  5,  181 6. 

5882.  George  Rice,  born  September  26,  1817,  married  Emma  B.  Flower. 

5883.  James  Rice,  born  March  21,  1824,  married  Sarah  E.  Manville. 

5884.  Eleanor  P.  Rice,  I  f  married  George  Mygatt. 

5885.  Lucy  C.  Rice.       |  ^""^  "'  ^^^5.  |  ^^^^^  ^  ^^  ^^^^^ 

5886.  Marj'  D.  Rice,  born  February  7,  1830,  married  F.  H.  Trowferidge. 

5887.  Susan  A.  Rice,  born  December  30,  1831. 

[41B4,]  Jeannetle  F.  Root,  daughter  oi  Joel  Root  (2445)  and 
Eleanor  Strong,  married  December  13,  1824,  Rev.  Seth  Bliss. 


[Thomas  Bliss,  from  England.  (See  :2324.) 

S^iOHii  Gmtraiiou,  I  ■<•■•■'  -•  Blisi,  bom  in  Rnglaiul,  married  October 
25,  1654,  Lydia  Wright 

'Iliird  GefirmtioH,  Peiatiah  Bliss,  bom  August  19,  1674.  married  April 
31,  1699,  Elizabeth  Hikhcock,  tx)m  1679,  daughter  of  Ia'kij  Hitchcock, 
of  Weathcrsfjcld,  Conn.,  from  England. 

Fourth  GenrratioH,  Peiatiah  Bliss,  bora  March  3,  1701,  married  May  — , 
1723,  Anne  Stougftton. 

(Thomas  Stoit.hton  came  from  England  to  Dorchester,  Ma.'w..  i6v>: 
removed  to  Windsor,  Conn.     Died  September,  16K4. 

Second   Generation,    Thomas    '  .   Ixjni   in    England,   settled   in 

Hartford,  and  married,  1656,  Matj  ••  ...'.<  L>r/A,  bora  in  England,  daughter 
of  Wii,t.iAM  Wai^swukth,  who  came  from  England,  in  the  ship  "  Lion,"  to 
Cambridge.  Maaa..  1633  ;  removed  to  Hartford.  Conn.,  1636.  and  died  1675. 

/  ■,  married  January 

23.  I'  , 

Fourth  Gemrratiom,  Anne  Stoughton,  l»oro  170.^,  man-ic«l  Peiatiah  Bliss. 
He  died  September  5,  1764, 

/       '  .?b,  nuirricU  April 

11,1,  -  -'j. 

Sixth  Gmeration,  /'  bom  August  30,  1766,  married  April  16, 

1790,  Abigail  A/unn,  who  Utc«i  Scptemt>er  8,  1799.  He  died  Juue  I,  1813. 

Sr:rnlh  Generation,  Rev  '    "    '"  ..  married  Deccm- 

»K-r  I  ^.  I.SJ4.  y.  /^  fi^oot.     Hi  cr  at  Jcwett  city. 

Conn.,  and  died  April  8,  1879. 

Tluir  children  were  [bcitig  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 

'^'^    ".  •'■■ !'    '•'•    •   »K>m  October  30,  1835,  marrie<l  Eli/Jil>eth  EcamiLr 

Jjom  June  18,  1S37,  married  Mary  A.  Marlow. 
Robert  Bliss,  bora  I^cember  3.  1828,  married  S.  M.  Handy. 

[41B6.]  ChariotU  A.  Root,  daughter  oi  Joel  Root  (2445;  and 
EUattor  Strong,  married  September  22,  1817,  William  J.  Forbes  ; 
nKrrchant  in  New  Haven,  Conn.     She  died  December  18,  1839. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :J 
■V*01.  Susan  H.  Forbes,  bom  March  16,  1819,  married  Benjamin  Sillinian. 
William  J.  Forbes,  bom  January  19,  1831,  died  unmarried  1862. 
Robert  W.  Forbes,  bom  May  30,  1832,  married  Hauuah  M.  Edwurd.s. 
Charles  Forbes,  bom  April  10,  1837.  married  Mary  A.  Alvord. 


[41B  B ,]  Lewis  Hopkms  Porter,  son  of  Nathaniel  Porter  (2476 J 
and  Sarah  Hopkins,  married,  1859,  Achsah  M.  Philbrick,  of  Troy, 
Maine.     Residence,  Plymouth,  Maine. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 

5895.  E-Ose  Mary  Porter,  born  April  iS,  1863. 

5896.  Herbert  L.  Porter,  born  1869. 

[41BB,]  Aiine  S.  Porter,  daughter  oi  Nathaniel  Porter  {2j^']6) 
anA.  Sarah  Hopkins,  married,  1851,  Thomas  R.  Waterman.  Resi- 
dence, Detroit,  Mich. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 

5897.  Evelina  P.  Waterman,  born  1852,  married  W.  A.  Teague. 

5898.  Clara  B.  Waterman,  born  1855. 

[41B3,]  Peuel  IV.  Porter,  son  oi Nathaniel  Porter  (2476)  and 
Sarah  Hopkins,  married  December  — ,  1861,  Laurinda  Walker. 
Residence,  Detroit,  Mich. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 

5899.  Mary  Adele  Porter,  born  April  iS,  1863. 

5900.  Cora  E.  Porter,  born  August  i,  1868. 

5901.  Ernest  W.  Porter,  born  April  10,  1873. 

[42 3D:]  Helen  Mills  Olcott,  daughter  oi Mills  Olcott  (2552) 
and  Sarah  Porter,  married  May  27,  1825,  Rufus  Choate,  of  Bos- 
ton, Mass. 

[John  Choate,  with  wife  Anne,  came  from  Sudburj^,  county  Sufiblk, 
England,  to  Ipswich,  Mass.,  1648.     He  died  December  4,  1695. 

Second  Generation,  Thomas  Choate,  bom ,  1668,  married ,  1690, 

Mercy  Varney,  daughter  of  Thomas  Varney,  of  Boston,  from  England. 
Thomas  Choate  died  1744-45.     She  died  December  19,  1733. 

Third  Generation,  Francis  Choate,  born  September  13,  1701,  married 
April  13,  1727,  Hannah  Perkins. 

(John  Perkins  came  from  Newent,  Gloucestershire,  England,  with  his 
wife  Judith,  to  Ipswich,  Mass.,  1631. 

Second  Generation,  Thomas  Perkins,  born  ,  1616-17,  married  Phebe 

Gould,-  daughter  of  Zaccheus  G0UI.D,  of  Ipswich,  from  county  Bucks, 

Third  Generation,  Thomas  Perkins,  born  1660,  married,  1683,  Sarah 


.  RoBRRT  Wallace  (or  Wallis)  came  from  England  to  Ipswich.  Mass. 



bum  iboO,  uiurrteil  1  homin  I't'tkim. 

~./;jr, bora  1705.  married  Francis  ChoaU. 

Fourth  I.  WiHiam  ChoaU,  bom  SoptcmlK-r  — ,  1730,  married, 

1755,  Afitry  Guuitng^,  dauKbter  of /<?*  GtJdings. 

Fifth'    ■■  •■'■■■■     ').    .//A....  Mm  November  29,  1757,  married  Octo- 
ber II,  I : 

(Rkcinalu  F«)stkr  came  from  Hngland  with  wife  Judith,  to  Ipswich, 
Ma.-  ^ 

R^imxld  Foster,  liora  in   KngUnd,  married,  1652, 
I   .zabftk  t)<.  <i  John  Dane,  of  Iptwich,  son  of  John  Danr, 

...-,.  ^^^,  ^ 


Reginald  Poster  died  December  aS,  i: 

Third  di'  -   ■       •  '>/>, 

.l/dfT  .  h- 

/.  'ii:/:  rnera/ion,  Mous  Foster,  bora  1697,  he  married,  1725,  Mary 
iter  oi  Nalhamiel  Rust.    She  died  May  2,  173a.    He 

GememJum,  ^^arom  Foster,  bora  ,  1793,  married  Ruihe  Lowe, 

ham.  Maaa..  from  KngUad. 

marricil  //tlcn  M.  OUott.     He  died  in  llui  .July  '3 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :J 
'•'•••L'.  H('       "      ■  •      n  1836,  married  Joseph  M.  Bell. 

■''►";;.  s.-.  js. 

'''»<*4.  Rufus  Choate,  tK>m  1831. 

OiM'"     "'  " '.<■ 

Judge  Advocate  U.  S.  A.,  Provost  Judge  in 
New  Orleans,  La.     He  died  in  Somerville,  Mass.,  September  10,  1868. 

[42 5 D.]  Anne  M.  Woodruff,  daughter  oi  James  Woodruff 
and  Naomi  S.  Robinson,  (2600)  married  December  3,  1834,  Theo- 
dore Romeyn,  of  Detroit,  Mich. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation :] 

5906.  Sophia  R.  Romeyn,  born  December  9,  1835. 

5907.  Susan  V.  Romeyn,  born  July  4,  1837. 

5908.  James  W.  Romeyn,  born  March  18,  1839. 

5909.  Helen  L.  Romeyn,  born  March  13,  1841. 

[42G1,]  Hele7i  E.  Woodruff,  daughter  of  James  Woodruff 
and  Naomi  S.  Robinson,  (2600)  married  April  20,  1836,  George 
H.  Tracy,  of  Detroit,  Mich. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :"| 

5910.  Anne  W.  Tracy,  born  December  8,  1836. 

5911.  George  D.  Tracy,  born  November  26,  1838. 

5912.  William  W.  Tracy,  born  September  29,  1842. 

5913.  Helen  L.  Tracy,  bom  October  5,  1844. 

5914.  Clara  G.  Tracy,  born  April  5,  1849. 

[42 S 2,]  A7i7ia  L.  Phillipps,  daughter  oi  John  Phillipps  d^nd 

Amia  Lewis,  (2577)  married  ,    1784,  Dayiiel  Phoenix,  son  of 

Alexander  Phcenix,  of  New  York  city. 

Their  only  child  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 

5915.  Jonas  P.  Phcenix,  born  January  14,  1786,  married  Mary  Whitney. 

[4253,]  Sylvanus  St.  John,  sou  oi  Joht  St.  John  and  Lois 
Drake,  (2613)  married  January  26,  1819,  Chloe  Starke,  born  March 
31,  1795.  daughter  oi  Joshua  Starke,  of  Lebanon,  Conn.,  who 
married,  1786,  Olive  Lathrop,  daughter  oi  Jedediah  Lathrop,  of 
Lebanon,  Conn.  Joshua  Starke  born  March  6,  1761,  was  son  of 
Abiel  Starke,  who  married,  1760,  Chloe  Hinckley. 

[Samuel  Hinckley,  with  wife  Sarah,  came  from  Teuterden,  county 
Kent,  England,  in  ship  "  Hercules,"  1635  ;  Scituate,  Mass.;  Removed  in 
1640,  to  Barnstable,  Mass.,  and  died  October  31,  1662.  Mrs.  Sarah  Hinckley 
died  August  18,  1656. 

Second  Generatio)t,  John  Hinckley,  born  May  26,  1644,  married  July  — , 
1668,  Bethiah  Lathrop,  born  July  22,  1649,  daughter  of  Thomas  Lathrop, 
of  Barnstable,  and  Sarah  Ewer,  daughter  of  Thomas  Ewer,  of  Barnstable. 

Third  Generation,  Gershom  Hinckley,  born  April  2,  16S2,  married  Octo- 
ber 29,  171 2,  Mary  Buell. 

(William  Buell  came  from  England  to  Windsor,  Conn. 

Second  Generation,  Samuel  Buell,  born  September  2,  1641,  married 
Deborah  Griswold. 


Third  f  '•"■''>■  "  »>orn  July  TO,  1663,  marrie'' "^*^ 

Judith  S:. 

(John  Strvkns  came  from  Englaud  to  Guilford,  Couu.,  1650,  died  1670. 

Second  (Jfnn^itioH,  William  S/rt'^yis,  boru  in  Knglaud,  married  !kl:irch 
3.  >653,  Afaty  Meigf^s,  daughter  ni  John  Meiggs,  sou  of  \iv.  i.  nt  Mkiggs, 
from  Kngland  to  Guilford.  Coon.,  die«l  December  — ,  165b 

Third  GcHfration,  Judith  Stevens,  bom  October  i,  1668,  married 
SatHutl  ItufU. 

Fourth  (j'mrratiom,  Mary  Buetl,  bom  May  19,  1696,  married  Cershom 
HinckUy.     He  died  November  24,  1774.     She  died  February  aa,  1774. 

/  rij/iom,  Chtoe  Hinckley,  bom  November  9,  1735,  married , 

Siit':    (.{•  'ishna  S/arkr.   lx>ru    Marcli  6.    i?6i.  iM.irni<!.    r,S6. 

Otitf  Lathrof' 

SeiTtith  (i,  lie,  bom  March  31,  1795,  married  JS^y/rw/iKJ 

St.  John.     Re.^.  ....  .  ,  v  ,,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  w«_:     ,         j  of  the  ci^jhth  generation  :] 
.W16.  Emily  St  John,  bora  May  3i.  tSai.  died  uomarried  i860. 
MM  7.  Marietta  St.  '  married  J.  J.  Walrath. 

.VJIK.  Abby  A.  St.  j 

r4?37.]  //  SKAX   ui    k-.  '-;/    and 

Jane  M,  Bardu  ..,       ;..arrit''    ^T  i'.  c,  l.  '    (•nv- 

hrd.     Residence,  Sherman,  Conn 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 
••'r*   Jane  K.  (ielston,  boni  Novf nil>er  9.  1830. 
Wy^\.  Betsey  Gelston,  bom  March  ^    '^■-    '••>•';..!  v.-v-rk^  !.••,'!' 
'.'•Jl.  Paulina  W.  Gclatou,  bom  ( • 
rrt'L**i.  Maltby  G.  GeUtou,  bora  February  9,  1837, 

[42 3 B.]  Betsey  Gelston,  daughter  of  Rev.  Maltby  Gelston  and 
Jane  M.  Bardxcell,  (2578)  married  December  27,  1831,  Hiram 
Fairchild,  of  Brookfield,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 
.'>923.  Sidney  H.  Fairchild,  bora  November  3,  1835. 
•'■'.•-4.  Sarah  L.  Fairchild,  bora  August  18,  1837. 
oiC).  Fliza  G.  Fairchild,  lx>rn  Fcbruarj'  11,  1839, 


[42  33i]  Phebe  Gelston,  daughter  of  Rev.  Maltby  Gelsto7i  and 
Jane  M.  Barewell,  (2578)  married  December  11,  182 1,  James  Addi- 
son Potter,  of  I^ansing,  Mich, 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 

5926.  Clark  Potter,  born  September  23,  1822. 

5927.  Maltby  Potter,  born  December  11,  1827. 

5928.  Betsey  G.  Potter,  born  July  20,  r830. 

5929.  George  W.  Potter,  born  March  20,  1833. 

[424D,]  Rev.  Maltby  Gelsfon,  son  of  Rev.  Maltby  Gclston 
a.n6.  Ja7ie  M.  Bardwell,  (2578;)  graduate  of  Yale  College,  1827  ; 
pastor  of  Presb)^terian  church  at  Ctyde  and  Albion,  N.  Y.,  and 
Ann  Harbor,  Mich.  He  married  October  20,  1834,  Marcia  H. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 

5930.  Antoinette  B.  Gelston,  born  December  29,  1837. 

5931.  Sarah  G.  Gelston,  bom  July  7,  1844. 

5932.  Joseph  M.  Gelston,  bom  June  28,  1847. 

5933.  Henry  W.  Gelston,  born  March  18,  1850. 

[42Bl.]/<f?'7^.r/za  A.  Strwig,  daughter  of  Eben  Strong  and 
Sarah  M.  Porter,  (2616)  married  October  1,  1S39,  IVilliam  Adavis. 
of  Colchester,  Conn. 

Their  only  child  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 

5934.  William  P.  Adams,  born  September  4,  1844,  married  Leora  Brainard. 

[4263,]  Elihu  Porter  Buell,  son  oi  John  Buell  and  Mary 
Porter,  (2617)  married  May  31,  1833,  at  Mariboro,  Conn.,  Lucy 

[Daniel  Kellogg  came  from  England  to  Norxvalk,  Conn.,  1655,  mar- 
ried   ,  1665,  Bridget  Boiiton,  daughter  of  John  Bouton,  a  Huguenot, 

from  France  to  Norwich,  Conn. 

Second  Generaiio7i,  Joseph  Kellogg,  born  March.  1678,  married  October 
10,  171 2,  Mary . 

Third  Generation,  David  Kellogg,  bom  September  28,  1715,  married 
February  28,  1733-34,  JvMth  Raymond. 

Fourth  Generation,  Joseph  Kellogg,  bom ,  174.,  married  November 

2,  1772,  Lucy  Warner.  He  was  a  captain  in  .var  of  Revolution,  and  died  at 
Somers,  Conn.,  1795. 


Fifth  Generation,  Joseph  Kellogg,  born  April  5,  1779,  tnarrieil . 

.V;  lOi  (  rHeratiom,  Lucy  Kellogg,  bom  January  jo,  1807,  married  E.  P. 
Buell.  Marlboro.  Conn.     He  died  May  31.  186S. 

Thcu     ....... en  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 

5(*35.  Maria  K.  Boell,  bom  April  25.  1834. 
5036.  Ellen  F.  Baell,  bom  May  7,  1855. 

[4  2  64]  M^iry  E.  Buell,  daughter  ol  John  ButU  and  Mary 
Porter,  Tay  31.  1843,  Benjamin  T.  Sumner. 

[Wil:..  .■  ■'     -  iii  in  Oxfordshire,  England,  came  with  his  wife 

Mary,  to  I>orcbe»ter,  Mam.,  i6Vi.     She  died  June  7,  1676.     He  died  March, 

in   .11   i-.ti^;..t:iii,  mame<I  — — , 

/'  '/  .  ■'.•■■.'.'.,  •;  ( trmmt  ^mmner,  bom  September  6,  1671,  married 
Matgirrt  iiattn. 

Fourth  (.'mrrati-yfi,  A'rn*'m  Sumnrr,  horn  May  29,  1727,  manried  Han- 
nah Hun: 

/  m  ,  1:  —, 

■'-r,  boru    >«  8.  1805.  mar- 

ried Mary  E.  Buell.     RcMdencc,  Gilcad.  Conn. 

Their  children  w  -^  of  the  cij^hth  .v  'U 

hsXM.  Flora  J.  Sumner,  1-  . ..     ...ivh  u,  1S44,  niameU  ..........  Ik)!!**. 

>'  '-'^.  Lucy  K.  Sumner.  Imrn  March  4.  1K46. 
.">.'  i'.i.  Mary  K.  Sumner,  bom  February  18.  1S4H 

.v.'|»t.  ChAflr^  B  Sumner,  born  October  6,  iJ>5o,  married  Sarah  Corli*. 
.V'4!     Nfiina  S.  Suiutu-r.  bom  December  8,  1853. 

L  1  J  John  W.  BtuU,  son  oi  John  Buell  ^val  Mary  Porter, 

(2617)  married  September  21,  1826,  Mary  A.  Post,  of  Gilead,  Conn. 
Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 
'   '      V    "     11,  tx>ra  Febniary  9,  1842. 
!,  Ifom  March  ro,  1845. 
&»44.  Halsey  P.  Buell.  bom  November  6,  1851. 
6945.  Hart  K.  Buell.  bora  March  24,  1855. 

'  '  "j     '  ■      ;//  /f.  Buell,  daugliter  o(  Jjhn  UuiU  .luJ  Mary 

Pof... .  ..    »;    .,.w;.icd  at  Gilcad,  Conu..  Octol)cr  9,  1S43,  Nathan 

GiUettf.     He  was  a  private  in  Connecticut  volunteers,  and  died 
at  Beaufort,  S.  C,  July  12,  1863. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation :] 

5946.  Ellen  M.  Gillette,  born  May  30,  1848. 

5947.  David  B.  Gillette,  born  September  8,  1849. 

[4  2  B  7.]  David  M.  Buell,  son  of  John  Buell  and  Mary  Porter, 
(2617)  manied  May  4,  1840,  Louisa  Robe7iso?i.  Residence,  Cov- 
entry, Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 

5948.  Mary  L.  Buell,  born  May  14,  1842. 
5949    Rosa  M.  Buell,  born  May  26,  1845. 

[42Ba.]  Josiah  M.  Buell,  son  oi  John  Buell  and  Mary  Por- 
ter, (2617)  married  September  22,  1840,  Susan  Burnhajn.  Resi- 
dence, Hebron,  Conn. 

Their  only  child  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 

5950.  Mary  A.  Buell,  boni  November  20,  1S45,  married  Marshall  Porter. 

[4271,]  Benjamin  P.  Tarbox,  son  of  Thomas  Tarbox  and 
Lucy  Porter,  (2619)  married,  183S,  Losana  Westcott,  of  Tuckahoc, 
N.  J.     Removed  in  1853,  to  Iowa  city,  Iowa. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 

5951.  Charlotte  Tarbox,  bom  January  21,  1840,  died  October  3,  1850. 

5952.  Lucy  W.  Tarbox,  born  December,  1842,  married 

5953.  Samuel  Tarbox,  born  April,  1845,  Union  soldier,  died . 

5954.  Ann  Jannette  Tarbox,  bom  1846. 

[42  74,]  Lydia  Harriett  Tarbox,  daughter  of  Thomas  Tar- 
box  ^nALucy  Porter,  (2619)  married  October  29,  1837,  Christophe, 
Brown,  of  I^banon,  Conn.,  boni  October  28,  1815.  Died  March 
12.  i860.     Mrs.  Harriett  Brown  died  NovemW  9,  1864. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  •] 

5955.  Mary  Peters  Brown,  born  June  5.  1838,  married  John  C   Gates    " 

5956.  Lucy  Porter  Brown,  bom  May,  1840,  married  Frederick  C  Abel 
59o7.  Lydia  H.  Brown,  bom  March  22,  ,842,  died  March  14,  1843 
5958.  Charles  Tarbox  Brown,  born  October  12,  1845. 

[427e,]  Rev.  Lnerease  Niks  Tarbox,  D.  D..  son  of  Thomas 
Tarbox  and  Lucy  Porter,  (2619  ;)  graduate  of  Yale  College    1839 
and  Yale  Theological  Seminary,  1844;  taught  academy  in  East 


Hartford,  Conn.,  1839  to  1841 ;  Tutor  in  Yale  College,  1843  to  44  ; 
ordained  November,  1844,  pastor  of  Plymouth  church  at  Framing- 
ham.  Mas-s  \  of  American  C  cly 

of  K.-'..M  V  ,  t,>  ,  ,..  <  ';  ,  ^,^  ^  .,,  ^^ml 
low  r  of  Nc\  id  His- 
torical Society.  Residence,  West  Newton.  Mass.  He  married 
Jun.              -,  Deha  A.  Watrrs.  bom  Januar  \  daughter 

iker  for  the  U.  S.,"  .in  the 

!     RKH\;a-    \V.\Ti:k  'Mit    of 

Sal<  ,  1637,  from  En. 

Their  children  were  fbeinK  of  the  eighth  generation  :1 

.. ilfT. 

.•■»<. 1     Mjr\  r   Tartiox.  born  '  nd. 

•■  .'   Helen  J.  Tarbos.  boni  -^54,  died  Octobrr  7,  tb8j. 

(  I  Harrittt  l*or1er  BtU,  daughter  of  Amos  BUI  and 

'  "       .5,  i8a6,  Jarvis  Porter  Lord, 
,  .  .    :in. 

'1  he  ninth  generation  :] 

•  -^i   NelMMi  P.  U>nl.  bora  J 

,  -rtlBiU,  s... -  r^-'f  ""!  nannda 

Pop  \\icx  I').  1^47.  li'i  r  Card. 

Residence,  Sodus,  111. 

Their  chiMren  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

■  '»■'    rr.        '    ■■  "  '   -  •       -    --J. 

<  ••  ■>    Arthur  J.  Bill,  twra  April  4,  1862. 

[4  i^  9 5.1  Olivft  Augustus  BiU,  son  o(Amos  BiMand  Ciarinda 
Pi'^  irried  February  7,  1843,  Ju/ia  A.  AMI. 

I  <  "  ........  ..  .         \or- 

wicl.  21, 

1653,  daughter  of /oAm  fi>st,  of  Saybrook,  Cono.,  and  Either  Hyde,  daughter 
of  William  IIvimi.  from  England. 


Secotid  Generation,  Caleb  Abell,  born  April  — ,  1677,  married  February 
20,  1704-5,  Abigail  Sltiman,  born  March  14,  1680,  daughter  of  Thomas 
Sluman,  of  Norwich,  Conn., 'who  married  December — ,  1668,  Sarah  Bliss, 
born  August  26,  1647,  daughter  of  Thomas  Bliss,  of  Norwich,  Coun.,  sou  of 
Thomas  Bwss,  from  England. 

Thi7'd  Geiieration,  Daniel  Abell,  born  February  3,  1705-6,  married 
December  21,  1727,  Sarah  Crane. 

(Benjamin  Crane  came  from  England  to  Weathersfield,  Conn.,  married 
April  23,  1655,  Mary  Backus,  daughter  of  Wii,liam  Backus,  of  Saybrook, 
Conn.,  from  England. 

Second  Generation,  Jonathan  Crane,  born  December  i,  1658,  married 
December  19,  1678,  Deborah  Griswold,  born  May  — ,  1661,  daughter  of 
Francis  Griswold,  of  Saybrook,  son  of  Edward  Griswold,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  John  Crane,  born  1683,  married  September  16,  1708, 
Sarah  Spencer,  born  February  16,  16SS,  daughter  oi  Jared  Spencer,  of  Had- 
dam,  son  of  Thomas  Spencer,  of  Hartford,  Conn.,  from  England.  Resi- 
dence, Windham,  Coun. 

Fourth  Generation,  Sarah  Crane,  born  1709,  married  Daniel  Abell. 
Residence,  Lebanon,  Conn. 

Fifth  Generation ,  Elijah  Abell,  boni  February  4,  1743-44,  married  Janu- 
ary I,  1770,  Hannah  West,  born  September  2,  1749,  daughter  of /<?//«  West, 
of  I,ebanon,  who  married  November  8,  1738,  Rebecca  Abell,  bom'  January 
18,  1711,  daughter  oi  John  Abell,  of  Lebanon,  and  Rebecca  Hintnan. 

Sixth  Generation,  Silas  Abell,  born  May  7,  1782,  married  October  22, 
1809,  Rhoda  Webster.  Residence,  Lebanon,  Conn.  He  died  September 
3.  1825. 

Seventh  Generation,  Julia  A.  Abell,  born  November  29,  1818,  married 
Oliver  A.  Bill.     Residence,  Hebron,  Conn.     She  died  November  14,  1864. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
59G9.  Mary  F.  Bill,  born  May  9,  1844. 

5970.  Martha  J.  Bill,  born  August  15,  1848. 

5971.  Rollin  H.  Bill,  born  May  25,  1852. 

5972.  Caroline  W.  Bill,  born  February  9,  1857. 

5973.  Harriett  P.  Bill,  born  September  24,  1S60. 

[42BB,]  Caroline  Maria  Bill,  daughter  of  Amos  Bill  and 
Clarinda  Porter,  (2625)  married  March  17,  1846,  Elias  L.  Wil- 
liams, of  Lebanon,  Conn. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  g^eneration  :] 
•'.  '7  4.  Charles  A   Williauis.  !)oru  December  32,  1S46,  died  May  3o,  1S58. 
'>'>7').  Henry  li.  William^,  born  Au^fust  23,  l   .,>>,  died  January  20,  iiitx\. 
flt'TG.  (ieorge  B.  Williams,  born  October  30,  1853. 
•'«'.i77.  Kunice  L.  Williams,  bora  July  8,  1856. 

[4?  uorge  Richard  Bill,  son  o!  Amos  JJ  ill  and.  Clarinda 

Porter,  <iiiZ>,j  married  May  29,  1850,  Lois  A.  Robertson,  who  died 
P\-bruar>'  25,  1856.  He  married  (second  wife)  June  4.  1857, 
limeline  D.  Blodgett,  daughter  of  Alinth  lUodgctt  and  Harriett 
Porter,  daughter  oi  Amos  Porter  (2028)  and  Sarah  Webster. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

.V<7^    Chiirlis  !•:    : h  i?.  1851. 

'>  '7''    Harrutt  .\.   1  ,  iiilier  10,  1855. 

>  ><».  Frederick  R.  Bill,  bom  February  10,  1861. 
.V.iSl.  Oeorxe  L.  Bill,  bora  July  37.  1862. 

1                ]  Anne  Afan'a  Gurley,  daughter  of  John  [VarJ  Gur- 

Uy  larrictl  in  lioston,  Mass.,  I'ebni- 

ar>   •-.  I    i^.  ••■  'W,  U.  S.  Army.     She  died  June 

^,  1S51.     Majoi  '  ch  24,  1861,  in  hiseighticlli  year. 

Their  children  were  [lieing  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

•''>■-'.  Henry  I»cflrl»oni  Cfrofton,  born  November  la,  1817. 

.    .       .........    -  .,,7^  ,819. 

lary  4.  1823.'i    Chnrlea  C.  Grafton,  Ijoth  1825,  (Rev,  "  Father  (;rafton,"  Roston,  Mass.) 

i  j  John  Addison  Porter,  son  of  Addison  Porter  (2641) 

and  Anne  Hogeboom,  married  in  New  Haven,  Conn.,  July  i6, 
1855,  by  Rev.  Harr>'  Croswell,  Rector  of  Trinity  Church,  Josephine 
Ear'-  ^•'  -  '^  »  --  ■■■■  M  'iic,  Ala..  November  3,  1834,  daughter 
ofy  'aria  St.  John,  who  was  lx)rn  in  Wal- 

ton, Delaware  county,  N.  Y.,  May  22,  1801.  daughter  oi  John  T. 
St.  John,  who  married  (3ctober  i,  1795,  Mary  Stockton,  daughter 
oi^  Charles  W.  Stockton,  of  Walton. 

John  Trowbridge  St.  John  was  son  of  Matthias  St.  John,  lx)rn 
1732.  son  oi  Matthew  St.  John,  of  N<jrwalk,  Conn.,  who  was  .son 


of  Matthew  St.  John,  from  England  to  Dorchester,  Mass.,  1634; 
Windsor,  Conn.,  1638  ;  Norwalk,  Conn.,  1654,  and  died  Oct.,  1669. 

Joseph  E.  Shefl5eld  was  son  oi  Paul  K.  Sheffield,  who  married, 
1786,  Mabel  Thorpe,  in  P'airfield,  Conn.  He  was  a  descendant  of 
Edward  Sheffield,  from  England  to  Roxbury,  Mass.,  1641, 
who  married,  1644,  Mary  Woody,  daughter  of  Richard  Woody, 
of  Roxbury,  from  England.  John  A.  Porter  resided  in  New 
Plaven,  Conn.     He  died  August  26,  1866. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

5986.  Jobu  A.  Porter,  born  April  17,  1856,  married  Amy  Ellen  Betts. 

5987.  Edgar  S.  Porter,  born  October  12,  1857,  unmarried,  in  New  Haven. 

[4314i]  Sarah  A.  Porter,  daughter  of  Addison  Poiier  (2641) 
and  Anne  Hogeboom,  married  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  October  15, 
1844,  JoJin  Van  Dyke,  of  Schoharie,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

5988.  Anne  P.  Van  Dyke,  born  July  3,  1847. 

5989.  Cornelius  H.  \'an  Dyke,  born  December  8,  1848. 

[431Si]  William  Angusius  Porter,  son  of  Addison  Portet 
(2641)  and  An7ie  Hogeboom,  married  in  Northampton,, 
October  6,  1859,  Ahhv  T.,-:i:'\n  n,y'r<:  He  rlicd  in  Chicago,  111., 
October  7,  1873. 

Their  only  child  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

5990.  David  B.  Porter,  born  October  4,  i860. 

[4317.]  Catherine  V.  B.  Po7'ter,  daughter  oi  Addison  Porter 
(2641)  and  Anne  Hogeboom,  married  in  New  York  cit}-,  1853, 
George  W.  Greene,  of  Greensdale,  R.  I. 

[John  Greene,  born  in  Salisbury,  Wiltshire,  England,  February  9, 
1596-97,  son  of  Richard  Greene,  came  in  ship  "James,"  to  Boston,  Mass., 
1635.  He  was  an  associate  of  Roger  Williams  in  purchase  of  site  of  Provi- 
dence, R.  I.,  1638.  He  married  in  England,  November  4,  1619,  Joan  7''aiter- 
sall,  who  died  1643.     He  died  between  December  28,  1658  and  Jan.  7,  1659. 

Second  Generation,  James  Greene,  baptized  June  21,  1626,  in  St.  Thomas 
church,  Salisbury,  England.  He  married  (second  wife)  August  3,  1665. 
Elizabeth  Anthony,  daughter  of  John  Anthonv,  of  Providence,  from 
Hempstead,  England.  James  Greene  died  April  27,  1698.  Mrs.  Elizabeth 
Greene  died  1691. 


Third  Ceneration^  Jabez  Greene,  bom  May  17,  1673,  married  May  16, 
1697,  Mary  Barton. 

(RfFis  B\RTox  came  from  England  to  Providence,  R.  I.,  1640. 

Second  Generalion,  Benjamin  Barton,  bom  ,  married  June  8,  i66g, 

Susannah  Gorton,  daughter  of  Samuel  Gorton,  of  Warwick,  R.  I.,  from 
England.     Benjamin  Barton  was  au  assistant,  and  died  1720. 

Third  Generation,  Mary  Barton,  bom ,  nuirricd  May  16,  id/^T,  Jabez 

Greene.     Residence,  Providence,  R.  I. 

Fourth  (veneration,  Xathaniel  Greene,  born  November  4,  1707,  married 
Mary  Matt,  daughter  of  Jacob  Molt,  of  Middletowu,  R.  I.,  a  d.>-<  iMnl.uit  df 
Adam  Mott,  from  England,  1635,  to  PorUsmoulh,  R.  I.,  1638. 

Fijth  Generalion,  Nathaniel  Greene,  born  May  27,  1742,  married  July. 
1774,  Catherine  I.ittlefield,  daughter  of  John  Litllefield,  of  Block  Island. 
He  was  the  (ieneral  Greene  of  the  Revolution.  • 

A/ 1  /"  (.,/ieration,  Nathaniel  Ray  Greene,  bom  January  29,  1780,  at  the 
winter  quarters  of  the  army  at  Morristown,  N.  J.,  married  .lutia  J/.  Clarke, 
a  grand-daughter  of  Governor  Satnuel  Clarke,  of  Rho<le  Island,  a  descend- 
ant o(  Jeremiah  Clarke,  of  Newport,  R.  I.,  whose  wife  Hannah  was  daughter 
of  John  Ai'ni,KY  and  wnfe  Margaret,  of  Boston,  from  England,  1632. 
Jeremiah  Clarke  was  son  of  jHRiiMtAH  C1.ARKI'..  of  Newport,  R.  I.,  frum 
England.  Treasurer  of  the  colony  1647  ;  governor,  1648.  Natlianiel  Ray 
Greene  died  Januarj-  11,  1H59.  Mrs.  .\nna  Greene  died  Januar}*  17,  1886, 
aged  one  hundred  and  two  years,  two  months  and  nine  days. 

Ser'enlh  Generation .  Georf^e  Washinf^ton  Greene,  born  April  8,  181 1, 
niarried  C.  V.  B.  l*ortrr. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
5:tlU.  Anna  M.  Greene,  bom  Septemlier  24,  1854. 
.V.K)2.  Catherine  P.  Greene,  lx)ru  November  i,  1857. 
S'.W.I.  Mary  W.  Cireene.  born  March  19,  i860. 
65ID4.  Nathaniel  Greene,  bom  September  29,  1865. 

[4321.}  Jiiary  Porter,  daughter  oi  Addison  Porter  (2641)  and 
Anne  Hoi^eboom,  married  in  Greenwich,  R.  I,,  July  20,  1865, 
Joseph  \V.  Hyde.     She  died  in  Stamford.  Conn.,  Oct.  6,  1S74. 

Their  children  were  [l:)eing  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
o'.KJo.  Jeanie  P.  Hyde,  bom  October  6,  i866. 
o'.«M).  Theodore  M.  Hyde,  born  November  23,  1607. 
i"»iK»7.  .\gnes  M.  Hyde,  born  October  20,  1S70. 


[4334.]  John  IV.  Porter,  son  oi  John  F.  Porter  (2692)  and 
Eliza  Parsons,  married  September  i,  1858,  Helen  Mar  Stoddard, 
izi^i)  of  Syracuse,  N.  Y.     Removed  to  Charlottesville,  Va.,  1865. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

5998.  Jennie  L.  Porter,  born  February  7,  1S60. 

5999.  Jesse  PI  Porter,  born  February  27,  1863. 

6000.  Helen  F.  Porter,  bom  September  19,  1S65. 
6001    Virginia  M.  Porter,  born  May  15,  1S69, 

[43Bn,]  Martm  V.  D.  Porter,  son  of  Abiezer  Porter  (2700) 
and  Sophia  Wood,  married  Lydia  A.  Meek.  Residence,  Hart- 
ford, Conn. 

Their  children  were  [peing  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
6002.  Charlotte  M.  Porter,  born  1836. 
6U03.  LeRoy  L.  Porter,  born  1838. 

[43  31]  Rev.  Hcyiry  Willard,  son  oi  John  Dwight  Willard 
and  Laura  Barnes  (2759  ;)  graduate  of  Dartmouth  College,  1851 ; 
Princeton  Theological  Seminary,  1S58 ;  minister  at  Plain  view, 
Minn.  He  married  December  6,  1858,  Jcannie  Welles,  born  April 
II,  1834,  da.\ig\\\.e.x  oi  Epaphroditus  Welles. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6004.  Clarence  Willard,  born  November  20,  1859. 

6005.  Norman  P.  Willard,  born  March  10,  1861. 
6006;  Emma  Willard,  born  November  30,  1862. 

6007.  Laura  B.  Willard,  born  November  4,  1864. 

6008.  Rose  Willard,  bom  October  15,  1866. 

6009.  Edward  Willard,  born  June  20,  1868. 

[4330,]  Minerva  Lee,  daughter  of  Thomas  Lee  and  Electa 
Riley,  (2767)  married  September  8,  1818,  Norman  Hart. 

[STEPHEN  Hart  came  from  England  to  Hartford,  Conn. 

Second  Generation,  Thomas  Hart,  born  1644,  married  Ruth  Hawkins, 
daughter  of  Anthony  Hawkins,  of  Farmington,  Conn.,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Thomas  HaH,  born  March  — ,  1680,  married  Decem- 
ber 17,  1702,  Mary  Thampson. 

(Thomas  Thompson  came  from  England  to  Hartford,  Conn.,  married 
April  14,  1646,  Anne  W^<f//^.y,  daughter  of  Governor  Thomas  Wei^les,  of 
Hartford,  from  England. 


Second  Generation,  John  Thompson,  boni  1647,  married  October  24, 
1670,  Mary  Steele,  born  November  20,  1647,  daughter  oi  John  Steele,  of 
Farmington,  and  }r(iry  U'amrr,  daughter  of  Andri-w  Warnkr.  from 

Third  Ofncnilton,  J/a/y  Tho/n/non,  born  October  i,  1082,  married 
Thomas  Hart.     Residence,  Kensington,  Conn. 

Fourth  Generation,  Elijah  Hart,  bom  June  8,  171 1,  married  December 
26,  1734,  .Ihi^^ail  Goodrich,  daughter  of /tf/rw  Goodrich  and  Rebecca  Allen. 
Residence,  New  Britain,  Conn. 

Fifth  Generation,  Elijah  Hart,  born  September  26.  1735,  married,  1758, 
Sarah  Gilbert,  daughter  of  Ebenezer  Gilbert,  of  New  Britain. 

Sixth  Generation,  Elijah  Hart,  born  May  7.  17SQ,  married  December 
21,  1780,  Anna  Andrews. 

(John  Andrews  came  from  PIngland  with  his  wife-  Mary,  to  Ilartlord, 

Conn.;  removed  !«■   Fimiin 'ton    and  Jitd  .  1681.     Mrs.  Mary  Andrews 

died  ,  1694. 

Second  Generulion,  ihinul  Aiuhti^i,  bora,  married . 

Third  Generation,  /?(?'/'  \>i.!i.-.<  l.fvni  M.inh  6.  i('i-2  iiKirricd  Octo- 
ber 30,  1707,  Mabel  Goffc 

(Phikip  GoFPE,  from  Huglaiid,  with  wife  kcbtkah,  WealherslkUl,  Conn. 
Second  Generation,  Jacob  Goffe,  l>orn  August  15,  1649,  married  December 
5.  1679,  Margery  Ingersoll,  born  January  — ,  1656,  daughter  of  John  Incer- 
SOLL,  of  Hartford,  from  England,  who  married  1651,  Dorothy  Lord,  daugh- 
ter of  Thomas  Lord,  of  Hartford,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Mabel  Goffe,  Ixjrn  Octo»jer3i,  1690,  married  Daniel 
Andrews.     Residence,  Weathcrsficld,  Conn. 

Fourth  Generation,  Hezekiah  Andrer.'s,  born  August  14,  1731,  married 
May  26,  1757,  Anna  Steadman. 

(John  Steadman.  from  England,  Weathersfield,  Conn. ;  died  1675. 
Second  Generation,  John  Steadman,  born  April  5,  165 1,  married  August 

10,  1678,  I'iolet ,  who  died  Aiij^nst  4,  16S3.     He  married  (second  wife) 

April  14.  1683,  Susannah . 

Third  Generation,  Thomas  Sh\i;f'i/iiu,  iwrn  .May  .^4,  1684.  married  De- 
cember 31,  1713,  Mafy  Sage,  born  1683,  daughter  of  David  Saoh.  of  Mid- 
dletown.  Conn.,  from  England. 

Fourth  Generation,  Anna  Steadman,  horn  June  30,  17^5,  uiarned  Jtce- 
liah  AndrcTi's.  Residence,  New  Britain.  Conn.  He  died  .\pril  19,  1796. 
She  died  September  7,  1809. 

Fifth  Generation,  Anna  Andrcivs,  born  ^eplcInlJC•r  o,  ijfxt,  married 
December  21.  1780.  Elijah  Hart.     Residence.  New  Britain,  Conn.     He  was 


a  captain  in  war  of  Revolution,  and  died  August  4,  1S27.  Sbe  died  Decem- 
ber 2,  1835. 

Sixth  Generation,  Norman  Hart,  born  August  5,  1794,  married  Minerva 
Lee.     Residence,  New  Britain,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6010.  Burdett  Hart,  born  November  16,  1821,  married  Rebecca  W.  Fiske. 

6011.  Noniian  L,.  Hart,  born  February  2,  1826,  married  Laviuia  M.  Kellogg. 

6012.  Ellen  Hart,  born  February  23,  1828,  married  U  R.  Welles. 

[4331.]  Lorenzo  Porter  Lee,  .son  of  Thomas  Lee  and  Electa 
Riley,  (2767)  married  November  3,  1^2^,  Jeannette  Hills,  daughter 
of  David  Hills,  of  New  Britain,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :)] 

6013.  Jeannette  T.  Lee,  born  1831,  married  W.  G.  Coe. 

6014.  James  T.  Lee,  born  1S34,  married  Caroline  Wake. 

6015.  Theresa  Lee,  born  1836. 

6016.  Lorenzo  P.  Lee,  born  1S38,  married  Clara  A.  Smith. 

6017.  Alice  Lee,  born  1840,  married  Albert  S.  W^elles. 
601 S.  Ella  Lee,  born  1S42. 

[4334.]  Electa  Lee,  daughter  of  T/ionias  Lee  and  Electa 
Riley,  (2767)  married  20,  1826,  Welles  LIubbard,  of  Mid- 
dletown,  Conn.     She  died  1829. 

Their  only  child  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6019.  Electa  L.  Hubbard,  born  182S,  married  Captain  Barnard  E.  Bee,  who 

graduated  at  West  Point  and  became  a  general  in  Confederate  army. 

[4 3 3  B j]  Caioline  Lee,  daughter  of  T/iotnas  Lee  and  Electa 
Riley,  (2767)  married  October  18,  1840,  Rev.  Joshua  Phelps,  pa.stor 
of  Presbyterian  church,  Sacramento,  Cal. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6020.  Caroline  M.  Phelps,  born  September  11,  1842. 

6021.  William  W.  Phelps,  born  June  15,  1846. 

6022.  Angeline  L.  Phelps,  born  May  22,  1852. 

[4333.]  Angeline  Lee,  daughter  of  Thomas  Lee  ana  Electa 
Riley,  (2767)  married  October  13,  1852,  in  Burlington,  Iowa, 
Mark  Howa?'d,  from  England.  President  of  Insurance  Companj'-, 
Plartford,  Conn. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  ninth  generation  :] 
<>U2:].  Angelinc  h.  Howard,  bora  November  6,  1S54. 
'XiiM.  AnJ3'  L.  Howard,  boru  January  7,  1S57. 
'1   -      William  L.  Howard,  born  November  i,  i860. 
(><c't).  Myra  L.  Howard,  born  November  23,  1S62. 

[44 D 3.]  Edwin  W.  Porter^  son  oi  John  Porter  (2774)  and 
Eliza  Dabcock,  married  May  3,  1844.  Phebe  Bliss. 

[Thomas  Bmss  and  wife  Margaret,  came  from  England. 

Second  Geuetiition,  Jonathan  Bliss,  born  in  England,  married,  164S, 
Miriam  Harmon,  of  Uraintree,  Mas.s.  Lived  in  Rehoboth,  Mass.,  and 
died .  1687. 

Third  Generation,  Ephraim  Bliss,  born   February  5,  i6.J9,  marrii-^ 

Fourth  Generation,  Jonathan  Bliss,  boni  1672-73,  married 

/"/'/',    '    u.  ration,  John  Bliss,  horn  171 1,  married  Rebecca  .     Lived 

in  Rehol>otlj,  Mass.     Died  1752. 

Sixth  Generation,  H'illiam  Bliss,  l)..ii    nuiv  ".    1  _  |j,  in;trii<.ii  OiioiR-r 

29,  1772,  Ifannah  Smith  ;  lived  in  Stockbridge,  Mass.     Died  1S22. 

'  f : ,  /;.'/>  < ii  neration,  Jesse  Bliss,  born  May  27.  17S4,  married  October  9, 
born  in  Clicsliire.  Conn.,  September  13,  1786.     He  died 
Slu- died  1  >eccniber  20,  1S49,  aged  sixty-three. 
Eighth  Generation,  Phebe  Bliss,  born  Jnly  13,  1821,  married  Edwin  W. 

/'i<rtrr.     Residence,  I^enox,  Mass. 

Their  children  were  [Ix^ing  01  the  ciglilii  generation  :] 
*V\'1~.  Sarah  E.  Porter,  born  April  20,  184.5,  married  Charles  V.  Piper. 
(Ht'iH.  Alice  M.  Porter,  bom  January  10,  1849,  married  Noble  Jennings. 
'  '     '   John  F.  Porter,  boni  June  3,  1851,  died  unmarried. 
I.!  .-  '.  Charles  E.  Porter,  bom  July  14,  1853. 
<.<);!1.  Susan  B.  Porter,  born  November  17,  1855. 

[44 2 El]  Edward  S,  Drcxocr,  sou  oi  James  D.  Braver  and 
Sarah  Porter,  (281 1)  married  June  2,  1869,  Con'nne  Lester,  daugh- 
ter of  Daniel  Lester.     Residence,  Springfield,  Mass. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
mi-.  Edith  C.  Brewer,  born  March  4,  187 1, 
OOoH.  Edward  IL  BrLwer,  born,\pril  27,  1874. 
'It>:l4.  Maude  P.  Brewer,  horn  January  24,  1S76. 


[442  7.]  Hai^riett  Porter  Brewer,  daughter  of  Jarnt^  D. 
Breiver  and  Sa7'ah  Porter,  (281 1)  married  June  2,  1874,  Luke 
Corcoran,  M.  D.,  of  Springfield,  Mass. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
G035.  James  B.  Corcoran,  born  March  11,  1877. 
6036.  vSarah  P.  Corcoran,  born  April  17,  1879. 

[4439.]  Rosetta  Root,  daughter  ol  Joseph  Root  (2902)  and 
Abigail Hurd,  married  October  28,  1807,  Isaac  Sherman,  of  Wood- 
burj-.  Conn.     She  died  May  29,  1850. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
0037.  Elizabeth  M.  Sherman,  born  January  2,  1810,  married  Ira  Thomas. 

6038.  Joseph  R.  Sherman,  born  January-  5,  1812,  married  Lucretia  ToUes. 

6039.  Julia  xShermau,  born  April  30,  1814,  married  E.  Hall. 

6040.  Anna  C.  Sherman,  born  November  8,  1816,  married  W.  Abernethy. 

6041.  Rebecca  Sherman,  born  September  2,  1819,  married  T.  W.  Gillette. 

[444 Di]  Thomas  Root,  sou  oi  Joseph  Root  (2902)  and  Abigail 
///^n/,  married  March  14,  1832,  Welthea  Allen.  Residence,  Wood- 
bur}-,  Conn.     She  died  Februarj^  28,  1841. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
0042.  Joseph  W.  Root,  born  June  16,  1S33,  died  in  the  army  1865. 

6043.  WeltLca  A.  Root,  bom  October  3,  1834,  married  Seth  Hollister. 

6044.  Tliomas  B.  Root,  bom  August  5,  1836,  died  in  California,  1S59. 

6045.  Susan  C.  Root,  bora  Febmary  20,  1838,  married  Piatt  Crane. 

[4442,]  Sally  Root,  daughter  oi  Joseph  Root  (2902)  and 
Abigail  Hurd,  married  December  13,  1820,  Reuben  H.  Hotchkiss. 
Residence,  Woodbury,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6046.  Ruth  E.  Hotchkiss,  born  October  i,  1821,  married  M.  C.  Sherman. 

6047.  Arvesta  A.  Hotchkiss,  born  April  5,  1829,  married  John  Woodward. 

[445B,]  Channcey  Allen  Goodrich,  son  of  Elizur  Goodrich 
(2942)  and  A?ine  JV.  Allen  ;  was  pastor  of  Congregational  church 
at  Middletown,  Conn.;  professor  in  Yale  College.  He  married 
Frances  J.   Webster. 

[John  Webster,  with  wife  /igiics,  came  from  England  to  Hartford, 
Conn.,  1636;  representative,  1637;  deputy -governor,  1655;  governor,  1656; 
removed  to  Hadley,  Mass.,  and  died  April  5,  1661. 


Second  Generation,  Robert  Webster,  born  in  England,  married,  1658, 
Suia/nnih  Treat,  daughter  of  Richard  TrkaT,  of  Weathersfield,  Conn., 
from  P^iigland. 

Third  Generation,  John  Webster,  bom  November  10,  1653,  married , 

16.S6,  Sarah  Afygatt. 

(Joseph  Mvga.TT  came  from  England  with  yn{e  Anne,  to  Cambridge, 
Mass.,  1633;  removed  to  Hartford,  Conu.;  representative.  Died  December 
7,  1680,  aged  eighty  four. 

Second  Generation,  Jacob  Mygatt,  born  in  England,  married ,  1654, 

Strah  Whiting,  daughter  of  VVii.uam  Whiting,  of  Hartford,  from  Eng- 
land.    Assistant  and  Treasurer  of  the  colony. 

Third  Generation,  Sarah  Mygatt.  '"-"  ''^59,  married  Jo'-<t  W'hKi.-y. 
He  died  December  6,  1695. 

Fourth  Generation,  Daniel  Webster,  bora  October  i,  1693,  married , 

1719,  Miriam  Cooke. 

Aakon  Cookr  came  from  England  to  Dorche.<5ter,  Mas.4.,  1634  ;  removed 

to  Windsor,  1636,  and  married,  1637, ,  daughter  of  Thomas  Ford,  of 

Win'  ^md. 

S  >n,  Noah  Cooke,  born  June  14,  1657,  married ,  1679, 

Sarah  Nash,  daughter  of  Joseph  Nash,  of  Hartford.  Noah  Cooke  died 
June  I,  1699. 

Third  Genemtion,  Afiriam  Coke,  born  Septeniber  30.  i6c>).  married 
Daniel  Webster.    He  died  December  21,  1765. 

Fifth  <  •.  Noah  Webster,  bom  March  25,  1722,  married  January 

12,  1749,  .'... .  -  .V. 

('John  Stbelr  came  from  England  with  wife  Rachel,  to  Cambridge, 
Mass.,  1632  ;  Hartford,  Conn.,  1636.     He  died  1664.     She  died  1653. 

Second  G-^'icraHori.  J.ihu  Steele,  born  in  England,  married  January  22, 
i6.;6,  i)ftrcy  ll'amrr,  .J.uighler  of  Anhui:w  Wakni'.R,  of  Hadlev,, 
frum  England.     He  died  1653. 

Thiixl  •  Steele,  born  March  15,  1652,  married  Septem- 

ber 16,  16^'-.     -     ..: 

(William  Bradford,  born  1590,  at  Austerfield,  Yorkshire,  England, 
came  in  ship  "Mayflower,"  to  Plymouth,  Mass.,  1620;  governor,  1631. 
Died  May  9,  1657.  ' 

Second  Generation,  William  Bradford,  born  June  17,  1624;  representa- 
tive, 1657;  assistant,  1658;  deputy -governor ;  married  Alice  Richards, 
r  Thomas  Richards,  of  Weymouth,  Mass.,  from  England.  She 
liber  12,  167 1.     He  died  February  20,  1704. 


Third  Generatio7i,  Mercy  Bradford,  boru  September  2,  1660,  married 
Samuel  Steele,  who  died  1710.     Mrs.  Mercy  Steele  died  1720. 

Fourth  Generation,  Eliphalet  Steele,  boru  June  23,  1700,  married . 

Fifth  Generation,  Mercy  Steele,  bom  1727,  married  Noah  Webster.  She 
died  October  5,  1794.     He  died  November  19,  1813. 

Fifth  Generation,  Noah  Webster,  born  October  16,  1758,  (the  lexicog- 
rapher) married  October  26,  1789,  Rebecca  Greenleaf. 

Sixth  Generation,  Frances  f.  Webster,  bom  ,  married  Choimcrv  .-7. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
G'MS.  Rev.  Chauncey  Goodrich,  bora  1816. 
6049.  Edward  C.  Goodrich,  bom  1818. 
5050.  William  H.  Goodrich,  bora  1S20. 
GOol.  Julia  Goodrich,  born  1822.  / 

6052.  Frances  Goodrich,  born  1825. 

[4457,]  Nancy  Goodrich,  daughter  oi  Eliziir  Goodtich  (2942) 
and  Anne  W.  Allen,  married  Henry  L.  Ellsworth. 

[JosiAH  ElIvSWORTH  came  from  England  to  Windsor,  Conn.,  married 
November  16,  1654,  Elizabeth,  daughter  of  Thomas  Holcomb,  from  Eng- 
land.   Josiah  Ellsworth  died  August  20,  16S9. 

Second  Generation,  Thomas  Ellsworth,  born  September  6,  1665,  married 
December  9,  1696,  Sarah . 

Third  Generation,  William  Ellsworth,  bora  April  15,  1702,  married 
June  16,  1737,  Mafy  Oliver. 

(Thomas  Oliver  ckme  from  Bristol,  England,  with  wife  Annr,  to  Bos- 
ton, Mass.,  1632.     He  died  June  i,  1658,  aged  ninety. 

Second  Generation,  Peter  Oliver,  bora  in  England,  1618,  was  a  merchant 

in  Boston.     He  married  ,  1643,  Sarah,  daughter  of  John  NewdigaTE, 

of  Boston,  from  England,  with  wife  Anne.  Peter  Oliver  was  captain  of 
Ancient  and  Honorable  Artillery  Company,  and  died  April  11,  1670.  ]Mrs. 
Sarah  Oliver  died  October  9,  1692. 

Third  Generation,  Nathaniel  Oliver,  born  March  S,  1652,  married  Janu- 
ary' 3,  1677,  Elizabeth  Brattle,  born  Februar)-  6,  1638,  daughter  of  Thomas 
Brattle,  of  Charlestown,  from  England,  who  married  ,  1656,  Eliza- 
beth Tyng,  bora  in  England,  1638,  daughter  of  William  Typjo,  of  Boston, 
from  London,  England. 

Fourth  Generation,  fames  Oliver,  born  October  27,  1687,  married  Janu- 
ary II,  1707,  Rebecca  Lloyd,  daughter  of  James  Llovd,  of  Boston,  from 
England,  who  married  November  3,  1691,  Rebecca  Leverett. 


(Thomas  Levkrktt  came  from  Boston,  England,  in  ship  "Griffin,"  to 
Boston,  Mass.,  1633,  with  w-ife  Anne:  was  ruling  elder,  and  died  October 
16,  1656. 

Second  Generation,  John  Leverett,  bom  in  Knglaud,  1616,  married  May 
13,  1640,  Hannah  Hudson,  daughter  of  Ralph  Hudson,  of  Boston,  from 
England.  He  married  (second  wife)  1645,  Sarah  Sedgwick,  sister  of  General 
Robert  Sedgwick,  from  England.  John  Leverett  was  deputy-governor, 
1671  to  1673;  governor  to  his  death,  March  16,  1679.  ^^  1676,  "  King 
Charles  Knighted  him,  but  he  had  sense  enough  to  keep  it  secret." 

Third  Generation,  Rebecca  Lei'crett,  born  December  5,  1664,  married 
Jautes  Lloyd.  His  first  wife  was  Griselda,  daughter  of  Nathaniei.  S\a,VES- 
TER,  of  Shelter  Island. 

Fifth  Getieration,  Maty  Oliver,  boni  November  21,  1712,  married  IVil- 
liatn  Ellsworth. 

Si.vlh  Generation,  Oliver  Ellsu'orth,  borii  1-.1-1.  Chief  Justice  of  United 
States,  married  Abigail  U^olcott.  (See  2353 

Seventh  Generation,  Henry  /..  Ellsxcortit,  \tox\\  November  lo,  i79r, 
married  Xaucy  Goodrich.  He  was  U.  S.  Commissioner  of  patents,  Wash- 
ington. D.  C,  and  died  December  27,  1858.  Mrs.  Nancy  Ellsworth  died 
in  Lafayette,  Ind.,  January  14,  1847. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
6(>5.'i.  Henry  W.  Ellsworth,  l)om  1814. 
fiO.>l.  Edward  Ellsworth,  bom  i8i6. 
OO-V).  Annie  G.  Ellsworth,  bom  1819. 

Annie  G.  Ellsworth  dictated  the  first  message  sent  over  the  line  of  the 
first  electric  telegraph,  from  Washington  to  Baltimore,  "  What  hatli  God 
wrought ' ' 

[44 6 B.]  Sarali  IT.  (joodruh,  dauglitcr  of  Samuel  Goodrich 
(2944)  and  Elisabeth  Ely,  married  Amos  Cooke,  bom  October  ir, 
1773,  son  oi  Joseph  P.  Cooke,  of  Daubury,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
««).'>(>.  Elizabeth  Cooke,  bora  1774,  married  Richard  W.  Stiles. 
<lti.")7.  Joseph  P.  Cooke,  born  1776,  M.  D.,  died  1835. 

.\mos  Cooke  died  May  13,  1810.  She  married  (second  husband)  June  21, 
18 1 5,  Ferdinand  Wolcott. 

[Henry  Wolcott  came  from  Somersetshire,  England,  with  his  wife 
Elizabeth,  \.o  Dorchester,  Mass.,  1630;  removed  to  Windsor,  Conn.,  1635; 
magistrate,  and  died  May  30,  1655.  Mrs.  Ellizabeth  Wolcott  died  July 
7,  >655- 


Second  Genei-ation,  Simon  Wolcott,  born  1625,  married  October  17,  166 1, 
Martha  Pitkin,  sister  of  Whliam  Pitkin,  of  Hartford,  Conu.,  from  Eng- 
land:    Simon  Wolcott  died  September  11,  1687.     She  died  October  13,  1719. 

Third  Generation,  Roger  Wolcott,  born  January  28,  1679 ;  governor  of 
Connecticut;  general  of  colonial  forces  at  the  conquest  of  L,ouisburg,  1745  ; 
married  December  3,  1702,  Sarah  Z?;-a,^(?,  daughter  oi  Job  Drake,  of  Wind- 
sor.    He  died  May  17,  1767. 

Fourth  Generation,  Oliver  Wolcott,  born  November  20,  1726,  married, 
1756,  Lorana  Collins. 

Fifth  Generation,  Ferdi7iand  Wolcott,  bom  November  2,  1767,  married 
Sarah  W.  Goodrich.  Residence,  Litchfield,  Conu.  State  senator,  judge, 
clerk  of  Supreme  Court,  died  June  28,  1837.  Mrs.  Sarah  Wolcott  died  Sep- 
tember 14,  1842. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6058.  Charles  M.  Wolcott,  born  Nov.  20,  1816,  married  M.  E.  Goodrich  (6067.) 

6059.  Henry  G.  Wolcott,  born  November  4,  1820. 

6060.  Mary  F.  Wolcott,  born  July  9,  1823,  married  Theodore  Frothingham. 

[44Bni]  Abigail  Goodrich,  daughter  of  Saynnel  Goodrich 
(2944)  and  Elizabeth  Ely,  married  Nov.  10,  1808,  Rev.  Samuel 
Whittlesey . 

[John  Whittlesey  came  from  England  to  Saybrook,  Conn.,  married 
June  20,  1664,  Ruth  Dudley,  boru  .\pril  20,  1645,  daughter  of  William 
Dudley,  who  came  from  Ocklej',  county  Surry,  England,  to  Guilford, 
Conn.,  1639.  John  Whittlesey  died  April  15,  1704.  She  died  September 
27,  1714. 

Second  Generation,  Samuel  Whittlesey,  boru  16S6;  Yale  College  1705; 
minister  at  Wallingford,  Conn.,  married  July  i,  1712,  Sarah  Chaunccy. 

(Rev.  Charles  Chauncev,  boru  at  Yardley,  county  Hertz,  England, 
1592  ;  Trinity  College,  Cambridge,  A.  M.  1617,  came  to  Plvmouth,  Mass., 
December  — ,  1637  ;  president  of  Harvard  College ;  died  February  19,  1672, 
His  wife  was  Catherine,  daughter  oi  Johti  Stille,  bishop  of  Bath  and  Wells. 
She  died  January  24,  1668. 

Second  Generation,  Rev.  Nathaniel  Chauncey,  born  1639;  Harvard  Col- 
lege 1661 ;  minister  at  Windsoi",  Conn. ;  married  November  12,  1673,  Abigail 
Strong,  daughter  of  Elder  John  Strong,  of  Windsor,  from  England.  Rev. 
Nathaniel  Chauncey  died  November  4,  1685. 

Third  Generation,  Sarah  Chauncey,  born  September  15,  1683,  married 
Samuel  Whittlesey.     He  died  April  15,  1752. 


Third  Generation,  Samuel  Whittlesey,  hoxw  l\x\y  \o,  17 13,  married  Sep- 
tember 21,  1743,  Susannah  Newton.  Residence,  Milford,  Coun.  He  died 
October  22,  1768.     She  died  May  10,  1803. 

Fourth  Generation,  Roger  Newton  Whittlesey,  bom  February  24,  1754, 
married  April  20,  1775,  Anne  Woodruff.  Resideuce,  South  Farms,  Coun. 
He  died  March  15,  1835.     She  died  November  7,  1S25. 

Fifth  Generation,  Samuel  Whittlesey,  bom  December  iS,  1775.  married 
November  10,  iSoS,  Abigail  GoodHch.  He  was  a  minister  in  New  York 
City,  and  died  April  15,  1842. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
(KMil.  Samuel  G.  Whittlesey,  born  November  8,  1809,  married  Anne  C.  Mills. 
<)OtiL\  Charles  C.  Whittlesey,  bom  September  12,  1S12. 

«iu(>:}.  Elizal>eth  Whittlesey,  boru  September  29,  1815,  married  J.  W.  Tillman. 
r>(M>4.  Henr>-  M.  Whittlesey,  bora  August  12,  182 1, 

'    Charles  A.  Whittlesey,  boru  October  20,  1823. 

Hmily  C.  Whittlesey,  born  Jati.  17.  1825,  married  Rev.  Lucius  Curtis. 

[4  DBS.]  Sannu'l  Griswold  Goodrich,  son  of  Samuel  Goodrich 
(2944)  and  Elizabeth  Ely,  qiarried  Adeline  Gratia  Bradley,  daugh- 
ter of  .S'//'/>//«'«  R.  Bradley.  Under  the  name  of  "Peter  Parley" 
he  wa.s  author  of  over  one  hundred  books  for  youth.  Consul  in 
Paris  1851  ;  died  in  New  York  City  May  8,  i860. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
CfX]?.  Mary  E.  Goodrich,  bom  Oct.  26,  1818,  married  C.  M.  Wolcott.  (6058) 
«KM".8.  Francis  B.  (Goodrich,  bora  Deceml)er  4,  1826.     "Dick  Tinto." 
CU\W.  Emily  L.  Goodrich,  Ijoru ,  1828,  married  Nathaniel  Smith. 

[4473.]    Alonzo   A.    Whitney,    son   of  Abram  J.     Whitney 

(2961)  and  Philena  Adams,  tnarried  in  Danby,  N.  Y.,  Ean7iy  Pitts. 
Residence,  Coming,  N.  Y. 

Their  only  child  was  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  ] 
(107(t.  Nelson  Whitney,  born  Jan.  15,  1S42,  Quarter-Master  third  Peiin.  vols. 

[4474.]  Chloc  H.   tK>^//wc>',  daughter  oi  Abram  J.  Whitney 

(2962)  and  Philena  Adams,  married  at  Cox.sackie,  N.  Y.,  January 
I,  1826,  Christopher  Deyoc.     Residence,  Caton,  Steul:>en  Co. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
0071.  Philena  Deyoe,  born  Febmary  14,  1829,  married  Earl  W.  Fuller. 
<;072.  -Monxo  Deyoe,  born  June  30,  1835,  m.'urii'<l  rii.irloUe  M.  Cooper. 


6073.  James  M.  Deyoe,  boru  April  7,  1838,  married  Luauna  Davenport. 

6074.  Eunice  Deyoe,  born  July  14,  1840,  married  Dr.  Horace  Gilbert. 

[4475,]  Eloiza  G.  Whitney,  daughter  of  Abram  J.  Whitney 
(2961)  awdi  Philena  Adams,  married  in  Danby,  N.  Y,,  November 
8,  1827,  Oliver  Wilkinson,  of  Townshend,  Vt. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6075.  Philena  Wilkinson,  born  March  18,  1829. 
G076.  Clark  R.  Wilkinson,  born  May  13,  1830. 

6077.  Vesta  Wilkinson,  boru  March  6,  1836,  married  Ranuey  Howard. 

[447B.]  ya;/z<f.y  Z.  Whitney,  son  oi  Abram  /.  Whiljiey  (2g6i) 
and  Philena  Adams,  married  in  Wellsville,  N.  Y.,  1827,  Hamiah 
Westcott.     Residence,  Susquehanna,  Pa. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6078.  Edgar  M.  Whitney,  born  September  20,  1S2S,  married  Harriett  Newell. 

6079.  Oliver  W.  Whitney,  boru  Januarj'  2,  1830,  married  Lucy  W.  Babcock. 

6080.  Lucy  M.  Whitney,  born  February  2,  1832,  married  Dyer  Powers. 

[44  BDi]  Peter  I.  Whitney,  son  oi  Zej-ah  Whitney  (2963)  and 
Jane  Demand,  married  at  Clarence,  N.  Y. ,  Betsey  Porter,  daughter 
oi  James  Poster,  (2165.)     Residence,  Clarence  Hollow,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
OOSl.  Zerah  P.  Whitney,  bona  Sept.  22,  1836,  married  Charlotte  McKenney. 

6082.  Phebe  J.  Whitnc}-,  bom  October  15,  1839,  married  M.  R.  Adams. 

6083.  William  B.  Whitney,  bom  May  27,  1S42,  married  Lavinia  McBride. 

6084.  Edwin  F.  Whitney,  bora  August  14,  1S44,  married  Harriett  L.  Burton. 

6085.  Helen  A.  Whitney,  born  March  14,  1846,  married  Philip  Lyon. 

6086.  Julius  J.  Whitney,  born  June  14,  1S47. 

6087.  Frances  M.  Whitney,  born  August  21,  1S52,  married  George  Coming. 

6088.  Elizabeth  L.  Whitney,  bora  Nov.  18,  1856,  married  G.  T.  Yeomans. 

6089.  May  Whitney,  bom  May  15,  1859. 

6090.  Parley  A.  Whitney,  bora  April  15,  1852. 

[44  Bli]  Oscar  F.  Whitney,  son  oi  Zerah  Whitney  (2963)  and 
Jane  Demond,  married  at  Clinton,  Mich.,  March — ,  1857.  Resi- 
dence, Austerlitz,  N.  Y.     He  died  March  — ,  1859. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6091.  George  Whitney,  bora  1858. 

6092.  Francis  Whitney,  born  1S60. 


6093.  Emily  J.  Whituey,  born  1862. 
0004.  Oscar  N.  UTiilney,  bom  1864. 

[4432.]  Ezra  Whitney,  son  of  Zcrah  IV/ii/ney  (^2967,)  and 
/ane  Demand,  married  at  Sherman,  Mich.,  March  12,  1842.  Har- 
fiett  E.  Dupuy.     He  was  a  soldier  in  war  of  the  Rebelion. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
<><vio.  Charles  F.  Whitney,  born  January  27,  1S45,  married  Mittie  D.  Rowe. 
<j<'l«».  Alouzo  E.  Whitney,  born  April  16,  1847. 
6097.  Frederick  Whitney,  bom  December  25.  1S49. 
6(»9S.  Caroline  Whitney,  bora  October  5,  1851. 

[44B3.]  Abraham  J.  Whitney,  .son  of  Zcrah  Whitney  (2963) 
2i\\(S.Jane  Detnond,  married  Julia  A.  Aforse.  He  served  in  Mexi- 
can war,  United  Slates  infantry,  at  Monterey,  Vera  Cniz,  Con- 
trcnis,  Cherubusco,  Chcpultei>ec,  Molino-del-Rey,  and  City  of 
Mexico.  In  wai  of  Rebellion,  captain  First  Michigan,  at  Bull 
Run,  Fair  Oaks,  Seven  Pines,  Harrison's  Landing,  &c 

[4517i]  William  C.  Strong-,  son  o(  E/nathan  Stronjr  i^z'^jSo) 
and /ane  Chamberlain,  married  June  11,  1850,  Margaret  Breck. 

[Edward  Brkck,  from  Ashton,  Devonshire,  Enj^Iand,  Dorchester,  1636. 
He  died  November,  1662. 

Second  Gene  ration,  Qaptaui  Jo/in  Itrec/c,  bon.  .,♦.,  married  Susannah 
.     He  died  1691. 

Third  Generation,  Rev.  Robert  Breck,  bora  December  8,  i68a ;  Harvard 
College  1700;  was  minister  at  Marlboro,  Mass. ;  he  married  Elizabeth  IVain- 

I  Francis  Wainwright,  from  England,  with  his  wife  Phillippa,  Boston, 
Mass.     \)     '  '  ".        19,  1692. 

Seconr  is  li'ainu'riffht,  horn  August  25,  1664;  Harvard 

College ;  married  Sarah  Whipple,  bora  1668,  daughter  of  John  WHiPPr.U, 
of  Ii)swic}i.  Major  Wainwright  died  August  3,  171 1.  Mrs.  vSarah  Wain- 
wright died  March  16,  1709. 

Third  Generation,  Elizabeth   Wainwright,  bora ,  1690,  married 

Rev.  Robert  Jireck. 

Fourth  Generation,  Rev.  Robert  Breck.  bom .  171-^;  Harvard  Col- 
lege 1730;  married  Eunice  Breu- 

(Danikl  Brkwer,  from  P*ngland,  with  his  \s\\.it  Joanna,  Roxbury,  Mass., 
1632.     lit  (lii-.l  .  1646.     She  died  Februar>-  7,  1689, 


Second  Generation,  Daniel  Brewer,  born  iu  England,  married  November 
5,  1652,  Hannah  Morrill,  daughter  of  Isaac  Morrili,  and  wife  Sarah,  of 
Roxbury,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Rev.  Daniel  Brewer,  born  February  7,  1669 ;  Harvard 
College  1687  ;  ordained  minister  in  Springfield,  Mass.,  1687  ;  married  August 
23,  1699,  Catherine  Chauncey,  bom  January  12,  1676,  daughter  of  Rev.  Na- 
thaniel Chauncey,  of  Windsor,  Conn.,  and  Abigail  Strong,  daughter  of 
Elder  John  Strong,  of  Windsor.  Rev.  Nathaniel  Chauncey  died  1733. 
Mrs.  Nathaniel  Chauncey  died  1754. 

Fourth  Generation,  Eunice  Brewer,  born  May  20,  1707,  married  April 
28,  1736,  Rev.  Robert  Breck. 

Fifth  Generation,  Johji  Breck,  born ,  1740,  married  Clarissa  Allen, 

daughter  of  Rev.  Thomas  Allen,  of  Pittsfield,  Mass.,  and  Elizabeth  Lee, 
daughter  of  'R.t.^.  Jonathan  Lee  and  Elizabeth  Metcalf.     (See  elsewhere.) 

Sixth  Generation,  Margaret  Breck,  born ,  man-ied   Williank  C. 

Strong.     Residence,  Brighton,  Mass. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6099.  Henry  B.  Strong,  born  July  20,  185 1. 

6100.  Margaret  B.  Strong,  bom  August  — ,  1863. 

6101.  Martha  J.  Strong,  born  October  — ,  1866. 

[4  513 .]  Rev.  Ebiathaji  Strong,  son  of  Elnathan  Strong  (2980) 
^vA  Jane  Chamberlain;  Dartmouth  College  1852;  Theological 
Seminary  1855 ;  married  December  16,  1856,  Elizabeth  G.  Mitchell, 
daughter  of  Rev.  Daniel  M.  Mitchell,  of  Natick.  Rev.  E.  Strong 
was  pastor  of  church  at  South  Natick,  Mass. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ningth  generation  :] 

6102.  Annie  C.  Strong,  born  September  7,  1858. 

6103.  William  E.  Strong,  born  April  9,  i860. 

[4SS4i]  Charles  Phelps  Huntington,  son  of  Rev.  Dan  Hun- 
tington and  Elizabeth  W.  Phelps,  (3063)  married  October  28,  1827, 
Helen  S.  Mills. 

[Simon  Mills,  of  Windsor,  Conn.,  married  February  23,  1660,  Mary 
Buell,  bom  September  3,  1642,  daughter  of  Willian  Buell,  of  Windsor, 
from  England.     Removed  to  Simsbury,  Conn. 

Second  Generation,  John  Mills,  bom  June  23,  1668,  married  1689,  Sarah 
Pettebone,  born  September  24,  1667,  daughter  of  John  Pe;ttebonk.  of  Wind- 
sor, from  England,  who  married  February  13,  1665,  Sarah  Eggleslon,  born 
March  28,  1643,  daughter  of  BiGOD  Ecgleston,  of  Windsor,  from  England. 


Third  Generation,  Benjamin  Mills,  born  December  23,  1697,  married  — 

Fourth  Generation,  Rev.  Benjamin  Mills,  boru  October  18,  1739,  t^^"^- 
ried  September  12,  1768,  Mary  Hunt. 

(  Jonathan  Hunt,  of  Northampton,  Mass.,  from  England,  married  Sep- 
tember"3,  1662,  Clemence  Hosmer,  daughter  of  Thomas  Hosmer,  of  Hart- 
ford, Conn.,  from  England. 

Second  Generation,  Jonathan  Hunt,  born  January  20,  1666,  married 
1693,  I\  fart  ha  Williams. 

(RonERT  WiLi,i.\.MS,  from  county  Norfolk,  England,  with  wife  Elizabeth, 
Roxbury,  Mass.,  1637. 

Second  Generation,  Rev.  Isaac   U  uiiams,  born ,  1636,  married , 

1660,  Martha  Parke,  bom  July  26,  1637,  daughter  of  William  Parkk,  of 
Roxbur}',  from  England,  163 1,  who  married  1636,  Martha  Holgrave,  daugh- 
ter of  John  Holgr.we,  of  Salem,  Mass.,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Martha  Williams,  born  December  27,  1663,  married 
\^%,  Jonathan  Hunt. 

Third  Generation,  Jonathan  Hunt,  born  October  26,  1702,  married 
August  26,  1724,  Thankful  Strong,  daughter  of /<•/// iz A  Strong  and  Thank- 
ful Stebbins.     Residence,  Northampton,  Mass. 

Fourth  Generation,  Mary  Hunt,  bom  June  26,  1739,  married  Rev.  Ben- 
jamin Mills. 

Fifth  Generation,  Elijah  Hunt  Mills,  bom  December  i,  1776,  graduated 
Williams  College;  I'nited  States  Senator  1820-7;  lawyer  in  Northampton, 
Mass.,  married  September  6,  1S04,  Harriett  Blake,  born  December  4,  1780, 
daughter  oi  Joseph  Blake,  of  Boston,  Mass.     She  died  Februar}'  9,  1871. 

Sixth  Generation,  Helen  Sophia  Mills,  boru  August  24,  1806,  married 
October  28,  1827,  C.  P.  Huntington.  Mrs.  Helen  Huntington  died  March 
30,  1844.     He  married  (second  \vife)  January  2,  1847,  Elizabeth  Greenough. 

(William  Grkenough,  from  England  to  Boston,  Mass. ;  mariner.  He 
married  October  10,  1660,  Ruth  Swift,  bom  August  24,  1643,  daughter  of 
Thoma.s  SwiKT,  of  Dorchester,  Mass.,  from  England,  who  married  1634, 
Elizabeth  Capen,  daughter  of  Bernard  Capen,  of  Dorchester,  from  Eng- 
land, whose  wife  was  daughter  of  Oliver  Purchas,  of  Dorchester,  from 
England.  William  Greenough  died  August  6,  1693.  Mrs.  Ruth  Greenough 
died  January  26,  1678. 

Second  Generation,  John  Greenough,  bom  February  17,  1672,  married 
October  18,  1693,  Elizabeth  Grosse. 

(Isaac  Grosse,  from  England  to  Boston,  Mass.,  1635,  died  1649. 

Second  Generation,  Edmund  Grosse,  born  in  England,  married  1640-1, 
Catherine . 


Third  Generatio7i,  Thomas  Crosse,  born ,  1647-8,  married ,  1670-1, 

Elizabeth . 

Fourth  Generation,  Elizabeth  Crosse,  born  January  22,  1674,  married 
John  Creenough. 

Third  Generation,  Thomas  Creenough,  bom  May  6,  17 10,  married  1735, 
Martha  Clarke,  daughter  of  William  Clarke,  of  Boston,  Mass.  She  died 
1748.     He  died  August  16,  1785. 

Fourth  Generation,  John  Creenough,  born  April  4,  1742 ;  Yale  College 
1759,  married  October  16,  1766,  Mehitabel  Dillingham,  of  Harwich,  Mass. 
Residence,  Wellfleet,  Mass.  John  Greenough  died  July  — ,  1781.  Mrs.  Me- 
hitabel Greenough  died  August  25,  1795. 

Fijth  Generation,  David  Greenough,  born  June  24, 1774,  married  October 
4,  1799,  Elizabeth  Bender,  of  Marlboro',  Mass.     Residence,  Boston,  Mass. 

Sixth  Generation,  Elizabeth  Creenough,  born  March  28,  1814,  married 
C.  P.  Huntington.  He  was  judge  of  Supreme  Court,  and  died  in  Boston 
January  30,  1868. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  : 

6104.  Helen  F.  Huntington,  bom  July  7,  1831,  married  Josiah  P.  Quincy. 

6105.  Charles  W.  Huntington,  bora  September  22,  1834. 

6106.  Elijah  H.  Huntington,  bom  July  22,  1836. 

6107.  Bertha  Huntington,  born  July  22,  1838. 

6108.  Mary  E.  Huntington,  born  May  19,  1S40. 
6100.  Edward  S.  Huntington,  born  April  3,  1843. 

6110.  Henry  G.  Huntington,  bom  November  24,  1848, 

6111.  Laura  C.  Huntington,  born  September  15,  1849. 

[45S5i]  Elizabeth   P.  Hu7itmgton,  daughter  of  Rev.  Dan 

Huntington  and  Elizabeth  W.  Phelps,  (3063)  married ,  George 

Fisher.  He  was  born  in  Franklin,  Mass.,  May  17,  1798,  son  of 
Daniel  Fisher.     Residence,  Oswego,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6112.  Elizabeth  P.  Fisher,  bom  March  19,  1825,  married  John  Sessions. 

6113.  Frederick  P.  Fisher,  ")  f  died  unmarried  1880. 

\  born  May  18,  1828.  \ 

6114.  Francis  P.  Fisher,       )  (  married  Annie  E.  Crane. 

6115.  George  H.  Fisher,  bom  August  i,  1830,  married  Emma  Chichester. 
6110.  Catherine  W.  Fisher,  born  June  9,  1S34,  married  F.  A.  Baker. 

6117.  Edward  T.  Fisher,  born  December  16,  1836,  married  EUen  B.  Thayer. 

[4SSBi]  William  P.  H^intington,  son  of  Rev.  Dan  Hunt- 
ington and  Elizabeth  W.  Phelps,  (3063)  graduate  Harvard  College 


1824.  He  married,  about  1826,  Lucy  Edwards,  daughter  of  Lidhcr 
Edwards  and  Hannah  Bonnell,  daughter  of  Nathaniel  Bonncll,  of 
of  Chesterfield,  Conn.,  a  descendant  of  William  Bonnell,  of 
New  Haven,  Conn.,  from  England,  who  married  Anne  Wilmot, 
daughter  of  Benjamin  Wilmot,  of  New  Haven,  from  England. 

Luther  Edwards  was  a  descendant  oijohn  Edzvards,  of  Weath- 
ersfield,  Conn.,  who  married  May  15,  1707,  Ltuy  Deming,  bom 
Februar>'  10,  1681,  daughter  oi  Jonathan  and  grand-daughler  of 
John  Deming,  of  Weathersfield,  from  England. 

John  Edwards  bom  May  30,  1679,  was  son  of  Joseph  Edwards 
born  August  8,  1647,  son  of  Alexander  Edwards,  from  Wales, 
to  Springfield,  Mass.,  1640,  who  married  April  28,  1642,  Sarah, 
(widow  of  John  Searle),  daughter  of  Svlvester  Baldwin,  who 
came  from  England,  in  ship  "Martin,"  1638,  dying  on  the  voy- 
age, his  widow  and  children  settling  in  Milford,  Conn, 

W.  P.  Huntington  lived  in  Waterloo,  Wis.     Teacher. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
6118.  Lucy  B.  Huutiugtou,  boru  1828. 
fUll).  William  E.  Huntington,  born  1830. 

6120.  Helen  M.  Huntington,  boru  1832. 

6121.  Catherine  V.  Huntington,  born  1835. 

6122.  Frederick  S.  Huntington,  born  1838. 

6123.  Flora  Huntington,  born  1840. 

[4SBD.]  Theophilus  P.  Huntington,  son  of  Rev.  Dan  Hint- 
ing ton  and  Elizabeth  IV.  Phelps,  (3063)  married  1841,  Elizabeth 
Fitch  Lyon,  daughter  of  Rev.  Walter  Lyon,  of  Pomfret,  Conn., 
who  married  Mary  Huntington. 

[Simon  Huntington,  from  England. 

Second  Generation,  Simon  Huntington,  married  1653,  Sarah  Clarke. 

Third  Generation,  Samuel  Huntington,  born  March  7,  1665,  married 
Mary  Clar/ze,  born  June  18,  1669,  daughter  of  William  Clarkp:,  of  Weath- 
ersfield, from  England. 

Fourth  Generation,  Samuel  Huntington,  born  August  28,  1691,  married 
Hannah  Metcalf. 


Fifth  Generation,  William  Huntington,  born  August  20,  1732,  married 
October  27,  1757,  Bethia  Throop,  born  December  18,  1738,  daughter  of  Dan 
Throop,  of  L,ebanou,  Conn.,  who  married  October  27, 1737,  Susannah  Carewe, 
daughter  of  David  Carewe,  of  Bristol,  Mass.,  who  was  son  of  John  Carewe, 
(pronounced  Carey,)  from  England  to  Bridgwater,  Mass.,  who  married  June 
— ,  1644,  Elizabeth  Godfrey,  daughter  of  Francis  Godfrey,  from  England. 
Sixth  Generation,  Mary  Huntington,  bom  August  18,  1761,  married 
1777,  Rev.  Walter  Lyon. 

Seventh  Gciieration,  Samuel  H.  Lyon,  born  1780,  married ,  Maria 


Eighth  Generation,  Elizabeth  F.  Lyon,  bom  October  16,  1817,  married 
T.  P.  Huntington.     Residence,  Hadley,  Mass.     He  died  July  20,  1862. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6124.  Walter  E.  Huntington,  bora  May  27,  1842. 

6125.  Maria  W.  Huntington,  born  March  9,  1S45. 

6126.  Edmund  D.  Huntington,  bora  January  i,  1847. 

[4GB4i]  Fi'cderick  D^^^ anting  ton,  son  of  Rev.  Dan  Hunt- 
mgton  and  Elisabeth  W.  Phelps,  (3063)  Bishop  of  Central  New 
York,  residence  Syracuse,  married  November  21,  1842,  Harriett 
Dane  Sargent. 

[Wii,LiAM  Sabgent,  bora  in  Exeter,  Devonshire,  England,  went  to 
Bridgtown,  Island  of  Barbadoes.     He  married  Mary  Epes. 

Second  Generation,  William  Sargent,  born  in  Bristol,  England,  came  to 
New  England,  he  married  June  21,  167S,  Mary  Duncan,  daughter  of  Peter 
Duncan,  of  Dorchester,  Mass.,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Epes  Sargent,  born  1690,  married  April  i,  1720,  Cath- 
erine Maccarty,  daughter  of  Florence  Maccartv  and  wife  Elizabeth,  of 
Boston,  from  England,  one  of  the  founders  of  the  first  Episcopal  church  in 
New  England.  Epes  Sargent  removed  to  Salem,  Mass.,  and  died  Decem- 
ber 6,  1762. 

Fourth  Generation,  Epes  Sargent,  born  1721,  married  Catherine  Osborn, 
born  November  21,  1722,  daughter  of  yicAw  Osborn,  of  Boston,  and  Sarah 

(John  Woodbury,  of  Somersetshire,  England,  with  wife  Agnes,  Salem, 
Mass.,  1626;  died  1641. 

Second  Generation,  Peter  Woodbury,  born  September  20,  1640,  marriedC^) 

Ji>\  >U1  1^66;  Sarah  Dodge,  born ,  1644,  daughter  of  Richard  Dodge  and  wife 

Edith,  of  Salem,  from  England. 


ihird  Generation,  Sarah    JVoobury,  boru  ,  niamed  Jo/in  <  '^^  *&  ^ 

He  was  son  oi  John  Osborn  and  grand-son  of  Richard  Osborn,  from  Kng-    TT^^^^Tk        ^" 
land  to  New  Haven,  Conn.,  1638-9;  Fairfield,  Conn.,  1653,  where  he  had  a     '^Hw.'a-^-*^'**"*^ 
grant  of  land  for  service  in  the  Pequot  war.  '  vv^V^^^^T^ 

Fifth  Generation,  John  O.  Sargent,  bom ,  married ,  1780,  Lydia 


(Regin.\i.d  Foster,  with  wife  Judith,  from  England,  Ipswich,  Mass., 
1638.     She  died  October  — ,  1664.     He  died  May  — ,  1681. 

Second  Generation,  Jacoh  Foster,  bom ,  1635,  married  February  26, 

1667,  Abigail  Lord,  bora  1646,  daughter  of  Robert  Lord,  of  Ipswich,  from 
England.    Jacob  Foster  died  July  9,  1710.     Mrs.  Abigail  died  June  4,  1729. 

Third  Generation,  Joseph  Foster,  born  September  14,  1680,  married  July 
— ,  1712,  Mary  Cressey,  bom  July  7,  16S6,  daughter  oi  John  Ocssey,  who 

married ,  1685,  Sarah  Gaines,  daughter  oi  John  Gaines  and  Mary  Tred- 

:vcll,  daughter  of  TnoM.\s  Tkkdwei.l,  of  Ipswich,  Mass.,  from  England. 
Joseph  Foster  died  February  22,  1755. 

Fourth  Generation,  Joseph  Foster,  bom  Febraary  14,  1714,  married 
Noveml>er  12,  1735.  Hannah  Trask,  who  died  April  11,  1788.  He  died  Feb- 
uary  27,  1767.     Deacon,  town  clerk,  etc. 

Fifth  Generation,  Lydia  Foster,  l)om  March  8,  1757,  married ,  /.  O. 


Sixth  Generation.  I'.ibtiSiDiinl  Ixrii  i-si  lurnTii^d  Tu'v  •>  iS'i  ^^,l*■y 
O.  Lincoln. 

(Thom.vs  Lincoln,  iroiu  Norfolk,  ICnglaud,  lliughaui,  Mass.,  1C36,  mar- 
ried Avis  Lane,  daughter  of  H^iliiam  I^ane,  of  Dorchester,  from  England. 
He  died  September  23,  1691.     Mrs.  A\-is  Lincoln  died  February  13,  1683. 

Second  Generation,  Henjamin  Lincoln,  bora  May  7,  1643,  married  Feb- 
uary  6,  1667,  Sarah  Fearing,  bora  July  9,  1649,  daughter  of  JoUN  Fearing, 
from  England.     Benjamin  Lincoln  died  May  14,  1665. 

Third  Generation,  Benjamin  IJncoln,  lx)m ,  167 1,  married ,  1694, 

Maty  Le?c'is,  born  December  4,  1667,  daughter  of  Nathaniel  Lcivis,  and 
grand-daughter  of  Edmund  Lewis,  from  Englaud. 

Fourth  Generation,   Denjauiin  Lincoln,   born ,    1699,  married , 

Mary  Loring 

(Thomas  Loring,  from  Axminster,  Devonshire,  England,  with  wife  Jane, 
to  Hingham,  Mas.s.,  1634-5.  He  died  in  Hull,  April  i,  166 1.  She  died 
August  25,  1672. 

Second  Generation,  John  Loring,  bom  in  England,  married  December 
16,  1657,  Mary  Baker,  daughter  of  Nathaniel  Baker,  of  Hingham.  He 
died  September  19,  1714.     She  died  July  13,  1679. 


Third  Generation,  Isaac  Loring,  born  January  22,  1666,  lived  iu  Boston. 
He  married  August  5,  1691,  Sarah  Young.     Residence  Sudbury,  Mass. 

Fourth  Generation,  Mary  Loring,  born  February  2,  1702,  married  Ben- 
jamin Lincoln. 

Fifth   Generation,   Hannah  Lincolti,   born  ,   married ,   Abner 

Lincoln,  of  Hingham,  Mass.,  son  of  David  Lincoln,  born  September  22, 
1668,  sou  of  Stephen  Lincoln,  born  in  England,  who  married  February  ; — , 
1660,  Elizabeth  Iluwke,  born  July  — ,  1639,  daughter  of  Matthew  Hawke, 
of  Hingham,  Mass.,  from  England,  with  wife  Margaret,  1638.  Stephen 
Lincoln  was  a  son  of  Stephen  Lincolx,  from  Wyndham,  county  Norfolk, 
England,  to  Hingham,  Mass.,  1638. 

Sixth  Generation,  Mary  Otis  Lincoln,  bom  July  6,  1795,  married  Epes 

Seventh  Generation,  Harriet  D.  Sargent,  born  ,  married  Rev.  F. 

D.  Huntington. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6127.  George  P.  Huntington,  born  Jul}'  3,  1844. 

6128.  Arria  S.  Huntington,  born  June  22,  1848. 

6129.  James  O.  Huntington,  born  February  23,  1850. 

6130.  William  Huntington,  born  July  — ,  1856. 

6131.  Ruth  G.  Huntington,  born  November  3,  1859. 
6182.  Mary  L.  Huntington,  born  November  13,  1861. 

[4SB5p]  Roxana  Seldon,  daughter  of  Calvin  Seldon,  and 
Phebe  Ely,  (3070)  married  January  4,  18 12,  Morison  Jack,  a 
planter  at  St.  Bartholomew,  W.  I.  He  was  a  descendant  of 
Andrew  Jack,  Chester,  N.  H.,  from  Fifeshire,  Scotland,  who 
married  Mary  Morison,  daughter  of  John  Morison,  of  London- 
derry, N.  H.,  from  Aberdeen,  Scotland. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6133.  Elizabeth  S.  Jack,  born  March  18,  1814,  married  T.  M.  Partridge. 

6134.  Margaret  P.  Jack,  born  October  25,    1815,  married  A.  R.  Hetzel,  of 
U.  S.  Army. 

Their  son,  Major  Samuel  S.  Hatzel  graduated  at  West  Point  1857,  Major 
of  Volunteers,  war  of  Rebelion. 

[4SBZi]  Elizabeth  Seldon,  daughter  of  Calvin  Seldon,  and 
Phebe  Ely,  (3070)  married  vSeptember  24,  18 14,  Joseph  Spencer,  of 
Rochester,  N.  Y.,  who  died  ,  1823.     She  married,  second 


time,  April  21,  183 1,  Major  Amos  B.  Eaton,  son  of  Prof.  Amos 
Eaton,  principal  of  the  Rensselaer  (now  Polytechnic)  Institute, 
Troy,  N.  Y.     A.   B.   Eaton   graduated   at  West   Point   Military 

Academy ,  1826.     Commissary  U.  S.  A. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation.] 
613.5.  Elizabeth  S.  Spencer,  bom  Januarj-  5,  1S19,  married  Elisha  Colt. 
(!1."G.  Ellen  D.  Eaton,  bom  May  19,  1832. 

6137.  Daniel  C.  Eaton,  bom  September  12,  1834. 

6138.  Francis  S.  Eaton,  bom  July  18,  1836. 

[46BB.  Samuel  Lee  Seldon,  son  of  Calvin  Scldon,  and 
P/icbe  Ely,  (3070)  married  July  27,  1831,  Susan  Matilda  Ward. 

[William  Ward,  from  England  to  Sudbury,  ft'lass.  1639;  removed  to 
Marlboro;  representative;  died  August  10,  1687. 

Second  Generation,  Richard  Ward,  bom ,  1635,  married  September 

8,  1661,  Afary  Moore,  daughter  of  John  Moore,  of  Sudbury,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Obediah  Ward,  bora  December  10,  1663,  married  Dec. 
20,  1693,  Joanna  Mixer,  daughter  of  Isaac  Mixer,  of  Watertown,  Mass. 

Fourth  Generation,  Daniel  Ward,  born ,  1700,  married  February  20, 

1732-3,  Mary  Stone,  daughter  of  Daniet  Stone,  of  Sudbury. 

Fifth   Generation,    William    Ward,  lx>rn  November  20,    1733,  lived  in 

Worcester,  Mas.s.  ;   lieutenant   in   war  of  1755,  married  ,    1764,  Sarah 


(Thomas  Trowbridge,  from  Taunton,  Eng,,  New  Haven,  cun.  .,  1640 

Second  Genrration,  James  Troxobridge,  born  in  England,  married  Janu- 
ary 30,  1674,  Margaret  Jackson,  bora  June  20,  1649.  daughter  of  John  Jack- 
son, of  Cambridge,  Mass.,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  William  Trowbridge,  born  November  19,  1684,  mar- 
ried  ,   1707,  Sarah    Ward,  daughter  oi  John    Ward,  son  oi  John  and 

grand-son  of  William  Ward,  first  named. 

Si.rth  Generation,  Levi  Ward,  born  April  27,  1772,  M.  D.,  married , 

1803-4,  Sarah  Putnam,  of  Pomfret,  Conn.     Removed  to  Palmyra,  N.  Y. 

Seventh   Generation.  Susah  M.    Ward,  born  ,  1803,  married  S.  L. 

Selden.  He  was  judge  of  the  Supreme  Court  of  New  York.  Residence, 
Rochester,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [l>eing  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
61 3U.  Henry  L.  Selden,  bom  March  18,  1846. 
6140.  Samuel  W.  Selden,  bora  September  4,  1847. 


[4  5  7Di]  Henry  Rogef's  Selden,  son  of  Calvin  Selden  and 
Phebe  Eli,  (3070)  married  September  25,  1834,  Laura  A.  Baldwin. 
He  was  judge  of  appeals,  &c.     Residence,  Clarkson,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6141.  Julia  C.  Selden,  born  September  24,  1835. 

6142.  Louisa  Selden,  born  October  27,  1837. 

6143.  Mary  G.  Selden,  born  August  22,  1839. 

6144.  Henry  B.  Selden,  born  June  30,  1844. 

6145.  Laura  A.  Selden,  born  October  7,  1848. 

6146.  Arthur  R.  Selden,  born  October  5,  1850. 

6147.  Percy  L.  Selden,  born  March  4,  1853. 

6148.  David  L.  Selden,  born  April  i,  1857. 

[4  5  Til]  Catherine  Abiah  Clevclajid,  daughter  of  George  Cleve- 
land (3 1 1 2)  and  Caty  Caldwell,  married  August  19,  18 10,  Sijneon 

[Wii<i<iAM  Hyde,  of  Norwich,  Conn.,  from  England. 

Second  Generation,  Samuel  Hyde,  bom ,  1637,  married  June  — ,  1659, 

Jane  Lee,  bom  in  England,  daughter  of  Thomas  LeE,  who  came  from 
England  in  1641,  and  dying  on  the  vo5"age,  his  widow  and  children  settled  in 
Saybrook,  Conn.     Samuel  Hyde  died ,  1677. 

Third  Generation,  John  Hyde,  born  December  — ,  1667,  married  March 
3,  1698,  Experience  Abel,  daughter  of  Caleb  Abel,  of  Norwich,  Conn. 
(See  4588.) 

Fourth  Generation,  James  Hyde,  bom  February  23,  1707,  married  De- 
cember 26,  1743,  Sarah  MarsJiall. 

(Thomas  Marshall,  from  England,  Boston,  Mass.,  1630-3,  died  1665. 

Second  Generation,  Samuel  Marshall,  born  in  England,  settled  in  Wind- 
sor, Conn.,  and  married  May  6,  1652,  Mary  Wilto7i,  daughter  of  David 
Wilton,  of  Windsor ;  lieutenant  in  King  Philip's  war.  Samuel  Marshall 
was  one  of  the  five  captains  killed  iu  the  "great  swamp  fight,"  December 

19,  1675. 

T/iird  Generation,  Samuel  Marshall,  born  May  27,  1653,  married , 

1675,  Rebecca  Newberry. 

(Thomas  Newberry,  from  England,  1630. 

Second  Generation,  Benjamin  Newberry,  born  in  England,  married  June 
II,  1646,  Mary  Allyn,  daughter  of  Matthew  Allyn,  of  Windsor,  from 
England.     He  died  September  11,  1689.     She  died  July  29,  1703. 

Third  Generation,  Rebecca  Neivberry,  bom  May  2,  1655,  married  Samuel 


Fourth  Generation^  Abiel  Marshall,  bora ,  1682,  married  November 

18,  1708,  Abiah  Hough. 

(WiujAM  Hough,  from  England,  Glourester,  Mass.,  1640,  married 
October  28,  1645,  Sarah  Caulkins,  daughter  of  Hugh  Caulkins,  from  Eng- 
land ;   removed  to  New  London,  Conn. 

Second  Generation,  John  Hough,  born  October  17,  1655,  married  January 
27,  1680,  Sarah  Post,  born  November  6,  1659,  daughter  oi  John  Post,  of  Say- 
brook,   who  married  ,  1652,   Hester  Hyde,   daughter  of  Wilham 

Hyde,  from  England.    John  was  a  son  of  Stephkn  Post,  of  Saybrook, 
from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Abiah  Hough,  born  ,  married  Abiel  Marshall. 

Fourth  Generation,  Sarah  Marshall,  born  April  12,  1720,  married  James 

Fijth  Generation,  James  Hyde,  born  July  17,  1752,  married  April  5,  1774, 
Ufartha  Nevins,  of  Norwich,  Conn.  James  Hyde  died  April  9,  1809.  Mrs. 
James  Hyde  died ,  1823. 

Sixth  Generation,  Simeon  Hyde,  bom  May  26,  1784,  married  August  19, 
1810,  Catherine  A,  Cleveland.  He  was  a  merchant  in  New  York  City. 
Died ,  1S53. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
GHy.  George  C.  Hyde,  born  181 1,  niarrietl  Heuiretta  Thatcher. 
6150.  Simeon  P.  Hyde,  bora  1813,  died  unmarried,  1S46. 
Gir>l,  Thomas  S.  Hyde,  bora  1815,  merchant  in  I^ndon,  England. 

6152.  Charles  K.  Hyde,  born  1S17,  married  Eugenia  Fairfax. 

6153.  Henrj-  M.  Hyde,  born  1S20,  married  Agnes  Moran. 

6154.  William  C.  Hyde,  bora  1822,  married  Eliza  Mitchell, 
(il.'io.  Melaucton  W.  Hyde,  born  1825,  married  E.  Stoutenberg. 
Gir)0.  Katharine  C.  Hyde,  bora  1827,  married  A.  C.  Coxe. 

6157.  Marietta  Hyde,  born  1830,  married  N.  Chamberlain. 

[4673.]  Francis  Cleveland,  son  of  William  Cleveland,  (31 13) 

and  Margaret  Falley,  married  ,  1819,  Harriett  Stewart,  of 

Winchester,  Va. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6158.  Francis  W.  Cleveland,  bora  December  20,  1820,  died  1852. 

6159.  Harriett  A.  Cleveland,  bora  July  19,  1822,  died  1855, 

[4SBD.]  Rev.  Richard  F.  Cleveland,  son  of  William  Cleve- 
land, (31 13)  and  Margaret  Falley,  graduate  Yale  College.  Pastor 
of  church  in  Windham,   Conn.,   Caldwell,   N.  Y.,  and  Holland 


Patent,  N.  Y.      He  married  in  Baltimore,   Md.,  September   lo, 

1829,  Amta  Neale,  bom ,  1804,  daughter  of  Abner  Neale  of 

Baltimore,  and  wife  Barbara.     R.  F.  Cleveland  died  October  i, 
1853.     Mrs.  Anna  Cleveland  died  July  19,  1882. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6160.  Anna  N.  Cleveland,  born  July  9,  1830,  married  Rev.  E.  P.  Hastings. 

6161.  William  N.  Cleveland,  born  April  7,  1832,  married  Anna  Thomas. 

6162.  Mary  A.  Cleveland,  born  November  6,  1853,  niarried  W.  E.  Hoyt. 

6163.  Grover  Cleveland,  born  March  18,  1837,  married  Frances  Folsom. 

6164.  Margaret  L.  Cleveland,  born  October  28,  183S,  married  N.  B.  Bacon. 

6165.  Lewis  F.  Cleveland,  born  May  21,  1841,  lost  at  sea  1S72. 

6166.  Susan  S.  Cleveland,  born  September  2,  1843,  married  L,.  T.  Yeomans. 

6167.  Rose  E.  Cleveland,  born  June  13,  1846. 

[  45Bli]  Margaret  Cleveland,  daughter  of  William  Cleveland 
(31 13)  and  Margaret  Falley,  married  February  -i,  1825,  Lewis 
Falley  Alle^i,  born  January-  i,  1800,  son  of  Samuel  Allen,  of 
Westfield,  Mass.,  and  Ruth  Falley. 

(Richard  Falley,  a  native  of  Guernsey,  came  in  youth  to  Nova  Scotia 
where  he  married  Anna  Lamb. 

Second  Generation,  Richard  Falley,  born  January  31,  1740  at  George's 
River,  Maine,  was  a  drummer  in  war  of  1755.  He  was  taken  prisoner  at 
Fort  Edward,  on  the  Hudson,  adopted  by  an  Indian  chief  and  taken  to 
Montreal.  He  was  bought  from  his  captor,  by  a  lady,  for  sixteen  gallons  of 
rum,  and  sent  to  his  friends  in  Westfield,  Mass.  He  was  a  captain  at 
Bunker  Hill,  and  afterwards  superintendent  of  United  States  Armory  at 
Springfield,  Mass.  He  married  December  24,  1761-2  Margaret  Hitchcock. 
(See  3113.)  She  died  in  Fulton,  N.  Y.,  February  — ,  1820.  He  died  Sep- 
tember 3,  1808. 

Third  Generation,  Riargaret  Falley,  bom  November  15,  1766,  married 
Lewis  F.  AllcJi.     Residence,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6168.  Richard  C.  Allen,  bom  January  25,  1831, 

6169.  William  C.  Allen,  born  March  18,  1834. 

6170.  Margaret  G.  Allen,  bom  January  7,  1836. 

[4 SB 4,]  Charles  Dexter  Cleveland,  DD.,  I.L.  D.,  son  of  Rev. 
Charles  Cleveland,  (31 14)  and  Mehitabel  Treadwell,  graduate  of 
Dartmouth  College,  1827.     Professor  in  University  of  New  York. 


Principal  of  Young  Ladies'  Seminary  iu  Philadelphia,  Pa.  He 
married  March  31,  1831  Alison  Nisbet  McCoskey,  daughter  of 
Saimiel  A.  McCoskey,  of  Carlisle,  Pa.,  and  grand-daughter  of 
Rev.  Charles  Nisbet,  D.  D.,  of  Carlisle,  president  of  Dickinson 
College.  Dr.  Nisbet  was  a  native  of  Scotland,  and  a  graduate  of 
University'  of  Edinburgh.  He  died  January  iS,  1804.  Dr.  C.  D. 
Cleveland  died  in  Philadelphia,  August  18,  1869. 

Their  children  were  [l>eing  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
G!71.  Samuel  M.  Cleveland,  bom  December  7,  1837. 
G172.  Alison  N.  Cleveland,  boru  November  8,  1839. 
111?:?.  Treadwell  Cleveland,  boni  April  6,  1843. 
0174.  Mebitabol  Cleveland,  born  .\pril  18,  1S45. 
r.l75.  Elizabeth  Cleveland,  born  May  3,  1848, 
6170.  Lucy  Cleveland,  lx>m  August  18,  1850. 

[4SBB,]  Julia  Stewart  Dod^e,  daughter  of  David  L.  Dodge 
and  Sarah  Cleveland,  (31 16)  married  October  i,  18 16,  Joseph 
Carew  Huntington. 

[Simon  Hcntixgton.    (See  3063.) 

Second  Generation,  Simon  Ifuulington,  married  Sarah  Clark 

Third  Generation,  Simon  Huttting^lon,  Ixjrn  February  6,  1659,  marp'jd 
Octol>er  3,  1683  Lydia  Gagcr. 

(William  Gagek,  a  surgeon,  from  county  Suffolk,  England,  to  Boston, 
^lass.,  1630. 

Second  Generation,  John  G.i^rr  liim  in  T'lu'lnil  sttflid  in  Xorwioh, 
Conn.,  with  wife  Elizabeth. 

Third  Generation,  Lydia  Gather,  bom ,  1663,  ui.irrieJ  Sitnon  Hunt- 

iugtott.     He  died  November  2,  1736.     She  died  August  8,  1737. 

Fourth  Generation,  Josttua  Huntington,  bom  December  30,  1698,  mar- 
ried October  16,  17 iS,  Hannah  Perkins. 

(John  Pkrkins,  of  Newent,  Gloucestershire,  England,  came  with  his 
•vt'ii^  Judith,  in  the  ship  "Lion,"  to  Ipswich,  Mass.,  1631.     Died ,  1654. 

Second  Generation.  Jacob  Perkins,  boru ,  1624,  married ,  1659, 

Elizabeth .     He  ditd  January  15,  1714. 

Third  Generation,  Jill  z  Perkins,  horn ,  i^^q    ni.irrifd  January  30, 

1693,  Hannah  Lathro/>. 

(Rev.  John  LaThrop,  from  EuglauJ  to  Baiuslable,  Ma^s. 


Second  Generation,  Samuel  Lathrop,  boru  in  England,  married  in  Nor- 
wich, Conn.,  Hannah  Adgate,  boru  October  6,  1653,  daughter  of  Thomas 
Adgate;,  of  Say.brook,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Hannah  Lathrop,  boru ,  married  Jabez  Perkins. 

Fourth  Generatioii,  Hannah  Perkins,  boru ,  married  Joshua  Hunt- 
ington.    He  died  April  26,  1745.     She  died ,  1745. 

Fifth  Generation,  Jabez  Huntington,  born  August  17,  1719,  married  Jan- 
uary 20,  1742,  Elizabeth  Backus. 

(Wii,i:,iAM  Backus,  from  England  to  Saybrook,  Conn.,  1638.  He  died 
Juue  — ,  1664. 

Second  Generation,    William  Backus,  born  in  Saybrook,  married  , 

1658,  Elizabeth  Pratt,  born  February  i,  1642,  daughter  of  William  Pra'TT, 
of  Saybrook,  Conn.,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Samuel  Backus,  born ,  1665,  married  Elizabeth 

Tracy,  daughter  of  Thomas  Tracy,  of  Hartford,  from  England. 

Fourth  Generation,  Elizabeth  Backus,  born  February  25,  1721,  married 
Jabez  Huntington.  He  was  a  major-general  in  war  of  revolution,  and  died 
October  5,  1786. 

Fi/ih  Generation,  Andrew  Huntington,  born  January  21,  1745,  married 
November  26,  1766,  Lucy  Coit,  born  July  2,  1746,  daughter  of  Doct.  Joseph 
Coil,  of  New  London,  Conn.,  and  Lydia  Lathrop.  Andrew  Huntington 
was  a  colonel  in  war  of  revolution ;  judge ;  lived  in  Norwich,  Conn. ;  died 
April  7,  1S24. 

Sixth  Generation,  Joseph  Huntington,  born  September  3,  176S,  married 
July  17,  1 791,  Eunice  Carew,  daughter  of  Joseph  Carew  and  Eunice  Ed- 
ge r  ton. 

Seventh  Generation,  Joseph  Carew  Hiintiiigton,  born  July  23,  1792,  mar- 
ried Julia  S.  Dodge.  Residence,  New  York  City.  He  died  April  30,  1S52. 
She  died  December  23,  1859. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6177.  David  L.  D.  Huntington,  born  April  30,  181S,  married  M.  Van  Dresser. 

6178.  George  F.  Huntington,  born  January  30,  1820,  married  Flora.  Cleland. 

6179.  Lucy  C.  Huntington,  born  April  11,  1821,  married  S.  L.  Magouii. 

6180.  Julia  P.  Huntington,  born  February  15,  1829,  married  W.  H.  Grenelle. 

6181.  Charies  S.  Huntington,  boru  July  17,  1838. 

61S2.  Sarah  C.  Huntington,  born  February  15,  1840,  married  W.  L.  Seymour. 

[4GBBi]  David  Stuart  Dodge,  son  of  David  L.  Dodge  and 
Sarah  Cleveland,  (3 11 6)  married  April — ,  1^27,  Caroline  Hyde. 
[WiLWAM  HYD15,  from  England. 


Second  Generation,  Samuel  Hyde,  boru ,  1637,  m»rried  January  — , 

1659,  Jane  Lee,  boru  in  England,  daughter  of  Thomas  Lee,  of  Lyme,  Conn., 
from  England,  1640-1. 

Third  Generation,  John  Hyde,  born  December  — ,  1667,  married  March 
3,  169S,  Experience  Abel,  bom  December  — ,  1674,  daughter  of  Cai,kb 
Abel,  from  England,  to  Dedham,  Mass.,  who  removed  in  1668  to  Norwich, 
Conn.,  and  married  July  — ,  1669,  Margaret  Post. 

(Stephen  Post,  from  England,  Cambridge,  Mass.,  1634,  removed  to 
Hartford,  Conn.,  thence  to  Saybrook,  Conn.,  and  died  August  16,  1659. 

Second  Generation,  John  Post,  born  in  England,  married  ,  Hester 

Hyde,  daughter  of  Wii.i,iam  Hyde,  before  mentioned.  Settled  in  Norwich, 
Conn.,  and  died  November  27,  1710. 

Third  Generation,  Margaret  Post,  born  February  21,  1653,  married 
Caleb  Abet.     He  died  August  17,  1731.     She  died  November  — ,  1700. 

Fourth  Generation,  Experience  Abel,  boru  December  — ,  1674,  married 
John  Hyde. 

Fourth  Generation,  James  Hyde,  bom  February  28,  1707,  married  Decem- 
ber 26,  1743,  Sarah  Marshall,  bom ,  1709,  daughter  of  Abiel  Marshall, 

and  ylbigail  Hough,  son  of  Samuel  Marshall.     (See  .4571.) 

Fijth  Generation,  Sarah  Marshall,  born ,  1709,  married  James  Hyde, 

who  died  April  24,  1793.     She  died  November  3,  1773. 

Sixth  Generation,  James  Hyde,  bom  July  17,  1752,  married  April  5,  1774, 
Martha  A'ez'ins.  He  was  a  captain  in  war  of  revolution,  and  died  in  Nor- 
wich, Conn.,  -Vpril  9,  1799. 

Sei'enth  Generation,  Erastus  Plyde,  bom  Febmary  7,  1775,  married  Feb- 
uary  26,  1797,  Fannie  Pell,  daughter  of  CapL  Joseph  Bell,  of  Stonington, 
Conn.     Residence,  Norwich,  Conn.     He  died ,  1849. 

Eighth  Generation,  Caroline  Hyde,  born  December  3,  1804,  married  D. 
S.  Dodge.     Residence,  New  York  City. 

Their  chiUlren  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

fil83.  Sarah  F.  Dodge,  bora  Febmary  23,  1829. 
0184.  Caroline  M.  Dodge,  born  April  3,  1831. 
filSo.  David  L.  Dodge,  bora  June  5,  1S34. 
018(5.  Harriett  F.  Dodge,  bom  January  8,  1836. 
0187.  Mary  S.  Dodge,  born  January  5,  1841. 
(5188.  William  E.  Dodge,  born  January  23,  1843. 
0180.  Frederick  N.  Dodge,  bom  Febmary  6,  1845. 
011)0.  Joseph  E.  Dodge,  bom  February  19,  1847. 


[4 SB 9,]    IVilliam  Earle  Dodge,  sou  of  David  L.  Dodge  and 

Sarah    Cleveland,    (31 16)    married   ,    1831,    Melissa   Phelps, 

daughter  of  Atisoii  G.  Phelps.     Merchaut  in  New  York  City. 

Tbeir  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation.] 
6191.  William  E.  Dodge,  born  Jauuar^'  15,  1832. 
G192.  Anson  P.  Dodge,  born  August  15,  1834. 

0193.  David  S.  Dodge,  born  September  22,  1836. 

0194.  Charles  C.  Dodge,  born  September  16,  1841. 
6195.  Norman  W.  Dodge,  born  November  24,  1846. 
619G.  George  F.  Dodge,  born  Noveniber  4,  1849. 
6197.  Arthur  M.  Dodge,  born  October  29,  1852. 

[46aD,]  Mary  Abiah  Dodge,  daughter  of  David  L.  Dodge 
and  Sarah  Cleveland,  (31 16)  married  October  15,  1828,  Norman 

[Elder  John  White,  from  England,  to  Hartford,  Conn. 

Second  Generation,  Daniel  White,  born  in  England,  married  November 
I,   1661,  Sarah  Croice,  born  March  i,  1647,  daughter  of  John  Crowe,  of 

Hartford,  who  married ,  1637-S,  Elizabeth  Goodunn,  daughter  of  Elder 

W11.1.IAM  Goodwin,  of  Hartford,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Daniel  White,  born  July  4,  1671,  manned  July  6,  1704, 
Anne  Bissell. 

(John  Bissell,  from  England,  to  Windsor,  Conn.,  died  October  3,  1677, 
aged  eighty-five. 

Second  Generation,  Joiin  /•issell,  born  ri  I'.nglaud,  married  June  17, 
1658,  Isabel  Mason,  daughter  of  Major  John  ]Mason,  of  Windsor,  from 
England;  removed  to  Lebanon,  Conn. 

Third  Generation,  Anne  Bissell,  born  April  28,  1675,  married  Daniel 

Fourth  Generation,  Joel  White,  bom  April  6,  1705,  married  January  28, 
1736,  Ruth  Dart. 

(Richard  Dart,  came  from  England,  with  his  wife  Bethiel,  New  Lon- 
don, Conn.,  1664. 

Second  Generation,  Daniel  Dart,  born  May  3,  1666,  removed  to  Bolton, 
Conn.,  and  married  August  4,  1686,  Elizabeth  Douglas. 

(William  Douglas,  came  from  England  to  Boston,  Mass.,  with  wife 
Anna,  1640.  She  was  a  daughter  of  Thomas  Maybell,  of  Ringstead, 
Northamptonshire,  England.  Removed  to  New  London,  1647.  He  died 
July  — ,  1682. 


Second  Generation,  William  Douglas,  born  April  i,  1645,  married  De- 
cember 18,  1667,  Atiiah  Hough,  bom  September  16,  1648,  daughter  of 
William  Hough.     (See  4571.)    He  died  March  9,  1725. 

Third  Generation,  Elizabeth  Douglas,  born ,  1668,  married  Daniel 


Fourth  Generation,  Ruth  Dart,  born ,  17 15,  married /(3<r/  White. 

Fifth  Generation,  Daniel  Dart  White,  born  December  7,  1749,  married 
January  i,  1772,  Sarah  Hale. 

Sixth  Generation,  Daniel  While,  bom  July  14,  1773,  in  Andover,  Conn., 
married  February  19,  1800,  Eunice  Stanley. 

(Timothy  Stanley,  brother  of  Thomas,  (see  John  Porter,  2,)  from  Eng- 
land with  wife  Elizabeth,  died  in  Hartford,  Conn.,  October  4,  1648. 

Second  Generation,  Caleb  Stanley,  bom  ,  1640,  married ,  1665, 

Hannah  Cowles,  daughter  of  John  Cowlks,  (or  Coles)  of  Farmingtou, 
Conn.,  from  England.  He  died  September  24,  1690.  Mrs.  Hannah  Stanley 
died  February  — ,  1690. 

Third  Generation,  Caleb  Stanley,  bom  September  6,  1674,  married , 

Hannah  Oltnslead. 

Fourth  Generation,  Moses  Stanley,  bom  August  4,  1738,  married  June 
12,  1768,  Ennice  Strong,  bora  April  11,  1743,  daughter  of  Joseph  Strong, 
of  Coventry,  Conn.,  who  uiarrie<l  May  12,  1724,  Elizabeth  Strong,  daughter 
of  /Wsert'cd  Strong  and  Tabiiha  Lee. 

Seventh  Generation,  Norman  White,  bom  August  8,  1805,  married  Mary 
A.  Dodge.  Merchant  in  New  York  City.  Mrs.  Mary  A.  White  died  Jan- 
uarj-  5.  1857. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
filOS.  Mar>'  S.  WHiitc,  bom  August  31,  1829,  married  Rev.  M.  M.  Smith. 
G190.  Erskine  N.  White,  Iwm  May  31,  1833,  married  Eliza  T.  Nelson. 
62()0.  Charles  T.  White,  lx>rn  January  20,  1835  married  Georgiana  Starin. 
02111.  Emma  H.  White,  bom  August  19,  1836,  married  Dr.  Benjamin  Lee. 
0202.  Julia  C.  White,  bom  May  22,  1838,  married  C.  C.  Johnson. 
<j2().3.  Helen  C.  Wliite,  bom  July  26,  1843,  married  A.  W.  Parsons. 
«;2(>4.  Grace  S.  White,  bora  April  4,  1845,  married  Henr>'  G.  Starin. 

[4531.]  Elizabeth  Clement  Dodge,  daughter  of  David  L. 
Dodge  and  Sarah  Clcvela?id,  (3 116)  married  March  25,  1829, 
Edmund  B.  Stedman. 

[Thom.\s  Stedman,  of  New  London,  Conn.,  married  April  9,  1724,  Anna 


(RoBKR'r  Seavkr,  from  England,  Roxbury,  Mass.,  1634,  married  Eliza- 
beth Ballard,  daughter  of  Wilwam  BalIvArd,  of  Lynn,  Mass.,  and  wife 
Elizabeth,  from  England. 

Second  Generation,  Nathaniel  Seaver,  bom  January  8, 1645,  married , 

1670,  Sarah  Hammond,  daughter  of  Thomas  Hammond,  of  Hingham,  Mass., 

from  Lavenham,  county  Suffolk,  England.     She  died ,  1676.     Nathaniel 

Sever  was  killed  in  the  fight  at  Sudbury,  April  21,  1676. 

Third  Generation,  John  Seaver,  born  April  iS,  1671,  married , 

Sarah . 

Fourth  Generation,  Anfta  Seaver,  bom ,  1701,  married  Thomas  Sted- 

man.     He  died  April  9,  1775.     Sh^^'  died  April  20,  1787. 

Fifth  Generaiion,  Thomas  Stedman,  born ,  1732,  in  Brookline,  Mass., 

married  September  23,  1760,  Mehitabel  Griffin. 

(Ebene/.ER  Griffin,  of  Cambridge,  Mass.,  removed  to  Hampton,  Conn., 
and  married ,  Haimah  Chandler. 

(WiLWAM  Chandi,ER,  from  England,  to  Roxbury,  Mass.,  with  wife 
Amiis,  1637.     He  died  May  13,  1640. 

Second  Generation,    William  Chandler,  born  ,   1636,  settled  in 

Audover,  Mass.  He  married  August  24,  1658,  Mary  Dane,  born  1639, 
daughter  oi  John  Dane,  of  Ipswich,  Mass.,  from  Colchester,  England,  1636, 
sou  of  John  Dane,  from  England,  who  married  as  his  second  wife,  Annis 
widow  of  his  father.     Mrs.  Mary  Dane  died  May  10,  1679. 

Third  Generation,  Philemon  Chandler,  born  September  4,  1671,  lived  in 
Andover.     He  married ,  1702,  Hannah  Clary. 

(John  Clary,  from  England,  Watertown,  Mass.,  married  Febuary  5, 1644, 
Sarah  Cady,  sister  of  Nicholas  Cady,  of  Watertown,  from  England.  Re- 
moved to  Hadley,  Mass.,  and  died ,  1690. 

Second  Generation,  John  Clary,  born  ,  1648,  married ,  1670, 

Anne  Dickinson,  born ,  1650,  daughter  of  Nathaniel  Dickinson,  of 

Weathersfield  aud  Hadley,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Hannah  Clary,  born ,  1675,  married  Philemon 

Chandler.     Residence,  Pronfret,  Conn. 

Fourth  Generation,  Hannah  Chandler,  bom  January  20,  1713,  married 
Ebenezer  Griffin. 

Fifth  Generation,  Mehitabel  Griffn,  born  March  29,  1741,  married 
Thomas  Stedman. 

Sixth  Generation,  Griffin  Stedman,  born  September  27,  1770,  married 
Elizabeth  Gordon. 

Seventh  Generation,  Edmund  B.  Stedman,  born, •,  married  Eliza- 
beth C.  Dodge. 


Their  cliildreu  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
C20.J.  Kdmuud  C.  Stedman,  bom ,  1830. 

6206.  Julia  D.  Stedman,  bom ,  1833. 

6207.  Charles  F.  Stedman,  bom ,  1835. 

6208.  Clarissa  Stedman,  bom ,  1837. 

[4592i  Susan  P.  Dodge,  daughter  of  David  L.  Dodge  and 
Sarah  Cleveland,  (3116)  married  November  16,  1S37,  Uzal  Corey, 
of  Plainfield,  N.  J. 

He  was  a  descendant,  probably,  oi  John  Corey,  who  was  in 
Elizabethtown,  N.  J.,  previous  to  1698,  who  was  son  of  Abra- 
ham COREV,  of  Southold,  Iv.  I.,  from  England,  who  married , 

1662,  Margaret,  daughter  of  Jeffrey  Christophers,  of  New 
London,  Conn.,  from  Devonshire,  England. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6209.  Mary  C.  Corey,  bom  August  23,  1838. 

6210.  William  D.  Corey,  bom  March  23,  1840. 

621 1.  David  U.  Corey,  born  July  lo,  1847. 

[4594,]  Mary  Burr  Pratt,  daughter  of  Harry  Pratt  and 
Susan  Cleveland,  {t,ii^)  married  October  ir,  1830,  Phinehas  B, 

[Aaron  Cookk,  from  England,  Windsor,  Conn.,  i6^/>.  married  /oatnia 
Ford,  daughter  of  Thomas  Ford,  from  England. 

Second  Generation,  Aaron  Cooke,  bom  Feburary  21,  1640,  married  May 
30,  1661,  .Sara A   IVestzvood,  daughter  of  Wii  i  \\\\  Wi  si'vniHt,  of  TTm'Hov 
from  England,  1632,  with  wife  Bridge! 

Ttiird  Generation,  West-wood  Cooke,  born  March  20,  1070,  married , 

1692,  Sara/i  Coleman,  bom  October  25,  1672,  daughter  of  N^oati  Colemin  of 

Fourth  Generation,  Aaron  Cooke,  born  January  14,  1699,  married  I-el)ru- 
ary  26,  1725,  Anne  Cooke,  bom  June  6,  1700,  daughter  of  Samuel  Cooke 
and  Anne  Marstt,  daughter  of  Jonatfian  Marsh.  Samuel  was  a  son  of  Aaron 
Cooke  and  Sarah  Wcstwood. 

Fifth  Generation,  John  Cooke,  bora  April  11,  1726,  married  January  24, 
1760,  Elizabeth  Smith,  born  April  8,  1741,  daughter  of  David  Smith,  of 
Hadley,  who  married ,  1740,  Hannah  U'illard. 

(Simon  Willard,  bom  at  Horsmondeu,  county  Kent,  England,  , 

1605,  came  with  wife  Mary  to  Cambridge,  Mass.,  1634. 


Second  Generation,  Josiah  Willard,  boru  iu  England ;  remo\ed  to 
Weathersfield,  Conn.,  and  married  March  20,  1657,  Hannah  Hosmer,  daugh- 
ter of  Thomas  Hosmer,  of  Hartford,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Simon    Willard,  boru ,  1663,  married  February 

12,  1690,  3Iary  Gilbert,  bom  November  18,  1670,  daughter  oi  Josiah  Gil- 
bert, of  Weathersfield. 

Fourth  Generation,  Josiah  IVillard,  bom  Febmaty  10,  169 1-2,  married 
,  Hannah  Montague. 

(Richard  Montague,  from  Bumham,  county  Bucks,  England,  with 
•wife  Abigail,  to  Boston,  Mass.  Removed  to  Weathersfield,  Conn.,  1648, 
Hadley,  Mass.,  1659,  died  December  14,  1681. 

Second  Generation,  John  Montague,  bora ,  1655,  married  March  23, 

1681,  Hannah  Smith,  born  July  7,  1662,  daughter  of  Chileab  Smith  and 
Hannah  Hitchcock,  aud  died ,  1732. 

Third  Generation,  Hannah  Montague,  bom  May  28,  1697,  married /(^.^/aA 

Fourth  Generation,  Hannah   Willard,  bora •,  1720,  married  David 


Fifth  Gctteration,  Elizabeth  Smith,  born  April  8,  1741,  married  John 
Cooke.     She  died  January  20,  1819.     He  died  Febraary  29,  1805. 

Sixth   Generation,  Rev.  Phinehas  Cooke,  bora  October  9,  1781,  graduated 

Washington  College,  1S03;  minister  at  Amherst,  Mass.,  married .     He 

died  April  28,  1853. 

Seventh  Generation,  Phinehas  B.  Cooke,  born  ,  married  Mary  B. 

Pratt.     Residence,  Rochester,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6212.  Julia  P.  Cooke,  boru  June  10,  1838. 

6213.  Mary  C.  Cooke,  born  May  4,  1840. 

6214.  Francis  M.  Cooke,  bora  September  2,  1843. 

6215.  Harry  W.  Cooke,  bora  Febraar>  8,  1850. 

[469  Si]  Susan  C.  Pratt,  daughter  of  Harry  Pratt  Q.n6.  Susan 
Cleveland,  (3 11 8)  raanied  January  28,  1830,  Elijah  Webster,  of 
Litchfield,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6216.  GeorgeP.  Webster,  born  December  31,  1S31. 

6217.  Henry  C.  Webster,  bora  October  10,  1833. 

6218.  Elijah  D.  Webster,  born  Febraary  16,  1836. 
C219.  Susan  E.  Webster,  bora  October  i,  1838, 
6220.  Lucy  E.  Webster,  bora  October  28,  1841. 


Caroline  C.  Webster,  boru  September  7,  1847. 
i.___.  Mary  A.  Webster,  bom  November  20,  1S50. 

[4636.]  Henry  Z.  Pratt,  sou  of  Harry  Pratt  aud  Susan 
Cleveland,  (31 18)  married   September    15,    1835,   Lucy  Elizabeth 

Brace,  born ,  18 14,  daughter  of  Thomas  Kimberly  Brace  and 

Lucy  Martha  Lee,  of  Hartford,  Couu.     Residence.  Hartford  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
622:].  Henry  C.  Pratt,  bom  September  8,  1836. 
6224.  Thomas  B.  Pratt,  bom  March  31,  183S. 
'iJi'.  George  W.  Pratt,  bora  Februarj*  13,  1840. 
<;i'_'w.  William  H.  Pratt,  bom  October  i6,  1842. 
0227.  Lucy  B.  Pratt,  bom  Febmary  26,  1846. 
C228.  Charles  C.  Pratt,  bora  August  19,  1S48. 

[4637.]  James  H.  Pratt,  son  of  Harry  Pratt  and  Susan 
Cleveland,  (3118)  married  September  15,  1840,  in  East  Bloomfield, 
N.  Y.,  Afana  E.  Broughton,  daughter  of  Frederick  Broughton. 
J.  H.  Pratt  was  a  merchant  in  Rochester,  N.  Y.      She  died  1848. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
'   '    '    Francis  B.  Pratt,  bora  April  15,  1842. 
'.J    ..  Frederick  H.  Pratt,  born  July  5,  1S45. 
t,j   !.  John  C.  Pratt,  Ixjrn  February  17.  1848. 

[453B.]  Abigail  C.  Pratt,  daughter  of  Harry  Pratt  aud 
Susan  Cleveland,  (31 18)  married  Septemljer  16,  1842,  Rev.  Lyman 
P.  Judson.     Residence,  Victor  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [Ix^ing  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
G232.  Kdward  L.  Judson,  bom  January  7,  1845. 
«»2:i.3.  Hcur)-  P.  Judson,  bora  December  20,  1849. 

6234.  Susan  C.  Judson,  bora  May  25,  1853. 

[4633.]  Lucy  Coil  Huntington  Pratt,  daughter  of  Harry 
Pratt  and  Susan  Cleveland,  (31 18)  married  1S32,  Gilbert  McKie 
Mulligan.     Residence,  Elizabeth,  N.  J. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6235.  Elizabeth  M.  Mulligan,  bom  October  i,  1833. 
»",2;W.  Samuel  G.  Mulligan,  bora  August  31,  1835. 
(;237.  John  C.  Mulligan,  boru  April  13,  1S37. 


6238.  Lucy  C.  iiux.,.L;.u.,  uoru  July  22,  1S39. 

6239.  Thomas  P.  Mulligan,  born  April  17,  1842. 

6240.  Jane  Mulligan,  born  March  i,  1845. 

[4BnD,]  Sarah  Elizabeth  Py-att,  daughter  oi  Harry  Pratt 
and  Stcsan  Cleveland,  (31 18)  married  July  18,  1844,  William  A. 
Herrick.     Residence,  Geneva,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6241.  William  C.  Herrick,  born  July  3,  1845. 

6242.  Elizabeth  P.  Herrick,  born  December  30,  1S50. 
0243.  Ivucy  W.  Herrick,  bom  November  19,  1852. 

[4  B  D 1 1  ]  John  M.  Pratt,  son  of  Harry  Pratt  and  Susan  Cleve- 
land, (3 1 1 8)  married  July  7,  1845,  Mary  W.  Tudor. 

[Owen  Tudor,  from  England,  to  Windsor,  Conn.,  1645,  married  Novem- 
ber 13,  1651,  Mary  Looinis,  born  in  England,  daughter  of  Joseph  Loomis, 
of  Windsor,  from  England. 

Second  Generation,  Samuel  Tudor,  born  November  26,  1657,  married , 

1685,  Abigail  Filley,  born  August  21,  1658,  daughter  of  Filley, 
of  Windsor,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Rev.  Samuel  Tudor,  born ,  graduated  at  Yale 

College  1728,  married ,  Mary  Smith. 

(SajiueIv  Smith,  and  wife  Elizabeth,  from  England,  Hadley,  Mass. 

Second  Generatioti,  Philip  Smith,  born  ,  1633,  married  ,  1658, 

Rebecca  Foote. 

Third  Ge?ieration,  Joseph  Smith,   born  ,   1673  ;   Harvard  College, 

1695,  ordained  May  10,  1709,  minister  at  Cohanzey,  N.  J.,  and  Januar}'  15, 
1715,  minister  at  Upper  Middletown,  Conn.,  married  Esther  Parsons. 

(Joseph  Parsons,  from  England,  Springfield,  Mass.,  1636,  married  No- 
vember 26,  1646,  Mary  Bliss,  daughter  of  Thomas  Bliss,  of  Hartford. 
Removed  to  Northampton,  Mass.,  and  was  killed  by  Indians,  September  2, 
1675.     Mrs.  Mary  Parsons  died  January  29,  1712. 

Second  Generation,  Esther  Parsotis,  born  December  24,  1672,  married 
Joseph  Smith.     He  died  September  8,  1736.     She  died  May  30,  1760. 

Fourth  Generation,  Mary  Smith,  born ,  1704,  married  Rev.  Samuel 


Fourth  Generatioft,  Sa7nuel  Tudor,  born ,  1737,  married ,  1759, 

Naomi  Dickens,  of  Bloomfield,  Conn. 

Fiftli  Generation,  Samuel  Tudor,  born  August  15,  1769,  married  Mary 


Sixth  Generation,  William  Watson  Tudor,  boru  March  19,  1801,  grad- 
uated Yale  College  1S20,  married  Mary  Bruce,  daughter  of  Banuick  Bruce, 
M.  D.,  of  Englaud. 

Seventh  Generation,  Mary  W.  Tudor,  bom ,  married  /.  M.  Pratt. 

Residence,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.     She  died ,  1855. 

Their  children  were  [beiug  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
6244.  William  Tudor  Pratt,  born  July  2,  1847. 
0245.  Edward  C.  Pratt,  born  April  22,  1850. 

6246.  Mary  T.  Pratt,  born  February  iS,  1853. 

6247.  Alice  C.  Pratt,  boru  April  17,  1855. 

[4BD2.]  Margaret  L.  Smith,  daughter  of /t'//^;  C.  Smith  and 

Lucy  Cleveland,  (31 19)  married  ,  A.  J.  Burr,  whose  first 

wife  was  Julia  D.   Pratt,   (4510.)     Residence,   Rochester,  N.  Y. 

He  died  s.  p., .     She  married,  second  time,  June  i,  1846, 

Luther  Tucker,  of  Albanj',  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6248.  Gilbert  M.  Tucker,  boni  August  26,  1S47. 
624!>.  Willis  G.  Tucker,  born  October  31,  1849. 

[4B13.]  Leonard  D.  Porter,  son  of  Ethan  B.  Porter,  (3124) 
and  Julia  Gnswold,  married  Januar>'  11,  1858,  Sarah  Stevens. 
He  died  in  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  September  20,  1869. 

Their  children  were  [Ixring  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
0250.  Nettie  J.  Porter,  bom  October  i,  i860. 
.6251.  Martha  S.  Porter,  bom  October  19,  1S62. 
<;2-"i2.  William  D.  Porter,  bora  December  28,  1863. 
()253.  Charles  A.  Porter,  bom  June  25,  1866. 

[4E2C.]  Martha  A.  Porter,  daughter  of  Ethan  B.  Porter 
{^i 2:^)  and  Julia  Grisivold,  married  July  9,  1852,  Charles  Kirk- 
ham  Griswold,  of  Weathersfield,  Conn. 

[MrCH.\Ri.  Grtswold,  with  wife  Anne,  from  England,  Weathersfield, 

Second  (jcncraiioti,  jacoo  i.insuviLl,  uorn  Apni  15,  1660,  married  Decem- 
ber 10,  1685,  Mary . 

Third  Generation,  Ebenezer  Griswold,  bom  October  25,  1702,  married 
December  13,  1734,  Deborah  Grihme,  born  May  24,  1706,  daughter  oi  Joseph 
Grihme,  of  Hartford,  who  married  November  24,  1686,  Deborah  Stebbens, 


daughter  of  John  Stebbens,  and  graud-daughter  of  Roland  Stebbens,  from 

Fourth  Generation,  Timothy  Griswold,  born  October  24,  1744,  married 
January  17,  1765,  Hannah  Tryon,  daughter  of  Abiel  Tryon,  of  Weathers- 
field,  and  wife  Haimah. 

Fifth  Generation,  Jotiathan  Griswold,  born  May  19,  1766,  married 
October  7,  1790,  Huldah  Francis. 

(Robert  Franxis,  from  England,  with  wife  Joan,  Weathersfield,  Conn. 
He  died  January  2,  1712.     She  died  Januarys  29,  1705. 

Scco7id  Generation,  Robert  Francis,  born  Februar}-  13,  1692,  manied 
,  1722,  Elizabeth . 

Third  Generation,  Timothy  Francis,  born  March  8,  1733,  married  March 
10,  1762,  Elizabeth  Hanmer. 

(Francis  Hanmer,  from  England,  Weathersfield,  Conn, 

Second  Generation,  Francis  Hanmer,  bom  June  15,  1709,  married  May 
4,  173 1,  Elizabeth  Curtis,  born  March  18,  1707,  daughter  oi  John  Curtis  and 
Elizabeth  Wright,  daughter  of  Joseph  Wrig-ht,  of  Weathersfield,  son  of 
Thomas  Wright,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Elizabeth  Hatimcr,  bom  August  16,  1733,  married 
Timothy  Francis. 

Fourth  Generation,  Huldah  Francis,  born ,  1770,  married  October 

7,  1790,  Jonathan  Grisivold. 

Sixth  Generation,  Charles  Griswold,  born  ^lay  24,  iSoo,  married , 

Chloe  Kirkham. 

Seventh   Generation,   Charles  K.   Griswold,  bom  ,    1829,  married 

Martha  A.  Porter.     Residence,  Weathersfield,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
G254.  Emma  H.  Griswold,  born  April  30,  1853. 

6255.  Frederick  W.  Griswold,  born  August  2,  1854. 

6256.  Norbert  W.  Griswold,  born  September  7,  1856. 

6257.  Jeunette  H.  Griswold,  bora  June  15,  1862. 

[4  B  4  3 1]  Lo7iisa  Helton,  daughter  of  Horace  Holton  and  Polly 
Dickinson,  (3147)  married  April  25,  1832,  Nelson  IV.  Purple. 

Edward  Purple,  of  Haddam,  Conn.,  from  England,  about  1670,  was 
probably  a  descendant  of  Christopher  Purple,  of  county  Essex,  England. 
A  native  of  France,  and  a  Huguenot,  who  emigrated  after  the  massacre  of 

St.  Bartholomew.     Edward  Purple  married  ,  1675,  Hannah  Ackley, 

daughter  of  Nicholas  Ackley,  of  Haddam. 


Second  Generation,  Edward  Purple,  born ,  1676,  uiarried ,  1712, 

Mary . 

Third  Generation,  Edward  Purple,  born  March  28,  1713,  removed  to 
Middletown,  Conn.     He  married ,  1740,  Ruth  Hollister. 

(John  Hoi.i.isTER,  from  England  to  Weathersfield,  Conn. ;  representa- 
tive; married ,  1640,  Joanna  Treat,  daughter  o!"  Richard  Treat,  from 


Second  Generation,  Ju/tn  Holiislcr,  born  ,  104-:,  married  November 

20,  1667,  Sarah  Goodrich,  daughter  of  William  Goodrich,  of  Weathers- 
field,  who  married  October  4,  1648,  Sarah  Manyn,  daughter  of  Matthew 
Marvyn,  of  Hartford,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Thomas  Hollister,  born  January'  14,  1672,  married 
,  1695,  Dorothy  Hill^ 

(William  Hill,'  from  linghiud  to  Roxbury.  Mass.,  1632;  removed  to 
Hartford,  Conu.,  married  Phillis  Lyman,  daughter  of  Richart)  Iaman,  of 
Hartford,  from  England.  I 

Second  Generation,  Joseph  ihHihoru ,  1750;  roiiiovcd  V^  (^.hisioii- 

bury,  Conu.     He  married . 

Third  Generation,  Dorothy  Hill^  l)oni ,  married  Thomas  llollisier. 

Fourth  Generation,  Ruth  Hollister,  boni  October  13,  1720,  married , 

1740,  Edward  Purple.     He  died  August  — ,  1752. 

Fourth  Generation,  Ezra  Purple,  born  July  25,  1788,  married  April  3, 
1810,  Elizabeth  Green,  of  Bernardstown,  Mass.,  who  died  November  25,  1857, 
aged  seventy.     He  was  an  innkeeper  at  Gill,  Mass.,  and  died  October  15,  1835. 

Fijth  Generation,  Nelson  W.  Purple,  born  January  3,  181  r,  married 
Lousa  Holton.     Residence,  Northfield,  Mass. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  uintii  i^cueralion  :] 
G2"x'<.  George  B.  Purple,  bom  January  23,  1833,  diid  Dpct  iiibcr  o    iSu. 
caw.  Elizabeth  M.  Puriile,  boru  July  18,  1835. 
OJ(iO.  Georgiana  L.  Purple,  bora  April  3,  1838. 
C.'itil.  Charles  N.  Purple,  Ixsra  September  23,  1844. 

[4B6D.]  Mary  Holton,  daughter  of  Horace  Holton  and  Polly 

Dickinson,  (3147)  m.irried .  18^4,    Waller  Field.     Residence, 

Northfield,  Mass, 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
G2*>2.  Anna  H.  Field,  bora  August  2,  1838. 
C2»):i.  George  W.  Field,  born  July  14,  1840. 

7.127-11  A 


[4  B  S  2 1]  Horace  Holton,  son  of  Horace  Holton  and  Polly  Dick- 
inson,  (3147)  married  ,   1841,   Sarah  A.  Field.     Residence, 

Northfield,  Mass. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6264.  Sarah  A.  Holton,  bora  February  10,  1843. 

6265.  Arthur  H.  Holton,  born  January  2,  1846. 

6266.  Walter  R.  Holton,  bora  Febraary  11,  1857. 

[4  B  S  3 .]  Roswell  Holton,  son  of  Horace  Holton  and  Polly  Dick- 
inson, (3147)  married ,  1847,  Mary  A.  Sheldon,  daughter  of 

Izatus  Sheldon,  of  Bernardstown,  Mass. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6267.  Mary  A.  Holtou,  bora  May  3,  1848. 

6268.  Charles  S.  Holton,  born  October  27,  1S50. 

6269.  Frank  B,  Holton,  born  February  16,  1855. 

6270.  Clifford  J.  Holton,  bora  Febraary  21,  1857. 
6171.  Rosa  J.  Holton,  born  May  16,  1862. 

[4BG5.]  William  Holton,  .son  of  Horace  Holton  and  Polly 
Dickinson,  (3147)  married  Februar}^  6,  1848,  Editha  Clark,  daugh- 
ter of  William  Clark,  of  Montague,  Mass. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6272.  Frank  T.  Holton,  bora  May  9,  1851. 

6273.  6273,  Helen  A.  Holton,  born  November  29,  1S52. 

[4B  5  7i]  Rufus  Holton  son  of  Horace  Holton  and  Polly  Dick- 
inson, (3147)  married  May  10,  1849,  Harriett  Snow.  Residence, 
Northfield,  Mass. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6274.  Lily  Augusta  Holton,  born  June  8,  1850. 

6275.  Harriett  G.  Holton,  bora  October  23,  1854. 

6276.  Frank  G.  Holton,  bora  February  15,  1856. 

6277.  EfSe  V.  Holton,  born  November  3,  iSsg. 

6278.  Grace  B.  Holton,  born  March  18,  1864. 

[4B7Di]  Mary  A.  Baldwin,  daughter  oi  John  Baldwin  and 
Peggy  Williams,  (3163) married  November.!,  x"^!^,  David Le Favor, 
a  merchant  in  Pawtucket,  R.  I. 


Their  chiklrcii  were  [being  of  the  niuth  generation  :] 
C27;».  Edward  Leravor,  boru  May  4,  1S27. 
6280.  Horace  LeFavor,  bom  January  6,  1830. 
(V2SI.  Mary  LeFavor,  born  April  12,  1833. 
G2.S2.  Ilebcr  LeFavor,  born  May  3,  1837. 

[4B73.]  Charles  Peabody  Daldiuin,  sou  o{  John  Dalduin  and 

Pfggy  Williams,  (3163)  married ,  Mary  A.  Sibley.     He  was 

a  merchant  in  New  York  City. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6283.  John  Baldwin,  bom ,  1840, 

0284.  Jane  Baldwin,  born ,  1S42. 

628.").  Charles  Baldwin,  born ,  1S45. 

6286.  Mary  Baldwin,  bom  ,  1847. 

6287.  Frederick  Baldwin,  born  ,  1850. 

[4B75.]  Eliza  Af.  Daldzvin,  daughter  ct{  John  Daldxvin  and 

Peggy    Williams,    (3163)   married   ,     Rev.    George    Tafft, 

(Episcopal,)  of  Pawtucket,  R.  I. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6288.  George  Taffl,  boru ,  1843. 

6281».  Ellen  F.  Tafft,  bom .  1845. 

[4B7B.]  Afoses  If.  Paid-win,  son  oi  John  Paldwiyi  and  Peggy 
Williatns,  (3163)  married  April  23.  1837,  ATarlha  N.  Whittlesey. 

(John  Whittlksry,  from  England  to  vSaybrook,  Conn.,  married  June 
20,  1664,  Ruth  Dudley,  'wm  April  20,  1645,  daughter  of  William  Dudley, 
of  Guilford,  Conn.,  from  England. 

.Second  Generation,  Rev.  Samuel  Whittlesey,  boru ,  1689 ;  Yale  Col- 
lege 1705  ;  married  July  i,  171 2,  Sarah  Cliaunccy,  daughter  of  Rev.  Nathaniel 
Chauncey.     (See  No.  154.) 

Third  Generation,  Rev.  Chauncey  Whitileicy,  bora  October  S,  1717; 
Yale  College  1738;  married  August  13,  1753,  Martha  Newton,  daughter  of 
Rev.  Roger  Newton.  C.  Whittlesey  was  ordained  March  i,  1758,  minister 
at  New  Haven,  Conn.     He  died  July  24,  17S7. 

Fourth  Generation,  John  Whittlesey,  born  Septembers,  1770,  married 
July  I,  1799,  Anne  Kirku'ood.     He  died  in  New  Haven,  May  12,  1849. 

Fifth  Generation,  Martha  N.  Whittlesey,  born  April  17,  1815,  married 
M.  H.  Baldwin.     Residence,  Pittsfield,  Mass. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6290.  Anne  W.  Baldwin,  born ,  1S3S. 

6291.  Helen  Baldwin,  born ,  1841. 

6292.  Martha  Baldwin,  born ,  1843. 

[4  B  B  li]  Harriett  Rebecca  Baldwin,  daughter  of  John  Baldwiti 
and  Peggy  Williams,  (3163)  married  March  17,  1845,  Joseph  B. 
Walton,  born  in  Cherry  Valley,  N.  Y.,  Februar>'  26,  1819,  son  of 
Joseph  Walton,  who  married  in  Albany,  N.  Y.,  December  4,  1809, 
Eliza  Smith,  born  August  25,  1789,  daughter  of  Elias  Smith  and 
his  wife  Catherine  Molyneux. 

(Joseph  Walton,  born  in  Ira,  Rutland  county  Vt.,  August  17, 

1785,  was  son  of  Jonathan    Walton,  born  in  Mystic,  Conn,, , 

1748,  a  descendant  of  Rev.  W11.LIAM  Walton,  who  graduated  at 
Emanuel  College,  Cambridge,  England,  A,  B.  1621,  A.  M.  1625, 
and  was  minister  at  Seaton,  Devonshire,  England.  He  came  to 
New  England  in  1639,  with  wife  Elizabeth,  was  minister  at  Mar- 

blehead,  Mass.,  and  died  ,   1668.     Mrs.  Elizabeth  Walton 

died  ,  1 67 1.)    J.  B.  Walton  lived  in  Honsdale,  Pa. 

There  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6293.  Henry  H.  Walton,  born  August  29,  1844,  died  February  20,  1S46. 

6294.  Mary  E.  Walton,  born  November  6,  1847,  married  Henry  P.  Baldwin. 

6295.  Edith  F.  Walton,  born  April  22,  1852,  married  John  McMillan. 

6296.  Charles  W.  Walton,  bom  February  12,  1855,  married  Eva  Hackett. 

[4BB2i]  Liicy  Tyler  Williams,  daughter  oi  Ebenezer  Wil- 
liams, (3163)  and  Eliza  Whitwell,  married  April  23,  1840,  Virgil 
B.  Bogue,  of  Elyria,  O.     He  died  November  7,  1857. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6297.  Harriett  S.  Bogue,  born  July  20,  1841,  married  C.  J.  Goodspeed. 

6298.  Mary  W.  Bogue,  born  October  3,  1842,  married  L.  N.  Deidrick. 

6299.  Jane  C.  Bogue,  born  October  31,  1844,  married  Ezra  N.  Starr. 

6300.  Eliza  W.  Bogue,  born  July  19,  1847.  married  Edward  Amadon. 

[4BB4.]    Chester  K.     Williams,  son   of  Ebe?iezer   Williams, 

(3163)    and    Eliza    Whitwell,    married  ,    1864,    Maria   P. 



Their  cliildren  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6301.  Maria  L.  Williams,  bom  December  23,  1865. 

6302.  Kate  Williams,  boni  November  — ,  1867, 

6303.  Lucy  Williams,  bom  December  — ,  1869. 

[4  BBS.]  Percy  Key es  Williams,  A2m^\\.qx  oi  Ebeyiezer  Wil- 
liavis  (3163)  and  Eliza  Whitwell,  married  November  20,  1837, 
Charles  L.  Shepherd. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6304.  Francis  P.  Shepherd,  bom  April  29,  1841,  married  Kate  Starr. 
ftiOo.  Stella  E.  Shepherd,  bora  January  28,  1843,  married  Charies  Martin. 
()3(>6.  Emeliue  A.  Shepherd,  bom  August  21,  1845. 

6307.  Percy  K.  Shepherd,  bom ,  1848. 

f)308.  Charles  P.  Shepherd,  bom  November  7,  1852. 

[4BBB.]  Charlotte  Williams,  daughter  ^{  Ebcnczcr  Williams 

(3163)  and  Eliza    Whit'well,   married  ,    1845,    William  Af. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
630<).  Joscjjhijie  Mason,  bom  March  i,  1846,  married  William  Lawson. 
63!0.  Susan  M.  Mason,  bom  May  7,  1849. 

6311.  Chester  K.  Mason,  bora  April  18,  1852. 

6312.  Frank  L.  Mason,  bora  July  4,  1854. 

[4BB7.]  Erancis  M.  Williams,  daughter  o{  Ebenezer  Wil- 
liams (3163)  and  Eliza    Whituell,  married ,  1846,  Johji  H. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
a313.  Charies  H.  Woodmff,  l>ora  July  i,  1842. 

6314.  Ellen  Woodmff,  bom ,  1850. 

G315.  Edward  W.  Woodmff,  bora  October  13,  1854. 

[4B32.]  Charles  Lewis  Williams,  .son  ai  Samuel H.  Williams 

(3166)  and  Lucretia  Noble,  married ,  1863,  Mary  Eleming. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6316.  Lucretia  N.  Williams,  bom  May  24,  1864. 

6317.  Mary  L.  Williams,  bora  September  5,  1866. 

6318.  Alice  D.  Williams,  born  November  26,  1868. 

6319.  Lewis  A.  Williams,  bom  September  6,  1870. 

6320.  Sarah  F.  Williams,  born  April  29,  1873. 



[4BB4i]  Lewis  Williams,  sow  oi  Leivis  Williains  (3167)  and 

Lydia  Carter,  married ,  1869,  Harriett  Nye. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6321.  Henry  N.  Williams,  born  July  13,  1870. 

6322.  Lawrence  Williams,  born  May  6,  1875. 

[4B3Si]  Caroline  S.  Anthony,  daughter  of  James  A^ithony 
and  Sarah  P.  Williams,  (3 171)  married  August  31,  1842,  Rev. 
James  Noble  Sykes. 

[Richard  Sykes,  from  England,  with  wife  Phebe,  Springfield,  Mass. 

Second  Generation,  Victory  Sykes,  bom  March  3,  1649,  niarried  January 
29,  1673,  Elizabeth  Burt,  daughter  of  Jonattian  Diirt,  of  Springfield,  and 
Elizabeth  Lobdetl,  sister  of  Simon  Lobdell,  of  Springfield,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Jonathan  Sykes,  born  July   17,   1675,   niarried  , 

Mary  Lane. 

(William  Lane,  from  England,  with  wife  Mary. 

Second  Generation ,  Samuel  Lane,  bom  January  23,  1652,  married  Dec. 

II,  1677,  Sarah  Dickinson,  born  ,   1654,  daughter  of  Johii  Dickinson, 

who  married ,  1648,  Frances  Foote,  daughter  of  Nathaniel  Foote,  of 

Weathersfield,  from  England.     Samuel  Lane  Served  in  King  Philip's  war, 
and  died ,  1690. 

Third  Generation,  Mary  Lane,  born  May  7,  1684,  married  Jonathan 
Sykes.     He  died  September  25,  17 10. 

Fourth  Generation,  Jonathan  Sykes,  born ,  married  Mary  Adams. 

Fijth  Generation,  Lot  Sykes,  bom  August  10,  1738-9,  married ,  1767, 

Jemima  Barker.     He  died  June  26,  1820. 

Sixth  Generation,  Lot  Sykes,  born  January*  15,  1774,  married  Calista 

(Thom.\.s  Noble,  from  England,  Westfield,  Mass.,  married  November  i, 
1660,  Hannah,  daughter  of  William  Warner,  of  Springfield,  Mass.,  from 
England,  and  his  wife  Hannah,  daughter  of  Andrew  Searle,  of  Ipswich, 
Mass.,  from  England. 

Second  Generation,  James  Noble,  born  October  i,  1677,  married ,  1698, 

Ruth .     She  died  January  20,  1704.     He  died  April  22,  1712. 

Third  Generation,  Daniel  N'oble,  born  November  25,  1700,  married  June 
15,  1731,  Rebecca  Stebbins,  daughter  ol  Joseph  Stebbins,  of  Springfield.  She 
died  January  16,  1760. 

Fourth  Generation,  James  Noble,  born  April  28,  1742,  married ,  1774, 

Mercy  Norton,  born  September  30,  1753,  daughter  of  Freegrace  Norton  and 
Margaret  Trumball. 


Fijth  Generation,  Calista  \oble,  bom  March  23,  17S0,  married  April  13, 
1S03,  Lof  Sykes. 

Sixth  Generation,  James  Noble  Sykes,  bom  September  30,  1812,  married 
Caroline  S.  Anthony.  She  died  December  28,  1855.  He  married  (second 
wife)  May  26,  1R57,  her  sister,  Catheiinc  P.  Anthony.  He  died  September 
27,  1880. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
(V,2'i.  Louisa  V.  Sykes,  bora  July  22,  1845,  died  April  6,  1854. 
Ik124.  Emeline  J.  Sykes,  bora  November  11,  1847,  married  John  Wright. 
»'i:i25.  James  C.  Sykes,  bora  January  15,  1850,  married  Kate  M.  Dole. 
ii:'>L'ii.  Cara  luez  Sykes,  lx)rn  March  16,  1852. 
*<'.V11 .  Charles  P.  Sykes,  horn  April  29,  1S54. 

[4  B  9  7.]  Frank  IV'illiam  Anthony,  son  of  James  Anthony  and 
Sarah  Porter  liy/Ziams,  (3171)  graduated  Brown  University,  1846, 

Theological  Semiuar>',  New  York  City, .     Giving  up  the 

mini.stry  on  account  of  failing  health,  he  Ix'camc  a  merchant,  in 
Jackson,  Mich.  He  married  February  4,  1850,  Sarah  J.  Ifarn's, 
Itorn  July   i,   1823.  daughter  of  William  Harris,  of  Pautucket, 

R.  I.,  and  Sarah  Greene,  l)orn  ,  1789.  daughter  of  Timothy 

Greene,  of  Providence,  who  married ,  1787,  Lu(;y  Wilkinson, 

born  November  20,  1767,  daughter  of  Azial  Wilkinson,  of  Provi- 
dence, who  married ,  1766,  Lydia  Smith,  daughter  of  Edward 

Smith,   a  descendant   of  Kdwakd  Smith,  of  Providence,    who 

married  ,    1699,    Amphyllis    Angel,   daughter    of  Thomas 

Angel,  of  Providence,  R.  I. 

William  Harris,  Iwrn  December  28,  1785,  was  a  son  oi  Joseph 
Harris  and  wife  Hepzibah  Hunker,  daughter  of  Paul  Diniker,  of 
Sniithfield,  R.  I.,  a  descendant  of  Georg^ Bunker,  of  Ipswich, 
Mass. ,  a  Huguenot  whose  name  was  Boncoeur. 

Joseph  Harris,  was  son  of  David  Harris,  who  married , 

Martha  /^wr^j, daughter  of  Joseph  Jencks,  of  Pawtucket,  R.  I., 
and  Martha  Broxvn,  daughter  of  James  Brown,  of  Providence. 
Joseph  Jeficks  was  son  oi  Joseph  Jencks,  from  England,  to  Lynn, 
Mass.,  1645,  an  "ingenious  workman,"  employed  to  construct 
"fire  engines."  He  cut  the  dies  for  the  colonial  coinage,  ("  Pine- 
tree  shillings,"  iSrc")     Mrs.  Sarah  Anthony  died  in  Jack.son,  Mich., 


April  22,  1S62.    He  married  (second  wife)  November  5,  1865,  Mary 

J.  Backus,  daughter  of  Dr.  Backus,  of  Jackson,  Midi.     She 

died  May  19,    1872.     He  married  (third  wife)  October  7,   1878, 
Louisa  Barbara  Walters.     Residence,  Jackson,  Mich. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
()829.  Mary  Anthony,  boru  August  15,  185 1,  married  William  Harvey. 
6330.  Catherine  H.  Anthony,  born  November  12,  1854,  died  August  4,  1857. 
(),331.  Frank  W.  Anthony,  boru  November  14,  1859,  died  Dec.  17,  1876. 

6332.  Julia  B.  Anthony,  born  Sept.  25,  1866,  married  Clyde  Everett  Brown. 

6333.  James  S.  Anthony,  born  August  20,  186S. 

6334.  Helen  F.  Anthony,  born  October  18,  1870. 

6335.  Charles  L.  Anthony,  bom  January  7,  1873. 

0336.  Emily  B.' Anthony,  born  April  2,  1875. 

0337.  Louisa  W.  Anthony,  born  April  — ,  1880. 

[4B3Bi]  Lydia  C.  Anthony,  daughter  of  /ames  A ?it/iony  and 
Sarah  P.  Williams,  (3171)  married  December  5,  1843,  Lemuel 
Bliss  Nichols,  M.  D.,  born  in  Bradford,  N.  H.,  October  6,  18 16, 
son  of  Ezra  Nichols,  M.  D.,  and  Waify  Gray  Smith,  born  in 
Canaan,  N.  H.,  July  16,  1792,  daughter  oi  Johyi  Smith.  Ezra 
Nichols  died  September  29,  1848.  Mrs.  Waity  Nichols  died  De- 
cember 19,  1863. 

Ezra  Nichols,  born  October  16,  1792,  was  son  oi  Ezra  Nichols, 
of  Canaan,  N.  H. ,  and  Elizabeth  Hazeltinc,  a  descendent  of  Robert 

Hazeltine,  of  Bradford,  N.  H.,  who  married ,  1680,  Elizabeth 

Jewett,    daughter  of  Maximii^ian  Jewett,    of  Rowley,    Mass., 
1639,  from  Bradford,  Yorkshire,  England. 

Robert  Hazelton,  born  November  7,  1657,  was  son  of  Robert 
HazeIvTON,  of  Rowley,  Mass.,  from  England.  L.  B.  Nichols, 
granduate  Brown  University,  1842.  Physician  in  Worcester,  Mass. 
He  died  September  28,  1883.  Mrs.  Lydia  Nichols,  died 
June  4,  1888. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6338.  Sarah  G.  Nichols,  born  March  14,  1845. 

6339.  Corinne  L,.  Nichols,  boru  November  7,  1S46. 
63-40.  Anne  L.  Nichols,  born  September  24,  1848. 

6341.  Charles  L.  Nichols,  M.  D.,  born  May  29,  1851,  ^larricd  C.  C.  Dewey. 


(i342  Lydia  A.  Nichols,  born  May  5,  1S57,  married  Reuben  T.  Palmer. 
C343.  Mary  L.  Nichols,  born  October  14,  1859. 

[4  B  9  3 .]  Le-u'is  IV.  Anthony,  son  oi  James  Anthony  and  Sarah 
Porter  V^illiams,  (317 1)  married  September  15,  1847,  Britannina 
FrajikltK  Waterman. 

[Richard  Waterman,  from  England,  with  wife  Bcthia,  Salem,  Mass. 
He  was  one  of  the  adherents  of  Roger  Williams,  and  went  with  him  to 
banishment,  Rhode  Island,  in  163S.  Colonel  of  Militia  and  died  October 
28,  1673. 

Siccond  Generation,  Resolved  IVa/ertnan,  born ,  1638,  married  about 

1659,  ^fercy  Williams,  boni  July  15,  1640,  daughter  of  RoGRR  Wilijams, 
the  founder. 

Third  Generation,  Resolved  IVaterrnan,  Iwrn ,  1667,  lived  in  Green- 
ville, R.  I.     Repesenative.     He  maTried ,  Anne  //arris. 

(William  Harris,  from  England,  Salem,  Mass.,  1635,  removed  with 
Roger  Williams,  to  Providence,  R.  I.  He  went  to  England  in  1678  on  busi- 
ness of  the  Colony,  and  on  January  24,  1679,  was  captured  by  an  Algerine 
corsair,  and  sold  in  IJarbarv.  .\fter  a  year  or  more  in  slavcrj-  he  w;xs  ran- 
somed ;  went  to  London  and  died  1680. 

Second  Generation,  Andrew  //arris,  bom ,  1634-5,  married  Decem- 
ber   ,  1670,  ^fary  Tew,  daughter  of  Richard  Tew,  of  Newport,  R.  I. 

Third  Generation,  Anne  //arris,  Iwru  November  17,  1673,  married 
Resolved  Waterman. 

Fourth  Generation,  Resolitd  Waterman,  born  March  22,  1703,  in  Green- 
ville, R.  I.,  married  September  20,  1722,  /.ydia  Matthcwson.  Residence, 
Smilhfield,  R.  I.,  represenative,  died  Jauurary  15,  1746. 

Fifth  Generation,  Capt.  John    Watirtnau,   horn  ,  married  Tainiarv 

17.  1750.  /^Tary  Olney. 

Sixth  Generation,  John  Olney   Walcnnan,  born  May  14,  175^^,  married 

,  Sally  Franklin.  Iiorn   I'lhrnnry ,  176^,  daughter  of  //c-/  Ftonk- 

lin  and  Sirah  Paine. 

Seventh  (7eneration,  George  WaUrman,  born  August  19,  1793,  i"  Provi- 
dence, R.  1.,  married  September  7,  1823,  Britannia  Franklin  Baxter, 
daughter  of /v'a«(t//«  Baxter,  and  Susan  Phiuney,  daughter  of  Paul Phinney, 
of  Barnstable,  Mass.  Franklin  Baxter  born  July  7,  1789,  in  Barnstable,  was 
in  the  Navy  for  many  years  as  guard-master.  In  the  war  of  18 12,  he  was 
taken  prisoner,  and  held  in  Dartmoor,  England,  until  piece. 

He  went  witb  Comraadore  Crowninshield  to  the  Pacific  in  1848,  and  on 
the  discovery  of  gold  in  California  he  met  his  son-in-law,  who  had  gone 


there  iu  1849,  in  ship  "Hopewell,"  via  Cape  Horn.  They  went  together  to 
the  mines  on  the  Mokelunme  river.  Baxter  died  in  San  Francisco,  January 
— ,  1850,  and  April  25,  following.  Waterman  died  at  the  mines. 

Eighth  Generation^  Britannia  F.  IVaterman,  horn  July  12,  1825,  married 
Lewis  IV.  Anthony. 

Their  childreu  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6344.  Edgar  W.  Anthony,  born  June  24,  1848,  married  Clara  D.  Wilder. 

6345.  Sarah  B.  Anthony,  born  March  28,  1851,  died  February  5,  1865. 

6346.  Kate  J.  Anthony,  born  September  24,  1852. 

6347.  Mary  C.  Anthony,  born  August  22,  1854,  died  August  28,  1855. 

6348.  Charles  L,.  Anthony,  born  March  22,  1856,  died  February  9,  1859. 

6349.  Abby  L.  Anthony,  born  February  21,  185S,  died  September  2,  1865. 

6350.  Alfred  W.  Anthony,  born  January  30,  i860. 

[4  7D2.  Jessie  Keyes  Anthony,  daughter  of  James  Anthony 
and  Sarah  P.  Williams,  (3171)  married ,  1850,  Cyrus  Frank- 
lin Jackson. 

[Abraham  Jackson,  from  England,  Plymouth,  Mass.,  married  Novem- 
ber 18,  1657,  Remember  Morton. 

(George  Morton,  born  in  Austerfield,  Yorkshire,  England.  Joined  the 
Puuitans,  at  Leyden,  Holland,  where  he  married  July  23,  1612,  Julian 
daughter  of  Alexander  Carpenter.     He  came  to  Plymouth,  Mass.,  in  ship 

"Ann,"  1623.     He  died  June ,  1624.     Mrs.  Julian  Mortan  died  February 

19,  1665,  aged  eighty-one. 

Second  Generation,  Nathaniel  Morton,  born  in  England,  married , 

1635,  Lydia  Cooper,  sister  oi  John  Cooper,  of  Cambridge,  Mass.,  from  Eng- 
land.    Morton  was  secretary  of  the  Colony,  1645  to  his  death,  June  29,  1685. 

Third  Generation,  Remember  Morton,  born ,  1637,  married  Abra- 
ham Jackson.     She  died  July  24,  1707.     He  died  October  4,  1714. 

Fourth  Generation,  Eleazer  Jacksrn,  born ,  1669,  married ,  1690, 

Hannah  Ransom. 

Fijth  Generatio7i,  Ephraim  Jackson,  born ,  1714,  married ,  1736, 

Lydia  Leach. 

Sixth  Generation,  Michael  Jackson,  born ,  1737,  married ,  1759, 

Thankjul  Studley. 

Seventh  Generation,  Heiiry  Jackson,  born ,  1760,  married ,  1786, 

Mehitabel  Alden,  daughter  of  Janathan  Alden,  a  descendant  of  John 
Alden  and  Priscilla  Mullins. 

Eighth  Generation,    William  Jackson,  born  ,  married  ,   Olive 

Woodman,  daughter  of  True  Woodman,  and  wife  Judith,  of  Mi  not,  Me. 


Ninth  Generation,  Cyrus  Franklin  Jackson,  boru  January  28,  1826, 
married  Jessie  K.  Anthony. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
G351.  Frank  A.  Jackson,  born  June  i,  1S51,  married  Adele  1,.  Howe. 
6.T52.  Marj-  L.  Jackson,  born  September  9,  1852,  married  A.  S.  Arnold. 
G353.  Jessie  C.  Anthony,  born  July  22,  1856,  married  Robert  McChristie. 

[4707.]  Lucy  M.  Paine,  daughter  of /<?«fl!//i<?//  B.  Paine  and 
Hannah  Hopkins,  (3192)  married  May  19,  1831,  Albert  B.  Paine, 
of  Randolph,  Vt. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
(KJoL  Emily  P.  Paine,  born  October  i,  1S32,  married  M.  M.  Murray. 
63o5.  Elizabeth  C.  Paiue,  born  December  7,  1836,  married  S.  T.  Smith. 
&V')(i.  Alberta  L.  Paiue,  born  April  iS.  1841. 
(>3.57.  Albert  P.  Paine,  boni  January  2,  1846. 
G35«.  Laura  L.  Paine,  bom  July  30,  1849. 

[472B.]  Henry  B.  Hopkins,  son  of  John  T.  Hopkins,  (3197) 
and  A^anc}'  Turner,  married  October  28,  1858,  Emily  Alice  Hough. 
Lawyer  in  Peoria,  111. 

Their  children  were  [Ix^ing  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
(VJoO.  Anne  M.  Hopkins,  bom  October  17,  1858. 
a3G0.  Henrietta  A.  Hopkins,  bom  Febmary  4,  i860. 
(k3<jl.  Henr}-  S.  Hopkius,  born  July  13,  1S61. 
C3G2.  Emma  L.  Hopkius,  born  April  8,  1863. 

[474B.]  Rev.  George  Hopkins,  M.  D.,  .son  of  Rev.  Samuel 

Hopkins  (3208)  and  Clarissa    IV.  Drvight,  married ,  1867, 

Lucy  Foniachon.  He  was  an  Assistant  Surgeon  in  Mi.ssissippi 
squadron,  U.  S.  N.,  Fort  Fisher,  etc.  In  1873  minister  at  Covert, 
Seneca  county,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
G3(>3.  Theodora  C.  Hopkins,  born  July  7,  1868. 
Vaky\.  Agnes  O.  Hopkins,  born  March  17,  1870. 
03C5.  Samuel  Hopkins,  bom  October  27,  1871. 
G3CG.  Robert  O.  Hopkins,  born  Febmary  15,  1874. 
6.3G7.  Ronald  M.  Hopkins,  born  July  9,  1877. 

[476D.]  Margaret  D.  Hopkins,  daughter  of  Rev.  Samuel 
Hopkins  (^208)  and  Clarissa    W.  Dwight,  married-  February  16, 


1864,  JajTies  Cushing   Ward,  son   of  George  A.    Ward,  of  New 
York,  and  Mahi label  Cushing,  of  Salem,  Mass. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6368.  George  A.  Ward,  bom  December  24,  1864. 

6369.  Samuel  H.  Ward,  born  November  24,  1867. 

6370.  James  C.  Ward,  born  August  30,  1871. 

[4  7S2r]  William  S.  B.  Hopkins,  son  of  Rev.  Erastus  Hop- 
kijis  (3209)  and  Charlotte  F.  Allen,  married  January  29,  1859, 
Elizabeth  S.  Peck.     Lawyer  in  Worcester,  Mass. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  gene^tion  :] 

6371.  Sarali  B.  Hopkins,  born  January  17,  i860.  V 

6372.  Erastus  Hopkins,  born  June  9,  1S67. 

6373.  Elizabeth  P.  Hopkins,  born  March  11,  1S69. 

6374.  William  S.  Hopkins,  born  November  21,  1S71. 

[476B.]  Mary  Annette  Hopkins,  daughter  of  Rev.  Erastus 
Hopkins  (3209)  and  Charlotte  F.  Allen,  married  April  2,  1873, 
Benjamin  Kendall  Emerson,  professor  in  Amherst  College. 

Their  children  were  ['^eiug  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6375.  Charlotte  F.  Emerson,  born  January  3,  1874. 

6376.  Beujamin  K.  P^mersou,  born  June  27,  1876. 

6377.  Edward  H.  Emerson,  born  September  18,  1877. 

6378.  Annette  H.  Emerson,  born  September  3,  1879. 

[47GB.]  Lewis  Spring  Hopkins,  son  of  Lewis  S.  Hopkins, 
(3210)  and  Fanny  J.  Washbunie,  married  July  31,  187 1,  Julia 
Adelaide  Kingsley.     He  died  October  4,  1876. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6379.  John  L.  Hopkins,  born  January  17,  1873. 

6380.  Fanny  B.  Hopkins,  born  June  7,  1875. 

6381.  Lulu  Hopkins,  bom  May  31,  1877. 

[4  774,]  Charles  T.  Porter,  son  oi  John  Porter  {T,22g)  and 
Abby  W.  Phillipps,  graduate  of  Harvard  College.  He  married 
October  10,  1848,  Harriett  S.  Morgan. 

[James  Morgan,  bora  in  Wales,  1607.  Came  to  Roxburry,  Mass.,  1637, 
■where  he  married  August  6,  1640,  Margaret  Hill,  and  removed  to  New  Lon- 
don, Conn.,  and  died ,  1685,  aged  eighty-seven. 


Second  Generation,  John  Morgan,  boru  March  30,  1645,  married  Novem- 
ber 16.  1665,  Rachel  Dcming,  daughter  of  John  Deming,  of  WcathersfieM, 
froni  England,  1635,  whose  wife  was  Honor  Treat,  daughter  of  Richard 
Trkat,  from  England.      Lieut.  John  Morgan,  died ,  1712. 

Third  Generation,  John  Morgan,  bom  ,  1666,  married ,  1690, 

Sarah  Jones,  bom  August"  17,  1662,  daughter  of  William  Jones,  from  Eng- 
land, New  Haven,  Conn.,  who  married  Hannah  Eaton,  daughter  of  Gov. 
Thkophilus  Eaton,  who  was  bom  at  Stony  Stratford,  county  Bucks,  Eng- 
land, whose  wife  was  Anne  Morton,  daughter  of  Thomas  Morton,  bishop 
of  Chester,  England.  Theophilus  Eaton  came  to  New  Haven,  Conn.,  1637, 
with  Rev.  John  Davenport,  William  Andrews  and  others.  He  died  Jan- 
uary 7,  1658. 

Fourth  Generation,  John  Aforgan,  l)om  June  10,   1667,  married  , 

1696,  Ruth  Shaplcigh. 

(N'ichola.s  SnAPLHU".H,  from  England,  Bo.ston,  Ma.<;s.     Died  ,  1663. 

Mrs.  Anne  Shapleigh  died  M.irch  26,  1687.  aged  eighty. 

Second  Generation,  benjamin  Shapleigh,  bom  Septem1)er  — ,  1645  ; 
removed  to  New  London;  married  April  10,  1672,  Mary  Pickett,  daughter  of 
John  Pickett,  of  New  I^ondon,  whose  wife  was  Ruth  Brezvster,  daughter 
of  Jonathan  Bravster,  bom  in  England,  eldest  son  of  Elder  William 
Brkwstkr,-  from  England,  in  ship  "  Mayflower,"  1620, 

Third  Generation,  Ruth  Shapleigh,  born  December  24,  1672,  married 
John  Morgan. 

Fourth  Generation,  Capt.  John  Morgan,  bom  January  4,  1700,  married 
April  17,  1728,  Sarah  Cobb. 

(  Henry  Cobb,  from  Kent.  England,  Plymouth.  Mass.,   1629,  with  wife 

Patience,  Sciluate,  Mass.     He  died ,  1679. 

Second  Generation,  .Samuel  Cobb,  l>om  October  12.  1654,  married  Decem- 
ber 20,  1680.  Elizabeth  Taylor,  bora  April  18,  1656,  daughter  of  Richard 
Taylor,  of  Yarmouth,  Mass.,  from  England,  1643,  ^^lo  married  Elizabeth 
Burgess,  daughter  of  Thomas  Bi'RGESS,  of  Sandwich,  Mass.,  from  England. 

Third  Gencralioti,  .Sarah  Cobb,  bom  August  20.  1691,  married ,  John 


Fifth  Generation,  Ilwmas  Morgan,  bom  January  30,  1742,  married , 

1764,  Sarah  Leeds.  He  removed  in  1792,  to  Scipio,  Cayuga  county,  N.  Y., 
and  died  September  15,  1S15. 

Si.rth  Generation,  Jedediah  Morgan,  \>o\\\  March  14,  1774,  married  Jan- 
uary 26,  1812,  Harriett  Steele.  He  was  a  State  Senator,  and  died  Decem- 
ber 10,  1826. 


Seventh  Generation,  Harriett  S.  Morgan,  born  February  6,  1826,  married 
Charles  T.  Porter,  of  Auburn,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6382.  Anne  M.  Porter,  born  September  5,  1852. 

6383.  Jobn  Porter,  bom  August  11,  1854. 

6384.  Charles  T.  Porter,  born  December  16,  1857. 
0385.  Lewis  M.  Porter,  born  February  28,  1861. 

[4 7 7 Si]    Ajine   Phillipps  Porter,  daughter   oi  John  Porter, 

(3229)   and  Abby  M.    Phillipps,   married  ,   Alonzo   Glover 

Beaj'dsley,  of  Auburn,  N.  Y.,  son  of  John  Beardsley  and  Alice 
Booth,  of  Stratford,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6386.  Caroline  P.  Beardsley,  born  January  12,  1850,  married  J.  H.  Woodruff. 

6387.  William  P.  Beardslej',  born  August  4,  1852,  married  Mary  W.  Porter. 

6388.  Alonzo  G.  Beardsley,  born  vSepteraber  25,  1853,  married  A.  F.  Sartwell. 

6389.  George  T.  Beardsley,  born  November  14,  1855. 

6390.  Douglas  Beardsley,  born  June  4,  1861. 

6391.  Porter  Beardsley,  born  March  16,  1863. 

[4  7  7  3 1]  Samuel  Quincy  Porter,  son  of  William  Porter  (3230) 

and  Mayy  A.   Quincy,  married  ,    i860,  Frajids  A.  Smith, 

Residence,  Unionville,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6392.  Samuel  Q.  Porter,  born  March  — ,  1861. 

6393.  Kate  II.  Porter,  born  April  18,  1863. 

6394.  Elizabeth  Q.  Porter,  born  March  10,  1868. 

6395.  Henry  C.  Porter,  ])orn  October  5,  1871. 
()396.  Lucy  G.  Porter,  born  September  10,  1875. 

[4  7B5i]  Rev.  Edward  C.  Porter,  son  of  James  B.  Porter, 
(3235)  and  Susannah  Parsons,  graduate  of  Yale  College.  He 
married  October  10,  1866,  Julia  Foster,  born  August  22,  1846, 
daughter  oi  John  H.  Foster,  M.  D.,  of  Chicago,  111.,  who  married 
September  21,  1840,  Nancy  Smith. 

[William  Smith,  born ,  1723,  sou  of  Robert  Smith,  of  Moneymore, 

county  Londonderry,  Ireland,  came  to  New  England,  1750,  settled  at  Peter- 
boro,  N.  H.,  and  married  December  31,  1751,  Elizabeth  Morison. 


(John  Morison,  born  in  Aberdeen,  vScotland,  came  to  New  England, 
and  settled  at  Ivoudonderry,  N.  H.  He  died  February  i6,  1736,  at  a  very 
great  age. 

Second  Generation,  John  Morison,  born ,  1678,  married ,  Afar- 

garet  Wallace,  daughter  of  Nathaniel  Wallack,  of  Falmouth,  Mass., 
and  wife  Margaret,  from  England.  Residence,  Peterboro,  N.  H.  She 
died  April  18,  1769,  aged  eighty-two.  He  died  June  4,  1776,  aged 

Third  Generation,  Elizabeth  Morison,  born  June  15,  1723,  married 
IVilliant  Smith.  He  was  a  delegate  to  the  Provincial  Congress,  1774,  and 
died  January  31,  1808.     She  died  September  15,  1808. 

Fourth  Generation,  Jonathan  Smith,  bom  April  11,  1763.  married  August 
9,  1792,  Nancy  Smith,  who  died  May  13,  1847,  aged  seventy-four.  He  died 
August  29,  1842. 

Fijth  Generation,  Nancy  Smith,  horn  August  <;  i.'n).s  marvied  Dr  fntni 
H.  Foster.     He  died  May  17,  1874. 

Sixth  Generation,  Julia  Foster,  born  August  22,  1S40,  uianiod  Kcv.  /:. 
C.  Porter,  Episcopal  minister  in  Racine,  Wis.     He  died  January  S,  1R76. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
G;?07.  Maurice  F.  Porter,  born  March  19,  1868. 
6;i08.  James  F.  Porter,  born  January  iS,  1871. 

[4797.]    Susan    M.   Porter,   dauglUcr    ot    Benjamin    Porter 

(3242)  and  Clementine  Lamb,  married ,  1856,  Jabez  Bastes,  of 

Galesburg,  111.,  from  England. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
(jnvt*).  John  W.  Eastes,  born  September  29,  1857. 
(■.4(Mi.  Francis  M.  Eastes,  born  October  7,  1859. 
G401.  Edward  P.  Eastes,  born  December  11,  1S61. 
(U02.  Eliza  G.  Eastes,  born  May  24,  1866. 

\_^BUU<']  Sarah  Strong  Porter,  daughter  oi Moses  Porter  (3244) 
and  Martha  A.  Sncll,  married  November  21,  1849,  John  Simpson, 
son  oi  John  Simpson,  from  Scotland,  and  wife  Alice  Palmer.  Res- 
idence, Waterford,  Minn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
6403.  John  E.  Simpson,  born  December  29,  1850. 

(U04.  Sophia  I.  Simpson,  born  July  15,  1853,  married  Robert  M.  Dodd. 
64().').  Charles  A.  Simpson,  bom  September  19,  1855,  married  Jane  Moore. 
C4("»<>.  Martha  \.  Simpson,  born  .August  7,  1858. 


6407.  George  C.  Simpson,  born  September  13,  i860. 

6408.  Everett  Simpson,  born  April  28,  1863. 

[4BD3.]  A7ny  (or  Emma)  Colt  Wickham,  daughter  of  Rev. 
Joseph  D.  Wickham  and  Amy  Porter,  (3245)  married  October  — , 
i860,  Rev.  Alfred  C.  Roe,  a  descendant  of  Hugh  Roe,  of  Hart- 
ford, Conn.,  1660,  from  England,  who  removed  to  Suffield,  Conn., 
and  died ,  1689. 

He  was  a  chaplain  in  the  arm}^  and  since  1S67,  principal  of 
Female  Seminary  at  Comwall-on- the- Hudson,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6409.  Elizabeth  M.  Roe,  born  September  8,  1S61. 

6410.  Mary  W.  Roe,  born  April  19,  1863. 

6411.  Amy  P.  Roe,  born  January  5,  1867. 

6412.  Emily  P.  Roe,  born  May  12,  1870. 

6413.  Joseph  W.  Roe,  born  October  3,  1772. 

[4BD5i]  Harriett  M.  Colto?i,  daughter  of  Benjamin  Colton 
Q.n6.Jerusha  W.  Porter,  (3251)  married  March  11,  1842,  Henry  M. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6414.  William  C.  Lambert,  bora  December  17,  1846. 

6415.  Margaret  E.  Lambert,  born  March  2,  1S51. 

[4SD7i]  Frederick  Pierpont  Colton,  son  oi  Beiijamin  Colton 
and  Jeriisha  W.  Porter,  (3251)  married  October  22,  1845,  Anne 
Maria  Austin. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6416.  Benjamin  S.  Colton,  born  May  17,  1848. 

6417.  Julia  M.  Colton,  born  July  16,  1S51. 

[4BDB,]  Sarah  Hillhouse  Gilbert,  daughter  of /'z/^.r  i^^.  Gil- 
bert and  Sarah  P.  Hillhouse,  (3269)  married  April  29,  1823,  Adavi 
Leopold  Alexander,  bom  at  Sunbury,  Georgia,  son  of  Doct.  Adam 
Alexander,  from  Inverness,  Scotland,  a  surgeon  in  Continent^ 
army,  in  war  of  Revolution.     Mrs.  Sarah  Gilbert  died ,  1855^ 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6418.  Louisa  F.  Alexander,  born  July  9,  1824,  married  J.  F.  Gilmer. 

6419.  Sarah  G.  Alexander,  born  January  26,  married  A.  R.  Lawton. 


6420.  Harriett  V.  Alexander,  boru ,  1828,  married  Wallace  Cumming. 

6421.  Mary  C.  Alexander,  born ,  1830,  married  George  G.  Hull. 

6422.  William  P.  Alexander,  bom ,  1832,  married  Maria  L.  Toons. 

6423.  Edward  P.  Alexander,  bom  May  26,  1835,  married  Bettie  Mason. 

6424.  James  H.  Alexander,  bom  June  6,  1840,  married  Sarah  J.  Irviu. 

6425.  Charles  A.  Alexander,  bom  August  16,  1841,  married  Ida  Calhoun. 

6426.  Marion  B.  Alexander,  bom  July  19,  1843,  married  W.  F.  Boggs. 

6427.  Alice  V.  Alexander,  bom  July  31,  1848,  married  A.  C.  Haskell. 

[4BDa.]   A/dc^r/  H.  Shepherd,  M.  D.,  son  of  Andrew  Shep- 
herd and  Mary-  Hillho7ise,  (3270)  married  ,   1832,  Annie  E. 

Smith.  He  graduated  at  Franklin  College,  Ga.,  Philadelphia 
Medical  College.  Re.sidence,  Wilkes  county,  Ga.,  and  died  March 
7.  1837. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

fri2H.  Sarah  P.  Shepherd,  bora ,  1833,  married  A.  C.  I'lewellen. 

6429.  Alberta  Shepherd,  born ,  1835. 

M30.  William  S.  Shepherd,  bom ,  1837. 

[4B1D.]  Edxcard  T.  Shepherd,  son  of  Andrew  Shepherd  and 

Mary  Ifilihouie,  (3270)  married ,  Eli^a  J.  Winn.     Residence, 

Atlanta,  Ga. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6431.  Martha  B.  Shepherd,  born ,  1836 

6432.  Mary  S.  Shepherd,  bora ,  1838. 

643:i.  Sarah  A.  Shepherd,  bora ,  1841. 

6434.  Charlotte  Shepherd,  bom ,  1844. 

6435.  Andrew  H.  Shepherd,  bora ,  1847. 

[4811.]  Mary  E.  Shepherd,   daughter  of  Andrew  Shepherd 

and  Mary  Hillhouse,  (3270)  married  ,  Locke   IVeems.      She 

died ,  1S50.     He  died ,  1853. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6436.  Edward  M.  Weems,  born ,  1835,  married  Elizabeth  Sepp. 

6437.  Eugene  A.  Weems,  born ,  183S,  married  C.  A.  Redd. 

6438.  Locke  Weems,  born .  1840,  married  Eugenia  Blackmore. 

6439.  Marj'  S.  Weems,  born ,  1843,  married  H.  S.  Parke. 

6440.  Felix  Weems,  born ,  1845. 

6441.  Chariotte  W.  Weems,  bom ,  1S47. 


[4B12,]  Charlotte  W.  Shepherd,  daughter  oi  Atidrew  Shep- 
herd and  Mary  Hillhouse,   (3270)  married  ,  Rev.  John   IV. 

Baker,  of ,  Georgia. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6442.  Evalina  Baker,  born ,  1840. 

644?.  Caroline  C.  Baker,  born ,  1842. 

6444.  John  W.  Baker,  born ,  1845. 

6445.  William  Baker,  born ,  1847. 

6446.  Henry  Baker,  born ,  1850. 

6447.  Edward  Baker,  born ,  1853. 

6448.  Charlotte  E.  Baker,  born ,  1855. 

6449.  Charles  W.  Baker,  born ,  1858. 

[4B14,]    Caroline  Shepherd,   daughter  of  Andrew  Shepherd 

and  Mary  Hillhonse,  (3270)  married ,  Gen.  Andrezv  Hanscll. 

Residence,  Marietta,  Ga. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6450.  William  A.  Hansell,  born ,  1853. 

6451.  Julia  S.  Hansell,  born ,  1855. 

6452.  Mary  C.  Hansell,  bom ,  1858. 

6453.  Felixina  Hansell,  born ,  i860. 

[4B23.]  Jonathan  Edwards,  M.  D.,  sowoi  Jonatha7i  Edwards 
(3280)  and  Maria  Champion,  graduate  Yale  College,  1863,  and 
New  York  Medical  College ;  he  married  Februar}'-  28,  1882,  Marion 
Collins,  daughter  of  David  C.  Collins,  of  New  Haven,  Conn.  He 
died  in  New  Haven,  Conn,  June  19,  1886,  of  fever  contracted  at 
Rome,  Italy. 

[4B54,]  Percy  Steel  Tuttle,  daughter  of  William  Tuttle  and 
Ltccella  Steele,  (3304)  married  October  ir,  1832,  Emily  Hollister. 
Merchant  in  New  York  City. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6454.  Ellen  Tuttle,  born ,  1834,  married Howell. 

6455.  Mary  A.  Tuttle,  bom ,  1836. 

6456.  Lauren  A.  Tittle,  born ,  1838. 

[4Bfi5i]  William  A.  Tuttle,  son  of  William  Tnttle  and 
Lucella  Stede,  (3304)  married  April  17,  1838,  Mary  Rose.  Resi- 
dence, Big  Flats,  N.  Y.     He  died  April  4,  1864. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6457.  Margaret  L.  Tuttle,  born ,  1839,  married  Le  Grand  ISIcNulty. 

G458.  William  E.  Tuttle,  born ,  1842,  married  Frances  Bonham. 

6459.  Heury  L.  Tuttle,  boru ,  1S46. 

6400.  Charies  O.  Tuttle,  born ,  1S48. 

[4857.]  Minerva  Tuttle,  daughter  of  William  Tuttle  and 
Lucella  Steele,  (3304)  married  April  28,  1839.  Rev.  George  Lewis 
Foote,  Rector  of  Christ  Church,  (Episcopal,)  Newtown,  Conn.  He 
died  at  Morris,  N.  Y.,  November  7,  1S63.  Mrs.  Foote  resides  with 
her  son-in-law,  Rt.  Rev.  D.  S.  Tuttle,  Bishop  of  Utah,  in  Salt 
Lake  Cit}-. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
6461.  Harriett  M.  Foote,  boru  August  18,  1841,  married  D.  S.  Tuttle. 
(]4(52.  Rev.  Henry  L.  Foote,  born  twin,  married  Christine  Carr. 
6463.  Rev.  George  W.  Foote,  born  March  16,  1843,  married  S.  E.  Pidsley. 
6404.  Mary  T.  Foote,  bom  February  6,  1847,  married  Rev.  D.  B.  Miller. 

6465.  Frederick  R.  Foote,  bom  April  18,  1850. 

6466.  Sarah  K.  Foote,  bom ,  1852,  married  A.  W.  White. 

6467.  Charles  F.  Foote,  born ,  1854. 

[4B5B.]  Henry  Tuttle,  .son  of  William  Tuttle  and  Lucella 
Steele,  (3304)  married  March  24,  1848,  Laura  Penrose.  Residence, 
Sterling,  111.     He  died  Januar>'  12,  1879. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation:] 
6408.  Lauren  E.  Tuttle,  bora  Febmary  22,  1849. 
6469.  Charles  E.  Tuttle,  bora  August  29,  1851. 
<>170.  Clarence  11.  Tuttle,  born  February  ir,  1853. 

6471.  Ida  M.  Tuttle,  born  July  12,  1856. 

6472.  Marj-  L.  Tuttle,  bora  March  6,  i860. 

[4  BED,]  Ogden  Tuttle,  son  of  William  Tuttle  and  Lucella 
Steele,  (3304)  married  May  8,  i860,  Julia  A.  Camp.  Residence, 
Minneapolis,  Minn. 

Their  only  child  was  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6473.  William  B.  Tuttle,  bora ,  1861. 

[4BB1.]  Lucius  Tuttle,  son  of  William  Tuttle  and  Lucella 
Steele,  (3304)  married  June  17,  1863,  Sarah  E.  Biirt.  Residence, 
Coming,  N.  Y. 


Their  only  child  was  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6474.  Sarah  B.  Tuttle,  born ,  1864. 

[4BBlt]  Hejiry  William  King,  son  of  Leicester  King  and 
Julia  A.  Hunti7igton,  (3354)  married  at  Akron,  O.,  October  20, 
1842,  Mary  Crosby,  daughter  of  Doct.  Eliakim  Crosby,  of  Middle- 
bury,  O.  H.  W.  King,  graduated  at  Trinity  College,  1836.  Law- 
yer in  Akron,  O.     Secretary  of  State  1850. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6475.  Henry  Crosby  King,  born  September  17,  1843,  died  in  army,  1864. 

6476.  Julia  H.  King,  born  June  4,  1848,  married  H.  D.  Fisher. 

[4BB4,]  Leicester  Kijig,  son  of  Leicester  King  and  Julia  A. 
Huntington,  (3354)  married  December  10,  1844,  EH^o,  Purinton. 

[Zaccheus  Purinton,    of   Dover,    N.    H.,   married  ,    1760,    Anne 


(Rai,ph  Twombley,  with  wife  Elizabeth,  from  England,  Dover,  N.  H. 
He  died ,  1686. 

Secofid  Generation,  John  Twombley,  born  in  England,  married  April  18, 
1687,  Mary  Kenney,  daughter  of  Henry  Kenney,  of  Salem,  Mass.,  from 

Third  Generation,  John  Tzcombley,  born ,  1697,  married ,  1734, 

Martha  Vamey. 

(William  Varney,  from  England,  with  wife  Bridget,  Ipswich,  Mass. 
He  died  in  Salem,  Mass.,  1654.     She  died  1672. 

Second  Generation,  Humphrey  Varney,  bom  in  England,  married  1664, 
Sarah  Starbuck,  born  in  England,  daughter  of  Edward  Starblxk,  from 
Derbyshire,  England,  with  wife  Eunice,  to  Dover,  N.  H.,  1640. 

Third  Generation,  Ebcnezer  Varney,  born ,  1667,  married ,  1692, 

Mary  Otis. 

(Richard  Otis  came  from  Somersetshire,  England,  to  Dover,  N.  H.  He 
married  Rose  Stouton,  sister  of  Israel  Slouton,  of  Boston,  Mass,  and  daugh- 
ter of  Anthony  Stoughton,  of  county  Surry,  England.  Richard  Otis  was 
killed  in  the  attack  on  Dover,  16S9. 

Second  Generation,  Stephen  Otis,  born ,  1652,  married  x\pril  16,  1674, 

Mary  Pitman,  daughter  of  William  Pitman,  of  Dover,  from  England. 

Stephen  Otis  was  killed  at  Dover,  June  28,  1689,  in  the  attack  by  Indians. 
His  wife  and  children  were  carried  prisoners  to  Canada  ;  the  wife  being 
killed  on  the  way. 


Third  Generation,  Mary  Otis,  born ,  married ,  1692,  Ebenezer 

I  'arncy. 

Fourth  Generation,  Martha  Varney,  born  January  28,  T713,  luarried  — , 
1734.  John  Tivombley. 

Fifth  Generation,  Anne  Twombley,  born  April  10,  1740,  married , 

1760,  Zacchcus  Purinton.     She  died ,  1799. 

Sixth  Generation,  John  Purinton,  bom ,  1767,  married  Phebe  Beede, 

daughter  of  Daniel  Beede,  of  Kingston,  N.  H.  Daniel  Beede  was  one  of 
the  first  settles  of  Sandwich,  N.  H.,  in  1767.  He  was  a  delegate  to  the  revo- 
lutionary convention  at  Exeter,  1775.  Representative  to  1795.  Judge  of 
Common  Pleas  to  his  death,  1799.  John  Purinton  died  April  24,  18 13,  in 
Sandwich,  N.  H. 

Seventh  Generation,  x\'athaniel  B.  Purinton,  bom ,  married . 

Eighth  Generation,  Eliza  Purinton,  bom  May  15,  1S26,  married  Leicester 
^^^S>  naerchant  at  Warren,  O.  ;  pr.sidtMit  r.iilr(^:ul  iMnnvnn  :  i  aptaiti  seventh 
Ohio  regiment,  war  of  rebellion. 

Their  cliildreu  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
(>477.  Julia  K.  King,  bom  August  21,  1S45. 
G478.  I^icester  P.  King,  bom  Febmary  11,  1S47. 
6470.  Israel  II.  King,  born  July  26,  1852. 
(MSO.  George  W.  King,  born  March  24,  1854. 
C481.  Charlotte  P.  King,  bora  October  24,  1856. 
t>4S2.  Elizabeth  King,  bom  October  26,  i860. 

[4BB6.]  David  Leicester  King,  son  of  Leicester  King  and 
Julia  A.  Huntington,  (3354)  married  at  Charlestown,  Jefferson 
county,  Va.,  May  i,  1849,  Betty  Washington  Steele. 

[Col.  John  Washington,  born  at  Warton.  Lancashire,  England,  baptized 
1627,  son  oi  Leonard  Washington,  came  to  America  in  1657.  He  settled  at 
Bridge  Creek,  Va.,  on  the  Polamac.  He  married  near  Pope's  creek,  West- 
moreland county  Va.,  about  1660,  Anne  Pope.  He  was  a  member  of  the 
House  of  Burgesses,  and  died  January  — ,  1677. 

Second  Generation,  Laurence  Washington,  born  about  1661,  married 

1688-90,  Mildred  Warner,  daughter  of  Col.  Augustine  Warner,  of  Glou- 
cester, Va.,  and  died ,  1697. 

Third  Generation,   Augustine   Washington,   born  ,    1694,  married 

April  20,  1 7 15,  Jane  Butler,  daughter  of  Caleb  Butler,  of  Westmoreland, 
Va.  She  died  November  24,  1728.  He  married,  (second  wife)  March  6, 
1 731,  ^fary  Ball,  daughter  of  Col.  William  Ball,  of  Lancaster  county,  Va. 


Col.  Augustine  Washington,  died  April  12,  1743.  ^I^s.  Marj' Washington 
died  August  5,  1789,  aged  eighty-two. 

Fourth  Generation,  Betty  Washington,  born  June  20  1733,  married  Col. 
Fielding  Leivis.  She  was  a  sister  of  George  Washington,  "  Pater  Patria," 
■who  was  bom  February  22,  1732. 

Fifth  Generation,  HoweU  Leivis,  born  December  12,  1770,  at  Woodlawn, 
Culpeper  county,  Va. ,  removed  to  Kanawha,  Mason  county,  Va.  He  married 
in  Richmond,  Va.,  September  26,  1795,  Ellen  Hackley  Pollard,  born  Decem- 
ber 7,  1776,  daughter  of  Robert  Pollard,  of  Richmond.     She  died  , 

1834.     Howell  Lewis  died  December  26,  1822. 

Sixth  Generation,  Ellen  Jael  Lewis,  bom  January  28,  1802,  married  in 
Charlestown,  W.  Va./  Robert  McAmey  Steele,  son  of  Richard  Steele,  of 
Lexington,  Ky.,  and  his  wife  Martha  McAmey,  of  Kentucky  She  died 
October  4,  1850.     He  died  Febmary  27,  1826. 

Seventh  Generation,  Betty  Washington  Steele,  born  December  10,  1826, 
married  D.  L.  King.     Residence,  Akron,  O.     President  of  a  Railroad  Co. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
6483.  Ellen  L.  King,  born  June  13,  1850,  married  D.  R.  Paige. 
G4S4.  Betty  S.  King,  born  December  22,  1851,  married  J.  G.  Raymond. 

6485.  Howell  S.  King,  born  May  3,  1853. 

6486.  Susan  H.  King,  born  Jauuarj'  16,  1855. 

6487.  Martha  P.  King,  born  April  6,  1863. 

[4BBBi]  Helen  Dunbar  King,  daughter  of  Leicester  King 
and  Julia  A.  Huntington,  (3354)  married  May  i,  1862,  James 
Atkins.     He  was  in  1873  Collector  of  Customs,  Savannah,  Ga. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
64S8.  Joseph  L.  Atkins,  born  March  20,  1863. 

6489.  Julia  H.  Atkins,  born  July  8,  1865. 

6490.  Henry  K.  Atkins,  born  July  27,  1867. 

[4  B  B  B 1]  Catherine  Brinley  Kirtg,  daughter  of  Leicester  King 
and  Julia  A .  Huntington,  (3354)  married  at  Bloomfield,  O.,  Septem- 
ber 19,  1855,  Rev.  William  Kimbrough  Peyidleton,  L,,!^.  D.,  presi- 
dent of  Bethany  College,  Virginia.  Son  ai  Edinund  Pendleton,  of 
lyOuisa  county,  Va. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  ;] 

6491.  Clarinda  H.  Pendleton,  born  August  25,  1856. 

6492.  Huntington  K.  Pendleton,  born  September  7,  1861. 


6493.  Philip  Y.  Peudleton,  born  October  12,  1863. 
r)494.  Winston  K.  Pendleton,  bom  October  25,  1869. 
6495.  Dwight  L.  Pendleton,  bom  October  14,  1871. 

[43 BB.]  Rdicard  W.  Parsons,  son  of  David  Parsons  (3446) 
and  Elizabeth  IVii/iams,  (3405)  married  in  Hartford,  Conn.,  No- 
vember 28,  1839,  Caroline  M.  Stcbbins.  Residence,  Hartford, 
Conn.     President  of  Insurance  Company. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
ft49(>.  Elizabeth  W.  Parsons,  born  December  7,  1840,  married  F.  E.  Goodrich. 
0497.  Charles  H.  Parsons,  bom  April  7,  1843,  married  M.  A.  Mortimer. 

[4  3  B  B  •]  Charles  Henry  Parsons,  son  of  David  Parsons  (3446) 
arid  /Clicabeih  Williams,  (3405) married  in  Meriden,  Conn.,  Jantiary 
5,  1852,  Sarah  Riee,  daughter  of  Ezckiel  Rice,  of  Meriden. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
6408.  Ellen  M.  Parsons,  born  January  7,  1853. 
6499.  Francis  H.  Parsons,  born  January  23,  1855. 

[433  7.]  Richard  Chappdl  Parsons,  son  of  Thomas  Parsons 
(3448)  and  Frances  C.  Chappdl,  married  November  11,  1851, 
Sarah  Siarhceather,  lx)rn  October  22,  1829,  daughter  of  Samuel 
Starkweather,  of  Pawtucket,  R.  I.  Removed  to  Cleveland,  O. 
Speaker  of  the  Legislature  1859.  Appointed  by  President  Lincoln 
minister  to  Brazil.  Marshal  of  the  Supreme  Court  of  United 
States,  Washington,  D.  C,  1S72.     Member  of  Congress. 

Their  children  were  [Ix'ing  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

C.5OO.  John  S.  Parsons,  bom  May  4,  1854. 

6501.  Richard  C.  Parsons,  lx)m  October  29,  1858. 

6")02.  Fannie  C.  Parsons,  born  August  3,  1866. 

[433 B.]  Marion  Leeds  Parsons,  daughter  of  Thomas  Par- 
sons, (3448)  married  October  20,  1849,  George  Hinsdale  Burritf, 
bom  February  28,  1826,  son  of  Elijah  H.  Diirritt,  bom  April  20, 
1794,  son  oi Elilui  Burritt,  of  New  Britain,  Conn.,  and  Elisabeth 

[RoBKRT  Hinsdale,  wth  wiie  Anne,  from  England,  Detiham,  :\, 
1638 ;  removed  to  Hadley,  Mass.,  thence  to  Deerfield,  Mass.     He  was  killed. 


with  his  sous  Barnabas,  John  and  Samuel,  when  Capt.  Lathrop,  with  the 
"Flower  of  Essex,"  fell  at  Bloody  Brook,  September  i8,  1675. 

Second  Generation,  Barnabas  Hinsdale,  born  November  13,  1639,  mar- 
ried   ,  1666,  Sarah  White,  daughter  of  Elder  John  White,  of  Hadley, 

and  was  killed  as  before  stated. 

Third  Generation ,  Barnabas  Hirisdale,  born ,  166S,  married  Novem- 
ber 9,  1693,  Martha  Smith,  bom  March  — ,  1670,  daughter  of  Joseph  Smith, 
of  Hartford,  who  married  April  10,  1656,  Lydia  He^vitt,  daughter  of  Rev. 
Ephraim  Hewitt,  of  Windsor,  from  England.  Barnabas  Hinsdale  died 
January  25,  1725. 

Fourth  Generation,  John  Hinsdale,  born  August  13,  1706,  married  — ■ — , 
Elizabeth  Cole. 

Fifth  Generation,  Elijah  Hinsdale,  bom ,  1742,  married ,  Ruth 

Bidivell,  daughter  of  yrtW(?.y  Bidwell  and  Mary  Norton,  daughter  oi  John 
Norton.     Residence,  Hartford,  Conn. 

Sixth  Generation,  Elizabeth  Hinsdale,  bom  February  6,  1775,  married 
July  20,  1793,  Elihu  Burritt.     He  died  in  New  Britain,  Conn.,  Jan.  29,  1S27. 

Seventh  Generation,  Elijah  H.  Burritt,  bora  April  20,  1794;  graduated 
at  Williams  College ;  he  went  to  Milledgeville,  Ga.  ;  was  editor  of  a  news- 
paper; he  married  October  28,  1819,  Aniie  W.  Watson,  daughter  oi  John 
Watson,  of  Warreuton,  Ga.     He  went  to  Texas,  and  died  January  3,  1S38. 

Eighth  Gejieration,  George  H.  Burritt,  boru  February  28,  1826,  married 
Marion  L.  Parsons.     He  died  in  Santa  Barbara,  Cal.,  June  20,  1873. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
n.^O.'').  Richard  C.  Burritt,  born  January  11,  1856. 
<>o04.  Francis  V.  Burritt,  born  December  31,  1858. 

[G  n  D  D 1]  John  Caldwell  Parsons,  son  of  Fraticis  Parsons,  (3450) 
married  April  27,  i'&-]o,' Mary  Mc CI ellan,  born  May  31, 1844,  daugh- 
ter of  Doct.  ySanmcl  McClellan,  of  Philadelphia,  Pa.  She  died 
January-  22,  1871. 

Their  only  child  was  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
0505.  Francis  Parsons,  boru  January  iS,  1871. 

[SDDli]  Mary  Hooker  Parsons,  daughter  of  Francis  Parsons, 
(3450)  married  June  6,  1866,  Watson  Webb,  born  November  10, 
1833,  son  oi  James  Watson  Webb,  of  New  York  city,  and  Helen 
Lispenard  Stewart.     He  died  in  Oakland,  Cal.,  Dec.  3,  1876. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation ;] 

6506.  Francis  T.  Webb,  boru  September  26,  t868. 

6507.  Helen  L.  Webb,  boru  September  25,  1870. 

6508.  Elizabeth  N.  Webb,  bom  August  19,  1S76. 

[  G  D 1 B  ]  Mary  D.  Howard,  daughter  of  Charles  Howard  (3467) 
and  Elizabeth  Dzcight,  married  October  31,  i860,  Alexander  Ed- 
ward Andrews.  He  was  bora  in  Norwich,  N.  Y.,  April  11,  1834, 
son  of  Rev.  Edward  Andrexvs.  He  graduated  at  Hobart  College, 
New  York.     Lawyer  in  Binghainton,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
'r)09.  Charles  H.  Andrews,  boru  November  22,  1861. 
*V")10.  Edward  A.  Andrews,  born  September  21,  1863. 
*-")ll.  James  11.  Andrews,  boru  December  20,  1S71. 

[GDIS,]   Evelyn  Hart  Porter,  M.  D.,  son  of  Doct.   Samuel 

Porter  (Tf^-jqi)  and  P/annah  Johnson,  married ,  1825,  Hannah 

Gardner.     Residence,  Skaneateles,  N.  Y.     He  died  October  22, 
1865.     She  died  October  3,  188 1. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  tlic  nmiii  generation  :] 
(>.')12.  Mortimer  G.  Porter,  bom  October  16,  1826,  married  Emma  E.  Tallman. 
f>")i:}.  Sarah  M.  Porter,  born  August  i,  1828,  married  Lewis  S.  Thomas. 
r>.")14.  William  Porter,  born  August  29,  1S30,  married  Julia  Williams."^--^;^ 
(>515.  Isabella  Porter  born  June  3,  1833,  married  W.  P.  Rhodes.  (6543) 
tioie.  George  G.  Porter,  bora  February  12,  1835,  married  Mary  T.  Giflbrd. 
(mIT.  James  S.  Porter,  born  Deceml)er  19,  1837,  died  January  3,  1868. 
t;.')18.  Mary  E.  Porter,  born  May  i,  1840. 
G519.  Edward  F.  Porter,  boru  September  25,  1842,  married  Mary  F.  Lyon. 

[GDSDi]  Samuel  Addison  Porter,  .son  of  Doct.  Samuel  Porlet 
(3479)  and  Hannah  Johnson,  married ,  1839,  Isabella  Marshall. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

OijCU.  Addison  Porter,  born ,  1840. 

6.521.  Isabella  M.  Porter,  bora ,  1842. 

G522.  Horace  M.  Porter,  born ,  1844. 

[5D21i]  James  Gurdon  Porter,  son  of  Doct.  Samuel  Porter 
(3479)  and  Hannah  Johnson,  married  October  21,  1829,  Sarah 


[John  Grosvenor,  vnth  wife  Esther,  came  from  Cheshire,  England, 
Roxbury,  Mass.  He  died  September  26,  1691.  Mrs.  Esther  Grosvenor  died 
June  13,  1732. 

Second  Generation,  Ebenezer  Grosvenor^  bom  October  9,  1684,  married 
,  Esther  Clark. 

(Hugh  Ci,ark,  with  wife  Elizabeth,  from  England,  Watertown,  Mass., 
1640,  Roxbury,  Mass.,  1657,  Ancient  and  Honorable  Artillery  Company.  He 
died  July  20,  1693,  aged  eighty.     Mrs.  Elizabeth  Clark  died  Dec.  11,  1692. 

Secofid  Generation,  John  Clark,  born  October  13,  1641,  lived  in  Newton, 
Mass.  He  married ,  1684,  Elizabeth  Norman,  daughter  of  Hugh  Nor- 
man, of  Plymouth,  Mass. 

Third  Generation,  Esther  Clark,  born  March  i,  1692,  married ,  Eben- 
ezer Grosvenor,    Removed  to  Pomfret,  Conn. 

Third  Generation,  John  Grosvenor,  born  May  22,  1711,  married  May  4, 
1733,  Hannah  Dresser,  of  Woodstock,  Conn.     He  died  February  3,  1804. 

Fourth  Generation ,  Seth  Grosvenor,  bom  January  9,  1747,  married , 

1"] 6"],  Abigail  Key es.  t 

(SOLOMAN  Keyes,  from  England,  married  in  Newbury,  Mass.,  October  2, 
1653,  Frances  Grant.  Removed  to  Chelmsford,  Mass.  He  died  March  28, 
1702.     She  died ,  170S. 

Seco7td  Generation,  Solomon  Keyes,  born  Juiie  24,    1665,  married , 

1690,  Mary . 

Third  Generation,  Elias  Keyes,  born  October  17,    1692,   married  , 

1 7 14,  3Iar\' . 

Fouiih  Generation,  Stephen  Kyes,  born  July  15,  1717,  married ,  1743, 

Abigail  Peabody. 

(Francis  Peabody,  born  in  St  Albans,  county  Herts,  England,  came 
to  New  England  1635  ;  Hampton,  Mass.  He  married ,  1641,  Mary  Fos- 
ter, daughter  of  Reginald  Foster,  of  Ipswich,  Mass.,  from  England,  with 
wife  Mary.     He  was  of  the  Fosters  of  Bamborough  Castle,  Northumberland. 

Second  Generation,    William  Peabody,  born ,  1646,  married  August 

14,  T684,  Hannah  Hale. 

(Thomas  Hale,  with  wife  Tamasin,  from  England,  Newbury,  Mass., 
1635,  Haverhill,  1650,  died  December  21,  16S2.  Mrs,  Tamasin  Hale  died 
June  30,  1683. 

Second  Generation,  Thomas  Hale,  born  in  England,  married  May  26, 
1657,  3fary  Hitchinson,  daughter  of  Richard  Hutchinson,  of  Salem, 
Mass.,  and  wife  Alice,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Hannah  Hale,  born ,  married  William  Peabody. 



Third  Generation,  Richard  Peabody,  born  February  17,  1691,  married 
17 16,  Ruth  Kimball,  daughter  of /oAw  Kimball,  of  Boxford,  Mass. 

Fourth  Generation,  Abigail  Peabody,  bom  October  m,  1722,  married 
,  1743,  Stephen  Keyes.     Residence,  Pomfret,  Conn. 

Fifth  Generation,  Abigail  Keyes,  born  August  16,  1751,  married , 

1767,  Selh  Grosvenor.     Removed  to  Berkshire  county,  Mass. 

Sixth  Generation,  George  H.  Grosvenor,  bom  July  19,  1783,  was  a  cap- 
tain in  the  army  of  war  of  1812.  He  married  February  6,  1S09,  Mary  J. 
Beach,  daughter  of  Ashbel  Beach,  of  New  Hartford,  N.  Y.,  and  died  1S3S. 

Seventh  Generation,  Sarah  Grosvenor,  born  April  5,  18 10,  married  Octo- 
ber 21,  1^2^,  James  Gurdon  Porter,  of  Skaneateles  and  Lockport,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6523.  Lucia  M.  Porter,  born  July  — ,  1831. 

6524.  Laura  Porter,  born  Febmary  10,  1833,  married  C.  V.  S.  Roseveltf  /*?(Kh 
(5525.  Seth  G.  Porter,  bom  .August  19,  1835,  captain  P.  M.  steamship. -f«  t^//, 
652<).  Samuel  Porter,  born  November  29,  1837,  died ,  t868. 

0527.  Henr>'  Porter,  bom  March  15,  1839,  died ,  iS6 

G528.  Erederick  IJ.  Porter,  born  December  14,  1840,  died ,  1.104. 

6.529.  Stanley  Porter,  bora  July  5,  1842,  lieutenant,  killed  at  Bull  Run. 

6530.  Ben.  H.  Porter,  born  July  10,  1844,  lieut.  U.  S.  N.,  killed  at  Fort  Fisher. 

fv53I.  Maria  G.  Porter,  born  Feb.  23,  iS.^S.  married  Capt.  M^ing,  Ger.  Navy.  //tl^^v^iTTjQ 

[6D22.]  Ha7inah  Maria  Porter,  daughter  of  Samuel  Porter 
(3479)  ^"•^  Hannah  Johnsoji,  married  May  19,  1830,  George  Geddes. 

[Pa IT.  Geddes  and  wife,  Sarth  Fitzsimmons. 

Second  Generation,  James  Geddes,  born ,  1704,  married ,  Mar- 
garet Muir.     She  died ,  1783.  aged  eighty-four.     He  died ,  1764. 

Third  Generation,  William  Geddes,  bom ,  1735,  married  March  8, 

1762,  Sarah  Mc Allen,  who  died  December  9,  1773,  aged  thirly-nine.     He 
died  September  17,  1789. 

Fourth  Generation,  James  Geddes,  born  July  22,  1763,  married  May  5, 
1799,  Lucy  Jerome.     He  died  August  19,  1838. 

Fifth  Generation,  George  Geddes,  born  February  15,  1809,  married  Han- 
nah M.  Porter.     Residence,  Syracuse,  N.  Y.     He  died  October  8,  1883. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
6.532.  James  Geddes,  bom  November  19,  1831,  married  Frances  Ferry. 
6533.  Mary  Geddes,  bora  June  25,  1834,  married  David  Cossett. 

James  Geddes  and  Frances  had  George  Geddes,  bom  September  24,  i860, 
who  married  August  i,  1881,  Allie  Shout,  and  had  (tenth  generation)  *  *  * 
Robert  Geddes,  b^rn  Annl  70.  1S.S2. 


[  S  n  2  3 ,]  Mortimer  Porter,  son  of  Doct.  Samuel  Porter  (3479) 

and  Hannah  Johnson,  married  ,  A7ine   Woodruff,     lyived  in 

Viaeiand^J^'.'J.     He  died ,  1882.     She  died ,  1865. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6534.  Ella  Porter,  born ,  1842,  married  Azel  Franke. 

6535.  Erancis  Porter,  bom ,  1845. 

G536.  Anna  W.  Porter,  bom ,  1848.  ^dX^i  %^n^^ 

6537.  Mar}'  L.  Porter,  bom ,  1850,  marrie<r^  '    4   Martyn. 

[SDSSi]  Sydenham  Porter,  son  of  Doct.  Samuel  Porte? 
(3479)  and  Hannah  Johnson.  lyived  in  Vineland,  N.  J.  He  mar- 
ried   ,  Amayida  Blakesley. 

Their  only  child  was  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6538.  Mary  Porter,  bom  March  15,  1863. 

[SD3  3i]  Julius  Rhoades,   son  of  Doct.  Samuel  Rhoades  and 

Lucy  Porter,   (3481)  married ,  Elizabeth  Craig,  daughter  oi 

Archibald  Craig,  of  Schenectady,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6539.  Margaret  Rhoades,  bora, ,  1834. 

6540.  Archibald  Rhoades,  bora ,  1837,  surgeon  U.  S.  N. 

[6n34i]  Samuel  P.  Rhoades,  son  of  Doct.  Samtcel  Rhoades 

and  Lucy  Porter,  (3481)  married ,  Lucy  A.  Beach. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6541.  Augustus  Rhoades,  born ,  1S26. 

6542.  Elizabeth  Rhoades,  born ,  1828. 

6543.  William  P.  Rhoades,  born ,  1830,  married  Isabella  Porter.  (6515) 

[5n72i]  Margaret  Buell,  daughter  of  Oliver  BjicU  (3493) 
and  Polly  Wilcox,  married  November  29,  1830,  Leander  Norton. 
Residence,  Clinton,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6544.  Sarah  M.  Norton,  born  December  4,  1831,  married  E.  S.  Isbell. 

6545.  Caroline  C.  Norton,  bom  December  9,  1833,  married  H.  S.  Dolph. 

6546.  Edwin  N.  Norton,  bora  January  26,  1836,  married  Cynthia  Post. 

6547.  Henry  Norton,  bom  August  18,  1838. 

[5D  74i]  Elizabeth  Buell,  daughter  of  Oliver  Buell  (^2>A<^2))  ^^^ 
Polly  Wilcex,  married  September  3,  1835,  George  Stannard,  of 
Westbrook,  Conn.     She  died  December  8,  1845. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6548.  Hamlin  Stanuard,  boru  July  i8,  1836. 

6549.  Mary  E.  Stannard,  born  May  19,  1838. 

6550.  Susan  E.  Stannard,  born  April  9,  1840,  married  Andrew  C.  Doane. 

6551.  William  H.  Staunard,  bom  March  31,  1842. 

6552.  Charles  O.  Stannard,  bom  November  13,  1843. 
655;J.  George  O.  Stannard,  bora  November  27,  1S45. 

[6D76,]   Oliver  Buell,  son  of  Oliver  Buell  (i2>A9o)  ^n&  Polly 

Wilcox,  married ,   1847,   Hannah  A.    Watrous.     Residence, 

Chester,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6554.  Oliver  D.  Buell,  born  May  5,  1848,  died  March  25,  1864. 

6555.  Mary  h.  Buell,  born  September  22,  1S51. 
6.>i6.  Emma  A.  Buell,  bora  November  14,  1853. 
6ri57.  Ella  C.  Buell,  born  Febraary  23,  1859. 

[GD7Bi]  Elisa  Buell,  daughter  of  Oliver  Buell  (3493)  and 
Polly  Wilcox,  married  August  13,  1839,  William  A.  Bushnell. 
Residence,  Westbrook,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6558.  Edwin  W.  Bushnell,  born  June  23,  1840. 
655y.  Alice  E.  Bushnell,  born  Jan uarj'  11,  1845. 

6560.  Grace  A.  Bushnell,  born  June  25,  1855. 

(Edwin  W.  Bushnell  enlisted  iu  the  twelfth  Connecticut  volunteers,  Oc- 
tober 20,  186 1  ;  second  lieutenant  April  i,  1863;  first  lieutenant  August  21, 
1864.  With  Butler's  expedition,  ship.  I.  Miss. ;  Forts  Jackson  and  St.  Philip. 
Battles  of  George's  Lauding,  siege  of  Port  Hudson,  Donaldsonville,  Win- 
chester, Strasburg,  Fisher's  Hill,  New  Market  and  Cedar  Creek,  La. 

[5D7B.]  Adeline  Buell,  daughter  of  Oliver  Buell  (t,^()^')  and 
Polly  Wilcox,  married  February  9,  1843,  Martiyi  C.  Lawrence,  of 
Clinton,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6561.  Cecelia  A.  Lawrence,  bom  October  30,  1843. 

6562.  Mary  E.  Lawrence,  bora  May  15,  1845, 

6563.  Edgar  E.  Lawrence,  bora  January  19,  1847. 


[SD3  5,]  Isaac  Day  Poj'ter,  sou  of  Ezeklel  Porter  (3495)  and 
Mercy  Day,  married ,  1843,  Sarah  Drake.  Residence,  West- 
field,  Mass. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6564.  Marcus  M.  Porter,  bom ,  1S44. 

6565.  Sarah  D.  Porter,  born ,  1846. 

[5  D  3  B 1]   Caroline  Sibley,  daughter  of  Daniel  Sibley  aud  Hcp- 

zibah   Porter,  (3520)  married ,   1830,   Solomon    Yeomans,  of 

Meriden,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6566.  Ira  Yeomans,  born  April  7,  1831,  married  Anne  F.  Davis. 

6567.  Eliza  Yeomans,  born  August  6,  1833,  married  William  Eltou. 

6568.  Sarah  Yeomans,  born  July  9,  1835. 

6569.  Caroline  Yeomans,  born  August  6,  1S37,  married  Charles  Slater. 

6570.  Cynthia  Yeomans,  born  March  3,  1840,  married  Henry  Deming. 

6571.  Mary  Yeomans,  born  February  8,  1843,  married  Frederick  Elkins. 

[  fi  D  3  7 1]  Amanda  Sibley,  daughter  of  Daniel  Sibley  and  Hep- 
zibah  Porter,  (3520)  married ,  1836,  Jonathan  Wilkinson. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6572.  Leander  Wilkinson,  born  December  10,  1837. 

6573.  Goodwin  Wilkinson,  bom  December  7,  1839,  niarried  Emily  Davis. 

6574.  Lovell  Wilkinson,  bom  December  4,  1841,  married  Elsie  Davis. 

6575.  Charles  A.  Wilkinson,  born  July  7,  1843. 

6576.  Dwight  H.  Wilkinson,  born  June  7,  1846,  married  Emma  Puffer. 

[GDSBi]  Pamela  ►Sz'^/^,  daughter  oi  Daniel  Sibley  2iQ.d.Hep- 
zibah  Porter,  (3520)  married ,  1848,  Otis  Whittemore,  of  Lei- 
cester, Mass. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6577.  Cynthia  Whittemore,  born  July  17,  1849,  married  Arthur  White. 

6578.  Emma  Whittemore,  born  April  18,  1857. 

6579.  Flora  Whittemore,  bom  March  10,  1861. 

[5  D  3  3 1]  Aurelia  Sibley,  daughter  of  Daniel  Sibley  and  Hep- 
zibah  Porter,  (3520)  married ,  1853,  John  A.  Bartlett,  of  Port- 
land, Me. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
65S0.  Mary  E.  Bartlett,  bom  April  i8,  1854,  married  Edward  Greene. 

6581.  Addison  A.  Bartlett,  born  July  7,  1856,  married  Amanda  Clarke. 

[Sinn.]  Porter  D.  Sibley,  son  of  Daniel  Sibley  and  Hcpzibah 
Porter,  (3520)  married ,  1854,  Jane  Cooley,  of  Westfield,  Mass. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6582.  Emma  J.  Sibley,  born  October  7,  1848,  married  Edward  Shurtleff. 
658.3.  Porter  A.  Sibley,  bom  April  18,  1851. 

ft584.  Jane  C.  Sibley,  bom  May  i,  1853. 
0.585.  Eva  M.  Sibley,  bom  February  9,  1856. 

[G1D3.]  George  JV.  Sibley,  .son  of  Daniel  Sibley,  and  Hcpzi- 
bah Porter,  (3520)  married ,  \%^\,  Julia  Marsh,  2d, ,  1872, 

Amelia  Bardcn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
0.586.  Ella  J.  Sibley,  bom  August  r,  1858. 
A587.  Frank  E.  Sibley,  bora  September  7,  i860. 
65as.  William  Sibley,  born  April  18,  1862. 

6589.  Charies  A.  Sibley,  bora  May  i,  1865. 

6590.  Ida  Sibley,  bom  March  7.  1868. 

6591.  Alena  Sibley,  bom ,  1876. 

[61D4.]  Dwight  P.  Sibley,  son  of  Daniel  Sibley,  and  Hepzi- 
bah  Porter,  (3520)  married ,  1856,  Sarah  M.  Jay  cox,  of  Hart- 
ford, Conn. 

Their  only  child  was  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6592.  Mary  E.  Sibley,  bom ,  1859. 

[S12B.]  Auren  B.  Porter,  son  of  Aaron  Porter  (3525)  and 

Miriam  Beckley,  married ,    1842-3,  Jane  Smith,  daughter  of 

Halsey  Smith.     Residence,  Weathersfield,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

65'J3.  Alonzo  S.  Porter,  bora ,  1844. 

6594.  Auren  B.  Porter,  bom ,  1846. 

[filSBi]    William  H.  Porter,  son  of  Aaron  Porter  {t^^i^)  and 

Miriam  Beckley,  married ,  Martha  Belding. 

[Richard  Bklding,  from  England,    Veathersfield,  Conn. 


Second  Generation,  John  Belding,  born  iu  Englaud,  married ,  1653, 

Lydia . 

Third  Generation,  Joseph  B elding,  bom ,  1663,  married  October  27, 

1693,  Mary .  , 

Fourth  Generation,  Thomas  B elding,  born  September  9,  1700,  married 
,  1729,  Maiy  Mix. 

(Thomas  Mix,  from  England,  New  Haven,  Conn.,  1643,  married , 

1649,  Rebecca  Turner,  daughter  of  Capt.  Nathaniei,  Turner,  from  Eng- 
land, 1630,  Stanford,  Conn.,  1640,  who  sailed  for  England,  January  — ,  1646, 
in  that  ship  never  after  heard  from. 

Second  Generatio?t,  Rev.  Stephen  Mix,  born  November  1672,  graduated 
at  Harv'ard  College,  1690,  ordained  1694,  minister  at  Weathersfield,  Conn.; 
married  December,  i,  1696,  Mary  Stoddard. 

(Anthony  Stoddard,  came  from  England,  Boston,  Mass.,  1639.  His 
wife  Mary  Downing,  was  daughter  of  Emanuel  Downing,  who  married  in 
England,  Lucy  Winthrop,  daughter  of  Adam  Winthrop,  of  England,  and 
sister  of  Gov.  John  Winthrop,  of  Mass.  Anthony  Stoddard  died  March 
16,  1687.     Mrs.  Ivucy  Stoddard  died  January  16,  1647. 

Second  Generation,  Rev.  Solomon  Stoddard,  born  ,  1640 ;  Harvard 

College  1662  ;  minister  at  Northampton,  Mass.  ;  married  March  8,  1670, 
Esther  IVarham,  daughter  of  Rev.  John  Warham,  of  Windsor,  Conn.,  from 
England,  then  widow  of  Eleazer  Mathews.  He  died  February  11,  1720. 
She  died  February  10,  1736. 

Third  Generation,  Mary  Stoddard,  bom  January  9,  1671,  manied  Rev. 
Stephen  Mix.    He  died ,  1738. 

Fourth  Generation,  Maiy  Mix,  bom ,  1700,  married ,  Thomas 


Fijth  Generation,  Simeon  Belding,  born  April  18,  1739,  married  Novem- 
ber 3,  1765,  Martha  Lockwood,  bom  September  28,  1743,  daughter  of  Rev. 
James  Lockwood,  who  married  November  4,  1742,  Alary  Dickinson,  born 
January  26,  1725,  daughter  of  Elihu  Dickinson,  of  Weatherslield,  Conn. 

Sixth  Generation,  James  L.  Belding,  born  October  5,  1774,  married  — . 

Seventh  Generation,  Martha  Beldi7tg,  born ,  married  William  H. 

Porter.     Residence,  Weathersfield,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6595.  William  H.  Porter,  born ,  1846. 

6596.  Martha  B.  Porter,  bom ,  1848. 

6597.  Anthony  S.  Porter,  born ,  1850. 


[G14  7.]  James  II.  Porter,  son  o(  Anso?i  Porter  (3556)  and 
Mehitabcl  Mygatt,  married  January-  11,  1843,  Phebe  A.  Pendleton, 
daughter  of  W.  C.  Pendleton,  of  Westerly,  R.  I.,  a  descendant  of 
•Major /aw<?5  PendletoJi,  who  married  April  29,  1656,  Hannah  Good- 
€710,  daughter  of  Edmund  Goodeno,  and  wife  Anne,  fiom  Wilt- 
shire, England,  to  Sudbury,  Mass.,  1638.  James  was  son  of  Major 
Rkyan  Pendleton,  from  England,  with  wife  Eleanor.  J.  H.  Por- 
ter lived  in  Westerly,  R.  I. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
6.")98,  Harriet  H.  Porter,  born  September  11,  1843. 
0509.  Charles  A.  Porter,  born  May  12,  1848. 
<i(>0(t.  Carrie  L.  Porter,  born  October  9,  1S54. 
0001.  Minnie  R.  Porter,  bom  June  9,  1858. 

[GIG  2i]  Marietta  Andrews,  daughter  of  Selah  Andrews  (3540) 
and  Mary  Bacon,  married  April  14,  1852,  Butler  Warren,  of  East 
Hartford,  a  de.scendant  of  William  Warren,  of  Hartford,  from 
England.  Residence,  New  Briton,  Conn.  She  died  December 
12,  1858. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

•)('»0'J.  LeRoy  Warren,  born ,  1853. 

G<i03.  William  A.  Warren,  born ,  1855. 

[GIG  7,]  Leo7iard  D.  Porter,  son  of  Ethan  B.  Porter  (3545) 
and  Julia  Griswold,  married  January  11,  1858,  Sarah  Stevens. 
He  died  in  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  September  20,  1869. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
(kKM.  Nettie  J.  Porter,  bom  October  i,  i860. 
0()0.'i.  Martha  S.  Porter,  born  October  19,  1862. 
<'.G(J(>.  William  D.  Porter,  born  December  28,  1864. 
0007.  Charles  A.  Porter,  bom  June  25,  1866. 

[GlBBi]  Edwin  Porter,  son  of  Asahel  Porter  (3553)  and  Lucy 

Kelsey,  married   ,    182 1,   Catherine  Hubbard.      Residence, 

Bridgeport,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
0608.  Mary  J.  Porter,  bora  April  18,  1822. 
0<109.  Edwin  Porter,  born  July  16,  1824. 
01)10.  Henry  H.  Porter,  born  September  9,  1S26. 


6611.  Emily  Porter,  born  November  14,  1828. 

6612.  Harriett  Porter,  boru  August  6,  1830. 

6613.  William  A.  Porter,  bom  December  19,  1831. 

[GlBDi]  Otis  Porter,  son   oi  Asahel  /(?r/^r  (3553)  and  Lucy 

Ke.lsey,  went  to  NewViern,  N.  C. ,  where  he  married . 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6614.  Franklin  O.  Porter,  born  December  10,  182S. 

6615.  Catherine  M.  Porter,  born  November  4,  1830. 

6616.  Daniel  Porter,  born  January  10,  1833. 

6617.  Marj-  L.  Porter,  boru  Decembers,  1836. 

6618.  Asahel  Porter,  born  January  i,  1839. 

[Sia  Bi]  Royal  L.  Porter,  son  oi  Daniel  Porter  {^^'-^'^^  and  Polly 

Badger,  married ,  1832,  Sarah  A.  Pratt.     Residence,  Boston, 

Mass.     He  was  editor  of  the  "  Boston  Traveller,"  and  died  1844. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6619.  Royal  F.  Porter,  born ,  1834. 

6620.  Edward  G.  Porter,  born ,  1836,  in  18S7  in  Palestine. 

6621.  William  R.  Porter,  born  ,  1841,    lieutenant    nth   Massachussetts 

Volunteers.     Killed  August  29,  1862,  at  battle  of  Bull  Run  while  command- 
ing his  company. 

[S19Bi]  Walter  Andrews,  son  of  Stephen  Andrews  and 
Lovina  Porter,  (3556)  married  January  19,  1826,  Elizabeth  Stuart 
Cameron,  daughter  of  Charles  Cameron,  of  Prattsburgh,  N.  Y. 
He  died  at  Naples,  N.  Y.,  June  28,  1840. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6622.  Jane  F.  Andrews,  born  May  30,  1827,  married  S.  W.  Minor. 

6623.  George  I.  Andrews,  bom  May  18,  1831,  of  Quincy,  Mich. 

6624.  Charles  C.  Andrews,  born  March  17,  1834,  married  Harriett  Dunlap. 

6625.  Janet  Andrews,  bom  April  27,  1837,  married  Oliver  Wilson. 

6626.  Porter  I.  Andrews,  born  September  5,  1S39,  married  Amy  E.  Dunlap. 

[S13  3 1]  Emetine  Andrews,  daughter  of  Stephen  Andrews  and 
Loznna  Porter,  (3556)  married  July  4,  1821,  Horace  Walbridge,  of 
Stafford,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
6627    Mary  A.  Walbridge,  bom  January  14,  1822,  married  G.  S.  Whitman. 
6628.  Henry  H.  Walbridge,  born  May  13,  1824. 


THE   REV.    E.    G.   POiiTlOR. 
Boston.  Feb.  6.— Th«  B«v.   Kdward  Griffln  Po 
died   at   the   horr.»   of  his  nlstor,   Mrs.    Cp.rrntn. 
Dorrhftster.  to-day    ttv-r^  pneumonia.    He  was  s 
--;,->  ..     .  president  of  the  Nf^w- 
ty,    au    art've    meinbe 
bealdrts  bflonRin^  to  r 

.  t-  nik^itl'.nS 


6629.  LovinaE.  Walbridge,  bom  December  ir,  1825,  married  William  Abeel. 
66.30.  Jaue  F.  Walbridge,  born  December  13,  1827,  married  R.  II.  Hooker. 

6631.  Seliuda  C.  Walbridge,  bom  February  24,  1830,  married  C.  Whittaker. 

[52D2i]  Stephen  Porter  Andrews,  son  oi  Stephen  A7idre7vs 
and  Lovina  Porter,  (3556)  married  May  2,  1833,  Lucinda  Round, 
of  Potter,  Yates  county,  N.  Y.  Removed  to  Quincy,  Mich.  He 
died  October  14,  1867. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6632.  Wesley  P.  Andrews,  born  February  19,  1834,  married  Alice  Thomas. 

6633.  Lucretia  A.  Andrews,  bom  February  2,  1837. 

6634.  Samuel  E.  Andrews,  born  April  19,  1S38,  married  Ella  M.  Thomas. 
663.5.  Emeline  V.  Andrews,  born  December  29,  1840. 

6636.  Mary  F.  Andrews,  bom  September  20,  1847. 

6637.  Esther  A.  Andrews,  bom  February-  29,  185 1. 
66.38.  Nelson  H.  Andrews,  born  August  27,  1S52. 

[52D4.]  William  Andrexcs,  son  of  Stephen  Andrews  and 
Lovina  Porter,  (3556)  married  May  i,  1841,  I.ueinda  Vates  Pulver, 
daughter  of  Peter  Pulver,  and  Lovina  Concklin,  of  Jerusalem, 
Yates  county.     Residence,  Italy  Hill,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
6G39.  Adelaide  C.  Andrews,  born  April  6,  1842. 

6640.  Lovina  L.  Andrews,  born  September  5,  1843. 

6641.  Charles  W.  Andrews,  born  November  i,  1845,  died  February  9,  1870. 

6642.  Jerome  F.  .Vndrews,  born  March  2,  1S43. 

6r43.  Delight  C.  Andrews,  born  March  4,  1852,  married  J.  W.  Townscnd. 
6644.  Rose  E.  Andrews,  bom  March  4,  1855. 

[52DS.]  Nathaniel  Porter,  son  of  Nathaniel  Porter  (3558) 
and  Afary  Starkweather,  married  in  East  Hartford,  Conn.,  1830, 
Almira  Churchill.     Removed  to  Ohio, 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  ^neration  :j 
664.5.  Jane  Porter,  bom ,  1S31. 

6646.  Asahel  L.  Porter,  Ijorn ,  1833. 

6647.  Almira  C.  Porter,  born ,  1S36. 

rll'.-IS     TMii.-li;..-.  Tnr'.-r    l.n-ii   r^;:?;. 


[621Di]  Miranda  Porter^  daughter  oi  Job  Po7'fer  {2)5^^)  and 

Lydia  Kelsey,   married  ,    1830,   Horace  H.  Hills.      He  died 

November  30,  1847. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6649.  Lydia  M.  Hills,  born  April  15,  1832,  married  Newell  Lester. 

6650.  Francis  H.  Hills,  born  January  5,  1835,  married  Marie  L.  King. 

6651.  George  A.  Hills,  born  November  7,  1837,  married  Emma  A.  Wheeler. 

6652.  Alonzo  P.  Hills,  born  January  6,  1841. 

6653.  Kate  J.  Hills,  born  August  23,  1843,  married  C.  H.  Olmstead. 

6654.  Harriett  M.  Hills,  bom  April  18,  1847,  married  Frederick  Olmstead. 

[6211i]  Harriett  Porter  White,  daughter  of  y<?.yzaA  White  2jaA. 
Elizabeth  Porter,  (3564)  married  July  i,  1S29,  Edwin  Fay,  son  of 
Moses  Fay,  of  Rutland  Vt.,  whose  wife  was  Sarah  White,  daugh- 
ter of  Z^awzV/  White,  (3138.)  Edwin  Fa)'  removed  to  Georgia,  and 
was  a  planter  at  Rocky  Mount,  Merri wether  county. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6655.  Edwin  Fay,  born  May  17,  1832.     Teacher  in  Louisana. 

6656.  Sarah  F.  Fay,  born  February  6,  1835,  married  S.  Stoddard. 

6657.  Elethera  Fay,  born  January-  15,  183S. 

6658.  William  H.  Fay,  bom  March  i,  184J. 

6659.  Josiah  D.  Fay,  born  November  i,  184^. 

[5212,]  Olivia  H  White,  daughter  of  Josiah  White  and 
Elizabeth  Porter,  (3564)  married  March  i,  1841,  Rev.  James  Mc- 
Kee,  Presbyterian  minister  at  Orion,  Pike  county,  Alabama. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6660.  Edwin  L.  McKee,  born  November  3,  1843. 

6661.  Harvey  L.  McKee,  bom  March  10,  1846. 

6662.  Caroline  L.  McKee,  bom  December  13,  1848. 

6663.  John  M.  McKee,  born  March  15,  1851. 

[fi2B3i]  Edwin  S.  Porter,  son  of  Enos  Porter  (3615;  and 
Abigail  H.  Whaple,  married  Januar>'  21,  1858,  Mary  H.  Jackso7i. 
Residence,  Greensburgh,  Ind. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6664.  William  H.  Porter,  born  November  29,  1858. 

6665.  Charles  R.  Porter,  bora  November  20,  1861. 

6666.  Enos  Porter,  born  July  28,  1863. 


66G7.  Mar\'  h.  Porter,  bom  November  21,  1865. 
fW>S.  Edwiu  M.  Porter,  born  July  7,  1869. 

[62 3D.]  Epaphroditus  Porter,  son  q{  Judah  Porter  (3640) 
and  A7ina  Mann,  married  November  27,  1830,  Sybil  A.  Fuller. 
He  died  1859.     Residence,  Hebron,  Conn.     She  died  1873. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
CG<)5>.  Horace  V.  Porter,  lx)rn  December  17,  1831,  married  Mary  C.  Bissell. 
6(j70.  Helen  A.  Porter,  born  December  i,  1833,  married  Charles  Babcock, 
6071.  Henr}'  F.  Porter,  1x)rn  November  12,  1835,  married  Maria  F.  Gray. 

[S  2  3  3 1]  Mary  Anne  Porter,  daughter  of  Judah  Porter  (3640) 
and  Anna  Mann,  married  Febrtiar>'  18,  I'iyo,  John  Flavel  Bliss. 

[Thomas  of  Belstone,  Devonshire,  England,  came  to  Braintree, 
Mass.,  with  wife  .Var^an't,  1635  ;  remo\nng  to  Hartford,  Conn.,  1640,  which 
year  he  died.     She  died  in  Springfield,  Mass.,  August  28,  1684. 

Second  GeueralioH  Thomas  Bliss,  born  in  England ;  removed  to  Nor- 
wich, Conn.,  1662,  and  married  October  30,  1644,  Elizabeth .     He  died 

April  15,  1688. 

Third  Generation,  Satnnel  Bliss,  born  December  9,  1657,  married  De- 
cember 8,  1681,  Anne  Etderkin,  born  January — ,  1661,  daughter  of  John 
Elderkin,  from  England,  Norwich,  Conn.,  who  married ,  1660,  Eliza- 
beth Drake,  daughter  of  John  Drakk,  of  Windsor,  Conn.,  from  England. 
Samuel  Bliss  <lied  December  30,  1731.     Mrs.  Anne  Bliss  died  May  17,  1748. 

Fourth  Generation,  Rev.  John  Bliss,  born  October  23,  1690;  Yale  Col- 
lege 1710;  minister  at  Hebron,  Conn.,  October,  1717  ;  became  an  Episcopa- 
lian. He  married  (second  wife)  December  14,  1732,  Hannah  Post,  daughter 
of  Phinehas  Post,  of  Columbia,  Conn.     Rev.  J.  Bliss  died  I'ebruary  i,  1741. 

Pi/th  Generation,  Ellis  Bliss,  born  September  25,  1733,  married  (second 

wife)  April  30.  1770,  Grace  Ford,  born ,  1747,  daughter  of  Isaac  Ford, 

of  Hebron.     He  die<l  July  14,  1814.     Mrs.  Grace  died  October  15,  1829. 

.Sixth  Generation,  Benjamin  Bliss,  bom  July  11,  1776,  married  Septem- 
ber 2,  1801,  Lydia  Stron}^,  born  December  13,  17S2,  sister  of  Polly  Strong, 
who  married  Beta  Porter,  daughter  of  Daind  Strong  and  Atny  Carver. 
Mrs.  Lydia  Bliss  died  May  19,  1S31.     He  died  July  24,  1858. 

Seventh  Generation,  John  Flavel  Bliss,  born  August  20,  1806,  married 
I'ebruary  8,  1830,  Mary  Anne  Porter.  Removed  to  Oswego,  N.  Y,  where 
he  died  September  iS,  1S36.     She  die.l  December  19,  1852. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
6072.  George  Porter  Bliss,  born  November  iS,  1830,  married  Susau  V.  Crane. 

6673.  John  Homer  Bliss,  born  August  4,  1S32. 

[52B5i]  Francis  A.  Po7-te7\  son  oi  Judah  P01  ter  {^^iSfi)  and 

Anna  Mann,  married ,  1840,  Julia  A.  Hendee.     Residence, 

Andover,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6674.  Amelia  Porter,  born  December  2,  1841. 

6675.  Leonard  H.  Porter,  bom  November  i,  1843. 

6676.  Francis  E.  Porter,  bom  October  17,  1845. 

6677.  Abner  Porter,  born  December  8,  1847. 

[S313i]  Jar-vis  Porter  Lord,  son  of  Russell  Lord  and  Mary 
Porter,  (3650)  married  Harriett  Porter  Bill,  (4283.)  Residence, 
Lebanon,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6678.  Nelson  P.  Lord,  born  January  30,  1S31. 

6679.  Clarinda  P.  Lord,  born  September  3,  1833. 

6680.  Lydia  M.  Lord,  born  February  11,  1S36,  married  William  P.  '''odd. 

[S31Gi  Henry  Bliss  Porter,  M.  D.,  son  of  Rev.  Amasa  Por- 
ter (3652)  and  Sarah  Bliss,  married ,  1827,  Carol i?ie  H.  Collins. 

He  graduated  Yale  College,  and  was  a  physician,  Hartford,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6681.  John  Porter,  bom  January  8,  182S. 

6682.  Henry  C.  Porter,  born  April  ro,  1829. 
668f5.  Howard  A.  Porter,  bom  November  7,  1S31. 

6684.  William  W.  Porter,  born  May  25,  1834. 

6685.  Frances  M.  Porte*,  born  March  28,  1840. 

6686.  Charles  E.  Porter,  born  January  10,  1843. 

[SSlBi  David  Perrin  Porter,  son  of  David  Porter  (^3657)  and 
Jerusha  Sumner,  m.arried  February  4,  1845,  Mary  Robbins,  daugh- 
ter of  Solomon  Robbins,  of  Chaplin,  Conn.  Residence,  South 
Manchester,  Conn.     Merchant.     He  died  June  5,  1878. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6687.  Sarah  A.  Porter,  born  March  20,  1S46. 

6688.  Mary  O.  Porter,  born  April  21,  1848,  married  S.  H.  Chaffee. 


6689.  Isabella  J.  Porter,     ) 

6690.  Florilla  F.  Porter,      \  ^^''^  ^^^  ^5,  1851. 

6691.  Handel  R.  Porter,  born  .September  20,  1857. 

6692.  Wesley  B.  Porter,  born  August  18,  1859,  married  Mary  J.  Gould. 

6693.  Ada  C.  Porter,  born  May  16,  1868. 

[S3 2D,]   Theodore  B.  Porter,  son  of  David  Porter  (3657)  and 

Jeriishn  Sumner,  married ,  1850,  Sarah  A.   Chapmayt,  born 

October  lo,  1828,  daughter  of  Martin  Chapman,  who  married 
January  i,  182S,  Clarissa  Daniels.     Residence,  Hebron,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6694.  Herbert  H.  Porter,  born  September  16,  1852. 

669.5.  Julia  A.  Porter,  born  October  9,  1S54,  married  George  L.  Dewey. 

6696.  Mary  K.  Porter,  born  June  4,  1856. 

6697.  George  A.  Porter,  born  September  23,  1S57. 

6698.  Jane  S.  Porter,  bom  August  25,  1859. 

6699.  John  S.  Porter,  bom  March  i,  1862. 
67(K).  Frances  A.  Porter,  bora  May  4,  1S64. 

[6323.]  William  Truman  Porter,  son  of  David  Porter  (3657) 
and  Jerusha  Sumner,  married  March  31,  1851,  A?i?iis  E.  Collins, 
of  Nonvich,  Conn.     Residence,  Glastonbiir>',  Conn, 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6701.  William  H.  Porter,  born  February  24,  1853. 

6702.  Martha  E.  Porter,  born  Bebruary  18,  1855. 

6703.  Harriett  J.  Porter,  born  August  13,  1857. 

6704.  Charles  S.  Porter,  born  October  14,  1859. 
67(15.  PMwin  E.  Porter,  born  March  29,  1861. 

[S324i]  Henry  day  lord  Porter,  .son  of  David  Porter  (3657) 
and  Jerusha  Sumner,  married  1875,  Josephine  E.  Porter.  (5339.) 
Residence,  Hebron,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
670().  Ward  Porter,  born  October  16,  1877. 
6707.  Sumner  Porter,  born  November  3,  1879. 

[6325,]  John  Sumner  Porter,  son  of  David  Porter  (3657) 
and.  Jerusha  Sumner,  married  Jammrv  ">G.  i.'^59.  Electa  A.  Brown. 
Re.sidence,  Hebron,  Conn. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6708.  Anna  J.  Porter,  born ,  1861. 

G709.  Johu  S.  Porter,  bom ,  1864. 

[Sa3Di]  Joseph  Porter,  son  oi  John  Porter  (3660)  and  Frances 
Scoville,  married  August  24,  1864,  Hartiett  E.  Stevens,  bom  Oc- 
tober 14,  1844,  daughter  oi  John  Stevens  and  wife  Cordelia.  Resi- 
dence, New  Haven.  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

0710.  Frederick  S.  Porter,  boru  May  21,  1865,  died  April  12,  1S69. 

0711.  Grace  C.  Porter,  boru  May  5,  1870. 
6712.  Alice  M.  Porter,  boru  June  16,  1873. 

0713.  Joseph  S.  Porter,  born  vSeptember  15,  1876. 

6714.  Helen  S.  Porter,  born  November  29,  1S82. 

6715.  Donald  W.  Porter,  born  January  4,  1886. 

[G  3  51,]  Edward  Porter,  son  oi  John  Porter  (3660)  and  Frances 

Scoville,  married ,  1854,  Kate  L.  Stevens,  daughter  of  John 

Stevens  and  wife  Cordelia.     Residence,  New  Haven,  Conn. 

Their  only  child  was  [being  ot  the  ninth  generation  :] 
6710.  Raymond  W.  Porter,  born ,  1S55. 

[  S  3  4  3 .  ]  Harriett  Porter  Beldirig,  daughter  of  George  B elding 
and  Hanyiah  Porter,  (3666)  married  1819,  "Rev.  Jtilius  Steele. 

[John  Steele,  of  Hartford,  Conn.,  from  England. 

Second  Generation,  John  Steele,  bom  in  England,  married ,  1645, 

Mary  Warner,  bom  in  England,  daughter  of  Andrew  Warner,  from 
England,  Cambridge,  Mass.,  1632,  who  removed  to  Hartford,  Conn.,  and 
thence  to  Hadley,  Mass.,  and  died  DecemberjS,  1684.  John  Steele  died 
,  1664-5. 

Third  Generation,  John  Steele,  born  Novembers,  1647,  married  Ruth 
Jndd,  born  February  7,  1647,  daughter  of  Thomas  Judd,  of  Hartford,  from 

Fourth  Generation,  John  Steele,  bom  March  7,  1685,  married  December 
17,  1716,  Mary  Neiuell,  daughter  of  5a wwt'/  Nezvell,  of  Farmingtou,  son  of 
Thomas  Newkli.,  of  Hartford,  and  Rebecca  Olmstcad,  who  came  with  her 
imcle  James  Olmstead,  from  England  to  Hartford,  Conn.,  1635.  John  Steele 
died  April  2,  1751. 

Fijlh  Ceneiation,  Elisha  Steele,  hoxn  November  23,  1736,  married  March 
10,  1763,  Susannah  Strong. 


(Elder  JOHX  Strong,  from  England. 

Second  Generation,  Samuel  Strong,  bom  August  5,  1652,  married  October 
28,  1698,  Ruth  Sheldon,  bom  August  27,  1663,  daughter  of  Isaac  Sheldon, 
of  Windsor,  Conn.,  and  wife  Mary,  daughter  of  Thomas  Woodford. 

Third  Generation,  Samuel  Strong,  bora  February  11,  17 12-13,  lived  in 

Litchfield,  Conu.     He  married ,  1739,  Susannah  Brace,  born ,  1714, 

daughter  of  Henry  Brace,  son  of  Stephkn  Brack,  (or  Bracie)  of  Weath- 
ersfield,  Conn.,  from  England,  1644. 

Fourth  Generation,  Susannah  Strong,  bom ,  1742,  married  Elisha 

Steele.     He  dieil  October  16,  181 1.     She  died  January  i,  1813. 

Sixth  Generation,  Julius  Steele,  bora  December  29,  1786 ;  Yale  College 
181 1 ;  minister  at  East  Bloomfield,  N.  Y.,  and  White  Pigeon,  Mich.,  married 
Harriett  P.  Belding.  She  died  in  Ogdensburgh,  N.  Y.,  January  6,  1865. 
He  died  P'ebruary  20,  1849. 

Their  childreu  were  [beiug  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6717.  John  Steele,  bora  January  2r,  1820,  died ,  1846. 

6718.  Heur>'  T.  Steele,  born  July  8,  1821,  married  Rebecca  Knox. 

6719.  Harriett  Steele,  bom  August  26,  1823,  married  C.  A.  Davis. 

6720.  George  B.  Steele,  born  Septemljer  28,  1825,  died  unmarried  1849. 
0721.  James  P.  Steele,  bom  April  14,  1827,  died  unmarried  1857. 
6722.  Mary  J.  Steele,  iKjm  April  8,  1831. 

(>7'.?S.  Sarah  A.  Steele,  bom  8,  1834. 

[634B.]  George  Belding,  .son  of  Cnorgc  JJ elding  and  Hannah 
Porter,  (3666)  married  March  23,  1831,  Mary  Putnam. 

[This  ftlary  Putnam  was  a  descendant,  probably,  of  William  Putnam,  of 
Danvers,  Mass.,  (brother  of  Gen.  Israel  Ptitnam,  of  the  war  of  revolution,) 
who  was  bom  February  8,  1700,  sou  of  Joseph  Putnam,  of  Danvers,  who 
married  April  21,  1690,  Elizabeth  Porter. 

(John  Porter,  from  Dorsetshire,  England,  Salem,  Mass.,  1633. 

Second  Generation,  Israel  Porter,  bom  in  England,  married  Novenilier 
20,  1672,  Elizabeth  Hathome,  born  July  22,  1649,  daughter  of  William 
HaThorne,  of  Salem,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Elizabeth  Porter,  born  October  2,  1673,  married 
Joseph  Putnam. 

(John  Putx.\m  and  wife  Priscilla,  from  Aylesbury,  county  Bucks,  Eng- 
land ;   Salem,  Mass.,  1640.     He  died  December  30,  1662. 

Second  Generation,  Thomas  Putnam,  bom ,  16 18,  married ,  1643, 

Anne  Holyoke,  daughter  of  Edward  Holyoke,  of  Lynn,  Mass.,  from  Tam- 
worth,  Staffordshire,  England. 


Third  Generation,  Joseph  Putnam,  born  September  14,  1669,  married 
Elizabeth  Porter. 

The  children  of  George  Belding  were  [being  of  the  ninth  gen- 
eration :] 

(>724.  Mary  J.  Belding,  boru  November  10,  1833,  married  Uri  W.  Hart. 
G725.  Prudence  A.  Belding,  bom  October  21,  1836,  married  C.  A.  Wiugate. 

6726.  George  T.  Belding,  born  March  23,  1840,  married  LI.  C.  Worthingtou. 

6727.  Harriett  E.  Belding,  bom  October  23,  1842,  married  C.  R.  Minis. 

[53 B 3.]  Horace  Deivey  Dwight,  son  of  Israel  Dxtright  and 
Sally  Porter,  (3674)  married  January  31,  1833,  Laura  Hoadlcy, 
&QMgh.\.(tx  oi  Russell  B.  Hoadley.  She  died  July  15,  1846.  Resi- 
dence, Kirkwood,  N.  Y. 

Their  only  child  was  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6728.  Helen  M.  Dwiglit,  born  March  13,  1835,  married  Isaac  Bird. 

[S  3  B  3 .]  Alonzo  Dwight,  son  of  Israel  Dwight  and  Sally  Por- 
ter, (3674)  married  October  13,  1835,  Betsey  Hoadley,  daughter 
of  Russell  B.  Hoadley.     Residence,  Binghaniton,  N.  Y.     He  died 

October  25,  1S67.     She  died ,  1852.     He  married  (second  wife) 

Adelia  Hoadley,  sfster  of  his  first  wife. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6729.  Walton  Dwight,  born  December  26,  1S37,  married  A.  N.  Dusenbury. 

6730.  Webster  Dwight,  boru  Dectember  21,  1840,  27  N.  Y.  Vols.,  died  1862. 

6731.  Lucy  A.  Dwight,  boru  September  6,  1845,  niarried  Seymour  Coleman. 

6732.  Sarah  A.  Dwight.  born  October  7,  1850,  married  W.  L.  Ayer,  M.  D. 

6733.  Bessie  V.  Dwight,  bora  March  4,  1854,  married  T.  F.  McDonald. 

6734.  Ward  A.  Dwight,  bom  August  i,  1856. 

[S3BBi]  Sylvester  W.  Divight,  son  of  Israel  Dwight  and 
Sally  Porter,  (3674)  married  May  27,  1833,  Elizabeth  Stewart,  of 
Wilkesbane,  Pa.  He  was  quartermaster-sergeant  186  New  York 
volunteers,  in  war  of  rebellion.  Residence,  Addison,  N.  Y.  Mrs. 
Eli^^abeth  Dwight  died  July  19,  1865. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6735.  Sylvester  F.  Dwight,  boru  I\Iay  27,  1836,  married  Jennie  Dyer. 

6736.  Martha  S.  Dwight,  born  September  2,  1841. 


[S3B3.]  Chester  DwigJit,  son  of  Israel  Divight  and  Sally 
Porter,  (3674)  married  May  27,  1851,  Marietta  Langdon,  bora  at 
Salisbury,  Conn.,  daughter  of  D.  M.  Langdon.  Residence,  Kirk- 
wood,  111.,  and  Windsor,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
0737.  Harriett  M.  Dwight,  born  December  5,  1852. 
67;iS.  Ralph  L.  Dwight,  born  August  26,  1855. 
673!).  Myron  C.  Dwight,  born  January  5,  1858. 
0740.  Norman  P.  Dwight,  born  May  2,  1861. 
(1741.  Mary  E.  Dwight,  born  December  6,  1863. 

[5  3  7  D ,]  Orson  Dwight,  .son  of  Israel  Divight  and  Sally  Por- 
ter, (3674)  married  December  23,  1868,  Chloe  Oveida  Roffe,  daugh- 
ter of  Thomas  R.  Roffe  and  Amelia  W.  Canfield.  Residence, 
Alleg^iany,  Potter  county,  Pa. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
0742.  Jennie  O.  Dwight,  born  October  3,  1S69. 
()743.  Sally  A.  Dwight,  born  May  14,  JS71. 

[S3 73.]  Abby  A.  Porter^  daughter  of  Rosivell  Porter  (3676) 

and  Nancy  Shattuck,  married  ,  1831,    William  Champlin,  of 

Hamilton,   N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

0744.  Ellen  Iv.  Champlin,  born  June  5.  1832,  married  William  Hill. 

0745.  Abby  .\.  Champlin,  bom  April  18,  1S34,  married  E.  D.  Williams. 
()74e.  Lucia  Champlin,  born  May  24,  1836,  married  W.  C.  Williams. 
0747.  William  V.  Champlin,  boni  1840. 

[6  374,]  Lovisa  L.  Porter,  ^.W.v^nXQr  oi  Roswell  Porter  {T^^-je) 
and  Nancy  Shattuck,  married  January  — .  1837,  Preston  H.  Smith. 
She  died  Januar>'  22,  1850,  Hamilton,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
074S.  James  E.  Smith,  bom  1838,  married  Julia  A.  Cox. 

0749.  Henry  L.  Smith,  born  1840,  married  Rachel  Bronson. 

0750.  Abby  A.  Smith,  born  1843,  married  Silas  Clark. 

0751.  Althea  L.  Smith,  bora  1845,  married  Charles  Rollins. 


[5  3  7B,]  Esther  L.  Porter,  ^2i\x^\\.Qx  oi Roswell Porter  (3676) 
and  Nancy  Shatttuk,  married,  1839,  Moses  M.  Nash. 

[Thomas  Nash  came  from  England  to  Guilford,  Conn.,  1639;  New 
Haven,  1643,  died  May. 12,  1658.     Mrs.  Margery  Nash  died  Feb.  11,  1656. 

Second  Generation,  Timothy  Nasli,  born  in  England,  married ,  1657, 

Rebecca  Stone,  daughter  of  Rev.  Samuel  vStone,  from  England.  He  died 
March  13,  1699.     Mrs.  Rebecca  Nash  died ,  1709. 

Tliird  Generation,  John  Nash,  born  August  21,  1667,  married  November 
27,  1691,  Elizabeth  Kellogg,  born  October  9,  1673,  daughter  of  Joseph  Kel- 
logg of  Hadley,  Mass.,  from  England.  She  died  July  4,  1750.  He  died 
October  7,  1743. 

Fourth  Generation,  John  iVash,  born  July  2,  1694,  removed  to  Amherst, 
Mass.  He  married  November,  1716,  Hannali  Ingrahain,  born  October  17, 
1697,  daughter  oi  John  IngraJia>n,o{  Hadley,  who  married  June  26,  16S9, 
Mehitabel  Dicttinson. 

(Nathaniel  Dickikson,  from  England  to  Weathersfield,  Conn.,  1637. 

Second  Generation,  John  Dickinson,  born ,  married,  1646,  Frances 

Foote,  daughter  of  Nath.\niel  Foote  of  Weathersfield,  Conn.,  from  Eng- 
land.    He  died ,  1676. 

Ttiird   Generation,  Mehitabel  DicJcinsou,   born   ,    166S-9,   married 

John  Ingrahani. 

Fijth   Generation,  John   Nash,  born  ,  173S,  married  April  27,  1775, 

Mary  Graves,  born  February  26,  1739,  daughter  of  Elnathan  Graves  of 
Hadley,  and  JMartha  Dickinson,  daughter  oi  Nathaniel  Dickinson. 

Sixth  Generation,  Moses  Nash,  born  December  20,  1767,  married  August 
16,  1692,  Salome  Leiuis,  daughter  q{  Noadiah  Lewis  of  Farmington,  Conn. 
Moses  Nash  died  in  Amherst,  Mass.,  1841. 

Seventh  Generation,  Moses  M.  Nash,  born  ,  1808,  married  Estha 

L.  Porter.     Residence,  Hamilton,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
0752.  Ellen  M.  Nash,  born  1S40,  married  Edward  F.  Randolph. 

6753.  Emma  L.  Nash,  born  1S42,  married  C.  A.  Whittaker. 

[5377.]  Oi'lajido  Porter,  son  of  Roswcll  Porter  (3676)  and 

Nancy  Shattuck,   married  ,  1843,  Lethea   Cross.     Residence, 

Hamilton,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6754.  Ivilly  J.  Porter,  born  1844. 

6755.  Nelly  M.  Porter,  born  1S46,  married  Henry  C.  Ford. 


[6375,]  Mcnzo  IF.  Porter,  son  of  y?^raW/ /l^r/^r  (3676)  and 

Nayicy  Shaiiuck,  married  ,    1844,  Anna  Muir.     Residence, 

Hamilton,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
6750.  Elbert  Porter,  bom  1845. 

6757.  Azro  Porter,  boru  1S47. 

6758.  Alice  Porter,  born  1849. 

6759.  Edwin  Porter,  born  1S51. 

[53  79,]    Williavi   Stratford  Porter,   son   of  Rostucll  Porto 

(3676)  and  N^ancy  Shattuck,  married ,  1S57,  Theresa  Sheperd- 

son.     Residence,  Olean,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6760.  Genevieve  J.  Porter,  born  Julj'3i,  1S5S,  married  O.  G.  Farrar. 
67(;i.  Maynard  R.  Porter,  born  May  16,  1862. 

r>7(i_'.  Cora  I).  Porter,  bcru  January  29,  1S68. 

[63BD,]  'Harley  C.  Beede,  son  o{  NaihanicL  Bcebc  and  Anna 

Porter,  (3678)  married  ,  1835,  Dolly  Hall.     Residence,  Clay- 

ville,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
676."^.  Clarence  H.  Beebe,  born  January  10,  1836,  married  Lucy  A.  Griswold. 
0764.  Frances  L.  Beebe,  born  October  20,  1843,  married  J.  C.  Darlintj. 
676.').  Ellen  F.  Reebe,  bom  June  12,  1847. 
67()(i.  Charles  L.  Beebe,  born  February  21,  1S54.     Died  1S73. 

[53B1,]  Elijah  Porter  Beebe,   son   of  Nathaniel  Beebe  and 

Anna   Porter,    (3678)    married  ,    1834,    Marcia   Sprague,  of 

Smyrna,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6767.  Merton  Beebe,  bom  1835. 

6768.  Manila  M.  Beebe,  bora  1S37,  m;irricd  Nelson  Temple. 

6769.  Mordaunt  Beebe,  bom  1839. 

6770.  Watson  Beebe,  born  1841,  killed  at  Port  Hud.son. 

6771.  Adelbert  Beebe,  boru  1843. 

[53B2i]   Rasselas    O.    Beebe,    son   of  Nathaniel  Beebe  and 

Anna   Porter,    (3678)    married   ,    1838,    Maria    Ten-Broeek. 

Residence,  Hamilton,  N.  Y. 


[DiRCK  Wessels  Tex-Broeck  came  from  Holland  to  Albanj-,  about 
1660  ;  was  a  trader  and  fur  dealer  ;  first  recorder  of  Albany  ;  mayor,  1695  to 
1698.  Died  September  18,  1717.  He  married  Christina  Van  Buren,  daugh- 
ter of  Cornelis  Maase-Van  Buren  and  wife  Catalyntie  Martense,  from 

Second  Generation,  Johanyias  Tcn-Broeck,  born ,  married  December 

29,  1714,  Catryna  Van  Rensselaer. 

(KlLiAN  Van  ■Rkxssklakr,  a  merchant  in  Amsterdam,  Holland. 
Died ,  1646. 

Second  Generation,  Jereinias  Van  Rensselaer,  married ,  1662,  Maria, 

AsM^)i\.&T  oi  Oloff  Stevense  Van  Cortlandt.  She  died  January  29,  1689.  He 
died  October  12,  1674. 

Third  Generation,  Hendrick  Van  Rensselaer,  bom ,  married  March 

19,  1689,  Catherina  Van  Priigh,  born  April  19,  1665,  daughter  of  Johannes 
PiETERSE  Van  Brugh,  of  Albany,  from  Harlaaem  Holl.,  who  married  March 
29,  1658,  Catryna  Roeloffse,  daughter  of  the  noted  Anneka  Janse,  and  her 
husband  Roeloffe  Jansen,  who  came  from  Holland,  1630,  to  New  York. 
Hendrick  Van  Rensselaer  died  in  Greenbush,  N.  Y.,  July  2,  1740.  She  died 
December  6,  1 730. 

Fourth  Generation,  Cattyna  Van  Rensselaer,  born  January  i,  1692,  mar- 
ried Johannes  Ten-Droeck. 

Third  Generation,  Dirck  Wessels  Tcn-Broeck,  born  October  30,  17 15, 
married  June  28,  1743,  Catryna  Conyn. 

rHii.ip  Leendertse  Conyn  with  wife  Agnietie,  came  from  Holland  to 
Albany,  1655.     He  died ,  1704. 

Second  Generation ,  Philip  Conyn,  born  — ,  married,  16S2,  Wynlie  Dirkse. 

Third  Generation,  Philip  Conyn,  bom  January  29,  1694,  married,  1720, 
Catryna . 

Fourth  Generation,  Catiyna  Conyn,  born  ,  married  Dirck  IV.  Ten- 
Brae  ck. 

Fifth  Generation,  Dirck  Ten-Broeck,  born  ,  married  ,  Cornelia 


Sixth  Generation,  Peter  Stuyvcsayit  Tcn-Broeck,  lx)rn  January  26,  1792, 
married . 

Seventh  Generation,  Maria  Tcn-Broeck,  boni  ,  married  Rasselas  O. 

Beebe.     Residence,  Hamilton,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6772.  Fraucelia  Eeebe,  bom  1S39. 

6773.  Elizabeth  Beebe,  bom  1841. 

6774.  Hariey  C.  Beebe,  born  1843. 


[5385.]  Afary  Elizabeth  Porter,  daughter  of  Elisha  P.  Por- 
ter (3685)  and  Mary  C.  Porter,  (3688)  married  April  3,  1S53, 
He7try  A.  Spafford  (5389.)     Removed  to  Pennsylvania. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
6775.  Elisha  P.  SpafFord,  bom  January  7,  1854,  married  Sophronia  Abel. 
G77(».  Emily  P.  SpafTord,  born  January  26,  1S57,  married  J.  E.  Tucker. 
0777.  Henry  E.  Spaflbrd,  born  November  13,  i860,  married  M.  S.  Breed. 
G778.  Mary  F.  Spafford,  born  January  22,  1865. 
(»779.  John  A.  Spaflbrd,  bom  August  21,  1S71. 

[639 D.]  Rev.  Addison  Kellogg  Strong,  .son  of  Rev.  Salmon 
Strong  and  Rachel  P.  Kellogg  (3689)  ;    graduate  Hamilton  Col- 
lege,   1842.     He   married  September    10,    1841,    Matilda    '"'"l- 
Secontl  wife,  Medora  Elder.     Residence,  Harrisburg,  Pa. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
U780.  Mary  E.  vStrou}^,  bom  1842. 
r>781.  Edward  K.  Strong,  born  1S44. 
6782.  Louisa  vStrong,  bom   1847. 
678.^.  Anna  Strong,  born  1S49. 
0784.  Sarah  E.  Strong,  born  1S52. 

[6391.]  Edward  Kellogg  St >  UN !^,  sou  of  Rev.  Salmon  Strong 
and  Rachel  P.  Kellogg,  (3689)  married  July  8.  1852,  at  Ogdens- 
burg,  N.  Y.,  Elizabeth  Fine. 

[James  Fikh,  born  ,  1745,  in  New  York  city,  married  ,  Eliza- 
beth Cooke,  daughter  oi  John  Cooke  and  Elizabeth  Lefferts,  of  New  York 
city.     He  died  in  New  York  city ,  1795. 

Second  Generation,  John  Pine,  born ,  1784  ;  graduate  of  Columbia 

College,  1809;  studied  law  at  Citchfield,  Conn.;  removed  to  St.  Lawreuce 
county,  N.  Y.,  1S15  ;  judge  of  county  court  1824  to  1838  ;  member  of  Con- 
gress, 1838  to  1844  ;  stale  senator,  1848.  He  died  in  Ogdeusburgh,  January 
4,  1867.  He  married  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  by  Bishop  White,  March,  1820, 
Martha  Gurney,  daughter  of  Francis  Cumcy,  of  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Francis  Gurney,  born  in  Montgomery  county,  Pa.,  1738;  served  in  the 
English  army  in  1756,  against  the  French  and  Indians  in  Canada,  and 
against  the  French,  West  India  Islands.  In  1775  he  was  a  captain  in  the 
American  army,  and  in  1776,  lieutenant-colonel  in  the  nth  regiment  of  the 
Pennsylvania  Hue  ;  colonel,  1786  to  1799,  when  he  was  promoted  to  briga- 
dier-general, serving  in  the  western  insurrection.     He  became  a  prominent 


shipping  uiercbant  in  Philadelphia,  and  died  May  25,  1S15,  aged  seveuty- 
seven  years.  His  wife  was  Mary  Porteificld,  bom  in  Scotland,  daughter  of 
AivEXANDER  PORTERFIELD,  captain  of  a  merchant  vessel  sailing  between 
Glasgow  and  Boston. 

Mrs.  Martha  Fine  died  Dec.  i,  1862.    Judge  John  Fine  died  Jan.  4,  1867. 

Third   Generation,  Elizabeth  Fine,  born  ,  1825,  at  Ogdensburgh, 

N.  Y.,  married  £".  K.  Strong.  He  died  in  Milwaukee,  Wis.,  September  13, 
1S63.     Mrs.  Elizabeth  Strong  resides  in  1888  in  Ogc^nsburgh. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
6785.  John  Fine  Strong,  bom  April  15,  1853.     Died  July  2,  1874. 
678G.  Addison  K.  Strong,  born  November  3,  1S54. 

G787.  Thomas  F.  Strong,  born  October  i,  1856,  married  Alice  G.  Morgan. 
G7SS.  Gumey  S.  Strong,  bora  February  19,  1858. 
G789.  Edward  D.  Strong,  born  Dec.  17,  1S59.     Residence,  Detroit,  Mich. 

6790.  Charlotte  M.  Strong,  born  Dec.  28,  1861,  married  John  C.  Howard. 

[542  B .]  John  T.  Doolilile,  son  ot  Joel  Doolittlc  and  Sarah  P. 
Fitch,  (3777)  married  March  14,  1838,  Anne  M.  Marshall,  of 
Painesville,  Ohio. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  nintl;  generation:] 

6791.  Joel  M.  Doolittle,  born  March  15,  1S39. 

G792.  Sarah  E.  Doolittle,  born  Nov.  2,  1S40,  married  B.  G.  Wilkinson. 
G793.  Charles  E.  Doolittle,  bom  April  12,  1842,  married  Juliet  Wilcox. 

6794.  John  T.  Doolittle,  born  October  31,  1844. 

6795.  Robert  E.  Doolittle,  born  December  i,  1851,  married  Alice  Andrews. 

6796.  Hubert  M.  Doolittle,  bora  March  25,  1S53. 

6797.  Mary  E.  Doolittle,  born  April  — ,  1859. 

[542  7.]  Charles  H.  Doolittle,  son  oi  Joel  Doolittlc  and  Sarah 
P.  Fitch,  {2>m)'^  removed  to  Huron,  O.,  1837;  Elyria,  O.,  1850. 
He  married ,  1843,  Elizabeth  Kemp. 

Their  only  child  was  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6798.  Mary  L.  Doolittle,  bora  1845,  married  W.  H.  Searle. 

[5430.]  Elizabeth  B.  Doolittle,  daughter  oi  Joel  Doolittle  owd 
Sarah  P.  Fitch,  (3777)  manied  //.  C  Gray.  Editor  and  publisher, 
Painesville,  O. 

.Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  ;J 

6799.  Elizabeth  P.  Gray,  born  1S46,  married  H.  C.  Welles. 

6800.  Alice  G.  Gray,  bora  1S48,  married  R.  M.  Murray. 


r>801.  Katheriue  Gray,  born  1S50. 
OS(VJ.  William  C.  Gray,  horn  1852. 

[6431.]  Mark  R.  Doolittlc,  sou  oi  Jod DoolMe  and  Sarah  P. 
Fitch,  izill^  married  Alta  P.  Briggs.     Resideuce,  Painesville,  O. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
C803.  George  Doolittlc,  boru  1S48. 

()S04.  Mark  R.  Doolittle,  born  1850,  married  Nora  Huntoou. 
n8ii5.  Kate  Doolittle.  boru  1852,  married  A.  L.  Gardner,  M.  D. 
mm.  Alta  P.  Doolittle,  born  1855. 

[6472.] /tf//?d'5  Safford  PofUr,  son  of  Hi? am  Porter  {2,191^ 
and  Nancy  A.  Chapman,  married  in  Bazetta.  O.,  September  12, 
1S62,  Phebc  Annette  Meek.     Residence,  Fowler,  O. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
(>S'i7.  Minnie  A.  Porter,  born  August  2,  1S64. 
rkSOS.  Nellie  B.  Porter,  born  September  2,  1867. 
(JSIH).  Mabel  I.  Porter,  lx)ni  October  24,  1871. 

[64  Bl.]  Sarah  S.  Porter,  daughter  of  Barnabas  S.  Porter 
^3*^15)  and  Pamela  IV.  /?aten/>ort,  married  June  22,  1854,  Austin 
D.  Bates.     Residence,  Conway,  Mass. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
()S1(».  Laura  T.  Hates,  born  November  i,  1856. 
<}S11.  Henry  A.  Bates,  born  Marcb  23,  1861. 
<>.^I2.  Mary  C.  Hates,  born  June  29,  1S65. 

[54 B 2.]  Henry  Davenport  Porter,  son  o{ Barnabas  S.  Porter 
(3815)  and  Pamela  IV.  Davenport,  married ,  1856,  Plla  Park- 
inson, of  Greenfield,  Mass.     He  died  Januar}'  29,  1870. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
0813.  Harriett  S.  Porter,  born  June  21,  1857. 
(iS14.  Mary  E.  Porter,  born  February  12,  1859. 
6815.  Barnabas  S.  Porter,  bom  Marcb  8,  1862. 

[54B3.]  Lydia  IV.  Porter,  daughter  of  Barnabas  S.  Porter 

(3815)    and   Pamela  IV.   Davenport,   married  ,    1857,    Henry 

Deicey,   of  Coleraine,       Residence,    Griswoldville,    Mass. 
She  died  October  21,  1875. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

0816.  Oscar  H.  Dewey,  born  April  25,  1858,  married  Nettie  Howard. 

0817.  Clara  E.  Dewey,  bora  March  3,  i860,  married  A.  E.  Denisou. 
6818.  Fred  E.  Dewey,  born  January  31,  1862. 

0819.  Charles  C.  Dewey,  born  September  29,  1S69. 

[54 B4.]  Rii/us  C.  Porter,  son  of  Barnabas  S.  Porter  {2)^i^) 
and  Pamela  IV.  Davenport,  married  ,  1868,  Linda  A.  Fair- 
banks, of  Heath,  Mass.     Residence,  Heath,  Mass. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  ;] 

0820.  Anna  L.  Porter,  born  May  31,  1869. 

6821.  Henry  L.  Porter,  born  April  7,  1871. 

6822.  George  R.  Porter,  born  February  14,  1 873. 

6823.  Myrtie  L.  Porter,  born  June  3,  1875. 

6824.  Clarence  W.  Porter,  born  February  19,  1S7S. 

[64BBi]  Huldah  P.  Po)ter,  daughter  of  Barnabas  S.  Porter 

(3815)  and  Pamela  W.  Davenport,  married ,  1865,  David  Y. 

Dewey,  of  Coleraine,  Mass.     She  died  December  9,  1875. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6825.  Jesse  L.  Dewey,  born  April  14,  1S66. 

6826.  Myra  E.  Dewey,  born  June  28,  1869. 

6S27.  Gertrude  E.  Dewey,  born  November  14,  1872. 

6828.  William  H.  Dewey,  born  November  26,  1S74. 

[eeB4,]  Dillon  T.  Buell,  son  oi  James  Buell  (3888)  and 
Triphenia  Bailey,  married  January  — ,  1826,  in  Lebanon,  Conn., 
Sa7-ali  Ti-appe,  daughter  of  yia!(5<?2'  Trappe  ?i\\d  wife  Lucy,  of  Leb- 
anon, Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

6829.  Charles  W.  Buell,  bora  October  2,  1826,  married  Sarah  Welles. 

6830.  Henry  C.  Buell,  born  June  9,  1828. 

6831.  I,ucretia  J.  Buell,  born  July  19,  1830,  married  Chauucey  Crosby. 

6832.  James  H.  Buell,  bora  June  i,  1832,  married  Mary  Bearse. 

6833.  Madison  Buell,  born  July  31,  1834,  married  Kate  Tillinghast. 

[  G  S  B  S 1]  Lueretia  Hyde  Buell,  daughter  oi  James  Bncll  (38S8) 
and  Triphenia  Bailey,  married  in  Lebanon,  Conn.,  1817,  Erastus 
IV,  Clark.  Removed  to  Duanesbuig,  N.  Y.  She  died  in  Vernon, 
N.  Y.,  May  3,  i860. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
6834.  Delia  B.  Clark,  born  June  9,  i8r8,  married  N.  Metcalf. 
68;>">.  Auria  B.  Clark,  born  November  19,  1819,  married  William  Seymour. 
G83().  Harriett  E.  Clark,  boru  December  5,  1821,  married  W.  J.  Clark. 
(5837.  James  M.  Clark,  born  March  i,  1824,  banker  in  New  York  City. 
0638.  Nancy  C.  Clark,  born  April  i,  1830. 
6.S39.  Parker  H.  Clark,  bom  June  13,  1833. 
(i840.  William  F.  Clark,  boru  May  i,  1836. 

[6  SB  7.]  Nancy  Eliza  Buell,  daughter  oi  James  Ducll  (3888) 
and  Triphenia  Bailey,  married  September  20,  1830,  at  Westmore- 
land, N.  Y.,  Abraham  H.  Halleck. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6841.  Samuel  P.  Halleck,  born  February  30,  1835. 

6842.  William  C.  Halleck,  bom  October  9,  1836. 

6843.  James  H.  Halleck,  bom  April  23,  1840. 

6844.  Amelia  B.  Halleck,  boru  October  26,  JS45. 

6845.  Abel  B.  Halleck,  Ixirn  December  23,  1848. 

[6  6  B  B 1]  James  Madison  Bucll,  son  of  James  Buell  (3888)  and 
Triphenia  Bailey,  married  in  Rome,  N.  Y.,  April  24,  1834,  Sarah 
Pope,  daughter  of  Sampson  Pope,  of  Rome,  and  his  wife  Lydia 
Damon.     He  died  in  Utica,  N.  Y.,  August  25,  1868. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6846.  Sarah  E.  Buell,  born  September  20,  1840,  married  H.  B.  Curran. 
()847.  Ella  Buell,  born  December  8,  1853, 

[653G.]  Henry  A IJred  Porter,  son  oi  Henry  C.  Porter  {'^%C)C)) 
and  Sarah  C.  Dodge,  (4587)  married  September  12,  1850,  Lucilla 
Sayre,  daughter  oi  John  Sayre,  of  Plainfield,  N.  J. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  genor.nlion  :] 

6848.  Alfred  Stuart  Porter,  born  Septembel-  i,  1852. 

6849.  Lucilla  C.  Porter,  born  October  27,  1859.     Died  March  10,  1S68. 
'^i'^'iO.  Frederick  D.  Porter,  bora  October  22,  187 1. 

[S5BB.]  John  Stuart  Porter,  son  of  Henry  C.  Porter  (3896) 
and  Sarah  C.  Dodge,  (4587)  married  Mary  Louise  Thicker,  daugh- 
ter of /./^///<'r  Tucker,  of  Albany,  N.  Y. 


Their  chiklren  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6851.  IvUther  H.  Porter,  boru  October  17,  1S57,  married  Elizabeth  B.  Griffin. 

6852.  William  S.  Porter,  born  July  19,  1859,  married  Florence  N.  Kline. 

[GGBZi]  Willi  am  Dodge  Porter,  son  of  Henry  C.  Porter 
(3896)  and  Sarah  C.  Dodge,  (45S7)  married  May  31,  1862,  Alex- 
ine  Mifflin  Coulter,  daughter  oi  John  Parke  Coulter,  of  Baltimore, 
Md.     Residence,  New  York  city. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
G853.  William  S.  Porter,  boru  January  24,  1S66. 
6854.  Grace  C.  Porter,  boru  20,  1S70. 

[SSBBi]  Sarah  Jane  Porter,  daughter  of  Henry  C.  Portet 
(3896)  and  Sarah  C.  Dodge,  (4587)  married  April  27,  1859,  Reu- 
ben S.  Knight,  of  Waterloo,  N.  Y,     He  died  September  12,  1862. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
68.55.  Henry  C.  Knight,  born  January  6,  1861. 
6856.  Sarah  J.  Knight,  born  Juue  5,  1S66,  married  Rev.  J.  S.  Jewell. 

[5S9Di]  Frederick  Augustus  Porter  Barnard,  son  o{  Robert 
F.  Bar7iard  awd  Augicsta  Porter  {2>^<^9)\  graduate  of  Yale  College, 
1828;  L.L.  D.,  1859;  D.  D.,  i860;  professor  of  mathematics, 
natural  philosophy,  etc.,  University  of  Alabama,  1837  to  1854; 
president  of  University  of  Mi.ssissippi,  1856  to  1861.  At  the  be- 
ginning of  the  civil  war  he  came  to  New  York  and  was  appointed 
president  of  Columbia  College.  United  States  commissioner  to 
the  exposition,  Paris,  France,  1S67 ;  officer  of  the  I>gion  of 
Honor  of  France.  He  married  December  27,  1847,  Margaret  Mc- 
Murray,  of  Mississippi.     They  have  no  children. 

[SS 31.] /<?//«  G.  Barnard,  son  of  Robert  F.  Barna7'd  and 
Augusta  Porter  (3899) ;  graduate  of  United  States  Military 
Academy,  West  Point,  1833  ;  in  charge  of  construction  of  fortifica- 
tions in  Louisiana,  1835  to  1852  ;  captain  of  engineers.  In  Mexican 
war  aide  on  staff  of  General  Winfield  Scott,  battles  of  Chepulte- 
pec,  Churubusco,  Molino-del-Rey,  Belen  Gate,  city  of  Mexico. 

Chief  engineer  of  suivej'  of  isthmus  of  Tehauntepec,  1850-51  ; 
superintendent  of  construction  of  fortifications  in  California,  1852 


to  1855  ;  superintendent  of  West  Point  Military  Academj^  1855-6; 
superintendent  of  fortifications,  New  York  Harbor,  to  1861. 

Brigadier-general  and  chief  engineer  ofamiyoftlie  Potomac, 
1861  ;  battles  of  Bull  Run,  Blackburn's  ford,  siege  of  Richmond 
and  Yorktown,  Va. ;  colonel  of  engineers. 

As  chief  engineer,  he  directed  the  defenses  of  Washington, 
D.  C,  in  i86r.  In  the  Virginia  peninsular  campaign,  1862,  he 
directed  the  siege  works  at  Yorktown  and  on  the  Chickahominy  ; 
selected  the  position  on  which  was  fought  the  battle  of  Gaines 
Mill  ;  reconnoitred  the  passages  of  White  Oak  swamp,  and  the 
position  of  Malvern  Hill ;  took  part  in  the  battle  of  Williamsburg 
and  the  battle  of  Malvern  Hill. 

In  the  campaign  of  1864-65,  he  ser\'ed  on  the  staff  of  General 
U.  S.  Grant,  (5S62)  as  "chief  engineer  of  the  armies  in  the  field," 
until  the  surrender  of  General  I^ee  at  Appomattox.  He  was  bre- 
vetted  through  several  grades  to  that  of  major-general  United 
States  army  "for  gallant  and  meritorious  services  in  the  field." 
L.L.  D.,  Yale  College,  1864.  He  married ,  1S43,  Jane  Eliza- 
beth Brand,  bom  at  St.  Francisville,  La.,  October  25,  1822,  daugh- 
ter of  William  Brand,  of  New  Orleans,  and  \i\svi'\ie  Jane Brouwer. 
She  died  in  New  York  city,  February  24,  1853.  He  married 
(second  wife)  October  2,  i860,  in  St.  Mary's  church,  Harford 
county,  Md.,  Anne  Eliza  Hall,  daughter  of  Major  Henry  Hall, 
who  was  son  of  Benedict  E.  Hall,  of  Harford  county,  a  descendant 
of  Aquila  Hall  and  Colonel  Thomas  White,  of  Harford  county, 
Md.  Residence,  New  York  city.  G^^-neral  J.  G.  Barnard  died  in 
Detroit,  Mich.,  May  14,  1882. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
fiS57.  William  F.  Barnard,  bom  Nov.  16,  1844.     I^ied  September  18,  1863. 
GS5S.  Augustus  r.  Ilarnard,  born  May  30,  1847,  C.  E.,  U.  S.  coast  survey. 
(»S59.  Robert  F.  Barnard,  born  June  10,  1S.50.     Died  February  23,  1S53. 
G8G0.  John  H.  Barnard,  born  July  5,  1861,  married  Minnie  Merrill. 
G8G1.  Jane  B.  Barnard,  born  November  26,  1862. 
G802.  Anna  M.  Barnard,  born  June  26,  1S66. 


[fiS3  2.]  Henry  Porter  Andrews,  son  oi Henry  W.  Andrews 
and  Mary  Porter,  (3908)  married  Oct.  9,  1854,  Maria  L.  Adams. 

[Roger  Adams  came  from  England  to  Brookline,  Mass.,  married  Mary 
Baker,  daughter  of  Thomas  Baker,  son  of  John  Baker,  who  came  from 
Norfolk,  England,  to  Charlestown,  Mass.,  with  wife  Elizabeth,  in  the  ship 
"Rose,"  1630. 

Second  Generation,  Joseph  Adams,  born  February  24, 1648,  married , 

Third  Generation,  Joseph  Adams,  born  October  13,  1676,  married , 

1701,  Ruth  Whitney. 

(John  Whitney,  with  wife  Elinor,  from  England,  1635,  to  Watertown, 
Mass.     He  died  January  i,  1673.     She  died  May  11,  1659. 

Second  Generation,  John  Whitney,  born  in  England,  married ,  1642, 

Ruth  Reynolds,  daughter  of  Robert  Reynolds,  of  Watertown,  from 

Third  Generation,  John  Whitney,   bom   September   17,    1643,  lived  in 

Roxbury,  Mass.     He  married ,  1669,  Elizabeth  Harris,  born  August  8, 

1644,  daughter  of  Robert  Harris,  of  Brookline,  from  England. 

Fourth  Generation,  Ruth  Whitney,  born  August  31,  1674,  married , 

Joseph  Adams. 

Fijth  Generation,  Joseph  Adams,  born  ,  171 7,  married  ,  1750, 

Mercy  Fowle,  a  descendant  of  George  Fowle,  of  Concord,  Mass.,  from 

Sixth  Generation,  J(ncbh  yldams.  born  June  3,  1751,  married  ,  1785, 

Thank  Jul  Spring. 

Seventh  Generation,  Elijah  Adams,  born  8,  1791,  lived  in  New- 
ton, Mass.  He  married ,  1S27,  Hannah  Hyde,  a  descendant  of  Jona- 
than Hyde,  of  Cambridge  and  Newton,  and  -wnfe  Maty,  from  England. 

Eighth  Generation,  Maria  L.  Adams,  born  May,  1834,  married  Henry 
P.  Andrews.  He  was  a  pupil  of  the  Rensselaer  Institute,  Troy,  N.  Y. 
Civil  engineer  in  the  service  of  engineer  corps  United  Slates  army  in  New 
Orleans,  La.,  1844  to  1850.  In  the  Mexican  war,  captain  of  Louisiana  volun- 
teers, and  volunteer  aide  to  General  E.  P.  Gaines.  In  1850-51  attached  to 
the  survey  of  isthmus  of  Tehauntepec,  of  which  Major  J.  G.  Barnard  (5591) 
was  chief  engineer.  In  service  of  United  States  in  construction  of  fortifica- 
tions at  the  "Golden  Gate,"  San  Francisco,  Cal.,  1853  to  1859,  and  New 
York  harbor,  1859  to  i86r.  Paymaster  United  States  army  in  war  of  Rebel- 
lion, 1861  to  1866,  Mrs.  Maria  L.  Andrews  died  in  New  York  city,  April 
18,  1873. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
68G3.  Charles  A.  Andrews,  born  December  i8,  1857,  died  in  childhood. 
6864.  Henry  S.  Andrews,  bom  January  10,  i86x,  died  in  childhood. 

[6  6 a  a.]  Martha  Vail  Wiggins,  daughter  of  Peter  Vail 
Wiggins  and  Mary  Porter,  (3903)  married  June  13,  1848,  Cruger 

[William  Walton  came  from  county  Norfolk,  England,  to  New  York 
city  about  1700.  He  was  extensively  engaged  in  trade  with  the  Spanish 
colonies,  building  and  owning  many  vessels,  his  ship  yard  was  on  the  East 
river.  He  was  known  as  "  Baas  Walton."  He  built  and  occupied  the  man- 
sion on  Hanover  square,  called  the  "Walton  House."  He  died  May  23, 
I749>  aged  eighty -two.  Mrs.  Mary  Walton  died  August  31,  176S,  in  her 
ninetieth  year. 

Second  Generation,  Jacob  Walton,  born  July  3,  1703,  married  May  14, 
1726,  Mary  Becckman. 

[WiLHKLMUS  Kekckman,  born  April  2S,  1623,  at  Hasselt,  in  Oberyssal, 
near  Coblentz  on  the  Rhine,  came  to  New  Amsterdam.  He  married  Sep- 
tember 5,  1649,  Calaliiia  DeBoog,  daughter  of  Hknurik  DkBoog,  from 
Amsterdam,  Holland. 

Second  Generation,  Gerardits  Becckman,  born  August  15,  1653,  married 

October  25,  1677,  Magdalena  Abeel,  born  ,  1657,  daughter  of  Stoffel 

Janse  Abeel,  from  Holland,  to  Albany,  N.  Y.,  and  his  wife  Nccttjie  Jan&e 
Croon,  daughter  of  Dirck  Janse  Croon,  of  Albany,  from  Holland. 

Third  Generation,  Mary  Beeckman,  born  January  10,  1703,  married , 

Jacob  Walton.     He  died  October  20,  1747.     Mrs.  Mary  Walton  died  1782. 

Third  Generation,  Jacob  Watton  bom  December  15,  1733,  married 
March  11,  1760,  Mary  Cruger. 

(John  Cruger  came  from  Holland  to  New  York  previous  to  1700.  He 
was  a  merchant ;  alderman,  1712  to  1733  ;  mayor,  to  his  death,  1744.  He 
married  March  5,  1703,  Maria  Cuyler,  baptized  in  New  \''ork,  March  13, 
1678,  daughter  of  Hendrick  CuylER,  of  New  York  and  Albany,  from  Am- 
sterdam, Holland,  with  wife  Anna.    John  Cruger  died  August  13,  1744. 

Second  Generation,  Henry  Cruger,  born  November  25,  1707,  married 
«<  Miss Harris,''  of  the  Island  of  Jamaica.  He  was  a  member  of  the  pro- 
vincial assembly,  1744  to  1759,  and  of  the  council,  1760  to  1773.  In  1775  he 
went  to  England,  and  died  in  Bristol,  177S. 

Third  Generation,  Mary  Cruger,  born ,  married  Jacob  Walton.     He 

was  a  loyalist  in  war  of  Revolution,  and  died  August  12,  1782.  Mrs.  Mary 
Walton  died  August  i,  1782. 


/■u/uii  I ..  luration,  Henry  IVaflon.  born  Octobers,  1768,  in  New  York 
city,  married  February  18,  1800,  Matilda  Caroline  Cniger. 

(John  Cruger,  first  above  named. 

Second  Generation,  Henry  Cruger,  married  in  England,  as  his  second 
wife,  Caroline  Elizabeth  Blair. 

Third  Generation,  Matilda  Caroline  Cruger,  born ,  married  Henry 

Walton.  Residence,  New  York  city  and  Saratoga.  He  died  in  New  York 
city,  September  15,  1844,  and  was  interred  in  the  family  vault  in  Trinity 

Ei/th  Generation,  Cruger  Walton,  boru  November  S,  iSog,  married 
Martha  V.  Wiggins.  He  graduated  at  Rutgers  College  ;  was  a  lawyer  in 
Saratoga;  member  of  legislature,  &c.,  and  died  August  29,  1871.  Mrs. 
Martha  V.  Walton  died  July  29,  1850. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
G8(;5.  Mary  P.  Walton,  born  February  19,  1849,  married  Arthur  A.  Camp. 
6860.  Henry  C.  Walton,  born  May  29,  1S50,  married  Virginia  C.  Jones. 

[S53  7i]  Peter  Porter  Wiggins,  son  oi  Peter  Vail  Wiggins 
and  Mary  Porter  (3903)  ;  graduate  Trinity  College,  Hartford, 
Conn.,  and  Heidelberg,  Germany.  Banker  in  Saratoga,  N.  Y. 
He  married  June  12,  1S60,  Sarah  Emily  Bur hans. 

[Jacob  Burhans  appears  in  New  Amsterdam  as  a  soldier  in  the  Nether- 
lauds  army  in  the  company  of "  his  noble  honor,  the  Directory-general," 
1660.  He  was  one  of  the  organizers  of  the  Reformed  Dutch  church  in  Wilt- 
wick,  (now  Kingston,  Ulster  county,  N.  Y.)     Magistrate,  &c. 

Second  Generation,  Jan  Durhans,  came  to  New  Amsterdam,  1663.  He 
married  April  — ,  1675,  at  Kingston,  Helena  Traphagan,  daughter  of  Wil- 
liain  Traphagan  and  Jannctjc  Clacs  Grocnvis.  He  died  about  October 
30,  1708. 

Third  Generation,  Johannes  Burhans,  baptized  August  27,  1682,  at 
Kingston,  married  Margaret  Leg,  baptized  January  27,  1682,  daughter  of 
Williavi  Leg  and  wife  Susanna.  He  died  May,  1720.  Mrs.  Margaret  Bur- 
hans married ,  (second  husband)  Barent  Van  Benthuysan. 

Fourth  Generation,  Johannes  Burhans,  baptized  February  18,  1709,  at 
Kingston,  married  September  4,  1731,  Jannetje  Newkirk,  baptized  March 
I3i  1713.  daughter  oi  Ariaati  Newkirk  and  Aaltjen  Bogaard,  daughter  of 
Pieter  Bogardus,  of  Kingston.    Johannes  Burhans  died  about  1794. 

Fifth  Generation,  Cornells  Burhans,  born  August  15,  1746,  at  Catsbaan, 
Ulster  county,  N.  Y.,  married  June  4,  1772,  Margriet  Van  Leuven  baptized 
May  3,  174S,  at  Kingston,  daughter  of  Pieter  Van   Leuven  and  Jannetje, 


daughter  of  Evert  Luykassen,  of  Albany,  from  Holland.  Cornelis  Burliaus 
died  September  2S,  1S27. 

Sixth  Generation,  John  C.  Biirhans,  born  December  15,  1776,  at  Cats- 
baan,  married  March  26,  1798,  at  Saugerties,  N.  Y.,  Clarissa  Peck,  daughter 
oi  Benjamin  Peck,  who  married  December  25,  1755,  Mary  Bnell, 

(William  Buell,  from  England.     (See  elsewhere.) 

Second  Generation,  Samuel  Biiell,  married  Deborah  Griswold. 

Third  Generation,  John  Buell,  born  February  16,  1671,  married  Novem- 
ber 20,  1695,  Mary  Loomis. 

(Joseph  Loomis  came  from  England,  to  Windsor,  Conn.,  1638. 

Second  Generation,  John  Loomis,  born  in  England,  1622,  married  Feb- 
ruary 3,  164S,  Elizabeth  Scott,  daughter  of  Thomas  Scott,  of  Hartford, 
Conn.,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  John  Loomis,  bom  November  9,  1649,  ma^ied . 

He  died  August  31,  1715. 

Fourth  Generation,  Mary  Loomis,  born  March  20,  1672,  married  John 
Buell.  Residence,  Litchfield,  Conn.  He  died  April  9,  1746.  She  died  No- 
vember — ,  176S. 

Fijth  Generation,  Peter  Bucll,  born  May  22,  1710,  married  December  18, 
1734,  Avis  Collins. 

(John  Collins,  with  wife  Susannah,  came  from  England,  to  Boston, 
Mass.  Ancient  and  Honorable  Artillery  Company,  1644.  He  died  March 
29,  1670. 

Second  Generation,  John  Collins,  born  ,  1640;  settled  in  Middle- 
town,  Conn.;  removed  to  Guilford,  and  married  June  3,  1669,  Mary  Steph- 
ens, daughter  of  John  Stephens,  of  Guilford. 

Third  Generation,  John  Collins,  born  ,  1670,  married  July  23,  1691, 

Anna  Lecte. 

(William  Leete  came  from  Englajid,  to  Guilford,  1639  I  assistant,  1642 
to  1657 ;  deputy-governor,  1658  to  1676 ;  governor,  1676,  to  his  death,  April 
16,  1683.     Mrs.  Anne  Leete  died  September — ,  166S. 

Second  Generation,  John  Lecte,  born ,  1639-40,  married  October  4, 

1670,  Mary  Chittenden,  daughter  of  William  Chittenden,  who  came  from 
Guilford,  county  Sussex,  England,  and  whose  wife  was  Joan  Sheaffe,  daugh- 
ter of  Doct.  Jacob  Sheaffe,  of  Cranbrooke,  county  Kent,  England. 

Third  Generation,  Anna  Leete,  born  August  5,  1671,  married ,  Johii 


Fottrth  Generation,  Rev.  Timothy  Collins,  born  April  13,  1699 ;  graduate 
Yale  College,  1718;  was  minister  at  Litchfield,  Conn.;  he  was  a  surgeon  in 
war  of  1755.     He  married  January  16,  1723,  Elizabeth  Hyde. 


(Wji.I-IAM  lIVDi-;,  from  England.     (See  elsewhere.) 

Second  Generation,  Samuel  Hyde,  mairied  Jane  Lee,  daughter  of  Thomas 
L,EE,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Samuel  Hyde,  born  May  — ,  1665,  married  December 
10,  1690,  Sarah  Caulkins,  daughter  of  Johx  Ca.ulkins,  of  Norwich,  and 
Sarah,  daughter  of  Robert  Royce,  of  Norwich,  from  England. 

Fourth  Generation,  Elizabeth  Hyde,  born  December  12,  1703,  married 
Rev.  Timothy  Collins. 

Fifth  Generation,  Avis  Collins,  born  April  i,  1714,  married  Peter  Buell. 
She  died  in  Litchfield,  Conn.,  November  i,  1734.     He  died  May  10,  1784. 

Fifth  Generation,  Archelaus  Diiell,  born  April  14,  1737,  married  May  3, 
1758,  Mary  Landon,  of  Litchfield,  a  descendant  of  N.\THAN  Landon,  from 
Herefordshire,  England,  to  Southold,  L.  I.,  about  1665. 

Sixth  Generation,  Mary  Buell,  born  April  16,  1761,  married  Benjamin 

Fifth  and  Seventh  Generations,  Clarissa  Peck,  born  February  16,  17S4, 
married  John  C.  Burhans. 

Seventh  Generation,  Hinim  Wallace  Burhans,  born  June  9,  1806,  mar- 
ried January  2,  1833,  Margaret  Miller,  born  March  3,  1803,  daughter  of 
John  Miller,  of  New  York  city,  who  married  March  5,  iSor,  Phebe  Pine,  bom 
October  3,  1770,  daughter  oi  John  Pine,  of  Bedford,  N.  Y.,  and  his  wife 
Katherine  Chadeayne,  bom  Dec.  20,  1745,  daughter  of  Daniel  Chadeayne, 
and  wife  Elizabeth  Secor.  He  was  son  of  John  Chadeayne,  who  came 
with  wife  Judith  (Tillyou)  from  Rochelle,  France,  They  were  Huguenots, 
and  settled  in  Deleware.  H.  W.  Burhans  died  in  Saratoga  Springs,  August 
14,  1883. 

Eighth  Generation,  Sarah  Emily  Burhans,  born  March  14,  1837,  mar- 
ried P.  P.  Wiggins. 

Their  children  were  [l)eing  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
6867.  Peter  V.  P.  Wiggins,  bora  March  27,  i86r. 
0868.  Wallace  B.  Wiggins,  born  August  23,  1864. 

6869.  Frederick  A.  Wiggins,  born  June  9,  1866. 

6870.  Margaret  E.  Wiggins,  born  September  6,  1S68. 

[6BD2,]  Elizabeth  Durrall,  daughter  of  William  M.  Burrall 
and  Abigail  Stoddard,  (3904)  married  July  9,  1834,  Edmund 

[Richard  Belden,  (or  Belding)  from  England,  1640. 

Second  Generation,  John  Belden,  bom  in  England,  162 1,  married  April 
24,  1657,  Lydia . 


Third  Gctwratio7t,  Jonathan  Belden,  born  June  21,  1660,  married  De- 
cember 10,  1685,  Mary  Wright,  born  March  4,  1664,  daughter  of  Thomas 
Wright,  of  Weathersfield,  Conn.,  who  married  June  15,  1657,  Elizabeth 
Chittendeti,  daughter  of  William  Chittenden,  of  Guilford,  Conn.,  and 
wife  Joati,  (see  P.  P.  Wiggins  (5597)-.)    Jonathan  Belden  died  July  6,  1734. 

Fourth  Generation,  Silas  Belden,  bom  July  22,  1691  ;  removed  to  Canaan, 
Conn.     He  married  November  30,  1716,  Abigail  Rabbins. 

(John  Robbins  came  from  England  to  Weathersfield,  Conn.,  with  wife 
Mary,  163S  ;  representative.     Died  June  27,  1662. 

Second  Generation,  Joshua  Robbins,  born  in  England,  married  Decem- 
ber 2,  1630,  Elizabeth .     He  died  December  15,  1738.     Mrs.  Elizabeth 

Robbins  died  April  24,  1736. 

Third  Generation,  Abic^ail  Robbins,  bom  June  12,  1697,  married  Silas 

Fijth  Generation,  Silas  Belden,  horn  November  13,  1717;  town  clerk, 
1740  ;  married .     He  died ,  1752. 

Sixth  Generation,  Jonathan  Belden,  born  November  16,  1737,  married 
March  27,  1759,  Sarah  Belden,  daughter  of  Samuel  Belden,  of  Weathers- 
field, whose  wife,  married  April  10,  17 12,  was  Mary  Spencer. 

(Jared  Spencer,  from  England,  with  wife  Hannah,  to  Cambridge, 
Mass.,  1634;  Haddam,  Conn.,  1658;  representative.     Died  ,  1685. 

Sscond  Generation,  Nathaniel  Spencer,  born  ,  1656,  married  , 

1681,  Lydia  Smith,  daughter  of  Thomas  Smith,  of  Haddam.     He  died , 

1720.     She  died ,  1742. 

Third  Generation,  Maiy  Spencer,  born  January  9,  1692,  married  Jona- 
than Belden,     He  died  January  9,  1778. 

Seventh  Generation,  Jonathan  Belden,  bom  June  14,  1777,  married , 

1803,  Love  Dean.     He  died ,  1S32. 

Eighth  Generation,  Edmund  Belden,  born  ,  1805,  married  Eliza- 
beth Burrall.    He  died  April  22,  1872.    She  resided  in  1S86  at  Canaan,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
C871.  Harriett  E.  Belden,  bora  October  6,  1835. 
6S72.  Edmund  P.  Belden,  bora  March  30,  1841. 

[SBDa.]  William  Porter  Burrall,  son  of  William  M.  Burrall 
and  Abigail  P.  Stoddard,  (3904)  married  May  9,  1831,  Harriett 
Holley  {2^(^21.)  He  graduated  at  Yale  College,  1826;  lawyer  in 
Bridgeport,  Connji  mayor,  state  senator,  etc.  He  died  March  2, 
1S74.     Mrs.  Harriett  Burrall  died  December  30,  1876. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
C87o.  William  H.  Burrall,  born  May  29,  1832.     Civil  E.,  Spriugfield,  Mass. 

6874.  John  M.  Burrall,  boru  August  30,  1834,  married  M.  H.  Dickinson. 

6875.  Elizabeth  M.  Burrall,  born  Oct.  24,  1836,  unmarried,  Spriufield,  Mass. 

6876.  Sarah  B.  Burrall,  born  September  24,  1838,  married  H.  H.  Anderson. 

6877.  Harriett  H.  Burrall,  born  September  17,  1840,  died  January  26,  i860. 

6878.  Porter  S.  Burrall,  born  February  13,  1846,  married  Anna  E.  Croome. 

[6BDB.]  John  Hervian  Bird,  son  of  William  A.  Bird  (3907) 
and  Joanna  Davis ;  graduate  of  Union  College  ;  physician  in 
Chicago,  111.  He  married  September  2,  185 1,  Frances  Elizabeth 

[Daniel  Blaxey,  born  at  Port  Peun,  New-castle  county,  Delaware,  was 
a  descendant  of  Edward  Bl.\ney,  who  came  from  England,  in  the  ship 
"  Bonaventure,"  in  1632,  to  James  city,  Va.  He  married  Hcsler  Dushaynt\ 
(Du-Chene)  a  descendant  of  Huguenot  family,  early  settlers  in  Delaware. 
Their  son,  Cornelius  D.  Blaney,  married  Mary  Slidden,  a  descendant  of 
Anders  Stidden,  son  of  Doct.  Tymen  Stidden,  a  surgeon  appointed  for  the 
colony,  who  came  with  Governor  Printz,  in  the  ship  "Fama,"  from  Stock- 
holm, Sweden,  August — ,  1642,  arriving  at  Fort  Christina,  "New  Sweden," 
Va.,  February  15,  1643,  the  settlement  made  by  Peter  Minuit,  in  1637-38. 
His  residence  was  on  the  .site  of  the  present  city  of  Wilmington,  Delaware. 
Anders  Stidden  married  November  11,  1740,  Katherine  Keen. 

(JURRIAEN  Keen,  (or  Joran  Kyn)  came  from  Sweden,  with  Gov.  Printz, 
arriving  at  Fort  Christina,  February  15,  1643.  ^^^  "^^^^  the  principal  proprie- 
tor of  "  Upland,"  afterwards  Chester,  Pa.     Pie  died  about  1690-92. 

Second  Generation,  Hans  Keen,  horu  about  1645,  married  lyiHemka . 

He  settled  on  the  Delaware  river,  at  Peunipeck  creek,  and  died  about  1670. 

Third  Generation,  Matthias  Keen,  born ,  1667,  married ,  1690, 

Henrika,  daughter  oi  Jans  Claassen,  of  Upland,  from  Sweden.  Matthias 
Keen  lived  in  Tacony.  Pa.  He  was  one  of  the  founders  of  the  Gloria  Dei 
church,  in  Philadelphia;  vestryman,  and  died  July  13,  1714. 

Fourth  Generation,  Jonas  Keen,  bom  September  16,  1698,  married  Octo- 
ber 20,  17 iS,  Saiah  Dahlbo,  daughter  of  Olave  Dahlbo,  of  Senamensiug, 
N.  J.,  whose  ancestor,  Axders  Dahlbo,  came  from  Sweden,  wth  Governor 

Fijth  Generation,  Katherine  Keen,  born  March  9,  1724,  married  Anders 
Stidden.     Residence,  Wilmington,  Del. 

Sixth  Gene7-ation.  3fary  Stidden,  married  Cornelius  D.  Blaney. 


Seventh  Generation,  Daniel  Blaney,  boru ,  married  Sarah  Cannon, 

daughter  of  y«;«<'^  Camion,  of  Philadelphia,  -who  was  son  of  James  Cannon, 
who  was  boru  in  Edingburgh,  Scotland,  was  a  graduate  of  the  University  of 
Edingburgh,  and  came  to  America,  in  1765.  At  the  beginning  of  the  war  of 
the  revolution,  he  was  a  tutor  in  the  college  of  Philadelphia.  Author  of  the 
"Cassandra  letters."  He  was  member  of  the  convention  of  July —,  1776. 
Professor  of  mathematics  in  University  of  Pennsylvania,  and  died  January 
28,  1782. 

Eighth  Generation,  Fiances  E.  Blaney,  born  December  25,  1829  in  New- 
castle, Del.,  married  Doct.  John  H.  Bird.  He  died  in  Sioux-City,  Iowa, 
March  3,  187 1.     vShe  resides  in  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  nintli  generation  :] 
6879.  Elizabeth  B.  Bird,  born  October  19,  1852. 
0S80.  Grace  Bird,  born  March  27,  1S54,  died  July  13,  1854. 
r>S81.  William  N.  D.  Bird,  born  August  20,  1858,  married  Elsie  V.  Iluey. 

[SBD9.]  William  Augustus  Bird,  son  of  Williavi  A.  Bird 
(3907)  and  Joanna  Davis  ;  graduate  Union  College.  He  married 
October  r8,  1852.  Mary  M.  Miller.     Residence,  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
G882.  Joanna  D.  Bird,  born  September  10,  1853,  died  June  25,  1887. 

6883.  Welles  M.  Bird,  born  June  26,  1855,  married  Eniilv  :\r.  Plunimer. 

6884.  Porter  A.  Bird,  boni  February  7,  1S59. 

6885.  Walter  G.  Bird,  born  March  9,  1861,  died  June  26,  1866. 

C886.  William  A.  Bird,  bom  July  2,  1865,  married  Helen  A.  Remington. 

6887.  Grace  M.  Bird,  born  March  30,  1870,  died  August  9,  1870. 

6888.  Elizabeth  G.  Bird,  bom  August  21,  1873. 

[5B12.]  Sarah  Frederika  Porter,  daughter  of  Augustus  S. 
Porter  (3909)  and  Sarah  G.  Barnard,  (5589)  married  September 
9,  1863,  Stephen  E.  Burrall. 

[WiLUAM  BuRRAix,  see  (3904,)  son  of  Peter  Burrall,  of  Redrath,  Corn- 
wall, England,  came  to  New  England,  1715  ;  Simsbury,  Mass. 

Second  Generation,  Col.  Charles  Burrall,  married  Abigail  Kellogg. 

Third  Generation,  Ovid  Burrall,  born ■,  1761,  married ,  Lticy 


(Thomas  Welles,  came  from  England,  to  Hartford,  Conn.     Gov.,  &c. 

Second  Generation,  Samuel  Welles,  born  in  England,  married,  1657-58. 
Elizabeth,  daughter  of  John  Hollister,  of  Weathersfield,  Conn.  She 
died  ,  1672.     He  died ,  1675. 


Third  Gc7ieratio}i,  Samuel  Welles,  bom  April  13,  1660,  married  Juue  20, 
1683,  Ruth  Royce,  daughter  o{  Jonathan  Royce,  of  Norwich,  Conn.,  and  his 
wife  Deborah,  daughter  of  Hugh  Caiti,kins,  from  England. 

Fourth  Generation,  Thaddeus  Welles,  bora  March  27,  1695,  married , 

1726,  Elizabeth   Cowles,  born  ,  1697,  daughter  of  Timothy  Cowlcs,  of 

East  Hartford,  and  wife  Hannah  Pitkin,  daughter  of  William  Pitkin,  of 
Hartford,  and  wife  Hannah  Goodzcin,  daughter  of  Ozias  Goodwin,  from 

Fifth  Generation,  Samuel  Welles,  born  ,   1727,  married  August  — , 

1752,  Lucy  Kilbourne,  born ,  1731,  daughter  of  Ebenezer  Kilbourne,  of 

Glastenbury,  Conn. 

Sixth  Generation,  Lucy  Welles,  born ,  married  Ovid  Burrall. 

Fourth  and  Seventh  Generations,  Frederick  A.  Burrall,  born  August  26, 
1795.  io  Canaan,  Conn.,  married  Mary  J.  Bou'les. 

(John  BowlivS  came  from  England,  to  Roxbury,  Mass.,  1639;  ruling 
elder;  married  April  2,  1650,  Elizabeth  Heath,  daughter  of  Isaac  Heath. 

Second  Generation,  John  Bou'les,  born  July  17,  1653;  Han'ard  College, 
1671  ;  married  Novembers,  i68r,  Sarah  Eliot. 

('John  Eliot,  born  at  Naziug,  county  Essex,  England,  1600;  graduate 
Jesus  College,  Cambridge,  England,  1619  ;  came  to  Boston,  Mass.,  in  ship 
"Lion,"  1631  ;  pastor  of  church,  1632.  He  married  Anne  Mountfort,  to 
whom  he  was  betrothed  in  England,  and  who  came  over  to  meet  him,  Sep- 
tember— ,  1632.  He  was  the  famed  "Apostle  to  the  Indians,"  and  trans- 
lated into  the  Indian  dialect,  the  Gospels.     He  died  May  20,  1690-91. 

Second  Generation,  John  Eliot,  born  August  31,  1636;  graduate  Harvard 

College,  minister  at  Newton,  Mass.,  married ,  1661,  Sarah  Willelt,  boru 

May  4,  1643,  daughter  of  Thomas  WillETT,  from  England,  in  ship  "Lion," 
to  Plymouth,  Mass.,  1632,  who  married  July  6,  1636,  JMary  Brown,  born 
March  24,  1637,  daughter  of  John  Brown,  of  Duxbury,  from  England  ;  an 
assistant  from  1636  to  1654,  who  died  in  Swanzey,  August  4,  1674. 

Third  Generation,  Sarah  Eliot,  boru  September  21,  1662,  married  John 
Boivles.  He  was  representative,  1689  ;  speaker,  and  died  March  30,  1691. 

Third  and  Fourth  Generations,  John  Bowles,  born  March  15,  1685  ; 
Harvard  College,  1702  ;  married  September  10,  1706,  Lydia  Check  ley. 

(Samuel  Checkley,  (or  Chichely)  born  at  Preston,  North  Hamptonshire, 

England,  came  to  New  England,  1653.     He  married ,  1680,  JMary  Scot- 

towe,  daughter  of  John  Scottowe,  of  Boston,  from  England  ;  judge,  &c. 
Samuel  Checkley  was  a  colonel  of  the  Boston  regiment ;  representative,  &c. 

Second  Generation,  Lydia  Checkley,  born  March  31,  1690,  married  John 


Fourth  Generation,  Joshua  Bowles,  born ,  1722,  married ,  Mary 

riarlt,  daughter  of  Ralph  Hartt,  of  Boston,  Mass. 

Fifth  Generation,  Ralph  H.  Bowles,  born  ,  1757,  married  Hannah 

Crocker,  daughter  oi  Josiah  Crocker,  of  Taunton,  Mass.     Ralph  H.  Bowles 
was  a  captain  in  war  of  Revolution,  and  died  in  Machias,  Me.,  Sept.,  1813. 

SiA-th  Generation,  Mary  J.  Bowles,  born ,  married  F.  A.  Burrall. 

Seventh  Generation,  Stephen  E.  Burrall,  bom  May  17,  1826,  married 
S.  F.  Porter.  He  died  in  New  York  city,  August  31,  1868.  Mrs.  S.  F.  Bur- 
rall resides  in  London,  England.  The  famil}-  has  assumed  the  name  of 
Porter-Burrall,  "by  letters  patent  from  the  Queen,  August  16,  1886." 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
088!).  Guy  A.  Porter-Burrall,  born  January  18,  1S65,  lieut.  English  army. 
6S90.  Stephen  E.  Porter-Burrall,  born  November  9,  1868. 

[5B14i]  Julia  Mathews  Porter,  daughter  oi  Albert  H.  Porter 
(3910)  and  Julia  Mathews,  married  September  18,  1867,  John  H. 
Osborne,  of  Auburn,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
OSUl.  Albert  P.  Osborne,  born  November  16,  1873,  died  March  10,  1875. 
()892.  Ruth  Osborne,  born  June  22,  1877. 

[SBI61]  Albert  Augustus  Porter,  son  of  Albert  H.  Porte f 
(3910)  and  Julia  Mathews ;  graduate  Aiuherst  College,  1859.  He 
married  September  11,  1862,  Julia y/^.  Jeffrey,  boru  in  Cauan- 
daigua,  N.  Y.,  datighter  oi  Alexander  Jeffrey,  from  Edinburgh, 
Scotland,  and  his  wife  Delia  Granger,  daughter  oijohn  A.  Gran- 
ger, born  September  11,  1795,  who  was  son  of  Gideon  Grander,  of 
Canandaigua,  (Postma.ster-general,  U.  S.),  whose  wife  was  Mind- 
well  Pease.  Gideon  Granger  was  a  descendant  of  Launcei.OT 
Granger,  from  Kngland  to  Ipswich,  Mass.,  who  removed  to 
Newbury,  Mass.,  ar.d  married  January  4,  1654,  Joayina  Adams, 
daughter  of  Robert  Adams,  and  wife  Elinor,  of  Salem,  Mass., 
from  England.  I^auncelot  Granger  removed  in  1679  to  Suifield, 
Conn.,  and  died ,  1689. 

[John  Pease,  with  wife  Margaret,  came  from  Chelmsford,  county 
Essex,  England,  to  Salem,  Mass.,  1634.     He  died  1638-39.     She  died  1644. 

Second   Generation,  John  Pease,  boru   ,    1629,   married   ,    1653, 

Mary .     He  died ,  1689. 


Thud  Generation,  John  Pease,  born  March  30,  1654 ;  removed  to  En- 
field, Conn.,  1679.     He  married  ,  1676-77,  Margaret  Adams,  daughter 

of  WiLWAM  Adams,  of  Ipswich,  from  England,  and  died ,  1734. 

Fourth  Generation,  Joseph  Pease,  bom  ,  1693,  married  ,  1727, 

Mary  Spencer. 

(  Jared  Spencer,  from  England,  to  Haddam,  Conn. 

Second  Generation,  Samuel  Spencer,  born  about  1640,  married,  1672-73, 
Hannah  Willey,  born  March  6,  1642,  daughter  of  Isaac  Willey,  of  New 
London,  Conn.     Samuel  Spencer  died  August  7.  1705. 

Third  Generation,  Isaac  Spencer,  born  January  8,  167S,  married  October 
2,  1707,  Mary  Selden. 

(Thomas  Sei,dEn  came  from  England,  to  Hartford,  Conn.,  1639. 

Second  Generation,  Joseph  Selden,  born  November  2,  165 1,  lived  in  Had- 

ley,  Mass.     He  married  Februar>'  11,  1677,  Rebecca  Church,  born ,  1654, 

daughter  of  Edward  Church,  and  grand-daughter  of  Richard  Church,  of 
Hadley,  from  England.  Joseph  Selden,  died  July  14,  1724.  She  died  June 
9,  T726. 

Third  Generation,  Mary  Selden,  born ,  married  Isaac  Spencer. 

Fourth  Generation,  Mary  Spencer,  born  June  24,  1710,  m&rx'\cd  Joseph 

Fifth  Generation,  Joseph  Pease,  born  August  10,  1728;  removed  to  Suf- 
field.  He  married  July  28,  1756,  Mindzvell  King,  daughter  oi  Joseph  King, 
and  died  October  16,  1794. 

Sixth  G eneration ,  MindvcU  Pease,  born  August  31,  1770,  married , 

Gideon  Granger. 

Seventh  Generation,  Ju/in  A.  Granger,  born  Sept.  11,  1795,  married . 

Eighth  Generation,  Delia  Granger,  born ,  married ,  Alexander 


Ninth  Generation,  Julia  E.  Jeffrey,  born  ,  married  A.  A.  Porter. 

Residence,  Niagara  Falls,  N.  Y.  He  died,  suddenly,  March  15,  1888.  His 
father  having  died  January  23,  18S8. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6893.  Alexander  J.  Porter,  bom  June  29,  1863. 

6894.  Albert  H.  Torter,  born  April  19,  1866. 
0895.  Bessie  R.  Porter,  bom  July  20,  1869. 

6896.  Julia  M.  Porter,  born  March  6,  1871. 

6897.  Augustus  G.  Porter,  born  June  23,  1875. 

6898.  Charlotte  R.  Porter,  born  January  28,  1878. 


[6B17.]  Ja7ic  Howell  Porter,  daughter  of  Albert  H.  Porter 
(3910)  and  Julia  Mathews,  married  October  15,  1865,  Arthur 

[William  Robinson  came  from  England,  to  Dorchester,  Mass.,  1635. 
He  died  June  6,  1668. 

Second  Generation,  Samuel  Robinson,  born  May  4,  1640,  married  Mary 
Baker,  born  April  27,  1643,  daughter  oi  Richard  Baker,  of  Dorchester,  whose 
wife  was  Faith,  daughter  of  Henry  Withington,  of  Dorchester,  from 

Third  Generation,  Rev.  John  Robinson,  bom  ,  1672  ;    minister  at 

Roxbury,  Mass.;  married  January  31,  1735,  Hannah  Wisivall. 

(Thom.\s  Wiswall,  from  England.  Ruling  elder  in  Rev.  John  Eliot's 
church.     Died  at  Newton,  Mass.,  December  6,  1683. 

Second  Generation,  Ichabod  Wiswall,  born  ,  1637  ;  Harvard  Col- 
lege, 1654  ;  minister  at  Duxbury,  Mass.,  married  Priscilla  Pcabody,  daughter 
of  William  Peabody,  of  Duxbury,  from  England,  who  married  December 
26,  1644,  Elizabeth  Alden,  daughter  of  Capt.  John  Alden,  from  England, 
in  ship  "  Mayflower,"  whose  wife  was  Priscilla,  daughter  of  William  Mul- 
LiN.s,  from  England,  in  the  same  ship. 

Third  Generation,  Hannah  Wisn'all,  born  February  28,  16S2,  manied 
John  Robinson.  She,  and  her  daughter  Mary,  aged  sixteeu,  were  drowned 
at  Nantucket,  .September  22,  1722.  The  father  died  at  the  residence,  of 
Gov.  Jonathan  Trumbull,  Lebanon,  Conn.,  who  had  married  his  daughter 
Faith  Robinson. 

Fourth  Generation,  Ichabod  Robinson,  born  December  12,  1720,  married 
January  16,  1753,  Lydia  Brown. 

(John  Brown,  from  Reboboth,  Mass.;  assistant.     Died  April  10,  1662. 

Second  Generation,  John  Brown,  born  September  — ,  1650,  married  No- 
vember 8,  1672,  Anne  Mason,  bom  June  — ,  1650,  daughter  of  Capt.  John 
Mason,  Windsor,  Conn.     Deputy-governor,  &.c. 

Third  Generation,  Ebenezcr  Brown,  born  June  15,  1685,  married  Febm- 
ary  25,  17 14,  Elizabeth  Hyde,  daughter  oi  Samuel  Hyde,  of  Norwich,  Conn. 
He  died ,  1755.     She  died  March  i,  1797. 

Fourth  Generation,  Lydia  Brown,  born  March  19,  1720,  married  Ichabod 

Fifth  Generation,  Rev.  William  Robinson,  born  August  15,  I754;  gradu- 
ate Yale  College  ;  pastor  of  church  at  Southington,  Conn.;  married  August 
10,  1790,  Elizabeth  Norton,  born  Jan.  13,  1761,  daughter  of  Thomas  Norton, 
and  wife  Elizabeth  Mason,  daughter  of  Capt.  John  Mason,  before  named. 


Sixth  Generation,  Charles  Robinson,  born  February  lo,  1801  ;  Yale  Col- 
lege, 1S21  ;  married  March  30,  1S28,  Nancy  M.  Mulford,  daughter  oi  Her- 
vey  Mulford,  of  New  Haven,  Conn.,  and  wife,  Nancy  Bradley,  daughter  of 
Abraham  Bradley,  of  New  Haven. 

Seventh  Generation,  Arthur  Robinson,  born  January  21,  1843,  married 
Jane  H.  Porter.     Residence,  Niagara  Falls,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
GSOO.  Arthur  P.  Robinson,  born  February  14,  1S67,  died  April  r,  1868. 

6900.  Charles  R^obinson,  born  April  30,  1869. 

6901.  Julia  O.  Robinson,  born  November  17,  1871. 

0902.  Cornelia  G.  Robinson,  bom  November  21,  1876. 

0903.  Jane  P.  Robinson,  bom  July  i,  1881. 

[ S  B  2  D .]  Jajie  H.  Townsend,  daughter  ot  D.  J.  Townsend^  and 
Jane  H.  Porter,  (3914)  married  October  24,    1S66,   Edward  H. 
Wheeler,  of  Buffalo,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  ;] 

6904.  Townsend  WHieeler,  bora  September  24,  1867,  died  May  21,  1871. 

6905.  Elizabeth  T.  Wheeler,  born  July  27,  1873. 
0906.  Frank  S.  Wheeler,  born  December  24,  1876. 
6907.  Marion  W.  Wheeler,  born  June  8,  1880. 

[fiBSli]  Lavinia  P.  Townsend,  d^iUghi^r  oi  Daniel  J.  Towns- 
end  and  Jane  II.  Porter,  (3914)  married  September  14,  1881, 
Lauren  A.  Pcttebone. 

[John  Petthbone  came  from  England,  to  Windsor,  Conn.,  married 
February  15,  1665,  Sarah  Egglcston,  bora  March  28,  1643,  daughter  of  Bigod 
Eggleston,  of  Windsor,  from  England. 

Second  Generation,  John  Pettebone,  bora  Dec.  15,  1665,  married . 

Third  Generation,  Noah  Pettebone,  born  ,  1710;  removed  to  Wyo- 
ming, Pa.    He  married ,  1745,  Huldah  Williams.    He  died  Mch.  28,  1791. 

Fourth  Generation,  Oliver  Pettebo7ie,  bom  May  13,  1762,  married  in 
Amenia,  Duchess  county,  N.  Y.,  Martha  Payne,  daughter  of  Barnabas 
Payne.  He  was  in  Forty  Fort  at  the  time  of  the  massacre  of  Wyoming. 
He  died  March  17,  1832.     She  died  December  25,  1833. 

Fifth  Generation,  Payne  Pettebone,  born  Jauuarj'  24,  1787,  married , 

Sarah  Tuttle. 

(Henry  Tuttle,  born  in  Baskingndge,  Somerset  county,  N.  J.,  No\"e;u- 
ber  24,  1733,  settled  in  Wyoming.  He  was  a  soldier  in  war  of  Revolution, 
and  died  January  3,  1820.  aged  eighty-seven. 


Second  Generaiioi,  Joseph  Tattle,  born  January  19,  1772,  in  Rockaway, 
N.  J.,  lived  in  Wyoming.  He  married  September  6,  1792,  Mary  Lee,  born 
in  Stroudsburg,  Pa.,  February  25,  1775,  daughter  oi  Jesse  Lee  and  wife  Sarah 
McDowell,  daughter  oi  John  McDowell.  Joseph  Tuttle  died  February  11, 
1849.     Mrs.  Mary  Tuttle  died  August  26,  1835. 

Third  Generation,  Sarah  Tuttle,  born  April  4,  1793.  married  Payne  Pet- 
tebone.     He  died  August  18,  1814. 

Sixth  Generation,  Stagouhton  Pcttebone,  born  April  9,  1812,  married , 

1846,  Cornelia  Bellamy,  daughter  oi  Joel  Bellamy,  of  Catskill,  N.  Y.,  and 
wife  Esther  Clark,  son  oi  Matthew  Bellamy  and  Anna  Andrews. 

Seventh  Generation ,  Lauren  W.  Pcttebone,  born  June  29,  1848,  in  Ivock- 
port,  N.  Y.,  married  Lavinia  P.  Tozvnsend.     Residence,  Niagara  Falls,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
0908.  Lauren  A.  Petteboue,  bom  August  23,  1882. 
r.DO'J.  Harold  C.  Pettebone,  born  ISIay  18,  1S85. 

[EB22,]  Peter  August74s  Porter,  son  of  Col.  Peter  A.  Porter 
(3916)  and  3/arv  C.  P.  Breckinridge,  married  Februar>'  3,  1877, 
Alice  Adele  Taylor. 

[Richard  T.\yi.ou  came  from  England,  1643,  married ,  1646,  Ruth 

Burgess,  daughter  of  Thom.a.s  Buroess,  of  Sandwich,  Mass.,  from  England. 

Second  Generation,  John  Taylor,  born ,  1649,  married  December  15, 

1674,  Sarah  Matthezcs,  born  July  21,  1649,  daughter  of  J\mi'^  :\rvTTFrK\vs, 
of  Yarmouth,  Mass.,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  John  Taylor,  born  June  15,  1678,  married . 

Iwurth  Generation,  John  Taylor,  born ,  1720,  married . 

Fijth   Generation,  William  Taylor,  born  ,  1755  ;  was  a  captain  in 

war  of  Revolution.     He  married ,  1785,  Abigail  Case. 

(John  Case  from  England  to  New  London,  Conn.;  Windsor,  and 

thence  in   1669,  to  Sinisbury,  Conn.,  (see  2226.)     He  married  ,  1657, 

Sarah  Spencer,  daughter  of  Wiixiam  Spencer  and  wife  Agnes,  of  Hartford, 
from  England. 

Second  Generation,  John   Case,  born  November  5,  1662,  married  , 

1693,  Sarah  Holcomb. 

(Thomas  Holcomb  came  from  England  to  Dorchester,  Mass.,  1633; 
removed  to  Windsor,  1636,  and  died  September  7,  1657. 

Second  Generation,  Joshua  Holcomb,  born  September  27,  1640,  married 
January  4,  1663,  Ruth  Shenvood.  Removed  to  Simsbury,  and  died  Decem- 
ber I,  1690. 


Third  Gi'.neraiion,  Sarah  Holcouib,  born  June  23,  1668,  married  John 
Case.     He  died  May  22,  1733. 

Third  Generation,,  Daniel  Case,  born  March  7,  1695,  married  May  7, 
1719,  Penelope  Biitfolph,  born  October  i,  1699,  daughter  oi  David  Buttolph. 
Residence,  Simsbury.     He  died  May  28,  1733.     She  died  June  27,  1746. 

Fourth  Generation,  Daniel  Case,  born  January  30,  1720  ;  settled  in  Can- 
Ion,  Hartford  county,  Conn.,  in  1743.  He  married  February-  22,  1750,  Mary 

(John  Watson  came  from  England  to  Hartford,  Conn.,  with  \\'ife  Mar- 
garet. 1644. 

Second  G--jin:i/ic>i .    lolni   U'dl  >ii.  hon-. ihi'V  m.irned .     He 


Third  Gc/uraiion,  Cyprian  liaison,  born  January  12,  1689,  married 
January  27,  1715,  Elizabeth  Steele. 

(George  Steele,  with  wife  Rachel,  came  from  England  to  Cambridge, 
Mass.,  1632;  removed  to  Hartford,  Conn.,  1635;  representative,  1637  to 
1659.     Died ,  1664. 

Second  Generation,  James  Steele,  bom  in  England,  married ,  Anne 

Bishop,  daugTiler  of  John  Bishop  and  wife  Anne,  of  Guilford,  Conn.,  from 
England.  James  Steele  was  commi.ssary  for  the  Connecticut  forces  in  King 
Philip's  war. 

Third  Geneiatiou,  James  Steele,  bom  ,  165S,  married,  1689,  Surah 

Barnard,  daughter  oi  Bartholome7v  Barnard,  of  Hartford,  Conn.,  and  wife 
Sarah,  daughter  of  Thomas  Birchard,  of  Hartford,  Conn.,  from  England. 

Fourth  Generation,  Elizabeth  Steele,  born  ,  1698,  married  Cyprian 

Watson.     Residence,  New  Hartford,  Conn.     He  died  December  30,  1753. 

Fourth   Generation,  Mary  Watson,  born  ,  1724,  married  February 

22,  1750,  Daniel  Case.  Residence,  Simsbury,  Conn.;  removed  to  Canton, 
Hartford  county.  Conn.,  and  died  May  24,  1801.     She  died  May  25,  1807. 

Fifth  Generation,  Abigail  Case,  born  January  8,  1758,  married  William 

Si.vth  Generation,  Virgil  Taylor,  born  ,  1791,  married  Llccia  Gil- 
bert, of  Hartford,  Conn, 

Seventh  Generation,  Virgil  Corydon   Taylor,  born  ,  1S17,  married 

Harriett  C.  Dujilap. 

Eighth  Generation,  Alice  Adele   Taylor,  born  ,  married  Peter  A. 

Porter.     Residence,  Niagara  Falls,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
6U10.  Peter  A.  Porter,  born  November  16,  1877. 
6911.  Cabell  B.  Porter,  born  April  8,  18S1. 


[SB 2 7,]  Harriett  L.  Holley,  daughter  oi  Jolm  M.  Flolley 
(3918)  and  Mary  Kirkland,  married  September  24,  1851,  John 
Tillottson  Clark,  of  Portage  city,  Wis. 

[WiLUAM  Clark,  with  wife  Sarah,  came  from  England  to  Northamp- 
ton, Mass.,  1659;  lieutenant  in  "King  Philip's  war."  Died  July  8,  1690, 
aged  eighty-one.     Mrs.  Sarah  Clark  died  September  6,  1675. 

Secofid  Generation,  William  Clark,  born  July  3,  1656,  married  July  15, 
1680,  Hannah  Strong,  bom  May  30,  1659,  daughter  of  Elder  John  Strong, 
from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Jonathan  Clark,  born  May  13,  16S8,  married  January 
6,  1713-14,  Hannah  Smalley,  of  Lebanon,  Conn. 

Fourth  Generation,  Jonathan  Clark,  born  November  i,  1715,  married 
January  10,  1735,  Sovia  Dewey,  of  Lebanon. 

Fijth   Generation,  Lemuel  Clark,  born  August  8,   1753,  married  , 

1774,  Rtith  Baldwiii. 

(John  Baldwin  came  from  England  in  ship  "Martin,"  1638,  to  Guil- 
ford, Conn.  He  married  April  12,  1653,  Hannah  Birchard,  daughter  of 
Thomas  Birchard,  from  England,  to  Guilford,  Conn. 

Second  Generation,  John  Baldwin,  born ,  1654,  married ,  1680, 

Experience  Abcll,  daughter  of  Joshua  Ab?:ll,  of  Norwich,  Conn. 

Third  Generation,  John  Baldwin,  born  ,  1680-81,  married  January 

31,  1716,  Abigail  Baldwin,  daughter  of  Thomas  Baldwin,  of  Norwich,  who 
married ,  1692,  Abigail  Lay,  daughter  of  John  Lay,  of  Lyme,  Conn. 

Fourth  Generation,  Benjamin  Baldwin,  born  April  2,  1727,  married 
September  27,  1750,  Ruth  Porter  {%i$.)     Residence,  Lebanon,  Conn. 

FiJth  Generation,  Ruth  Baldwin,  (2033)  born  August  12,  1754,  married 
,  1774,  Lemuel  Clark. 

Sixth  Generation,  William  Clark,hovn  September  22,  1777,  in  Lebanon, 

married ,  1807,  Sophronia  Tillottson,  born  October  7,  1785,  daughter  of 

John  Tillottson,  of  Farmingtou,  Conn. 

Seventh  Generation.  John  Tillottson  Clark,  born  April  16,  1821,  married 
Harriett  L.  Holley. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
&)V1.  Mary  H.  Clark,  born  February  17,  1853. 
6U13.  Elizabeth  S.  Clark,  born  January  7,  1855. 

6914.  John  T.  Clark,  born  May  9,  1856. 

6915.  Helen  L.  Clark,  born  November  4,  1857. 

6916.  Julia  K.  Clark,  born  January  7,  i860. 

6917.  Sarah  A.  Clark,  born  August  14,  1861. 

6918.  William  H.  Clark,  born  July  21,  1863. 


[6631.]  Jidia  K.  Holley,  daughter  oi  John  M.  Holley  (3918) 
and  Mary  Kirkland,  married  May  16,  1872,  Charles  Henry  Roys, 
attornej^-at-lavv,  of  lyyons,  N.  Y.     She  died  December  30,  1886. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
6910.  Mary  Louise  Roys,  born  May  10,  1873. 
0920.  Charles  K.  Roys,  bora  August  29,  1875. 

6921.  John  H.  Roys,  bora  April  19,  1877. 
.  William  B.  Roys,  bora  August  9,  18S1. 

[5B32,]  John  M.  Holley,  son  oi  John  M.  Aolley  (3918)  and 
Mary  Kirkland,  married  October  12,  1869,  at  Niles,  Wvq\\.',  Anna 
Orilla  King.     Residence,  LaCrosse,  Wis. 

Their  only  child  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6922.  John  M.  Ilolley,  born  July  6,  1874. 

[SB 3 3.]  Alexander  Lyman  Holley,  son  of  Alexayider  H. 
Holley  (3919)  and  Jane  M.  Lymati ;  graduate  Brown  University, 
scientific  school,  1853  ;  studied  practical  mechanics  at  the  Corliss 
woiks  Providence,  R.  I.;  he  became  distinguished  as  a  mechani- 
cal engineer  and  mettallurgist ;  he  wrote  and  edited  several  works 
on  that,  and  kindred  subjects  ;  he  was,  however,  known  chiefly 
by  his  introduction  of  the  Bessemer  Steel  manufacture  in  the 
United  States,  and  had  superintended  the  construction  of  most  of 
the  large  works,  adding  many  improvements  to  the  process,  and 
had  come  to  be  regarded  as  one  of  the  principal  authorities  on  the 
metallurgy  of  iron  and  steel  of  this  countiy.  He  married  Decem- 
ber 1 1,  1855,  Mary  H.  Slade.  He  died  at  his  residence  in  Brook- 
lyn, N.  Y.,  January  29,  1882. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6923.  Gertrade  M.  Holley,  born  Oct.  28,  1862,  married  Frank  H.  Olmsted. 

6924.  Lucy  S.  Holley,  born  December  5,  1864,  married  Frederick  Brooks. 

6925.  Alexander  H.  Holley,  born  1866,  died  in  childhood. 

6926.  Alice  Holley,  born  January  20,  1869,  died  in  childhood. 

[5B34.]  y(^///^  CoJJng  Holley,  son  of  Alexafide?  H.  Holley 
(3919)  and  Mareia  Coffing,  married  October  22,  1862,  Lucinda  R. 


[Capt.  WitUAM  SterlinCx,  of  L3'me,  Conn.,  married ,  1^6^,  Jemitna 


(John  Sill,  from  Lyme-regis,  Dorsetshire,  England,  with  wife  Joanna, 
to  Cambridge,  Mass.,  1637.     He  died '-,  1652. 

Second  Generation,  Joseph  Sill,  born  in  England,  1636,  married  Febru- 
ary X2,  1677,  Sarah  Clark,  daughter  of  George  Clark,  of  Milford,  Conn. 
He  died  August  6,  1696. 

Third  Generation,  Joseph  Sill,  born  January  6,  1678,  married ,  1705, 

Phehe  Lord,  born  1686,  daughter  oi  Richard  Lord,  of  Norwich,  Conn.,  who 

married ,  1682,  Elizabeth  Hyde,  daughter  of  Samuel  Hyde,  and  June  — , 

1659,  Jane  Lee,  daughter  of  Thomas  Lee  and  wife  Phebe,  from  England. 
Joseph  Sill  died  November  10,  1765.     Mrs.Phebe  Sill  died  Januarys,  1774. 

Fourth   Generation,  Thomas  Sill,  born  August  25,  17 17,  married , 

1742,  Jemima  Dudley,  a  descendant  of  William  Dudley,  of  Guilford,  Conn., 
from  England. 

Fijth  Generation,  Jemima  Sill,  born ,  1745,  married  ,  William 


Sixth  Generation,  Elisha  Sterling,  born ,  1768  ;  Yale  College,  1787  ; 

lawyer  in  Salisbury,  Conu.;  colonel  in  war  of  1812  ;  married  Alma  CanJield, 

a  descendant  of  Col.  Samuel  CanJield,  of  Milford,  Conn.,  who  married , 

Elizabeth  Judson  (607). 

Seventh  Generation,  George  IV.  Sterling,  born  December  13,  181 2,  mar- 
ried A'uth  A.  Chapin. 

(Samuel  Chapix  and  wife  Cicley,  from  England. 

Second  Generation,  Japhet  Chapin,  born  October  15,  1642,  married  in 

Milford,  Coun.,  July  22,   1664,  Abilene  Coley,  born  ,  1643,  daughter  of 

Samuel  Coley,  of  Milford,  from  England,  1639,  who  married,  1640,  Anna 
Prudden,  daughter  of  James  Prudden,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Ebenczer  Chapin,  born  July  26,  1677,  married  Han- 
nah Bliss.     He  died  at  Enfield,  Conn.,  December  13,  1772. 

Fourth  Generation,  Charles  Chapin,  born ,  1720,  married . 

FiJth  Generation,  Phinehas  Chapin,  born  February  16,  1757,  married 
May  14,  17S3,  Love  Hurd,  born  September  9,  1759,  daughter  of  Gideon 
Hurd,  of  Stratford,  Conn.,  who  married  May  20,  1752,  Sarah  Graham,  born 
March  13,  1735,  daughter  of  Rev.  John  Graham,  of  Woodbury,  Conn.,  and 
wife  Abigail  Chauncey,  born  October  2,  1717,  daughter  oi  Nathaniel  Chaun- 
cey,  who  married  Sarah  Judson  (154.)  Rev.  John  Graham  born  in  Edin- 
burg,  Scotland  ;  graduate  Theological  Seminary,  Edinburg,  came  to  New 
England,  17 18.     He  was  of  the  family  of  "  Graham  of  Montrose." 

770  DJ.^Ci.MiANTS    OF  JOHX    PORTER. 

Sixth  Generation,  Pfiinehas  Cliapin,  bora  March  7,  1789,  married  INIarch 

r,  1809,  Lucitida  Martin,  boru  ,  1792,  daughter  of  Seth  Martin,  who 

married  June  6,  1788,  Maiy  Gordon,  daughter  of  Robert  Gordon,  of  Beth- 
lem,  Conn.,  and  wife  Jeanne  Kasson.  Robert  Gordon,  Ijorn  March  14,  1730, 
was  son  of  Alexander  Gordon,  of  Woodbury,  Conn.,  from  Scotland. 

Seventh  Generation,  Ruth  A.  Chapin,  boru  ,  married  George  \V. 


Eighth  Generation,  Lucinda  R.  Sterling,  born  ,  married  John  C. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  tlie  ninth  generation  :] 
6927.  Alexander  S.  Holley,  born  May  3,  1S64. 
G92S.  John  C.  Holley,  born  1866. 

[6B35,]  Maria  C.  Holley,  daughter  of  Alexander  H.  Holley 
(3919)  and  Marria  Coffing,  married  June  7,  1865,  William  Bea?ds- 
lee  Riidd,  bom  in  Freedonia,  X.  Y.,  August  17,  1838,  sou  of  Rev. 
George  R.  Rudd,  who  married  October  1,  1827,  Frances  Beardslcc, 
born  January  15,  1805.  in  New  Hartford,  N.  Y.,  daughter  of 
Hczckiali  Beardslee,  of  Milford.  Conn.,  and  Afary  Riley. 

Rev.  G.  R.  Rudd,  bom  July  16,  1801,  in  Vergennes,  Vt.,  was 
son  oi  Nathaniel' Riidd  and  Waity  Hopkins,  daughter  of  Samuel 
Hopkins,  a  descendant  of  irawwrZ/Aj/^vV/^,  of  Milford,  Conn.,  whose 
wife  was  Hannah  Turner,  daughter  of  Capt.  Nathanui  Ti'u- 
NER,  of  Stamford,  Conn. 

(Capt.  Nathaniel  Turner  had  been  a  .soldier  in  the  "low 
countries,"  (Holland)  in  the  army.  He  came  with  Win- 
throp  to  New  England,  in  1630,  Boston,  Mass.;  representative, 
1634  to  1636;  captain  in  Pequot  war,  1637;  removed  to  New 
Haven,  Conn.;  magistrate,  1639.  In  1640  chief  militar}'  ofllcer, 
and  one  of  the  purchasers  oT  the  site  of  Stamford  ;  representative 
in  the  congress  ot  the  New  England  colonies  in  1643,  called  the 
"court  of  combination."  In  January',  1646,  he  sailed  for  En.<r- 
land  in  the  Phantom  ship.     (See  appendix.) 

Nathmiicl  Rudd  \\&s  son  of  Nathaniel,  and  grand-son  q{  Na- 
thaniel Rudd,  of  Norwich,  Conn.,  who  married  April  16,  1685, 
Mary  Post,  born  ,  1658,  daughter  of  Thomas  Post,  of  Say- 
brook,  Conn.,  who  married  January,  1656,  Mary  Andrews,  born 


in  England,  daughter  of  Francis  Andrews,  of  Hartford  and 
Fairfield,  Conn.,  from  England,  1639.  Thomas  Post,  born  in 
England,  was  son  of  Stephen  Post,  of  Hartford,  from  England, 
1636.  Nathaniel  Rudd,  Sr.,  was  son  of  Jonathan  Rudd,  of 
New  Haven,  Conn.,  from  England,  1640.  W.  B.  Rudd  resides  at 
Lakeville,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6929.  Marcie  H.  Rudd,  born  February  23,  1866,  died  March  21,  1866. 

6930.  Alexander  H.  Rudd,  born  March  8,  1867. 

6931.  Fanny  Rudd,  born  May  5,  1869. 

6932.  George  R.  Rudd,  born  November  9,  1872,  died  March  11,  1877. 

6933.  Malcolm  D.  Rudd,  born  April  3,  1877. 

6934.  Charles  F.  Rudd,  born  January  2,  1881. 

[SB3Bi]  Elizabeth  Porter  Holley,  daughter  of  George  W. 
Holley  (3923)  and  Caroline  E.  Church,  (4227)  married  June  15, 
1 88 1,  Irving  Porter  Church,  son  of  Doct.  Samuel  Porter  Church 
and  Elizabeth  H.  Sterling,  she  born  April  23,  1823,  was  daughter 
of  William  C.  Sterling  and  Efannah  M.  Lee,  born  Aug.  6,  1794, 
daughter  of  Samuel  Lee  and  Elizabeth  Broivn.  Samuel  Lee,  born 
September  27,  1749,  was  son  of  Rev.  ^nnathati  Lee  and  Elizabeth 
Metcalf.  (See  No.  3923.)  Samuel  P.  Church  was  son  of  Samuel 
Church,  (2525)  who  married  November  i,  1806,  Cynthia  Newell, 

[Thomas  Newell  came  from  Hertfordshire,  England,  to  Farmington, 
Conn.,  1652,  married  Rehekah  Olnistead,  sister  of  Richard  Olmstead  of  Hart- 
ford, from  England. 

Second  Generation,  Samuel  Neivell,  born  Dec.  5,  1660,  married . 

Third  Generation,  Capt.  John  Nevjell,  born  January  17,  1692,  married 
September  25,  1719,  Elizabeth  Hawley. 

(Joseph  Hawlev,  with  wife  Catherine,  came  from  England  to  Strat- 
ford, Conn.,  1645.     Representative.     Died ,  1690. 

Second  Generation,  Joseph  Hawley,  born  January  9,  1650,  married , 

Elizabeth . 

Third  Generation,  Elizabetli  Hawley,  borr  January  12,  1699,  married 
Capt.  Johfi  Newell.  Residence,  Farmingtou,  Conn.  He  died  February  21, 
1777.     She  died  August  4,  1779. 

Fourth  Generation,  Jonn  Newell,  born  December  6,  1733,  married  Ruth 
Merriain.     Residence,  West  Stockbridge,  Mass. 


Fifth  Generalion,  Capt.  Seth  Newell,  boru  ,  married  Esther  Lan- 
dau, daughter  oi  James  Landon,  of  Salisbury,  Conn.  lie  died  March  3. 
1812.     She  died  April  4,  1820. 

Sixth  Generation,  Cynthia  Newell,  bom  July  6,  1787,  married  Samuel 
Church.  He  was  a  lawyer  in  Salisbury  ;  judge  of  probate  ;  attorney-general 
of  Connecticut;  Chief  Justice  of  Supreme  Court;  L.L.  D.,  Trinity  College. 
He  died  September  13,  1854.     Mrs.  Cynthia  Church  died  April  27,  1S53. 

Ir\'ing  P.  Church  was  in  1888,  professor  of  mathematics  in  Cornell  Uni- 
versity.    Residence,  Ithaca,  N.  Y. 

Their  only  child  was  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
t)93.5.  Edith  HoUey  Church,  bom  January  4,  1886. 

[GB41,]  Mary  A.  Robbins,  daughter  o^  Samuel  S.  Robbiiis 
and  Sally  P.  Hollcy,  (3923)  married  October  6,  1858,  Alonzo  W. 

[Richard  Church,  from  England.    (See  338.) 

Second  Generation,  Samuel  Church,  boru ,  1638,  married ,  1644, 

Mary  Churchill. 

Third  Generation,  Samuel  Church,  bora  August  19,  1667,  married  July 
7,  1692,  Abigail  Harrison,  born  September  11,  1673,  daughter  of  Isaac 
Harrison,  of  Hadley,  Mass.,  from  England,  who  married  December  1, 
1671,  Martha  Montague,  daughter  of  Richard  Montacle  and  wife  Abi- 
gail, of  Hadlcy,  from  England.     Isaac  Harrison  •was  killed  in  the  "  Falls 

fight,"  1676.     Samuel   Church  di-^'i  i-^-      "^frs.  Abigail  Church  died 

September  17,  17 17. 

Fourth  Generation,  Nathaniel  Lhnrch,  born  I-ebrurry  7,  1704,  married, 

IT2J,  Rachel  Macrany,  Aaugi\\.tT  o{  ll'illiiii'!    "^^^  • .r  v:,,^;.,,,.   .1.1  -vt..-.. 

who  married  — -v-*^3 »  -i'^^" ' ^g ' " ^'^  Js'il^j '. 

(John  Rii,ey  came  from  England,  with  wife  Grace,  to  Wearthersfield, 

Second  Generation,  John  Riley,  born  August  15,  1640,  removed  to  Spring- 
field, and  married ,  1661,  Margaret .     He  died  October  24,  1684. 

She  died  August  22,  1689. 

Third  Generation,  Marr^aret  Riley,  born  ,   1662,  married  IVilliam 


Fourth  Gcucranon,  i<arhci  Aiacrany,  born ,   1708,  uiarncd  .\iil/ian- 

iel  Church. 

Fifth  Generation,  Timothy  Church,  born  May  12,  1736,  married  June  9, 
1757,  Abigail  Church. 

(Richard  Church,  first  named. 

DESCENDANTS    OF    10ITN    rORTER.  773 

SlcohJ  Generation,  Samuel  ChuiLn,  juan.t^  Mary  Churchill. 

Third  Generation,  Samuel  Church,  married  Abigail  Harrison. 

Fourth  Generation,  Samuel  Church,  born  — ' — ,  1706,  married ,  1734, 

Margaret  Smith. 

(Samuei,  Smith  and  wife  Elizabeth,  from  England,  to  Hadley,  Mass, 

Second  Generation,  Chileab  Smith,  born  ,  1635,  married  October  2, 

1661,  Hannah,  daughter  of  Luke  Hitchcock,  of  Weathersfield,  from  Eng- 
land.    He  died  May  7,  173 1.     She  died  August  31,  1733,  aged  eighty-eight. 

Third  Generation,  Samuel  Smith,  born  March  9,  1665,  married  March 
9,  16S7,  Sarah  Bliss,  born  November  27,  1667,  daughter  o{  Laurence  Bliss, 
of  Springfield,  Mass.,  son  of  Thomas  Bliss,  from  England. 

Fourth  Generation,  Margaret  Smith,  born  January  24,  1710,  married 
Samuel  Church. 

Fifth   Generation,  Abigail  Church,  born  ,  1738,  married  Timothy 

Church.  They  removed  to  Brattleboro,  Vt.  In  the  controversy  relative  to 
the  boundary,  he  espoused  the  New  York  side,  and  was  imprisoned  by 
I2lhan  Allen,  in  consequence. 

Sixth  Generation,  Reuben  Church,  boru ,  175S  ;  lieutenant  in  war  of 

Revolution  ;  married .  ^■-y^'^'-"/'-^MK  >i  %M^ 

Seventh  Generation,  Alonzo  Church,  born ,  in  Brattleboro,  went  at 

an  early  age  to  Georgia.  He  married  Sarah  Trippe.  He  was  professor  of 
mathematics,  and  after,  president  of  the  University  of  Georgia.  He  died 
,  1863. 

Eighth  Generation,  Alonzo   W.  Church,  born  ,  married  Mary  A. 

Robhins.     He  was  in  1887,  librarian  of  the  U.  vS.  Senate,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
(393(3.  Samuel  R.  Church,  born  December  24,  1863. 
()9o7.  John  R.  Church,  boru  November  13,  1865. 
()9.')8.  James  R.  Church,  born  October  ir,  1866. 
(i9;>9.  Sarah  R.  Church,  born  January  24,  1868. 
()940.  Mary  R.  Church,  born  June  29,  1869. 
(3941.  Alonzo  W.  Church,  born  December  31,  1870. 
G942.  William  W.  Church,  born  December  17,  1874. 

[SB43i]  Milton  Holley  Rabbins,  son  of  Samuel  S.  Robbiyis 
and  Sally  P.  Holley,  (3923)  married  April  16,  1863,  A^ine  Eliza 

[Arthur  Bostwick  came  from  Cheshire,  England,  to  Stratford,  Conn., 
with  wife  Ellen,  about  1640-45. 


Sicond  Generation^  John   IJostivick,  born  in  Englaud.  uiairiffd  July   i 
1666,  I\fary  Brinsmeade,  bora  July  24,  1640,  daughter  oi  John  BrhiswroiU, 
of  Stratford,  from  England,  and  wfe  Mary. 

Third  Generation,  Zechariah  Bostwick,  born  July  25,  i66g,  married 

Susannah . 

Fourth  Generation,  Benjamin  Bostwiek,  born ,  1710,  marri.d 

Fijth  Generation,  Benjamin  Bostwiek,  born ,  1740,  married  ^nna 

Smith,  lx)rn  ,  1743,  daughter  oi  Joseph  Smith,  of  Hadley,  Miiss.,  who 

married  May  24,  1739,  Miriam  Church,  daughter  of /jV>//V7;«7«  Church. 

[Richard  Church,  from  England.     (See  338.) 

Second  Generation,  Samuel   Church,   bora   ,    1636,   manned   Mary 

Churchill,  daughter  of  Josiah  Chcrciiii.i.,  from  England,  and  wife  Eliza- 
beth, daughter  of  Nathanipl  Foote. 

Third  Generation,  Benjamin  Church,  l)oni  September  i,  16S0,  married 
Januarj-  30,  1709,  Miriam  Hovey. 

(Daniel  Hovev  came  from  England  to  Ipswich.  Mass., ,  1637,  mar- 
ried   ,  1640,  Rebecca  Andrews,  daughter  of  Robert  Andrews  and  wife 

Elizabeth,  of  Ipswich,  from  England. 

Second  Generation,  Thomas  Hovey,  bora  ,  1648,  settled  in  Hadley, 

Mass.,  and  married  November  — ,  1677,  Sarah  Cooke,  Lorn  January  30,  1662, 
daughter  of  Capt.  Aaron  Cooke,  of  Hadley,  and  his  wife  Sarah  U'estwood, 
daughter  of  Wri.i.TAM  WrsTWooD  and  wife  Rrids^ct,  of  Hartford,  from 

Third  Generation,  Miriatn  Hovey,  born  ,  i^j-Sq,  luarnol  i.rnjanini 


Fourth  Generation,  Miriam  Church,  bora  May  12,  17 12,  murrie<l , 

Joseph  .^mith,  son  of  /-ukr  Svtith,  son  of  Chileab  Smith,  and  giandson  of 
Samuel  Smith,  from  England. 

Fifth   Generation,   Anna   Smith,  born   ,    1746,   married  Benjamin 

Bostzrick :  lived  in  New  Milford,  Conn.  He  was  a  captain  in  the  war  of 

Sixth  Generation,  Rufus  Bostwiek,  bora  Feb.  15,  1786,  married  . 

Seventh  Generation,  Robert  Bostwick,  bora  April  7    iSii,  married . 

Eighth  Generation,  Anne  E.  Bostwick,  born  March  29    iSio    married 
Milton  H.  Robbins.     Residence,  Litchfield  county,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :J 
m\?>.  Mar)-  E.  Rolibins,  born  October  4,  1S65. 
G'.iy.  Samuel  B.  Robbins,  born  October  15,  1S67, 
n<»4o.  Milton  H.  Robbins,  bora  January  17,  1S71. 


[5B4Bi]  il/oses  Lyman,  son  of  Moses  Lyman  and  Mary  A. 
Holley,  (3924)  married  December  31,  1863,  Ellen  A.  Douglas. 

[WiJvr,iAM  Douglas  came  from  Eugland,  with  wife  Anna,  to  Bostou, 
Mass.,  1640,  she  was  daughter  of  Thomas  Maybell,  of  Ringstead,  Northamp- 
tonshire, England,  they  settled  in  New  London,  Conu: 

Second  Generation,  William  Douglas,  born  April  i,  1645,  married 
December  18,  1667,  Abiah  Hough,  born  September  16,  1648,  daughter  of 
William  Hough,  who  came  from  Cheshire,  England,  to  Gloucester,  Mass., 
1640,  and  who  married  October  20,  1645,  Sarah,  daughter  of  Hugh  Caul- 
kins,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  William  Douglas,  born  February  19,  1672,  married 
,  1 7 10,  Sarah  Proctor. 

Fourth   Generation,  Asa  Douglas,  born  December   11,  17 15,  settled  in 

Canaan,  Conn.     He  was  a  captain  in  war  of  1755.     He  married ,  1737, 

Rebecca  Wheeler,  and  died  November  12,  1792. 

Fifth  Generation,  WiHimn  Dnuoln\,  Tioni  \ii.''.i-,i  23,  1743,  married 
I  latin  ah  Cole 

(John  Cole,  (or  Coles)  from  England,  to  Farmiiigton,  Conn., ,  1650; 

removed  to  Hatfield,  Mass.,  and  died  September  — ,  1675. 

Second  Generation,  John  Cole,  born  ,   1640,  married  November  22, 

166S,  Deborah  Bartlett,  daughter  of  Robert  Bartlett,  from  England,  to 
Cambridge,  Mass.,  1632,  who  removed  to  Hartford,  Conn.,  1635,  thence  to 
Northampton,  Mass.,  1655,  and  was  there  killed  by  Indians,  March  14,  1676. 
John  Cole  died  May  12,  1711. 

Third  Generation,  Samuel  Cole,  born  ^i.iv  97    '^»73,  married ,  1698, 

Sarah  Hubbard. 

(George  Hubbard  came  from  England,  to  Weathersfield,  Conn.,  1636 ; 
removed  to  Milford,  Conn.,  thence  to  Guilford,  and  died  January  — ,  1683. 
Mrs.  Mary  Hubbard  died  September  14,  1676. 

Second  Generation,  John  Hubbard,  born  in  Eugland,  married ,  1650, 

Mary  Merriam  ;  removed  to  Hatfield,  Mass.,  and  died  March ,  1706. 

Third  Generation,  Sarah  Hubbard,  born  March  12,  1672,  married  , 

1698,  Samuel  Cole.     He  died  August  16,  1750. 

Fourth   Generation,  Samuel  Cole,  born  March  12,  1706,  married  , 

Abigail .     Residence,  Norfolk,  Conn.,  where  he  died ,  1762. 

Fifth  Generation,  Hannah  Cole,  born ,  1744,  married ,  William 

Douglas.  William  Douglas  removed  in  spring  of  1766,  to  Stephentown, 
Rensselaer  county,  N.  Y.;  he  was  a  captain  in  war  of  Revolution,  at  Ben- 
nington, Saratoga,  &c. ;  he  rendered  important  service  as  a  spy.  He  died 
December  29,  iSii.     Mrs   Hannah  Douglas  died  December  24,  1795. 


Si.v//i  Gfnetiition,  IVilliam  Douglas,  Ijoru  January  ii,  ijbo,  in  biejiiKii- 

towu,  N.  Y.,  marrieil ,  1798,  Margaret  Hunler,  born  December  17,  1776, 

daughter  of  Atidrezi'  Hunter,  who  married  ,  1773,  -^igft^s  Wylic,  boni 

July  26,  1754,  daughter  o{  John  Wylic,  who  married  December  3,  1742, 
Sarah  Campbell. 

(Robert  Campbell,  bom  in  Argyleshire,  Scotland,  1673,  came  with  his 
'wMq  Janet,   to  Voluntown,   Windham    county.   Conn.,   and   died   February 

14.  «725. 

Second  Generation,  John   Campbell,  M.   D.,    born   in   Ireland,    1690-91, 

married  November  19,  1719,  Agnes  Allen,  bom ,  1692,  daughter  oi  John 

Allen,  of  Suffield,  Conn.,  vA\o  married  Feb.  22,  1682,  Elizabeth  Prichard. 

(WiLLi.\M  Prichard  came  from  England,  to  Lynn,  Mass., ,  1646; 

removed  to  Brookfield,  Mass.,  and  was  killed  by  Indians,  August  3,  1675. 

Second  Generation,  William  Prichard,  born  ,  marricl ,  F.liza- 

beth  .     Lived  in  Suffield,  Conn. 

Third  Generation,  Elizabeth  Prichard,  bom ,  1663,  married  John 

Allen,  who,  bora ,  1656,  was  sou  of  Edwarp  Allen,  from  Scotland, 

who  married  Sarah,  daughter  of  Richard  Kimr.all,  and  wife  f'r<;ula,  of 
Walenown,  Mass.,  from  England. 

John  Wylie  was  son  of  J(jhn  Wvlii:,  and  \mic  ./.;''■■,  iroiii  ^coiiaiid,  to 
Volniitown,  Mass.    John  Hunter  lived  in  New  Lebanon,  N.  Y. 

•  nth  Generation',  Edwin  A.  Douglas,  bora  March  3,  1804,  married 
Ic-bruary  6,  1834,  Harriett  C.  Dexter,  born  April  5,  iScg,  daughter  of  Set  h 
Dexter,  who  married  .S>/: /.;  Civfoni,  ,t  <lc?.:cn>1ant  of  William  (f.WLORD 
and  Anna  Porter.     (See  .; 

Eighth  Generation,  ElUn  .lugusta  Douxlus,  horn  ,  1841,  marncil 

Afoses  Lyfnan.  She  died  August  17.  1871.  He  married  (second  wife) 
March  6,  1873,  Sarah  H.  Beebi . 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  K^encration  :] 
f«»4(i.  Moses  Lyman,  born  July  17,  1865. 
G!>47.  Isabel  D.  Lyman,  bora  March  21,  1^67. 

0948.  Harriett  D.  Lyman,  l)orn  July  27,  1870.     Died  August  7,  1S71. 
05(40.  Lucy  B.  Lyman,  bora  June  iS,  1875.     Died  April  i,  1876. 
6{»50.  Mar>-  A.  Lyman,  born  July  8,  1877. 
*'>'.i.51.  Sanmel  Lyman,  born  July  2,  1879. 

[5B4Bi]  Alice  Lyman,  daughter  of  Moses  Lynnan  and  Mary 
A.  Holley,  (3924)  married  October  24,  1872,  JoJm  T.  Sazcyer  of 
Waverlv.  N.  Y. 


Their  only  child  was  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6952.  Ellen  Sawyer,  boru  May  12,  1874. 

[SBGSi]  Sarah  Maria  Porter,  daughter  of  William  Porte} 
(3925)  and  Sarah  M.  Cheney,  married  October  9,  1848,  Nathan  L. 
Bidwell,^  of  South  Coventry,  Conn. 

[Richard  Bidwei^l,  from  England  to  Windsor,  Conn.     Died ,  1647. 

Second  Generation,  John  Bidivell,  born  in  England,  married ,  1640, 

Sarah  Wilcox,  daughter  of  John  Witcox,  of  Hartford,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  John  Bidwell,  born ,  1641,  married  November  7, 

1678,  Sarah  Welles,  born ,  1659,  daughter  of  Thomas  Welles,  of  Hart- 
ford, and  Hannah,  daughter  of  Richard  Tuttle. 

Fourth  Generation,  John  Bidwell,  born  September  r,  1679,  married , 

1703,  Hannah  Pitkin. 

(William  Pitkin  of  Hartford,  from  England,  married,  1676,  Hannah 
Goodwin,  daughter  of  Ozias  Goodwin,  of  Hartford,  from  England. 

Second  Generation,  Roger  Pitliin,  born  ,  1662,  married  ,  1683, 

Hannah  Stanley,  daughter  of  Cableb  StanlKV,  of  Hartford,  from  England. 

Tliird  Generation,  Hannah  Pitkin,  born  March  30,  1684,  married  John 

Fijth  Generation,  Joseph  Bidwell,  M.  D.,  born ,  1709,  married , 

174S,  Hannah  Rockwell.  Residence,  East  Hartford,  Conn.  He  died,  1793. 
She  died ,  1806. 

Sixth  Generation,  Rodolphus  Bidwell,  born  September  26,  1755,  married 
November  4,  1778,  Mary  Sprague.  Residence,  East  Hartford.  He  died 
May  23,  1840.     She  died  July  19,  1793. 

Seventh  Generation,  Solomon  Bidwell,  born  June  23,  1784,  married , 

1S08,  Caroline  Lyman.  Residence,  Coventry,  Conn.  He  died  October  31, 
1858.     She  died  February  14,  1866. 

Eighth  Generation,  Nathan  Bidiuell,  born  December  27,  1825,  married 
Sarah  Maria  Porter. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6953.  Charles  P.  Bidwell,  born  June  14,  1851,  married  Lydia  H.  Allen. 

6954.  Lynian  Bidwell,  born  1853. 

[GBBli]  Oliver  R.  Kingsbury,  son  of  Oliver  Kingsbury 
(3929)  and  Cynthia  lVi?ig,  married  April  26,  1828,  Susan  Patter- 
son.    He  was  a  graduate  of  Andover  Theological  Seminary. 


Their  chikhcii  were  [beiiij^  oi  the  ninth  generation :] 
0955.  Oliver  A.  Kiugsburj-,  bom  Aug.  20,  1839,  married  Sarah  C.  Stephenson. 

6956.  Howard  Kingsbur>-  bom  Febmarj-  3,  1S42,  married  Sarah  H.  Thayer. 

6957.  Helen  L.  Kingsbury,  born  June  25,  1S46. 

6958.  George  P.  Kingsbury,  bom  June  3,  1849. 

[GBB3.]  Diana  Kingsbury,  daughter  of  Ward  Kingsbitry 
(393O  Siwdi  Ire7ie  Avrrv,  married  Auril  10.  iS:?8.  Mattheu^  Allen, 
of  Willington,  Ohio. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6959.  Dwight  Allen,  born  January  20,  1839. 

6960.  Milton  Allen,  born  December  19,  1S43,  killed  in  war  of  Rebellion. 

6961.  Alice  Allen,  bora  January  29,  1845,  married  J.  T.  Ogden. 

6962.  Diana  Allen,  bora  May  23,  1847,  married  Eugene  Smith. 

6963.  Ruth  Allen,  born  July  4,  1S49.  married  Hiram  O.  Tuttle. 

[ fi  B  B 4 1 ]  Ebenezcr  Kingsbury,  son  of  Ward  Kingsbury  ( 393 1 ) 
and  Irene  Avery,  married  Noveml:>er  2,  1846,  Clynicna  Hiicheock; 
lived  in  Pittsfield,  Ohio.  A  soldier  of  the  Union,  and  was  killed 
in  battle  of  Lookout  Mountain,  November  23,  1863. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
69(>4.  Sarah  C.  Kingsbury,  born  Deceuiber  9,  1847,  married  Isaac  11.  Pall. 
6965.  George  G.  Kingsbury,  born  Oct.  24,  1S49,  died  in  Kansas  unmarried. 
696<>.  Ward  M.  Kingsbury,  born  January  25,  1852,  married  Myra  Norton. 

6967.  Ralph  \V.  Kingsbury,  born  February  13,  1854,  married  Knnna  Warren. 

6968.  Lewis  F.  Kingsbury,  born  January'  19,  1856. 
69()9.  Clarence  A.  Kingsbury,  born  Apnl  2,  1858. 

6970.  Newton  E.  Kingsbury,  born  July  2,  jS6i. 

[6 BBS.]  Marcus  Lillie,  son  oi Ira  Lillic,  and  Pcrsis  Kings- 
bury, (3932)  married  May  24,  1836,  Eunice  Porter,  (3968.)  She 
died  March  28,  1857.     Residence,  Coventr>'.  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6971.  George  S.  Lillie,  born  September  19,  1837,  died  in  the  army. 

6972.  Frederick  L.  Lillie,  born  July  15,  1S46,  marriea  L^iura  L.  Kellogg. 

[5B7S,]  Harlan  M.  Page,  son  of  Harlan  Page,  and  Mary 
Kingsbury,  (3934)  mairied  January  i,  1866,  Sarah  Turner,  of 
Utica,  N.  Y.     He  was  editor  of  a  newspaper  in  Madi.son,  Wis. 

I')KSc:KNr>ANTS   OF   JOHN    I'OKTKK.  779 

Thuir  euiiuicii  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

6973.  Josie  E.  Page,  born  September  ii,  1868. 

6974.  Harlan  K.  Page,  born  January  16,  1874. 

[5B7B,]  William  Ward  Wight,  son  oi  Daniel  Wig /if  and 
Roxanna  Kingsbiiry,  (3935)  married  July  14,  1844,  Lydia  A. 
Van  A  ken. 

[James  Van  Aken,  boru  in  Pike  county,  Pa.,  1740,  a  descendant  of  Jan 

Coster  Van  Aacken,  of  Albany,  N.  Y.,  from  Holland,  jnarried ,  1768, 

in  Sussex  county,  N.  J.,  Elizabeth  Van  Benschoten. 

Second  Generation,  John  Van  Aken,  born ,  1768,  married ,  1788, 

Margaret    West/all,  born  March   11,    1770,  daughter  of  Simon    West/all; 
settled  in  Seneca  county,  N.  Y. 

Third  Generation,  Simon  Van  Aken,  born  December  11,  1789,  married 
November  17,  1823,  Lydia  Polwin. 

(John  Potwin,  (or  Poitevin)  a  Huguenot,  came  to  Boston,  Mass. 

Second  Generation,  John  Potwin,  born ,    1698,  married  April   20, 

1721,  Mary  Jackson.     Residence,  Hartford,  Conn. 

Third  Generation,  Rev.  Thomas  Potivin,  born  October  3,  1731.  Yale 
College,  1751  ;  minister  at  East  Windsor,  Conn.;  married  June  30,  1754, 
Abigail  Moseley. 

(John  Maupesi^ey,  came  from  England  with  wife  Ciclcy,  to  Dorchester, 
Mass.,  1639, 

Second  Generation,  Thomas  Moseley,  born  in  England,  married  October 
28,  1658,  Mary  Lawrence,  daughter  of  Thomas  Lawrence,  of  Hingham, 
Mass.,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Ebenezer  Moseley,  born  September  4,  1673,  married 
Llannah  Weeks,  daughter  o^  Animiel  Weeks,  of  Dorchester,  from  England. 

Fourth  Generation,  Rev.  Samuel  Moseley,  born  August  15,  1708 ;  Har- 
vard College,  1729;  minister  at  Hampton,  Conn.;  married  July  4,  1734, 
Bcthiah  Otis. 

(John  Otis,  from  Glastonbury,  England,  with  wife  Margaret,  to  Hing- 
ham, Mass.,  1635. 

Second  Generation,  John  Otis,  born   in   England,   married  ,   1653, 

Mary  Jacobs,  daughter  of  Nicholas  Jacobs,    of  Hingham,   Mass.,  from 

Third  Gencmujn,  Joseph  Otis,  boru  June  3,  1666,  married  November 
20,  1688,  Dorothy  Thomas,  bom  November  6,  1670,  daughter  of  Nathafiiel 
Thomas,  of  Marshfield,  Mass.,  who  married  January  19,  1664,  Deborah 
Jacobs,  daughter  of  Nicholas  Jacobs. 


Foiirlh  Generation,  Bethiah  Olis,  born  Noveuiljer  20,  1703,  married  Re\ . 
Samuel  Moseltv 

Fifth     CcHl  /.-,.'?/     Miiu!i\'     l.orn    17:;'^.     iii>rii.-.1     K.-v. 

Thomas  Potwifi 

Fourth  Generation,  'J'homas  Potiiin,  born  October  18,  1756,  niarricil 
Martha  Stiles,  daughter  of  Isaac  Stiles,  of  Windsor,  Conn. 

Fi/th  Generation,  Lydia  Potwin,  born  November  9,  1792,   narried  , 

Simon  Van  A  ken. 

Sixth  Generation,  Lydia  Van  A  ken,  horn ,  niarrie<)   T    '^     U'f'li/ 

Residence,  Troy,  N.  Y,     He  died ,  i86vS, 

Their  children  were  [Ix-ing  of  the  ninth  generation  :j 
mib.  Daniel  P.  Wight,  horn  August  16,  1S46. 

mie<.  Wilham  W.  Wight,  boni  Jan.  14,  1849,  married  F.  W.  Chamberlain 
0977.  Clara  E.  Wight,  bom  October  19,  1S52. 
6l»7S.  Arthur  M.  Wight,  born  April  26,  i860. 

[SB 7 7.]  Rev.  Joseph  K.  Wight,  son  of  Daniel  Wight  and 
Roxana  Kin^^sbury,  (3935 ;)  graduate  Williams  College  and 
Princeton  Theological  Seminary;  mi.ssionary  in  China,  1849  to 
1853.     He  married  August  16,  1848,  Eliza  N.   Van  Dyke. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
I  ■•"     ■    ■     ■  \.  1849. 

r  3,  1850. 

Alice  M.  Wight,  born  Octol)er  7,  1851. 

C'.'^-.   Kninia  Wight,  bom  November  11,  1852. 

(Hts:;.  Anna  I.  Wight,  bora  October  13,  1853. 

«ii)S4.  Caro  C.  Wight,  bora  June  11,  1855. 

Gi>S.').  Joseph  A.  Wight,  bora  June  7,  185S. 

(«»S(J.  Calvin  Wight,       (  ) 

\  born  September  8,  1861.      ' 

f;!iS7.  Luther  Wight,      (  ) 

»;S)88.  Marg.iret  Wight,  born  November  22,  1863. 

t)089.  Mary  S.  Wight,  bora  June  i,  1866. 

6990.  Jessie  K.  Wight,  bora  November  12,  1867. 

noftl.  Edward  V.  Wight,  bora  May  13.  1869. 

f.902.  Julia  C.  Wight,  bom  Febraary  14.  1872. 

[5B7B.]  Edwin  Mather  Wight,  son  01  iJ.^nut  \\ijyht  and 
Me^oMa  Kingsbury,  (3935)  married  in  Baltimore,  Md.,  Februan.- 
9,  1869,  Mary  Virginia  Rail.     Residence,  Baltimore. 


Their  only  child  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
6993.  Mary  Ball  Wight,  born  December  i8,  1883. 

[6 BSD.]  Addison  L.  Tracy,  son  oi  Simon  Tracy  a.nd  Ruth 
Kingsbury,  (3936)  married  Januarj'-  i,  1845,  Laura  Hunt. 

[Jonathan  Hunt,  from  England  to  Northampton,  Mass.,  married  Sep- 
tember 3,  1662,  Clemence  Hosmer,  daughter  of  Thomas  Hosmer,  from 
England  to  Cambridge,  Mass.,  1632,  who  removed  to  Hartford,  Conn.,  and 
died  April  12,  1687. 

Second  Generation,  Ebenezer  Hiuti,  bom  February  6,  1675,  married  May 
27,  1698,  Hafinah  Clark. 

(WiLUAM  Clark,  from  England,  with  wife  Sarah,  Dorchester,  1636; 
Northampton,  Mass.,  1659;  lieutenant  in  King  Philip's  war;  representative  ; 
died  July  18,  1690,  aged  eighty-one. 

Second  Generation,  IVilliatn  Clark,  born  July  3,  1656,  married  July  15, 
1680,  Hannah  Strong,  daughter  of  Elder  John  Strong,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Hannah  Clark,  born  May  5,  1681,  married  Ebenezer 

Third  Generation,  IVilliam  Hunt,  born  October  12,  1705,  married,  1734, 
Sarah  Lyman. 

(Richard  Lyman,  from  England. 

Second  Generation,  Richard  Lyman,  bom  in  England,  married  Hepzibah 

Third  Generation,  Richard  Lyman,  born  1647,  married  Elizabeth  Coles, 
daughter  of  John  Coi,ES,  (or  Cowles)  of  Hatfield,  Mass.,  from  England. 

Fourth  Generation,  Jonathan  Lyman,  bom  1684,  married  1707,  Lydia 

(Joseph  Loomis,  from  England. 

Second  Generation,  John  Loomis,  born  in  England,  married  February  — , 
1649,  Elizabeth  Scott,  bom  in  England,  daui/hter  of  Thomas  Scott,  of  Hart- 
ford, from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Daniel  Loomis,  born  June  16,  1657,  married  Decem- 
ber 23,  1680,  Mary  Ellsworth,  daughter  oi  Josiah  Ellsworth,  of  Windsor. 

Fourth  Generation,  Lydia  Loomis,  bom  October  21,  1693,  married  1712, 
Jojiathan  Lyman. 

Fifth  Generation,  Sarah  Lyman,  born  January  24,  17 13,  married  IVilliam 

Fourth  Generation,  Eldad  Hunt,  boru  October  21,  1742,  married  Huldah 
Benton,  bprn  July  15,  1751,  daughter  of  Timothy  Benton,  of  Tolland,  Conn, 
who  married  June  29,  1738,  Abigail  Scott. 


(WilIyIAM  Scott,  of  Hatfield,  Mass.,  married  January  28,  1670,  Hannah 
Allis,  daughter  of  William  Allis,  from  England  to  Hadley,  Mass.,  who 
married  Mary  Bronson,  daughter  of  John  Bronson,  of  Hartford,  Conn., 
from  England. 

Second  Generation,  Joseph  Scott,  born  March  21,  16S2,  married  February 
13.  1707,  Lydia  Leonard,  daughter  oi  John  Leonard,  of  Springfield,  Mass. 

Third  Generation,  Abigail  Scott,  bom  1715,  married.  Timothy  Benton. 

Fourth  Genei'ation,  Htildah  Benton,  born  July  15,  1751,  married  Eldad 
Hunt.     Residence,  Tolland,  Conn. 

Fijth  Generatiofi,  Flavel  Hunt,  born  September  10,  17S7,  married  J  819, 
Pamela  Chesebrough. 

Eighth  Generation,  i.aura  J^iml,  norn  April  18,  i82tj,  married  A.  L. 
Tracy.  Residence,  Vernon,  Conn.  She  died  1846.  He  married  (second 
wife)  Anne  Lovice  Chester,  daughter  of  Socrates  Chester,  of  Ellington,  Coun. 
Residence,  Rockville,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
6094.  Theodore  H.  Tracy,  born  May  10,  1846,  married  Joanna  Pierce. 

6995.  Mary  R.  Tracy,  born  June  6,  1849,  died  unmarried. 

6996.  Frederick  K.  Tracy,  born  September  3,  1852,  married  Mar)-  K.  Rogers. 

[5 B  BIp]  Lois  Abby  Tracy,  daugliter  of  Simon  Tracy  and  Ruth 
Khigsbury,  (3936)  married  August  24,  1842,  Eli  Griffith,  of  El- 
lington, Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  .] 

6997.  Alonzo  T.  Griffith,  born  August  12,  1843,  married  Ellen  Walker. 

6998.  Ruth  L.  Griffith,  born  January  10,  1846,  married  Charles  E.  Sheldon. 

6999.  George  F.  Griffith,  born  May  29,  1848,  married  Ellen  L.  Stevens. 

7000.  Ellen  M.  Griffith,  born  August  5,  1S50,  married  Daniel  Symonds. 

7001.  Emma  L.  Griffith,  born  IMay  31,  1S57,  married  Isaac  C.  Alden. 

[57DB,]  Dwight  Delevan  Stebbi7is,  M.  D.,  .son  of  Nehemiah 
Stebbins  and  Emily  While,  (3948)  married  August  — ,  1834,  Jiiar- 
tha  Frances  Strong,  born  August  6,  1837,  daughter  of  Nelson 
Strong,  of  Ann  Arbor,  Mich.,  who  married  in  Pittsfield,  Mass., 
June  29,  1830,  Lucy  W.  Russell,  daughter  of  Solomon  Russell,  of 
of  Chesterfield,  Mass.  He  was  born  in  Pittsfield,  Mass.,  May  9, 
1800,  son  oi  Henry  King  Slrofig  and  Hannah  Noble,  a  descendant 
of  Elder  John  Strong,  from  England. 


D.  D.  Stebbins  was  a  surgeon  in  war  of  rebellion,  and  died  at 
Cairo,  111.,  July  ii,  1862. 

[Their  only  child  was  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

7002.  Emily  D.  Stebbins,  born  October  4,  1861. 

[BTDBi]  Perry  Erie  Tuttle,  son  of  Denis  Tuttle  and  Laura 
Porter,  (3950)  married  May  26,  1841,  Julia  A.  Crane,  daughter  of 
Curtis  Crane,  of  East  Windsor,  Conn.     Residence,  Terre  Haute. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

7003.  Nellie  F.  Tuttle,  born  April  10,  1842. 

7(X)4.  Harriett  F.  Tuttle,  born  October  25,  1844,  married  F.  S.  Myers. 

7005.  Millie  M.  Tuttle,  born  November  7,  1851,  married  W.  R.  Rippelto. 

7006.  Zerviah  K.  Tuttle,  born  July  10,  1856. 
7U07.  Martha  W.  Tuttle,  bora  February  23,  i860. 

[G711.]  Charlotte  Tuttle,  daughter  of  Z>^«z>  Tuttle  oxydi  Laura 
Porter,   (3950)  married  March  31,   1856,  Alexander   White.     He 

died .     She  married  (second  husband)  September  10,   1850, 

William  J.  Eliot,  of  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

7008.  Frederick  T.  White,  born  December  26,  1844. 

7009.  Julia  Eliot,  born  1851. 

[GBB2.]  Ulysses  S.  Grant,  son  oi  Jesse  R.  Grant  (4147)  and 
Hannah  Simpson,  married  August  — ,  1848,  Julia  B.  Dent, 
daughter  oi  Frederick  Dent,  of  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  and  Ellen  Wreri- 
shall.  U.  S.  Grant  graduate  of  Military  Academy,  West  Point, 
1843;  brevet  second  lieutenant  of  infantry;  was  with  fourth 
infantry  with  Genl.  Taylor  in  Mexican  war,  on  the  Rio  Grande, 
1846,  battles  of  Palo  Alto,  Resaca-de-la-Palma*  and  Monterey, 
when  the  regiment  was  sent  to  re-inforce  Genl.  Scott  in  the  val- 
ley of  Mexico ;  battles  of  Molino-del-Rey,  Chepultepec,  city  of 
Mexico,  &c. ;  brevetted  captain  ;  resigned  in  1 854,  and  settled  in 
St.  Louis,  Mo. 

At  the  beginning  of  the  civil  war,  he  became  colonel  of  twenty- 
first  Illinois  volunteers;  brigadier-general  August  r,  i86r,  cam- 
paign in  Tennessee,  Fort  Donaldson,  &c. ;  major-general,  battles 
of  Corinth,  Shiloh,  Vick.sburg,  Chattanooga  ;  lieutenant-general, 


battles  of  the  Wilderness,  Spottsyivauia,  North  Anna,  Cold  Har- 
bor, siege  of  Richmond,  Five  Forks,  &c:;  president  of  the  United 
States  1868  to  1876.  He  died  at  Mount  McGregor,  near  Saratoga, 
July  23,  1885. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

7010.  Frederick  D.  Grant,  born  May  30,  1850,  married  Ida  M.  Honor^. 

7011.  Ulysses  S.  Grant,  Jr.,  born  July  22,  1852,  married  Fanny  J.  Chaffee. 

7012.  Ellen  W.  Grant,  born  July  4,  1855,  married  A.  C.  F.  Sartoris. 

7013.  Jesse  R.  Grant,  born  February  6,  1S58,  married  Lizzie  Chapman. 

[6 3 IS,]  Jonas  Phillips  Phamix,  son  of  Daniel  Plucnix  and 
Anna  Phillipps,  (4252J  married  Mary  Whitney,  daughter  of 
Stephen  Whitney  of  No.  i,  Bowling  Green,  New  York  city. 

J.  P.  Phoenix  lived  at  No.  18,  State  street.  Alderman,  1830  to 
1838;  member  of  Congress,  1842  to  1848,  and  died  May  i,  1859. 
Mrs.  Mary  Phoenix  died  April  15,  1876. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

7014.  Mary  C.  PhcEuix,  bom  February  27,  1S32,  married  Geo.  H.  Warren. 

7015.  Philips  Phcenix,  bom  March  23,  1834. 

7010.  Harriett  W.  Phcenix,  born  Octobers,  1835,  married  Isaac  lironson. 

7017.  Anne  L.  Phoenix,  born  September  23,  1837,  died  in  youth. 

7018.  Stephen  W.  Phoenix,  born  May  25,  1839;  Columbian  College,  1859. 

7019.  Lloyd  Phcenix,  bora  October  17,  1841. 

[63  34,]  William  Porter  Adams,  son  of  William  Adams  and 
Jerusha  A.  Strong,  (4261)  married  Aug.  30,  1780,  Lora  Brainard. 

[Daniel  Brainard  came  from  England  to  Haddam,  Conn.,  married, 
1665,  Hannah  Spencer,  daughter  of  Jared  Spencer,  of  Haddam,  from 

Second  Generation,  Elijah  Brainard,  born ,  1667,  married  Septem- 
ber 6,  1699,  Mary  Bushnell. 

(Richard  Bushnell  came  from  England  to  Saybrock,  Conn.,  married 
October  11,  1648,  Mary  Many n,  daughter  of  Matthew  Marvyn,  of  Hart- 
ford, Conn.,  from  England. 

Second  Generation,  Joseph  Bushnell,  born  May  — ,  1651,  married  No- 
vember 28,  1673,  ^I'l'f'y  Leffingwell,  bom  December  10,  1654,  daughter  of 
Thomas  Leffingwell,  of  Saybrook,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Mary  Bushnell,  born  March  10,  1675,  married  Elijah 


Third  Generation,  Elijah  Brainard,  born  September  22,  1706,  married 
April  4,  1732,  Phebe  Bailey,  daughter  oi  Benjamin  Bailey,  of  Haddam. 

Fourth  Generation,  Prosper  Brainard,  born  January  3,  1737,  married 
November  5,  1767,  3Tary  Bailey. 

Fifth  Generation,  Asa  Brainard,  born  February  25,  1771,  married , 

1792,  Elizabeth  Welch. 

Sixth  Generation,  Asa  Brainard^  born  ,   1S19,  married  March   15, 

1846,  Susan  E.  Buell. 

(WiLUAM  Buell,  from  England. 

Second  Generation,  Samuel  Buell,  married  Deborah  Griswold. 

Third  Generation,  William  Buell,  born  ,  1676,  married  Elizabeth 


Fourth  Generation,  Timothy  Buell,  born  October  2,  17 11,  married  Janu- 
ary 20,  1730,  Hannah  Bradford. 

(William  Bradford  came  from  England,  to  Plymouth,  Mass.;  gover- 
nor, &c. 

Second  Generation,  foseph  Bradford,  born  in  England,  married  May  25, 
T664,  fael  Hobart. 

(Edmund  Hobart,  from  England,  to  Ilingham,  Mass.,  1633. 

Second  Generation,  Rev.  Peter  Hobart,  born  in  England ;  graduate  of 
Magdalen  College;  A.  M.,  1629;  was  minister  at  Haverhill,  England;  came 
to  Ilingham,  Mass.,  1635,  minister  there.     Died ,  1679. 

Third  Generation,  fael  Hobart,  born  December,  1643,  married  foseph 

Third  Generation,  foseph  Bradford,  born  April  18,  1665,  married  Octo- 
ber 5,  1698,  Amie  Fitch,  born  April,  1675,  daughter  of  Rev.  James  Fitch, 
of  Norwich,  Conn.,  from  England,  who  married  October — ,  1664,  Priscilla 
Mason,  daughter  of  Capt.  John  Mason. 

Fourth  Generation,  Hannah  Bradford,  born  May  24,  1709,  married 
Timothy  Buell,  of  Lebanon,  Conn. 

Fifth  Generation,  foseph  Buell,  born  May  29,  1749,  married ,  1772, 

Hope  Loveland. 

Sixth  Geiieration,  foseph  Buell,  born  July  14,  1775,  married  November 
4,  1795;  Mary  Carrier. 

Seve?ith  Generation,  David  C.  Buell,  born  December  7,  1803,  married 
Mary  O.  Day. 

Eighth  Generation,  Susan  E.  Buell,  born  January  11,  1830,  married  Asa 

Ninth  Generation,  Lora  Brainard,  born  December  10,  1830,  married 
William  P.  Adams. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

7020.  Henr>'  P.  Adams,  born  April  i8,  1S72. 

7021.  William  E.  Adams,  bora  September  12,  1875. 

7022.  Susan  M.  Adams,  born  April  28,  1877. 

[BDID.]  Rev.  Burdette  Hart,  son  of  Norman  Hart  and 
Minerva  Lee,  (4390);  graduate  Yale  College,  1842  ;  minister  at 
Fair  Haven,  Conn.,  and  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  married  August  21. 
1849,  Rebecca  IV.  Fi'ske,  daughter  of  Daniel  Fiskc,  of  Shelburne, 
Mass.,  and  Laura  Severance. 

Their  children  were  [Ijeing  of  the  tenth  generation .] 

7023.  Arthur  B.  Hart,  bora  September  5.  1852. 

7024.  Mary  A.  Hart,  bora  May  30,  1855. 

702.'i.  Minervah  A.  Hart,  born  Noveml)er  9,  1857. 

[BDll.]  Norman  Lee  Hart,  son  oi  Norman  Harl  And  Afinena 
Lee,  (4390)  married  December  6,  1854,  Lavinia  M.  Kellogg,  born 
June  24,  1824,  daughter  of  M.  A.  Kellogg,  of  Avon,  Conn.,  and 
Marilla  Cooley.     Norman  L.  Hart  was  a  merchant  in  Philadelphia. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation :] 
702(i.  Marilla  M.  Hart,  boru  January  31,  1858. 
7027.  Norman  E.  Hart,  born  January  2,  1861. 

[B1D4.]  Helai  F.  Huntington,  d^\x<^\\\.cx  oi  Charles  P.  Hunt- 
ington (4554)  and  Helen  S.  Mills,  married ,    1858,  Josiah  P. 


[EoMUNU  QriNCV,  son  of  Iidmuiul  Quincy,  of  Wij^borpe,  Northampton- 
shire, Eugland,  came  with  wife  Judilh,  to  Boston,  Mass.,  Septenibtr  4, 
1633  ;  representative,  1634  ;  removed  to  Braintree,  and  died ,  1635. 

Second  Generation,  Edmund  Quincy,  born  in  Eugland,  married  (second 
\dfe)  December  — ,  16S0,  Elizabeth  Gookin,  born  March  14,  1645,  daughter 
of  Daniel,  Gookin,  from  England,  to  Virginia,  1630,  who  removed  to  Bos- 
ton, 1644,  with  wife  Mary ;  was  major-general,  and  died  March  19,  1687. 
Edmund  Quincy  was  representative,  1672  to  1692.  Died  January  7,  1698. 
Mrs.  Elizabeth  Quincy  died  November  30,  1700. 

Third  Generation,  Edmund  Quincy,  boru  October  21,  1681  ;  Harvard 
College,  1699 ;  judge  of  Supreme  Court  of  Massachusetts  ;  ageut  at  court  of 
St.  James,  married  Dorothy  Flynt. 


(Rev.  Hknrv  Flynt  caiue  from  Matlock,  Derbyshire,  Euglaud,  to  Bos- 
ton, Mass., ,  1635,  married ,  1640,  Margery,  sister  of  Rev.  Leonard 

Hoar,  from  England ;  president  of  Harvard  College.  Henry  Flynt  was 
minister  at  Braintree,  Mass.,  and  died  April  27,  166S.  Mrs.  Margery  Flynt 
died  March  10,  16S7. 

Second  Generation,  Josiah  Flynt,  bom  August  24,  1645  ;  Harvard  Col- 
lege, 1664;  minister  at  Dorchester,  Mass.,  married  January  24,  1672,  Esther 
Willett,  daughter  of  Thomas  WilIvETT,  from  Leyden,  Holland,  to  Plymouth, 
Mass.,  who  married  July  6,  1636,  Mary  Bro'ivn,  daughter  of  John  Brown, 
from  Leyden,  to  Plymouth,  Mass.;  Duxbury,  Mass.;  assistant,  1651  to  1664. 
Thomas  Willett  removed  to  New  York,  and  was  the  first  mayor  of  that  city 
under  the  English  rule.  He  died  at  Swanzey,  R.  I.,  May  4,  1674.  Rev. 
Josiah  Flynt  died  September  16,  1680. 

Third  Generaiion,  Dorothy  Flynt,  born ,  1677-7S,  married  Edmund 

Quincy.  He  died  in  London,  England,  February  23,  1738.  Mrs.  Dorothy 
Quincy  died  August  29,  1737. 

Fourth  Generation,  Josiah  Quincy,  born  ,  1709 ;   Harvard  College, 

172S  ;  married  January  11,  1733,  Hannah  Siurgcs,  daughter  oi  John  Stur- 
ges,  of  Yarmouth,  Mass. 

Fifth  Generation,  Josiah  Quincy,  born  February  23,  1744,  married  Octo- 
ber — ,  1769,  Abigail  Phillipps. 

(George  Phh,lipps  came  from  England  in  ship  "  Arbella,"  in  the  fleet 
with  Winthrop,  1630.  He  was  born  at  Reynham-St-Martins,  county  of  Nor- 
folk, England ,  1593  ;  graduate  of  Cains  College,  Cambridge,  England ; 

A.  r,.,  1613  ;  A.  M.,  1617;  minister  at  Boxted,  county  Suffolk,  England,  and 
Watertown,  Mass.     Died  July  i,  1644. 

Second  Generation,  Samuel  Phillipps,  born  in  England,  1625  ;  Harvard 
College,  1651  ;  ordained,  1652  ;  colleague  of  Rev.  Ezekiel  Rogers  at  Rowley, 
Mass.  He  married  October  — ,  1653,  Sarah  Appleton,  born,  1627,  daughter 
of  Samuei.  Ap?i<eton,  who  came  with  wif6  Mary,  (Everard)  from  England, 
to  Ipswich,  Mass.,  and  died  1670.     Samuel  Phillipps  died  April  22,  1696. 

Third  Generation,  Samuel  Phillipps,  born  March  23,  1658,  married  May 
26,  1687,  3fary  Emerson. 

(Thomas  Emerson  came  from  England  with  wife  Elizabeth,  to  Ipswich, 
Mass.,  1639.     He  died  May  i,  1666. 

Second  Generation,  John  Emerson,  born  in  England  ;  graduate  of  Har- 
vard College,  1656;  ordained  minister ,  1663  ;  married ,  1666,  Ruth 

Symonds,  daughter  of  Gov.  Samuel  Symonds,  who  came  from  Yeldham, 
county  Essex,  England,  1637,  to  Ipswich,  Mass.,  and  married  Dorothy  Har- 


liikenJen,  sisier  of  Roger  Harlakeiuleu,  of  Earles-Colue,  county  Essex,  Eng- 
land.   John  Emerson  was  minister  at  Gloucester,  Mass. 

Third  Generation^  Mary  Emerson,  bom  March  7,  1665,  marrric'l . 

Samuel  Phillipps.     He  was  a  goldsmith  in  Boston,  Mass. 

Fouiih  Generation,  Rev.  Samuel  Phillipps,  born  February  25,  1690 ; 
Harvard  College,  1708;  minister  at  Andover.  Mass.,  1711  to  1771,  where  he 
died,  Jauuar}-  5.     He  married  Hannah  While. 

(WiLU.'VM  White  came  from  England,  1634,10  Ipswich,  Mass.;  removed 
to  Haverhill,  Mass.,  and  died ,  1690,  aged  eighty  years. 

Second  Generation,  John  White,  bora ,   1648-49,  married  Hannah 

French,  daughter  of  Edward  French,  and  wife  Anne,  of  Ipswich,  from 

Third  Generation,  Hannah  White,  born  ,  married  Rev.  Samuel 

Phillipps.     He  died  June  5,  1771. 

Fifth  Generation,  William  Phillipps,  l)oru  June  25,  1722,  married  , 

Abigail  Bromficld. 

(En\v.\Rn  liKOMFiKLD,  born  in  Hampshire,  England,  January  in,  1648-9, 
son  of  Henry  RroEifield  and  Frances  Kempe  ;  came  to  New  England,  1675  ; 
representative ;  m.-irried  June  4,  1683,  Mary  Danforth. 

(Nicholas  Danforth  came  from  Framlingham,  county  Suffolk,  Eng- 
land, to  Cambridge,  Mass.,  1634.     His  wife  Elizabeth  had   died ,  1629. 

He  died ,  1638. 

Second  Generation,  Samuel  Danforth,  born  in  England,  September  — , 
1626 ;  Harvard  College,  1643  ;  ordained  colle.iguc  of  Rev.  John  EHot  at 
Roxbury,  September  24,  1650,  married  November  5,  165 1,  Mary  Wilson, 
boni  September  — .  1633,  daughter  of  Rev.  John  Wilson.  Samuel  Dan- 
forth died  November  19,  1674. 

Third  Generation,  Maty  Danforth,  born  March  13.  1663,  married , 

Edward  Bromfield.     He  died ,  1734,  and  his  wife  died  the  same  year. 

Fourth  Generation,  Abigail  Bromfield,  boru  April  i3,  1728,  married 
William  Phillipps      He  died  in  Boston,  January  15,  1804. 

Fifth   Generation,  Abigail  Phillipps,  born  ,   1744,  married  Josiah 

Quincy.  lie  died  on  the  voyage  from  England,  April  26,  1775.  ''^he  died 
May  25,  1798. 

Sixth  Generation,  Josiah  Quincy,  born  February  4,  1772  ;  Harvard  Col- 
lege, 1790;  married  June  6,  1797,  Eliza  S.  Morton,  daughter  o{  John 

Seventh  Generation,  Josiah  Quincy,  born  January  6,  1S02  ;  Harvard  Col- 
lege, 1824  ;  mayor  of  Bostotj  ;  married  December — ,  1827,  Mary  J.  daughter 
ci{  Samuel  f^    ^Til'rr. 


Eighth  Generation,  Josiah  P.  Quincy,  bom  November — ,  1829,  married 
Helen  F.  Huntivgton. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

7028.  Joseph  H.  Quincy,  born  October  15,  1859. 

7029.  Helen  F.  Quincy,  born  September  6,  i86r. 

[B112,]  Elizabeth  Phelps  Fisher,  daughter  of  George  Fishe? 
and  Elizabeth  P.  Htmtington,  (4555)  married  December  24,  1851, 
John  Sessions,  law5'er,  Brooklyn,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7030.  Elizabeth  H.  Sessions,  born  June  30,  1853. 
70.^1.  Clara  F.  Sessions,  born  September  16,  1854. 

7032.  Addie  B.  Sessions,  born  December  23,  1856. 

7033.  Grace  M.  Sessions,  born  July  6,  1858. 

7034.  Archie  W.  Sessions,  born  January  13,  i860. 

[BllSi]  George  Hu7itingion  Fisher,  son  of  George  Fisher  and 
Elizabeth  P.  Htmtington,  (4555)  married  December  25,  1857, 
Emma  Chichester^.     Lawyer  in  Brookljm,  N.  Y. 

Their  only  child  was  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 
703-3.  George  C.  Fisher,  born  September  24,  1S58. 

[B117,]  Edward  Thornton  Fisher,  son  of  George  Fisher  and 
Elizabeth  P.  Hunti7igto7i,  (4555)  married  June  30,  1869,  Ellen 
Bowditch  Thayer.  Professor  in  Adelphi  Academy,  Brooklyn, 
New  York. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7036.  Faith  H.  Fisher,  born  September  9,  1870. 

7037.  Henry  T.  Fisher,  born  November  27,  1872.     Died  September  29,  1874. 

7038.  Edward  H.  Fisher,  born  September  27,  1875.     Died  June  29,  1878. 

7039.  Richard  T.  Fisher,  born  November  9,  1876. 

[BIBD.]  Anne  Neale  Cleveland,  daughter  of  Richard  F. 
Cleveland  (4580)  and  Anne  Neale,  married  March  9,  1853,  Euro- 
tas  P.  Hastings. 

[Thomas  Hastings  came  from  England,  1634,  to  Watertown,  Mass. 
He  married  April  — ,  1651,  Margaret  Cheney,  daughter  of  John  Cheney, 
of  Watertown,  from  England. 


Second  Generation,  Thomas  Hastings,  born  July  i,  1652,  married  Octo- 
ber TO,  1672,  Anna  Harvkes,  daughter  of  John  Hawkes,  of  Windsor,  Conn., 
from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Thomas  Hastings,  INI.  D.,  born  September  24,  1679, 
married  March  6,  1701,  Mary  Field,  daughter  oi  John  Field,  and  Mary 
Edwards,  daughter  of  Alexander  Edwards,  of  Hatfield,  Mass. 

Fourth  Generation,  Hopcstill  Hastings,  bom  April  13,  17 18,  married, 
1 741-2,  Lydia  Frary,  daughter  ol  Isaac  Frary,  of  Hatfield,  and  Lydia  Par- 
sons, daughter  oi  Jonathan  Parsons,  of  Northampton,  Mass. 

Fifth  Generation,  Perez  Hastings,  born  December  23,  1754,  married 
October  31,  1787,  Elizabeth  White,  bom  Februarys,  1766,  daughter  of 5i!7/- 
vton  White,  of  Hatfield,  and  ^1/a/j  Waite. 

Sixth  Generatiofr,  Eiirotas  Hastings,  born  Maj'  15,  rjg*"',  married  Evoe 

(William  Arms,  (probably  Uniic)  came  from  one  of  the  islands  in  the 

English  channel,  to  Hadley,  Mass.,  where  he  married  ,  1677,  Joanna 

Haivkes,  sister  of  Anna,  who  married  Thomas  Hastings. 

Second  Generation,  Daniel  Anns,  horn  16S6,  married,  1716,  Esther  Smcad. 

Third  Generation,  Ebenezer  Artns,  born  January  2u.  \-2\.  married  Janu- 
ary 25,  1 747,  Elizabeth  Allen. 

Fourth  Generation,  Ebenezer  Arms,  born  April — ,  1760,  married  Mary 
White,  born  Jan.  24,  1764,  sister  of  Elizabeth,  who  married  Perez  Hastings. 

Fifth  Generation,  Evoe  Arms,  bom  June  21,  1794,  married  Eurotas 
Hastings.     He  was  a  banker  in  Buffalo,  N.  Y.,  and  died  May  22,  1858. 

Seventh  Generation,  Eurotas  P.  Hastings,  born  ,  married  March 

I,  1S53,  Anne  N.  Cleveland.     Banker  iu  Buffalo. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 
7(340.  Richard  C.  Hastings,  bom  March  27,  1834. 
7()41.  Mary  L.  Hastijigs,  born  January  14,  1836. 

[BlZ^i]  David  L.  D.  Huntington,  son  oi  Joseph  C.  Hunt- 
ington and  Julia  S.  Dodge,  (4586)  married  February  3,  1847,  ^^ 
Norwich,  Conn.,  Martha  Van  Dresser.  He  i.s  a  merchant  in 
New  York  City. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7042.  Julia  W.  Huntington,  born  November  14,  1847. 

7043.  Lucia  C.  Huntington,  bora  January  16,  1850. 

7044.  Joseph  C.  Huntington,  born  March  6,  1853. 

7045.  Stephen  V.  D.  Huntington,  born  April  22,  1855. 


[B17B,]  George  F.  Huntijigton,  son  oi  Joseph  C.  Hiuiting- 
ton  and  Julia  S.  Dodge,  (4586)  married  1844,  Flora,  daughter 
of  James  Cleland,  of  New  York  City.  Residence,  Portage  City, 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7046.  Elida  Huntingtou,  born  October  19,  1S45. 

7047.  Frederick  F.  Huntingtou,  born  May  4,  1848. 

[B17S,]  Lucy  Coit  Huntington,  daughter  oi  Joseph  C.  Hunt- 
ing io7i  dLnd  Jiilia  S.  Dodge,  (4586)  married  Stephen  L.  Magoun, 
of  Hudson,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7048.  Mary  S.  Magouu,  born  February  14,  1824. 

7049.  Julia  P.  Magoun,  bom  February  16,  1829. 

[BlBDi  Julia  Porter  Huntington,  daughter  of  Joseph  C. 
Huntington  and  Julia  S.  Dodge,  (4586)  married  January  i,  1848, 
W.  H  Crenelle,  of  New  York  City. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7050.  John  S.  Grenelle,  born  December  29,  1849. 

7051.  William  E.  Grenelle,  born  June  i,  1852. 

7052.  Charles  F.  Grenelle,  born  October  3,  1855. 

7053.  Joseph  H.  Grenelle,  born  July  8,  1861. 

[6  SB  61]  Heyiry  Alfred  Porter,  son  oi  Henry  C.  Porter  (3886) 
and  Sarah  C.  Dodge,  (4587)  married  September  12,  1850,  Lucilla 
Sayre,  of  Plainfield,  N.  J.,  a  descendant  oi  Joseph  Sayre,  who 
settled  in  Elizabeth,  N.  J.,  in  1667;  son  of  Thomas  Sayre,  who 
came  from  Bedfordshire,  England,  to  Lynn,  Mass.,  1635,  and 
removed  in  1641,  to  Southampton,  I^.  I. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation :] 

7054.  Alfred  S.  Porter,  born  September  i,  1852. 

7055.  Lucilla  C.  Porter,  born  October  7,  1857. 
7050.  Frederick  D.  Porter,  born  October,  1859. 

[S5BB]  John  Stuart  Porter,  son  of  Henry  C.  Porter  (3896) 
and  Sarah  C.  Dodge,  (4587")  married  May  8,  1855,  Mary  Louisa 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7057.  Luther  H.  Porter,  bom  October  17,  1857. 

7058.  William  S.  Porter,  bom  July  19.  1859. 

7059    Norman  W.  Porter,  born  October  17,  1S61. 

70r,0.  Edith  Porter,        )  e     .      v  q.: 

-   bom  September  5,  1867. 

7001.  Liliau  Porter,        ) 

7002.  Mary  L.  Porter,  born  July  7,  1869. 
70C3.  Clara  Porter,  Ixjra  December  17,  1873. 

[65B7.]  William  Dodge  Porter,  son  of  IJenry  C.  Porie) 
(3896)  and  Sarah  C.  Dodge,  (4587)  married  May  31,  1S62,  Ali.xenc 
Mifflin  Coulter,  of  Baltimore,  Md. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 
7064.  William  S.  Porter,  bom  January  24,  1^66. 
7005.  Grace  C.  Porter,  born  August  20,  1870. 

[5  5 BE,]  Sarah  J.  Porter,  daughter  of  Henry  C.  Porter 
(3896)  and  Sarah  C.  Dodge,  (4587)  married  April  27,  1859,  Reuben 
S.  Knight,  of  Waterloo,  N.  Y.  He  died  September  2,  1862.  She 
married  (second  husband)  June  5,  1866,  Rev.  Spencer  Jcivell,  of 
Kings  Ferry,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 
7n<iO.  Henry  C.  Knight,  born  January  6,  1861. 

7067.  Josephine  Jewell,  bom  May  30,  1868. 

7068.  Helen  L.  Jewell,  bora  September  6,  1871. 

7069.  Mary  Jewell,  bora  May  i,  1874. 

[6297.]  Harriett  S.  Boguc,  daughter  of  Virgil  B.  Bogue 
and  Lncy  T.  Williams,  (4682)  married  Nov.  19,  1865,  Charles  J. 
Goodspecd,  of  Elgin,  111. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7070.  Willis  F.  Goodsf>eed,  bora  April  i,  1866. 

7071.  Charles  D.  Goodspeed,  bom  April  18,  1868. 
7''7'J.  Bertha  M.  Goodspeed,  bom  April  19,  1873. 

[B2BB-]  Mary  W.  Bogue,  daughter  of  I'irgil  B.  Bogue  and 
Lucy  T.  Williams,  (4682)  married  Octob<^r  31,  1861,  Nelson  L. 
Deidrick,  cP Elgin,  111. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7073.  Harriett  E.  Deidrick,  born  August  12,  1864. 

7074.  Nicholas  J.  Deidrick,  born  1866. 

\_BZBB,}  /ane  Clarisse  Bogue,  daughter  of  Virgil  B.  Bogue 
and  Lucy  T.  Williams,  (4682)  married  January  7,  1863,  Ezra  M. 
Starr,  of  Elgin,  111. 

7075.  Lucy  E.  Starr,  boru  December  15,  1864. 

7076.  Gertrude  M.  Starr,  born  January  15,  1867. 

7077.  Chester  B.  Starr,  boru  December  20,  1868. 

7078.  Millard  F.  Starr,  born  March  26,  1871. 

[B3DD,]  Eliza  IV.  Bogue,  daughter  of  Virgil  B.  Bogue  and 
Lucy  T.  Williams,  (4682)  married  September  5,  1866,  Edward 
Amadou.     Residence,  Elgin,  111. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7079.  Ralph  Amadon,  bom  October  i,  1867. 

7080.  Jessie  K.  Amadon,  born  April  10,  1870. 

[B3D4.]  Francis  P.  Shepherd,  son  of  Charles  L.  Shepherd 

and  Percy  Williams,  (4685)  married ,  1871,  Kate  Starr. 

Their  children  were  being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7081.  Grace  P.  Shepherd,  boru  Jauuarj'  22,  1872. 

7082.  Frank  S.  Shepherd,  born  August  20,  1873. 

7083.  Jessie  K.  Shepherd,  boru  April  18,  1S75. 

[B3n6.]  Stella  E.  Shepherd,  daughter  of  Charles  L.  Shep- 
herd and  Percy  K.  Williams,  (4685)  married  June  27,  1872,  Charles 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation :] 
708-4.  Emma  vS.  Morrison,  bom  August  21,  1873. 

7085.  Edith  D.  Morrison,  born  August  r,  1S76. 

[B324,]  Emeline  J  Sykes,  daughter  of  Rev.  /.  N.  Sykes 
and  Caroline  S.  Anthony,  (4695)  married  June  21,  1877,  John 
Wright,  son  of  Edward  Wright,  of  Springfield,  Mass.  Residence, 
Agawam,  Mass, 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7086.  Edward  S.  Wright,  born  March  28,  1878. 

7087.  John  C.  Wright,  bom  May  15,  1879. 


[E32  5.]  James  Clarence  Sykes,  son  of  Rev.  /.  A^.  Sykes  and 
Caroline  S.  Anthony,  (4695)  married  November  20,  1873,  Kate  M. 
Dole,  of  Boston,     Residence,  Boston,  Mass. 

Tlieir  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 
7(t8S.  Mary  A.  Sykes,  honi  August  24,  1874. 

7089.  Henry  W.  Sykes,  born  Novembers,  1875. 

[B32B.]  James  L.  Anthony,  son  of  Chas.  J.  Antho7iy  (4696) 
and  Anna  R.  Davis,  married  March  14,  1866,  Caroline  A.  Stozvell, 
born  September  11,  1844,  daughter  of /awf^  Stowell,  of  Norwich, 
Conn.     Residence,  New  York  City. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7090.  Geraldine  W.  Anthony,  bom  May  26,  1869. 
70i)!.  Caroline  E.  Anthony,  l)oru  April  22,  1871. 
7092.  James  S.  Anthony,  bora  July  z^,  1872. 
70V).3.  Alice  R.  Anthony,  bom  January  2,  187S. 

[B  3  61]  Frank  Anthony  Jackson,  son  of  Cynis  F.  Jackson  and 
Jessie  K'.  Anthony,  (4702)  married  June  i,  1876,  Adele  L.  Howe, 
bom  in  Hud.son,  N.  Y.,  November  7,  1854,  daughter  oi  John  and 
Eugenia  A.  I/owe.     Residence,  Woonsocket,  R.  I. 

Their  ciiildren  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation :] 
7094.  Frank  A.  Jackson,  bom  February  7,  1878,  died  December  31,  1882. 
7f'9-3.  Euj^ene  B.  Jackson,  l)oni  August  6,  i'-'<'\ 

7096.  Howard  K.  Jackson,  1x>ru  .'\pril  30,  ib>7. 

[B-352.]  Mary  Louise  Jackson,  daughter  of  Cyrus  F.  Jackson 
and  Jessie  K.  Anthony,  (4702)  married  October  5,  1S75,  Andrew 
Sheffield  Arnold,  bom  in  Providence,  R.  I.,  August  17,  1853,  son 
of  Andreiv  J.  Arnold  and  Amanda  F.  Briggs.  Residence,  Provi- 
dence, R.  I. 

Their  onlj'  child  was  [l)eing  of  the  tenth  generation :] 

7097.  Sheffield  Arnold,  bom  June  6,  1876. 

[B3fi3i]  Jessie  Caroline  Jackson,  daughter  of  Cyrus  F.  Jack- 
son and  Jessie  K.  Anthony,  (4702)  married  September  13,  18S2, 
Robert  McChristie,  bom  in  Hartford,  Conn.,  December  10,  1853, 
son  of  Robert  McChristie  and  Cornelia  Lillie.     He  was  son  of  Fr- 


vine  McChristie,  born  in  Kilmarnock,  Dumbartonshire,  Scotland, 
1796,  and  his  wife  Mary  Logan.  He  came  to  New  England  and 
settled  it:  ^hompsonville.  Conn. ;  a  manufacturer. 

Their  only  child  was  [being  of  the  tenth  generation :] 

7098.  Jessie  C.  McChristie,  born  October  25,  1884. 

[B  3  B  B 1]  Caroline  P.  Beardsley,  daughter  ofAionso  G  .Beards- 
ley  and  A7ine  P.  Porter,  (4775)  married  John  Hermayi  Woodruff, 
of  Auburn,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation :] 

7099.  Anna  B.  WooclrufT,  boru  February  24,  1875. 

7100.  Carltou  H.  Woodruff,  born  January  14,  1877. 

7101.  Hermioue  Woodruff,  born  October  2,  1878. 

7102.  Carrie  B.  Woodruff,  bora  July  26,  18S0. 
710.3.  Douglas  Woodruff,  bom  January  6,  1S82. 

7104.  Hope  Woodruff,  born  April  20,  1884. 

[B3B7.]  William  P.  Beardsley,  son  of  Alonzo  G.  Beardsley 
and  Anne  P.  Porter,  (4775)  married  June  9,  1875,  Mary  J.  Porter, 
daughter  of  Samuel  Qjiincy  Porter,  (4779)  of  Unionville,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7105.  Alice  T.  Beardsley,  boru  May  5,  1876. 
710().  Glover  Beardsley,  born  August  19,  i88r. 

[B41Bi]  Louisa  Frederika  Alexander,  daughter  of  A.  L. 
A lexajider  and  Sarah  H.  Gilbert,  (4808)  married  y(?r^wjj//\  Gilmer. 
He  graduated  at  United  States  Military  Academy,  West  Point. 
Captain  Engineers  United  States  Army.  Major-General  and  Chief- 
Engineer  Confederate  Army.     Residence,  Savannah,  Ga. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation :] 

7107.  ivouisa  P.  Gilmer,  born  September  3,  1852. 

7108.  Henry  H.  Gilmer,  born  November  7,  1854. 

[B41Bi]  Sarah  Gilbert  Alexander,  daughter  of  Adam  L. 
Alexander  and  Sarah  Gilbert,  (4808)  married  November  5,  1845, 
Alexander  R.  Lawtoii.  He  graduated  at  United  States  Military 
Academy,  West  Point,  1839.  General  in  the  Confederate  Army, 
Stonewall  Jackson's  corps.  Residence,  Savannah,  Ga.  In  1886 
to  1888  United  States  Minister  to  Vienna,  Austria. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation :] 
71U9.  Corinne  F.  Lawton,  born  September  23,  1846,  died  January  24,  1877. 

7110.  Louisa  F.  La\s-ton,  bom  April  11,  1S49,  married  L,.  E.  Mackall. 

7111.  Nora  Lawton,  born  May  i,  1855. 

7112.  Alexander  R.  Lawton,  bom  August  9,  1858,  married  Ella  S.  Beck  with. 

[B42Di]  Harriett  Virginia  Alexander,  daughter  of  .4 rt'fl;// 
L.  A iexander  and  Sarah  Gilbert,  (4808)  married  January  12,  1853, 
Wallace  Cumming,  of  Savannah  and  Atlanta,  Ga. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation ;] 

7113.  .Sarah  G.  Gumming,  bora  November  9,  1855,  married  J.  P.  S.  Houston. 

7114.  Mary  C.  Cumming,  bora  September  20,  1859,  died  September  23,  1876. 
71  lo.  Wallace  Cumming,  bom  July  13,  1863. 

71 IG.  Joseph  Cumming,  bom  October  23,  1S65. 

[B421.]  Ma7y  Clijford  Alexander,  daughter  of  Adam  L. 
Alexander  and  Sarah  Gilbert,  (4808)  married  December  7,  1854, 
George  G.  Hull,  of  Atlanta,  Ga. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7117.  Lucy  H.  Hull,  born  March  25,  1857,  married  G.  J.  Baldwin. 

7118.  Harriett  A.  Hull,  bom  Octobers,  1859. 

[B422.]  William  Felix  Alexander,  son  of  Adam  L.  Alex- 
ander and  Sarah  Gilbert,  (4808)  married  in  Lexington,  Ga.,  Jan- 
uary 9,  1863,  Louisa  Toombs,  daughter  of  Robert  Toombs,  (United 
States  Senator)  of  Georgia.  She  died  March  4,  1S65.  Remarried 
(second  wife)  Lucy  Gilmer  Gratian,  of  Richmond,  Va. 

Their  only  child  was  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 
711!'.  Elvira  F.  Alexander,  bom  Jul}'  24,  1869. 

[B423.]  Eduiard  Porter  Alexander,  son  of  Adam  L.  Alex- 
ander and  Sarah  H.  Gilbert,  (4808)  graduate  of  United  States 
Military'  Academy,  West  Point,  1857  ;  United  vStates  Corps  of 
Engineers  ;  Major-General  and  Chief  of  Artil]er3%  Confederate 
Army  ;  president  of  Bank  of  Georgia,  and  of  Savannah  and  Mem- 
phis Railroad.  He  married  April  30,  1S60,  Bettie  Mason,  of  King 
George's  county,  Va. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

DHSCENDA^^"^'^    OV   JOHN   PORTER.  797 

TiJii.  Bessiii  il.  Alexander,  born  November  lo,  i86r. 

7121.  Edward  P.  Alexander,   ) 

7122.  Lucy  R.  Alexander.'        |  ^°™  ^^^'^"^'^^  "'  ''""' 

7123.  Marion  L.  Alexander,  born  April  i6,  1865. 

7124.  Adam  L.  Alexander,  born  July  14,  1867. 

7125.  William  M.  Alexander,  born  November  23,  1868. 

[B424i]  James  Hillhoiise  Alexander,  son  of  Adam  L.  Alex- 
ander s.\\6.  Sarah  H.  Gilbert,  (4808)  married  June  25,  1863,  Sarah 
Joyyier  Irvin,  daughter  oi  Isaiah  Jackson  Irvin  and  his  wife  Eliza- 
beth Joyner.     Residence,  Augusta,  Ga. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7126.  Irvin  Alexander,  born  March  10,  1866. 

7127.  Hugh  H.  Alexander,  born  December  27,  1S67. 

7128.  Lizzie  Alexander,  born  July  28,  1S69. 

[B42Si]  Charles  Atzvood  Alexander,  son  of  Adam  L.  Alex- 

aiider  and  Sarah  H.  Gilbert,  (4808)  niarjied ,  Ida  Calhoun, 

daughter  of  Edivard  Calhoini.  She  died  October  23,  1876.  He 
married  (second  wife)  her  sister,  Rosa  C.  Calhoun. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7129.  Harriett  C.  Alexander,  born  January  28,  1866. 

7130.  Ida  Alexander,  born  August  21,  1881. 

7131.  Rosa  Alexander,  born  January  28,  18S6. 

[B42Bi]  Marion  Brockett  Alexander,  daughter  of  Adam  L. 
Alexander  and  Sarah  H.  Gilbert,  (4808)  married  Rev.  William 
Ellison  Doggs,  D.  D.,  who  was  bom  May  12,  1838,  at  Ahmed- 
nugger,  Bombay,  India,  son  of  Rev.  George  W.  Boggs  and  his 
wife  Isabella,  daughter  ot  Robert  Ellison. 

Major  Robert  Ellison  was  a  famous  scout  in  Sumter's  brigade 
in  the  war  of  the  revolution.  He,  with  Col.  Hayne,  was  prisoner 
of  the  Bristish,  in  the  Dry  Tortugas.  Ellison  and  Boggs  were 
both  of  Scotch- Irish  lineage.  The  paternal  ancestor  of  the  Elli- 
sons came  in  1702-4,  with  Rev.  Francis  McKennie,  one  of  the 
founders  of  the  "Scotch  Presbyterian  Church,"  in  America,  to 
Accomac  county,  Va. 


Rev.  W.  E.  Boggs  resided  in  Memphis,  Tenn.,  Atlanta,  Ga., 
and  Columbia,  S.  C. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation : 

7132.  Adam  A.  Boggs,  born  September  29,  1S71. 

7133.  William  E.  Boggs,  born  November  14,  1S73.     Died  April  i,  1875. 

7134.  Thomas  R.  Boggs, 

7135.  Gilbert  11.  Bog^ 

71.36.  Marion  A.  Boggs,  boru  August  24,  1877. 
7137.  Lucieu  H.  Boggs,  boru  January  4,  1882. 

V  born  October  2,  1875. 

[B42  7i]  A/ice  I'afi  )'everen  Alexander,  daughter  oi  Adam 
L.  Alexander  and  Sarah  H.  Gilbert,  (4808)  married  November 
23,  1870,  Alexander  Chcves  Haskell,  of  Columbia,  S.  C.  Judge 
of  Supreme  Court  of  South  Carolina. 

[Roger  Haskell,  with  brotlier  William,  came  from  England  to  Glou- 
cester, Mass. ;  removed  to  Salem,  Mass.,  1637,  and  married  Elizabeth  Hardy, 
daughter  of  John  Hardv,  of  Salem,  from  England,  1632,  with  his  wife 

Roger  Haskell  removed  to  Beverly,  Mass.,  and  died  1667. 

Second  Generation,  Mark  Haskell,  born ,  married  March  20,   1668, 

Elizabeth  Smith,  daughter  of  John  Smith,  of  Salem,  Mass.,  from  England, 
and  his  wife  Elizabeth  Goodale,  daughter  of  Robert  Goodale  and  wife 
Katherine,  of  Salem,  from  England.  Mark  Haskell  removed  to  Rochester, 
Mass.,  about  1695. 

Third  Generation,  Josiah  Haskell,  bom  1678,  married . 

fourth  Generation,  Elnathan  Haskell,  born  December  25,  1725,  mar- 
ried   . 

Fifth  Generation,  Elnathan  Haskell,  bom  September  4,  1755,  in  Roches- 
ter, Mass. ;  went  to  Charleston,  S.  C. ;  an  officer  on  the  staff  of  Gen.  Robert 
Howe  in  the  war  of  the  revolution.  He  settled  in  Charleston  and  married 
Charlotte  Thomson,  born  in  .\melia,  Va.,  daughter  of  Col.  Williatn  Thom- 
son, of  the  regiment  of  Rangers  of  the  "Virginia  line,"  in  war  of  re\olution. 
This  Col.  Thomson,  born  in  South  Carolina,  January  16,  1729,  marriea  August 
I4i  I755i  Eugenia  Russell,  daughter  of  Major  — ; —  Russell,  of  Charleston. 

Sixth  Generation,  Charles  Thomson  Haskell,  born  March  2,  1S02,  mar- 
ried Sophia  L.  Cheves,  bora  July  i,  1809,  daughter  of  Lavgdon  Cheves  and 
his  wife  Alary  E.  Dulles,  daughter  oi  Joseph  Dulles,  of  Charleston,  S.  C. 

(Xangdon  Cheves  was  son  of  Alexander  Cheves,  who  came  from 
Scotland  to  South  Carolina  in  1760-1,  and  married  ]\faiy  Langdon,  from 


Woodstock,  in  (nov/)  vSlienandoah  county,  Va.  Langdon  Cheves  was  born 
September  15,  1776,  in  a  log  fort,  near  Ninety-six,  in  South  Carolina,  where 
the  family  had  taken  refuge  from  the  Indians. 

Seventh  Getieration,  Alexander  C.  Haskell,  born  September  22,  1839,  in 
Abbeville,  S.  C,  married  Alice  V.  Y.  Alexander.  He  was,  in  1S86,  presi- 
dent of  C.  C.  and  A.  R.  R.     Residence,  Charleston,  S.  C. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7138.  Alexander  C.  Haskell,  born  August  15,  1871. 

7139.  Louisa  P.  Haskell,  bom  July  23,  1S72. 

7140.  Mary  F.  Haskell,  born  December  11,  1873. 

7141.  Anthony  P.  Haskell,  born  January  27,  1875. 

7142.  Marion  A.  Haskell,  born  June  5,  1876. 

7143.  Charles  T.  Haskell,  born  April  28,  1878. 

7144.  Frederick  C.  Haskell,  born  December  10,  1880. 

7145.  Adam  A.  Haskell,  born  Septetrber  i,  1882. 

7146.  Alice  V.  Y,  Haskell,  bom  June  21,  1884. 

7147.  Susannah  C.  Haskell,  born  Febmary  16,  1886. 

[S12  7,]  Linn  Boyd  Porter,  son  of  Elijah  Porter  (3522)  and 
Mary  Loomis,  married  September  6,  1874,  Mary  Moore.  He  was, 
in  1885,  editor  of  the  "  Cambridgeport,  Mass.,  Chronicle." 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation :] 

7148.  Florence  M.  Porter,  born  April  7,  1875. 

7149.  George  E.  porter,  born  February  20,  1879. 

[S14  7i]  James  H.  Porter,  son  of  Anson  Porter  (3536)  and 
Mehitabel  Mygatt,  married  January  11,  1843,  Phebe  A.  Pendleto?i, 
daughter  of  W.  C.  Pendleton,  of  Westerlj",  R.  I.,  a  descendant  of 
James  Pendleton,  of  Westerly,  R.  I.,  who  married  1656,  Hannah 
Goodeno,  born  November  28,  1639,  daughter  of  Edmund  Goodeno 
from  Wiltshire,  England,  with  wife  Anne,  to  Sudbury,  Mass.,  1638. 

James  Pendleton,  born  in  England,  was  son  of  Bryan  Pendle- 
ton, from  England  to  Watertown,  Mass.,  1634,  with  wife  Eleanor. 
Major  in  Indian  war ;  removed  to  Portsmouth,  R.  I. ;  died  1680. 

The  children  of  J.  H.  Porter  were  [being  of  the  ninth  gener- 
ation :] 

7150.  Harriett  H.  Porter,  born  September  ir,  1843. 

7151.  Charles  A.  Porter,  born  May  12,  1848. 


7152.  Carrie  L.  Porter,  bom  October  9,  1854. 

7153.  Minnie  R.  Porter,  boru  June  9,  185S. 

[BBB3.]  Horace  Fuller  Porler,  son  of  Epaphroditus  Porlcr, 
(5290)  and  Sybil  A.  Fuller,  married  October  20,  1858,  Mary  C. 
Disselly  daughter  of  Francis  L.  Disscll  and  Maria  H.  Andrews. 
Residence,  Hebron,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7154.  Anna  H.  Porter,  born  August  5,  1859. 

7155.  Ida  A.  Porter,  bom  May  13,  1861. 
7150.  Mary  C.  Porter,  born  October  2,  1862. 

7157.  Horace  W.  Porter,     ) 

\  bora  Apnl  16,  1865. 

7158.  Henry  C.  Porter,        I    ■ 

7159.  Inez  II.  Porter,  born  Jan u^-vry  20,  1870. 

7160.  Gertrude  M.  Porter,  bora  Jlay  28,  1873. 

7161.  Roger  F.  Porter,  bora  January  28,  1878. 

[BB  71.]  Henry  Epaphras  Porter,  son  oi Epaphroditus  Porter, 
(5290)  and  Sybil  A.  Fuller,  married  1864,  Maria  Gray.  Residence, 
Hebron,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  Llx-ing  oi  tiie  tcnlii  generation :] 

7162.  Ernest  L.  Porter,  born  March  17,  1S67. 

7163.  Heury  E.  Porter,  bora  April  18,  1870. 

7164.  Maria  G.  Porter,  bora  June  10,  1872. 

[BB72,]  George  Porter  Bliss,  son  oi  John  F.  Bliss  and  Mary 
A.  Porter,  (5293)  married  May  11,  1865,  Susan  V.  Crane,  daughter 
of  Harvey  Crane,  of  Hebron,  Conn.     Residence,  Florence,  Mass. 

Geo.  P.  Bliss  enlisted  in  First  Connecticut  Battery  in  civil  war. 
Q.  M.  Sergeant  October,  1861.  Engaged  at  James  Island,  S.  C, 
July  16,  1863.  Chester  Station,  May  16,  1S64.  Bermuda-Hun- 
dred, Va.,  May  and  June,  1864.  Grover  Station,  July  26,  1864. 
Deep  Bottom,  Va.,  August  15,  1864.  Petersburgh,  Va.,  August 
30  to  September  23,  1864.  Chapin's  Bluff,  Va.,  October  7,  1864. 
Darby  town  Road,  Va.,  October  13,  1864.  Residence,  Florence, 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7165.  Homer  C.  Bli'5,  bora  April  30,  1S68. 
716H.  Alfred  T.  Blis;.,  bora  July  17,  1S69. 


7107.  George  H.  Bliss,  born  October  24,  1871. 

7168.  Anna  M.  Bliss,  born  May  28,  1878. 

[B71B.]  Henry  Thornto7i  Steele,  son  of  Rev.  Julius  Steele 
and  Harriett  P.  Belden,  (5345)  married  November  5,  185 1,  Rebecca 
Knox,  born  May  6,  1826,  daughter  of  Joseph  Knox,  of  Carlisle, 
Pa.,  and  Mary  B.  McClure,     H.  T.  Steele  is  a  lawer  in  Chicago. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation :] 

7169.  Julius  Steele,  born  October  19,  1S52,  married  Ida  O.  Walter. 

7170.  William  K.  Steele,  born  March  13,  1855,  tuarried  Gertrude  Thompson. 

7171.  Henry  T.  Steele,  born  July  17,  1857. 

7172.  Joseph  McC.  Steele,  born  May  2,  i860. 

7173.  Mary  B.  Steele,  born  June  11,  1865. 

[B713i]  Harriett  Steele,  daughter  of  Rev.  Julius  Steele  and 
Harriett  P.  Beldcn,  (5345)  married  March  4,  1856,  Charles  A. 
Davis,  of  Ogdensburgh,  N.  Y.     She  died  July  6,  1878. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7174.  Plarriett  S.  Davis,  born  January  3,  1857. 

7175.  Henrietta  R.  Davis,  born  June  3,  1859. 
7170.  Mary  Bell  Davis,  born  April  18,  1863. 

[B  72  Bi]  Helen  Mar  Dwight,  daughter  of  Horace  D.  Dwight 
(5362)  2^\6.  Laiwa  Hoadley,  married  Decem.  15,  1854,  Isaac  Bird. 

[Thomas  Bird,  from  England  to  Hartford,  Conn.,  1644,  died  1650-2. 

Second  Generation,  James  Bird,  born  in  England,  lived  in  Farmington, 
Conn.  He  married  March  31,  1657,  Lydia  Steele,  daughter  of  John  STEEt,E 
and  w\{&  Rachel,  from  England  to  Hartford,  Conn;    James  Bird  died  1708. 

Third  Generation,  Thomas  Bird,  bom  1667-8,  married  July  31,  1693, 
Mary  Woodford,  daughter  of  Joseph  Woodford,  of  Hartford,  and  his  wife 
Rebecca  Newell,  daughter  of  Thomas  NeweItL,  of  Farmington,  and  v^ife 
Rebecca  Olrnstead,  sister  of  Richard  Olmstead,  of  Hartford,  from  England. 

Fourth  Generation,  Joseph  Bird,  born  December  27,  1696,  married  Dor- 
cas Norton. 

(Thomas  Norton,  from  England,  with  wife  Grace,  to  Guilford,  Conn. 

Second  Generation,  John  Norton,  born  in  England,  married ,  1650, 

Hannah  Clark,  daughter  of  John  Clark,  of  Saybrook,  Conn.,  from  Eng- 
land.    He  removed  to  Farmington,  and  died  1711. 

Third  Generation,  John  Norton,   born  ,   1653,  married  ,  1689, 

Rutli  Moore,  daughter  of  Isaac  Moore,  of  Norwalk,  Conn.,  who  married 


December  5,  1645,  Ruth  Stanley,  daughter  of  John  Stanley,  who  died  ou 
the  voyage  from  Euglaud.  He  was  brother  of  Thomas  Stanley.  (See  Sam- 
uel Porter,  5.) 

Fourth  Generation,  Dorcas  Norton,  boru  1698,  m\zxx\^^  Joseph  Bird. 

Fifth  Generation,  Isaac  Bird,  bom  1724,  married . 

Sixth  Generation,  Isaac  Bird,  born  Ma}-  5,  1757,  married  Rhoda  Selleck, 
a  descendant  oi  Jonathan  Selleck,  of  Stamford,  Conn.,  who  married  1662-3, 
Abigail  Law,  daughter  of  Richard  Law,  of  Weathersfield,  Conn.,  from 
England,  who  married  Margaret  Kilbourne,  daughter  of  Thomas  Kil- 
BOURNK,  of  Hartford,  from  England.  Jonathan  Selleck  was  sou  of  David 
Sklleck  and  wife  Susannah,  from  England. 

Seirnth  Generation,  Jaynes  Bird,  born  17S0,  married  .>tisau  /)ani/iy. 

Eighth  Caicratioii,  Isaac  Bird,  boru  March  4.  1822,  married  Helen  M. 
Dwight.     Residence,  Kirkwood,  Broome  county,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :J 

7177.  James  D.  Bird,  bom  May  12,  1S59. 

7178.  Jessie  L.  Bird,  bora  October  25,  1867. 

7179.  Ru.ssell  H.  Bird,  bora  May  15,  1871. 

[6  723  J  Walton  Dwight,  son  of  Alomo  Dwight  (5363)  and 
Betsey  Hoadley,  married  July  12,  1864,  Anna  M.  Duscnbury, 
daughter  of  George  Dusenbtiry  and  Anna  IVJtitmore,  of  Windsor, 
N.  Y.  He  was,  in  1861,  captain  149th  Pennsylvania  voltmteers, 
("Bucktails.")  Promoted  colonel.  Battles  of  Chancellorsville, 
Fredericksburgh,  Antietam,  Geltysburgh,  &c.  In  187 1  to  1S73 
mayor  of  Bingharaton,  N.  Y. 

Their  only  child  was  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7180.  Frank  Dwight,  bora  Augixst  8,  1868. 

[B73n,]  Webster  Du'ight,  son  of  Alonzo  Dwight  {^^d-^  and 
Betsey  Hoadley,  enlisted  September,  1861,  in  27th  New  York  vol- 
unteers.    Wounded  at  West  Point,  Va.,  and  died  June  24,  1862. 

[6735.]  Sylvester  F.  Dwight,  son  of  Sylvester  W.  Dwight 
(5366)  and  Elizabeth  Stc^oart,  enlisted  May  31,  1861,  in  First 
Michigan  Light  Artillery.  Campaign  of  Kentucky  and  Tenessee. 
Wounded  in  battle  of  Stone  river,  January  i,  1863.  Prisoner  in 
Ivibby,  Richmond,  Va.,  until  January  29,  1863.  Exchanged  and 
rejoined  his  command  at  Chattanooga.     He  married  June  8,  1869, 


Jennie  Dyer,  daughter  of  S.  B.  Dyer,  of  Abbeville,  O.     Residence, 
Hersey,  Mich.     Attorney-at-law. 

[B7BB,]  MaHlla  M.  Beebe,  daughter  of  Elijah  Beebe  (6381) 
and  Marcie  Sprague,  married  1859,  Nelson  L.  Temple,  a  descend- 
ant of  Robert  Temple,  of  Ten-Hills,  (Charlestown)  Mass. ,  whose 
wife,  Mehitabel,  was  daughter  of  Robert  Nelson,  who  married 
Mary  Te^nple,  daughter  of /<?/;?;  Temple,  of  Stanton-bury,  county 
Bucks,  England. 

Robert  was  son  of  Thomas,  who  was  son  of  Purbeck  Temple, 
son  of  John  Temple,  of  Stanton-bur>',  before  named,  and  wife, 
Dorothy  Lee. 

John  was  son  of  Thomas  Temple,  of  Stowe,  who  was  made 
baronet,  and  whose  wife  was  Esther,  daughter  of  Miles  Sa^idys, 
of  county  Bucks.  He  was  son  of  John  Temple,  of  Stowe,  and 
Susan,  daughter  of  Thomas  Spencer,  of  Northamptonshire.  John 
was  .son  of  Peter  Temple  and  Milicent  Jekyl ;  his  brother  being 
ancestor  of  Lord  Palmerston.    (See  N.  E.  Hist.  Gen.  Reg.  vol.  10.) 

Robert  Nelson  was  a  descendant  of  John  Nelson,  of  Boston, 
Mass.  Captain  of  Ancient  and  Honorable  Artillery  Company, 
1680,  whose  wife  Elizabeth  was  niece  of  William  Stoughton, 
governor  of  Massachusetts.  John  was  son  of  William  Nelson, 
of  Plymouth,  Mass.,  from  England,  who  married,  1640,  Martha 
Ford,  sister  of  John  Ford,  of  Plymouth,  from  England. 

Nelson  L.  Temple  lived  in  Pratt's  Hollow,  Madison  Co.,  N.  Y. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7181.  Frederick  Temple,  born  i860. 

7182.  Flora  Temple,  born  1862. 

[B7  7Sr]  Elisha  P.  Spafford,  son  of  Henry  A.  Spafford  and 
Mary  E.  Porter,  (5385)  married  December  25,  1874,  Ida  S.  Abell, 
born  December  16,  1854,  daughter  of  Silas  P.  A  bell,  of  Lebanon, 
Conn.,  zx\A  Sophronia  Robiyison.     Residence,  Lebanon,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7183.  Lottie  M.  Spafford,  boru  June  14,  1S76. 

7184.  Henry  P.  Spafford,  boru  April  3,  1878. 


[B7'7B.]  Emily  P.  Spafford,  daughter  of  Henry  A.  Spafford 
and  Mary  E.  Porter,  (5385)  married  December  25,  1874,  /.  Eugene 
Tucker.     Residence,  Lebanon,  Conn. 

Their  children  v»rere  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 
7185.  Henry  P.  Tucker,  born  April  18,  1877. 
7!SG.  Eugene  D.  Tucker,  boru  November  i,  1879. 

[BBB6.]  Mary  Porter  Walton,  daughter  or  Cruger  Walton 
and  Martha  V.  Wiggins,  (3593)  married  August  28,  1878,  Arthur 
A.  Camp,  M.  D. 

[N1CH01.AS  C.\.MP  came  from  England  to  Milford,  Conn.,  1639.  He  mar- 
ried, as  bis  second  wife,  July  14,  1652,  Catherine,  widow  of  Aulhony  Thomp- 
son, of  New  Haven.     Representative,  1670-2;  died  1706. 

Second  Generation,  Saviuel  Camp,  bom  September  15,  1655,  married 
November  13,  1672,  Hannah  Belts,  boru  November  12,  1652,  daugliter  of 
Thomas  Bctls,  of  Milford,  who  was  sou  of  Richard  Betts,  from  county 
Herts,  England,  with  viiie  Joanna,  to  Tp«!wich,  ^lass.,  i6}S;  who  removed  to 
Newtown,  L.  I.,  1656. 

Third  G '     EtIOS  Cumj',  od-^i    .u.iy  lu,   i03->,  :n.iri:i'M   .->pp-.c:;ii»t:r 

18,  1710,  M.i  win. 

(Richard  Baldwin  came  from  England,  in  the  ship  "Martin,"  to  Mil- 
ford, Coun.,  where  he  n  '  '  r-  .,  ;/voy>  sisterof  JitSKPU  Ai^sop, 
of  New  Haven,  Cor.u 

S'-io'tJ  Crm  I ..  Baldwin,  boni  1646,  married  September  20, 

1671,  M.  y  14,  1653,  daughter  of  Rev.  Pktrr  Prld- 

DKN,  fv  .  .  to  New  Haven,  Conn.,   i^-,?:    removed  to 

Milford,  Conn.,  and  died  July  — ,  1656. 

,'>/,  born  1690,  marricii  li::<:,  Cump. 
,  orn  January  21,  1729,  married  Decem- 
ber 20,  1752,  .V'ii^ail  Gould,  a  descendant  .tif  Nathan  Gould,  of  Fairfield, 
Conn.,  and  Hannah  Taholt,  daughter  ol  John  TalcoH,  of  Hartford,  and 
Helena  V/akeman,  daughter  of  Joiu<  Wakeman,  of  New  Haven,  Couu., 
from  England.     Residence,  Milford,  Conu.     He  died  April  20,  1820. 

Fijth  Generation,  Abel  Camp,  boni  March  17,  1756,  married  17S1,  Anna 
Manning.     Residence,  Sharou,  Conn.     He  died  February  17,  1S30. 

Sixth  Generation,  Daniel  M.  Camp,  born  April  21,  178S,  married  in 
Tuubridge,  Vl.,  September  28,  1815,  Sarepta  Savage.  He  died  in  Derby, 
Vt.,  February  20,  1S70.     She  died  May  30,  1852. 

Seventh  Generation,  Rev.  A'o)tnan   ]V.  Camp,  D.  D.,  born ,  married 

Matilda   T.  Hopkins,  daughter  of  Rt.  Rev.  John  Henry  Hopkins,  a  lawyer 


from  Londonderry,  Ireland,  who  became  an  Episcopal  minister,  and  after- 
wards bishop  of  Vermont. 

Eighth  Generation,  Arthur  A.  Camp,  born  1854,  married  Mary  P.  Wal- 
ton.    He  was  a  physician  in  Minneapolis,  Minn.,  and  died  April  9,  1888. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7187.  Arthur  Walton  Camp,  bom  September  25,  1879. 

7188.  Ethel  Camp,  bom  November  24,  1880. 

7189.  Henry  Cruger  Camp,  born  January  14,  1886. 

[BBBBi]  Henry  Cr2iger  IValton,  son  of  Cruger  Walton  and 
Martha  V.  Wiggins,  (5593)  graduate  of  Columbia  College  and 
School  of  Mines.  He  studied  mining,  engineering  and  mettal- 
lurgy  in  University  of  Heidelberg,  Germany  ;  Superintendent  of 
Bessemer  process  in  the  "Edgar  Thompson  Works,"  Pittsburgh, 
Pa.  He  married  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  July  15,  1879,  Virginia 
Clay  Jones. 

[David  Jones,  bom  in  Wales,  1668,  came  to  America  with  the  Welch 
emigration,  to  Pennsylvania  in  1701,  and  settled  first  at  Pennepack,  near 
Philadelphia,  removing  to  Great  Valley,  Chester  county.  In  1705,  their 
first  minister  was  David  Evans.     David  Jones  married  Esther  Morgan. 

Morgan  ap  Rydderch,  a  native  of  Altgoch,  in  the  parish  of  Llanwenog, 
Cardiganshire,  South  Wales,  united  in  1667  with  a  church  of  the  Baptist 
faith,  at  Rhydrylyn.  His  children,  according  to  the  Welch  custom,  assumed 
as  their  surname,  the  first  name  of  their  father. 

The  sous,  Enock  and  Abel  Morgan,  came  to  America.  Enoch,  in  1701, 
settled  in  Delaware,  and  in  1630,  became  pastor  of  the  "Welch  Tract  Bap- 
tist Church,"  at  Pennepack.  Their  sister,  Esther  Morgan,  born  in  Wales, 
1678,  married  David  Jones.  He  died  at  New  Castle,  Del.,  August  20,  1748. 
Mrs.  Esther  died  October  2,  1754. 

Third  Generation,  Morgatt  Jones,  born  1698,  married  Eleanor  Evans. 
Resided  at  Pencader-Hundred,  New  Castle  county,  Del.  He  died  January 
4,  1760.     She  died  September  7,  1759. 

Fourth  Generation,  David  Jones,  born  May  12,  1736,  at  White-clay-creek- 
Hundred,  Del.,  studied  for  the  ministry  at  Middletown,  N.  J.,  with  his  cousin, 
Rev.  Abel  Morgan,  and  in  1766  was  ordained  pastor  of  the  Upper  Freehold 
church,  Monmouth  county,  N.  J.  He  married  Febmary  22,  1762,  Anne 
Stillwell,  daughter  of  Joseph  Stillwell,  of  Middletown,  N.  J.  David  Jones 
was  missionary  to  the  Indians  in  Ohio.  In  1775  removed  to  Pennsylvania, 
and  was  pastor  of  Great  Valley  Baptist  church,  in  Chester  county.  In  the 
war  of  revolution  he  was  appointed  (April  27,  1776)  chaplain  of  Col.  Anthony 


Wayne's  regiment,  and  January  i,  1777,  brigade  chaplain.  He  accompanied 
Gen.  Wayne  until  1790,  and  died  February  5,  1820.  Interred  in  Great  Val- 
ley church  yard. 

Fifth  Cenej-ation,  Horatio  G.  Jones,  D.  D.,  born  February  it,  1777,  in 
Easton,  Chester  county,  Pa.,  was  minister  at  Salem,  N.  J.,  from  February, 
1S02,  to  April,  1805.  Removed  to  the  bank  of  the  Schuylkill  river,  now  the 
twenty-first  ward  of  Philadelphia.  He  organized,  September  11,  1808,  the 
"Lower  Merion  Baptist  Church."  One  of  the  founders  of  the  American 
Baptist  Education  Society,  and  of  Haddington  College.  He  married  Sep- 
tember 3,  1804,  Esther  Righier,  bom  July  15,  1778,  daughter  oi John  Righter 
and  Eleanor  Bankson.  Rev.  Dr.  Jones  died  at  Roxburgh,  Pa.,  December 
12,  1853.     Mrs,  Eleanor  Jones  died  December  29,  1808. 

Sixth  Generation^  John  Righter  Jones,  horn  October  2,  1S03,  at  Salem, 
N.  J.,  graduate  of  University  of  Pennsylvania.  Admitted  to  the  bar  of  Phil- 
adelphia 1827.     In  1836  judge  of  the  court  of  common  pleas. 

He  entered  the  service  early  in  the  war  of  the  rebellion,  and  in  February, 
1S62,  was  chosen  colonel  of  the  fifty-eighth  Pennsylvania  volunteers.  Or- 
dered to  Norfolk,  Va.,  and  thence  to  Newburn,  N.  C.  On  the  2tst  of  Ma}', 
1863,  as  acting  brigadier-general  in  an  action  with  the  enemy  at  Gum  Swamp, 
he  was  killed  by  a  ball  through  his  heart.  He  married  Anne  E.  Ctay,  then 
the  widow  of  Anthony  Laussatt. 

(Robert  Clay  and  -vvifc  ITannah,  f^Slator)  of  Chesterfield,  Derbyshire, 

Second  Cc>u>\iliL"!,  J\oOliI  C'uy,  born  lobS,  came  to  Delaware  and  set- 
tled at  New  Castle,  where  he  married  December  16,  17 10,  Anne  Curtis,  born 
November  15,  1690,  daughter  of  Winolock  Curtis,  of  Kent  county,  Del. 
R.  Clay  was  lost  at  sea  1717.     Mrs.  Anne  Clay  died  May  3,  1747. 

Third  Generation,  Slator  Clay,  bom  November  2,  171 1,  married  Febru- 
ary 12,  1740,  Anne  Curtis,  daughter  of  yi95^/»A  Curtis,  and  died  Feb.,  1767. 

Fourth  Generation,  Curtis  Clay,  born  April  o  1747,  married  September 
— ,  1766,  Margaret  Wood.     He  died  September  11,  1809. 

Fifth  Generation,  Joseph  Clay,  born  1768,  married  1S05,  Mary  Ash- 
vteade,  daughter  of  Capt.  John  Ashmeade,  of  Germantown,  Pa.  He  died 
181 1.     She  died  February  10,  1871,  aged  eighty-nine. 

Sixth  Generation,  Atvie  Eliza  Clay,  bom  July  26,  iSio,  married  /.  R. 

Seventh  Generation,  Virginia  Clay  Jones,  born  March  4,  1S54,  married 
Henry  C.  Walton.     He  died  in  Saratoga  Springs,  July  19,  1S81. 

Their  only  child  was  [being  of  the  tenth  generation :] 
TllJO.  Matilda  Cruger  Walton,  born  June  i,  i88r. 


[BB74,]  John  Milton  Burrall,  sou  of  Wiiliam  P.  Bicrrall 
(5603)  and  Harriett  Holley,  (3921)  married  at  Fort  Reid,  Florida, 
November  19,  1872,  Mary  H.  Dickinson,  daughter  oi  John  Dick- 
inson, of  Richmond,  Va. 

This  John  Dickinson  was  a  descendant,  probably,  oijohn  Dick- 
inson who,  in  1665,  was  one  of  the  first  settlers  of  Elizabeth,  N.  J. 
He  was,  probably,  son  of  Philemon  Dickinson,  who  came  from 
county  Suffolk,  England,  in  1637,  to  Salem,  Mass.,  removing  to 
Southold,  I^.  I.,  whence  his  sons  removed  in  1745  to  New  Jersey. 

J.  M.  Burrall  died  at  sea,  on  the  voyage  from  Florida  to  New 
York,  May  18,  1880. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7191.  William  D.  Burrall,  born  February  — ,  1876. 

7192.  John  D.  Burrall,  born  February  20,  1880. 

[BB7Bi]  Sarah  Bostzuick  Burrall,  daughter  of  William  P. 
Burrall  (5603)  and  Harriett  Holley,  (3921)  manned  December  26, 
1861,  Henry  H.  Anderson,  counselor-at-law,  New  York  City,  son 
oi  Riijus  Anderson  and  Eliza  Hill. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation :] 

7193.  Henry  B.  Anderson,  born  January  2,  1863. 

7194.  William  E.  Anderson,  born  December  2,  1864. 

7195.  Chandler  P.  Anderson,  born  September  5,  1868. 

7196.  Harriett  H.  Anderson,  born  July  7,  1870,  died  August  28,  1879. 

[BSBli]  Alice  Allen,  daughter  of  Matthew  Allen  and  Diana 
Kingsbury,  (5683)  married  December  19,  1865,  Joh7i  T.  Ogden. 
Residence,  Wellington,  O.  He  sei-ved  in  an  Ohio  regiment  in 
war  of  rebellion. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7197.  Alice  E.  Ogden,  born  September  18,  1866. 

7198.  Ella  R.  Ogden,  born  September  28,  1868. 

7199.  Charles  R.  Ogden,  born  July  19,  1870. 

[7I2I1]  Louisa  Frederika  Lawtoyi,  daughter  of  Alexander 
Laxvton  and  Sarah  G.  Alexarider,  (6419)  married  April  i,  1878, 
Leonard  C.  Mackall,  of  Baltimore,  Md. 


Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eleventh  generation :] 

7200.  Leonard  C.  Mackall,  born  January  29,  1879. 

7201.  Corinne  L.  Mackall,  bom  Febrnan,'  27,  1880. 

[712  B,  Luc)'  Hande  Hull,  daughter  of  George  G.  Hull  and 
Afary  C.  Alexa7ider,  (6412)  married  June  27,  1882,  George  J.  Dald- 
iL'in,  of  Savannah,  Ga. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eleventh  generation  :] 

7202.  George  H.  Baldwin,  bom  April  23,  18S3. 

7203.  Daniel  H.  Baldwin,  born  November  28,  1884. 


[lB7i]  Rebecca  Welles,  daughter  of  Samuel  Welles  and  Ruth 
Judson,  (32)  married  1723,  Thomas  Pitkin. 

[William  Pitkin,  from  England  to  Hartford,  Conn.,  1660,  son  oi Roger 
Pitkin,  of  London.  He  was  a  lawyer  ;  attorney  of  tbe  Colony  ;  representa- 
tive; treasurer.  He  married  1660,  Hannah  Goodu'in,  bom  1638,  daughter 
of  OziAS  Goodwin,  of  Hartford,  from  England. 

Second  Generation,  William  Pitkin,  born  1662,  married  1686,  Elizabeth 

Timothy  Stanley,  from  England,  brother  of  Tlwinas,  (sees,)  Hartford, 
Conn.,  1635;  died  1848. 

Second  Generation,  Caleb  Stanley,  born  iu  England,  married ,  1665, 

Hannah  Cowles,  born  1644,  daughter  of  John  Cowles,  of  Hatfield,  Mass., 
and  wife  Hannai 

Third  General  ion,  jiiizabcih  Stanley,  born  October  24,  1669,  married 
William  Pitkin. 

Third  Generation,  Thomas  Pitkin,  bom  Juue  18,  1700,  married  1723, 
Rebecca  Welles.     His  sister,  Sarah  Pitkin,  married  Eleazer  Porter.     (204.) 

Fourth  Generation,  TJiomas  Pitkin,  born  1724,  married  July  25,  1744, 
Martha  White. 

(Elder  John  White.    See  elsewhere.  ■ 


Second  Generation,  Daniel  IVhiie,  born  1933,  married  November  i,  1661, 
Sarah  Crowe. 

Third  Generation,  pa^iiel  White,  bom  July  4,  1671,  married  1693,  Sarah 
Bissell,  born  January  8,  1672,  daughter  of  Thomas  Bissell,  of  Windsor,  and 
Abigail  Moore,  daughter  of  Deacon  John  Moore,  from  England. 

Fourth  Generation,  Thomas  White,  born  July  10,  1701 ;  Yale  College 
1720;  minister  at  Bolton,  Conn.;  married  June  17,  1725,  Martha  Himt. 

Jonathan  Hunt,  from  England,  Northampton,  Mass.,  married  Septem- 
ber 3,  1662,  Clemence  Hosmer,  daughter  of  Thomas  Hosmer,  of  Hartford, 
from  England. 

Second  Generation,  Jonathan  Hunt,  born  January  20,  1665,  married  1693, 
Martha  Williams. 

(Robert  Wilijams,  from  England,  Roxbury,  Mass.     See  elsewhere.) 

Second  Generation,  Samuel  Williams,  born  in  England,  married  March 
2,  1654,  Theoda  Parke,  born  July  26,  1637,  daughter  of  William  Parke,  of 
Roxbury,  from  England. 

Third  Generation,  Martha  Williams,  born  May  19,  1671,  married /<?««- 
than  Hunt. 

Third  Generation,  Martha  Hunt,  born  April  18,  1699,  married  Thomas 

Fourth  Generation,  Martha   White,  born  1726,  married  Thomas  Pitkin. 

Fifth  Generation,  Thomas  White  Pitkin,  born  September  25,  1747,  mar- 
ried 1770-1,  Rhoda  Marsh,  born  July  20,  1754,  daughter  oi  Joseph  Marsh 
and  Dorothy  Masott. 

(John  Mason,  -was  a  lieutenant  in  the  English  army,  in  the  Netherlands. 
He  came  to  New  England  about  1630,  Dorchester,  Mass.,  removing  in  1635, 
to  Windsor,  Conn. ;  assistant ;  he  commanded  the  expedition  against  the 
Pequots,  May,  1637 ;  removed  to  Norwich,  Conn. ;  deputy-governor  and 
major-general ;  He  died  January  30,  1672. 

Second  Generation,  Daniel  Mason,  born  April  — ,  1652,  married  1673, 
Margaret  Denison. 

(WiLiJAM  Denison,  with  wife  Margaret,  from  England,  Rowley,  Mass., 
in  1631. 

Second  Generation,  Edward  Denison,  bom  in  England,  married  March 
20,  1641,  Elizabeth  Weld,  daughter  of  Joseph  Weld,  of  Roxbury,  from 

Third  Generation,  Margaret  Denisott,  born  December  15,  1650,  married 
Daniel  Mason. 

Third  Generation,  Dattiel  Mason,  born  November  26,  1674,  married 
October  19,  1704,  Dorothy  Hobart. 


^Rev.  I'KTiiR  HOBART,  bom  at  Hingham,  England;  graduate  Magdalen 
College;  A.  B.  1626;  A.  M.  1629;  came  to  New  England  1635;  minister  at 
Hingham,  Mass. ;  died  1679. 

Scco/id  Ccncraliou,  Rev.  Jeremiah  Hobarl,  born  in  England,  married 
Elizabeth  IVfiiting,  daughter  of  Rev.  Samikl  Whiting,  of  Lynn,  Mass., 
from  Boston,  Lincolnshire,  England,  who  married  Elizabeth  St.  John,  sister 
of  Oliver  St.  John,  Chief  Justice  of  Common  Pleas  of  England. 

Third  Generation,  Dorothy  Hobart,  born  August  21, 1679,  married  Daniel 

Fourth  Generation,  Jeremiah  Mason,  horn  March  4,  1705,  married  May 
24,  T727,  Mary  Clark,  daughter  of  Thomas  Clark,  of  Haddam,  Conn.  Resi- 
dence, NorNvich,  Conn.     He  died  1779. 

FijLh  Generation,  Dorothy  ^ft<:o^1,  bom  .April  *>,  1733,  married  Tnnuary 
10,  1750,  Joseph  Marsh. 

Sixth  Generation,' Km  .u:  .Mat  ■•.^  iicjrr.  juiy  -^u,  i/;  1,  iiia-riL-'i  /.  (i  .  Pit- 
kin.     Residence,  Hartford,  Vt 

Sixth  Generation,  Samuel  Pitkin,  bom  December  30,  1777,  was  a 
ciau  in  Ballston,  N.  Y.,  and  surgeon  in  the  army  in  war  of  1S12.  He  married 
180-6,  Hizabiih  Hamlin,  and  died  March  27,  1S23.     She  died  June  25,  1S29. 

Tlieir  children  were  [beiug  of  the  seventh  generation  :J 

7204.  E.  Darwin  Pitkin,  Ijom  June  24,  1808,  married  Frances  A.  Wilcox. 

"I'l^i't.  Caroline  Pitkin,  born  November  3,  1810,  married  James  Slocum. 

7l'<|').  Pamela  E.  Pitkin,  bom  .\pril  11,  1813,  married  same. 

7lX)7.  Elizabeth  Pitkin,  bom  April  24,  1815,  died  1836. 

7l?">.S.  Samuel  }*itkin,  born  Octol^r  5,  1817,  merchant  in  Saratoga. 

Tl'O'.i.  Lucy  Pitkin,  born  February  S.  rSi-^,  died  1840. 

[335.]  Jeruslia  Porter,  daughter  of  David  Porter,  (86)  married 
February  14,  1739,  Thomas  Pcrrin.  He  died  July — ,  1789.  She 
died  May  23,  1754. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  .sixth  generation  :] 

7210.  Thomas  Perriu,  bom  June  i,  1740,  married  Martha  Savary. 

7211.  Jemsha  Pcrrin   bora  1742,  married  Asahel  Phe^ps. 

7212.  Sarah  Perrin,  born  1744,  married  Elias  Jagger. 

7213.  Solomou  Perriu,  bom  February  25,  1745,  married  Anna  Kellogg. 

7214.  Aaron  Perrin,  bora  September  14,  1746. 


7215.  Lydia  Perrin,  May  ii,  1748. 

721G.  Zachai-iah  Perrin,  March  3,  1750,  married  Mary  INilrott. 

7217.  Ephraim  Perrin,  bot«  Julj'  2,  1752. 

[7210 1  ]  Thomas  Perrm^^^n  of  Thomas  Perri7i  qx\A  Jettisha 
Porter,  (395)  married  Martha  ^ctvury.  He  lived  in  Granville, 
Washington  county,  N.  Y.,  and  died  1&22. 

[7 213 1 ]  Solofnon  Perrin,  son  of  Thomas  Perrin  z.vA  Jerusha 
Porter,  (395)  married  June  17,  1773,  An7ia  Kellogg.  Residence, 
Vernon,  Conn.  He  died  September  8,  1826.  She  died  March 
13.  1834. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  seventh  generation :] 

7218.  Anna  Perrin,  born  May  3,  1775,  married  Reuben  Sumner. 

7219.  Jerusha  Perrin,  born  October  22,  1778,  married  Henry  P.  Sumner. 

7220.  Solomon  Perrin,  born  April  25,  1781,  married  Sarah  N.  Bott. 

7221.  Aaron  Perrin,  born  June  9,  1786,  married  Lois  Lee. 

7222.  Asahel  Perrin,  born  May  12,  1789,  married  Betsey  Hammond. 

[72IB1]  Zachariah  Perri7i,  son  of  Thomas  Perriji  and  fenisha 
Porter,  (395)  married  January  i,  1781,  Mary  Talcott,  and  died 
September  11.  1828,  aged  seventy.  He  died  March  28,  1838. 
Residence,  Berlin,  Vt. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  seventh  generation :] 

7223.  Polly  Perrin,  born  1781,  died  unmarried  1798. 

7224.  Betsey  Perrin,  born  March  7,  1783,  married  Rev.  James  Hobart. 

7225.  Samuel  Perrin,  born  November  — ,  1785,  married  Sarah  Reid. 

7226.  Pamela  Perrin,  born  17S7,  married  David  Nye. 

7227.  Porter  Perrin,  born  February  i,  1790,  married  Lucy  Kinney. 

7228.  William  Perrin,  born  1793,  married  Fanny  Thompson. 

T229.  Truman  Perrin,  born  April  28,  1796,  married  Pronecy  Tyndall. 

7230.  Mary  Perrin,  born  1798,  married  Julius  Y.  Dewey. 

7231.  Sophia  Perrin,  born  1800,  married  Joseph  Somerby. 

[721B.]  Anna  Perrin,  daughter  of  Solomo?t  Perrin  (7213)  and 
Anna  Kellogg,  married  November  2,  1794,  Reuben  Sumner,  son 
of  Reuben  Sumner  and  Elizabeth  Mack,  and  brother  of  Rev.  Henry 
P.  Sumner.     (See  3657.)     Residence,  Hebron,  Conn. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation :] 


72.'.2.  Sarah  Simmer,  born  October  26,  1796,  married  Jobu  H.  Post. 
7L'o3.  Harvej'  Sumuer,  born  June  25,  1798,  died  unmarried. 

7234.  Hiram  F.  Sumner,  born  February  4,  1800,  married  Caroline  Conaut. 

7235.  Mary  A.  Sumner,  born  June  26,  1812,  died  September  17,  1813. 
7-3().  William  H.  Sumner,  boni  Jan.  21,  1815,  married  Elizabeth  Bucklaud. 
7237.  Mary  A.  Sumner,  bom  Sept.  20,  1816,  married  Christopher  Woodhouse. 

[72 2D.]  Solomoji  Pcrrin,  son  of  Solomon  Pcrrin  (7213)  and 
Anyia  Kellogg,  married  January  4,  1810,  in  Salem,  Roanoke  Co., 
Va.,  Sarah  Neale  Bott,  daughter  oi  Joel  Bolt  and  Lucy  May.  He 
was  an ;  lived  in  Virginia,  and  died  October  31,  1833.  She 
died  September  4,  1851. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation : 
7838.  William  P.  Ferrin,  bom  April  21,  181 1. 

7239.  Mary  A.  Perrin,  born  July  27,  1815,  married  Noah  Sharpe. 

7240.  Eliza  M.  Perrin,  born  October  26,  1815,  married  L.  Christian. 

7241.  Aaron  A.  Perrin,  born  May  23,  1818,  married  Eliza  Lavsson. 
7.")t2.  John  Q.  A.  Perrin,  born  April  27,  1821,  married  Elizabeth  Talcott. 

7243.  Henry  C.  Perrin  bom  January  11,  1825,  married  Susan  Secriet. 

7244.  James  J.  Perrin,  born  May  23,  1829,  married  Margaret  Caner. 

[7221.]  Aaron  Perrin,  son  of  Solomon  Pcrrin  (7213)  and 
Anna  Kellogg,  married  April  30,  1812,  Lois  Lee,  who  died  May 
21,  1873,  aged  eighty.     He  died  Januar^"^  17,  1875. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 

7245.  Marianne  Perrin,  born  July  26,  1813,  married  Samuel  Galpin. 

7246.  Marietta  Perrin,  twin,  born ,  married  E.  J.  Brigham. 

7247.  Solomon  L.  Perrin,  bom  May  15,  1S16,  married  Anne  E.  Conisioci:. 
724S.  Sarah  R.  Perrin,  bom  Augnst  31,  1821,  married  R.  D.  Bancroft. 

[7222,]  Asahel  Pcrrin,  son  of  Solomon  Pcrri?i  (7213)  and 
An?ia  Kellogg,  married  June  2,  1816,  Betsey  Hammond.  He  died 
July  31,  1853.     She  died  January  19,  1847. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation :] 

7249.  Jenisha  B.  Perrin,  bom  April  17,  1817,  married  Albert  Galpin. 

7250.  Asahel  H.  Perrin,  born,  Septem.  6,  1819,  married  Mary  W.  Chapman. 

7251.  Charles  R.  Perrin,  born  April  9,  1823,  died  January  10,  1848. 

7252.  Anna  Perrin,  bom  March  29,  1826,  married  Charles  E.  Fish. 


[!Z244i]  James  J.  Perrin,  son  of  Solomon  Pcrrin  (7220)  and 
Sarah  N.  Bott,  married  December  23,  1851,  Margaret  Caner.  He 
was  president  of  National  Bank,  Lafayette,  Ind, 

[Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 

7253.  Flora  J.  Perriu,  boru  June  21,  1853. 

7254.  William  H.  Perrin,  born  June  2,  1855,  married  Minnie  M.  Weaver. 

7255.  John  O.  Perrin,  born  June  17,  1857,  married  Elinor  C.  Bates. 

7256.  Luella  Perrin,  born  September  4,  1861,  married  Bernadotte  Perrin. 

7257.  Addie  C.  Perrin,  born  July  28,  1863,  died  March  6,  1866. 

7258.  James  H.  Perriu,  born  October  5,  1871. 

[7245i]  Marianne  Perrin^  daughter  of  Aaron  Perrin  (7221) 
and  Lois  Lee,  married  November  28,  1844,  Samuel  Galpin. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation :] 
765!).  Samuel  A.  Galpin,  born  January  5,  1846. 

7260.  Lavalette  P.  Galpin,  born  July  — ,  1848. 

[724Bi]  Mariette  Perrin,  daughter  of  Aaron  Perrin  (7221) 
and  Lois  Lee,  married  November  29,  1845,  Edwin  J.  Brigham. 
She  died  August  6,  18S2. 
»      Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

7261.  Arthur  Brigham,  born  December  8,  1850. 

7262.  Elbert  Brigham,  born  May  10,  1849. 
7260.  Mary  Brigham,  born  September  2r,  1858. 

[7247.]  Solomon  L.  Perrin,  son  of  Aaron  Pen-in  (7221)  and 
Lois  Lee,  married  June  4,  1844,  Anna  L.  Comstock.  He  was  a 
graduate  of  Yale  College ;  D.  D. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 
726-1.  Bernadotte  Perriu,  born  September  15,  1847,  married  Luella  Perrin. 
72(i5.  Catherine  Perrin,  born  December  8,  1850,  married  Charles  C.  Lester. 

7266.  Addison  Perrin,  born  September  22,  1852,  died  187 1. 

[724Bi]  Sarah  R.  Perrin,  daughter  of  ^^rc??  Perrin  (7221) 
and  L^ois  L^ee,  married  January  15,  1839,  Rev.  David  Bancroft, 
who  died  March  11,  1875. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

7267.  Herbert  P.  Bancroft,  born  December  29,  1839. 

7268.  Bernadotte  Bancroft,  born  October  14,  1841. 

814  desg«;ndants  of'john  porter. 

[72  54.]  William  H.  Pcrrin,  son  oi  James  J.  Perrin  (7244) 
and  Margaret  Caner,  married  September  9,  1879,  Minyiie  M. 
Weaver.     He  was  vice-president  National  Bank,  lyafayette,  Ind. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation :] 
726!».  Luella  Perrin,  born  July  12,  18S1. 

7270.  Ethel  M.  Perrin,  boru  March  6,  1S85. 

[72  55t]  Joh7i  O.  Perrin,  son  oi  James  J.  Perrin  (7244)  and 
Margaret  Caner,  married  Octobers,  1883,  Eleanor  Cathcart  Bates, 
daughter  of  Hervey  Bates  and  Charlotte  Catheart.  Residence,  In- 
dianapolis, Ind. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation  :] 

7271.  IIer\'ey  B.  Perrin,  born  November  8,  1SS4. 

7272.  John  Perrin,  born  Jauuarj'  16,  1SS7. 

[72 B4.]  Bernadottc  Perrin,  son  of  Solomon  Perrin  (7247) 
and  Anna  L.  Comstock,  graduate  of  Yale  College  1869,  and  at 
University  of  Gottingen,  Germany.  He  married  August  17,  i88r, 
Luella  Perrin,  (7249) 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  tenth  generation :] 

7273.  Lee  L.  Perrin,  bom  December  22,  18S4. 

7274.  Lester  W.  Perrin,  bom  October  31,  1SS6. 


It  is  believed  that  Alexander  Porter,  (392)  son  of  Daniel  Por- 
ter and  Mindwell  Alexander,  died  in  infancy,  and  that  a  second 
Alexander,  born  subsequently,  was  the  one  here  named  in  the 
data  furnished  b}^  Admiral  D.  D.  Porter,  U.  S.  Navy. 

Alexander  Porter,  born  in  Massachusetts,  May  5,  1727,  mar- 
ried Margaret  Henry. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  sixth  generation  :] 

1.  David  Porter,  born  April  6,  1754. 

2.  Robert  Porter,  born  October  3,  1755. 

3.  Nancy  Porter,  born  December  18,  1757. 

4.  Samuel  Porter,  born  October  4,  1759. 

o.  Alexander  Porter,  born  August  22,  1764. 

6.  John  Porter,  born  September  i,  1766. 

7.  Margaret  Porter,  born  September  2,  1768. 

[li]  David  Porter,  son  of  Alexayider  Porter  and  Margaret 
Henry,  settled  in  Boston,  Mass.     He  married  Rebecca  Gay. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  seventh  generation  :] 
8.  David  Porter,  born  February  i,  1780,  married  Evelina  Anderson. 
0.  Rebecca  Porter,  born  1782,  married Rosenmuller. 

10.  Mary  Porter,  born  1785,  married Brown. 

11.  Nancy  Porter,  born  1787,  married  Alexander  Porter. 

12.  Margaret  Porter,  born  1789,  married  G.  H.  Heap. 

13.  John  Porter,  born  I79r,  married  Eliza  Clarke. 

[Bi]  David  Po7-ter,  son  of  David  Porter  (i)  and  Rebecca  Gay, 
married  March  10,  1S08,  Evelina  Anderson.  In  1812  captain  of 
frigate  "Essex,"  U.  S.  Navy;  commodore,  and  minister  to  Tur- 
key 1839.     He  died  at  Para,  1843.     ' 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  eighth  generation  :] 

14.  William  D.  Porter,  born  1809,  married  Elizabeth  Beall. 
1.3.  Elizabeth  Porter,  born  181 1,  died  unmarried. 

16.  David  D.  Porter,  born  1813,  married  Georgiana  Patterson. 

17.  Thomas  Porter,  born  1815,  captain  Mexican  Navy. 

18.  Theodoric  Porter,  born  181 7,  captain  U.  S.  A.,  killed  in  Mexico. 

19.  Hambleton  Porter,  born  1819,  lieut.  U.  S.  N. 

20.  Henry  Porter,  born  1821,  lieut.  U.  S.  N. 


[14 1]  William  D.  Porter,  son  of  Commodore  David  Porter  and 
Evelina  Anderso7i,  entered  the  navy  in  1823.  In  1861  he  com- 
manded the  ironclad  "Essex,"  on  the  Mississippi  river.  At  Fort 
Henry  he  was  severely  wounded.     In  August,  1862,  he  destroyed 

the  rebel  ironclad  "  Arkansas."     He  died  1864.     He  manned , 

Elizabeth  Be  all. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

21.  William  Porter,  boru . 

22.  Rowena  Porter,  boru . 

23.  Edna  Porter,  boru . 

[IB,]  David  D.  Porter,  son  of  Commodore  David  Porter  and 
Evelina  A?iderson,  entered  the  nav>-  as  midshipman  in  1829  ;  lieut. 
in  1 841 ;  Mexican  war  1846-7  ;  commander  in  1861.  In  command 
Mi.ssissippi  squadron  at  bombardment  of  Forts  Jackson  and  St. 
Philip.  In  1863  siege  of  Vicksburg.  Promoted  to  rear  admiral 
Jul}'  4,  1863.  Commanded  the  naval  force  in  the  attack  on  Fort 
Fisher,  December,   1864,  and  Januarj',   1865.     Vice-admiral  July 

25.  1866,  and  admiral  August  — ,  1870. 

He  married  March  12,  1839,  Gcorgiana  Patterson,  daughter  of 
Commodore  Daniel  T.  Patterson,  U.  S.  N. 

Their  children  were  [being  of  the  ninth  generation  :] 

24.  Georgiaua  Porter,  bom  . 

2.J.  Nina  Porter,  bom . 

26.  Dand  Essex  Porter,  bom ,  married  I<ily  Abert. 

27.  Carlisle  P.  Porter,  born ,  married  C.irrie  Caprou. 

28.  Theodoric  Porter,  born ,  married  Betty  Mason. 

29.  Elizabeth  Porter,  bom ,  married  L.  C.  Logan,  U.  S.  N. 

;?(>.  Richard  Porter,  bom . 

;^.l.  Rlena  pMrter,  hnvTi  



Appendix  I. 

Extract  from  "  Mather's  Antiquities  :" 

"It  was  not  long  before  the  Massachusetts  colony  was  become  a  hive  over, 
stocked  with  bees,  and  many  of  the  new  inhabitants  entertained  thoughts 
of  swarming  into  plantations  extended  further  into  the  country. 

The  fame  of  the  Connecticut  river,  a  long,  fresh,  rich  river,  as  indeed 
the  Indian  name  "Connecticut"  is  Indian  for  "Long  river,"  made  it  a  little 
Nilus  in  the  expectation  of  the  good  people  about  the  Massachusetts  bay. 
Whereupon  many  of  the  planters  belonging  to  the  towns  of  Cambridge, 
Dorchester,  Watertown  and  Roxbury  took  up  resolutions  to  move  a  hundred 
miles  for  a  further  settlement  upon  this  famous  river. 

Reader !  come  with  me  now  to  behold  some  worthy,  and  learned,  and 
genteel  persons  going  to  be  buried  alive  in  the  banks  of  the  Connecticut. 
*    *    *    *    So  there  was  a  great  remove  of  good  people  thither. 

On  this  remove,  they  that  went  from  Cambridge  became  a  church  on  a 
spot  of  ground  now  called  Hartford ;  they  that  went  from  Dorchester  be- 
came a  church  at  Windsor ;  they  that  Went  from  Watertown  sat  down  at 
Weathersfield,  and  they  that  left  Roxbury  were  iu-chiurched  higher  up  the 
river  at  Springfield,  at  a  place  which  was  afterwards  found  within  the  lines 
of  the  Massachusetts  charter.     This  was  in  1635. 

Appendix  II. 

Extract  from  a  letter  of  Rev.  I.  N.  Tarbox,  D.  D. 

Boston,  Mass.,  July  17,  1884. 
Henry  Porter  Andrews,  Esq. 

Dear  Sir :  I  received  your  kind  note  this  morning,  and  it  occurs  to  me 
to  say  what  perhaps  I  said  to  you  by  letter,  some  time  since,  though  I  am 
not  quite  certain. 

Mr.  John  Porter  seemingly  had  affinities  with  the  Dorchester  company, 
before  it  left  England.     He  did  not  come  over  with  it  in  1630,  nor  did  he 


joiu  it  while  it  remained  in  Dorchester,  1630-1636.  He  first  appears  at  Wind- 
sor, Conn.,  with  his  wife  and  children,  in  the  ^-ear  1637,  and  was  at  once 
treated  as  a  man  known  and  respected.  He  was  put  npon  a  committee  in 
1637,  and  was  made  a  con.stable  in  1639,  then  a  high  and  responsible  ofBce. 
All  the  facts  connected  with  him  during  his  life  at  Windsor,  indicate  plainly 
that  he  was  a  man  of  substance  and  standing. 

Man}'  years  ago  I  read  his  will,  and  wondered  whj'  his  wife  was  not  men- 
tioned in  it.  I  accepted  the  record  of  Mr.  Stiles,  that  she  died  on  tlu-  12th 
May  following,  and  so  she  would  naturally  have  been  named  in  such  a  docu- 
ment, but  no  trace  of  her  appears  in  it. 

It  so  happens  that  the  present  town  clerk  of  Windsor  is  a  class-mate  of 
mine,  John  B.  Woodford,  Esq.  A  few  years  ago  I  .spent  a  night  at  his  house 
and  was  speaking  to  him  about  John  Porter's  will,  and  the  curious  fact  that 
his  wife  was  not  mentioned,  when  thinking  a  moment  he  said  that  among 
certain  errors  which  he  had  discovered  in  "Stiles,"  he  thought  there  was 
one  pertaining  to  John  Porter  and  family,  and  if  I  wnnll  'rn  wmh  liim  tn  the 
office  in  the  morning  he  would  point  it  out. 

I  did  so,  and  he  showed  me  from  the  very  early  records  that  the  A'osc 
Porter,  who  was  buried  May  12,  164S,  was  the  daughter  ^^t   i  mv   t,  .1. dw 
and  that  his  wife  died  in  July.  1647. 

1  tliink  that  the  dates  I  have  given  here,  as  to  John  Porier  s  arrival  in 
this  country,  the  dale  of  his  death,  and  those  of  his  wife  and  daughter,  will 
be  found  correct. 

Very  truly  yours,  INCREASE  N.  TARBOX. 

Appexuix  III. —  Will  of  John  Porter. 

A  particular  courte  in  Hartford,  Conn.,  June  7,  1649.  This  day  was  pre- 
sented to  this  courte,  the  last  will  and  testament  of  John  Porter,  late  of 
W^yndsor,  deceased,  and  the  inventory  of  his  estate.  Anno  164S,  Apl.  20. 

"Imprimis.  This  is  the  last  will  and  testament  made  by  me,  John  Por- 
ter, of  Wyndsor.  Although  now  weake  and  sick  in  body,  yet  perfect  in 
memory,  do  bequeathe  my  soule  to  Gor>  thnt  frive  it.  and  my  body  to  be 
buried,  and  my  goods  as  followeth  : 

Item.  I  give  to  my  eldest  son,  Joiiu  i-ori'-r,  one  luinMitii  pounds,  and  to 
my  second  son,  James  Porter,  I  give  three  score  f>ounds,  and  to  my  other 
si.x  children,  to  wit:  Samuel  Porter,  Rebecca  Porter,  Rose  Porter,  Mary 
Porter,  Sarah  Porter  and  Anna  Porter,  I  give  to  them  thirty  pounds  apiece, 
which  is  to  raised  out  of  my  whole  estate,  as  housings,  lauds,  cattle  ^nd 
household  goods,  and  is  to  be  paid  as  they  come  to  be  twenty  years  of  age, 
or  sooner  if  my  overseers  see  just  cause,  without  whose  consent  I  would  not 


have  them  to  manage ;  which  if  they  do,  it  shall  be  in  the  power  of  my 
overseers  to  abate  of  their  portions,  and  give  it  to  the  others  that  are  more 

And  in  case  of  any  of  my  children  die  before  they  be  married  or  be 
twenty  years  of  age,  their  portion  shall  be  equally  divided  amongst  the  rest, 
unless  the  overseers  see  cause  to  abate  it  upon  the  eldest.  In  case  my  estate 
shall  be  found  upon  particular  view,  to  rise  to  be  more  in  value  than  these 
portions  above  given,  or  less  than  the  sum,  my  will  is  that  it  shall  be  pro- 
portionally added  or  rebated  to  my  children's  several  portions,  except  my 
overseers  see  cause  to  abate  my  eldest  son,  that  hath  the  biggest  poi'tion,  or 
likewise  my  second. 

The  particular  goods  wherein  each  child  shall  have  his  portion  paid  out 
of  my  whole  estate,  I  leave  to  the  direction  of  my  overseers.  My  son, 
Joseph  Judsou,  is  to  take  twenty  shillings  of  Thomas  Thornton,  next  winter. 

Also,  I  give  fifty  shillings  to  Wyndsor  church.  My  desire  is  that  my 
beloved  friends  would  be  the  overseers  of  this  my  last  will  and  testament, 
Mr.  Warham  of  Wyndsor,  Mr.  Goodwin  of  Hartford,  Goodman  White  of 
Hartford,  and  Matthew  Griswold  of  Wyndsor. 

Witness,  JOHN  PORTER. 

Henry  Ci.arke, 

ABIGAIIv  Branker. 

Appendix  IV 

The  principal  planters  of  Massachusetts,  says  Chalmers,  were  English 
country  gentlemen,  of  no  inconsiderable  fortunes;  of  enlarged  understand- 
ings, improved  by  liberal  education  ;  of  extreme  ambition,  concealed  under 
the  appearance  of  religious  humility. 

The  leading  emigrants  to  Massachusetts  were  of  that  brotherhood  of 
men  who,  by  force  of  social  consideration,  as  well  as  intelligence  and  reso- 
lute patriotism,  moulded  the  public  opinion  and  action  of  England  in  the 
first  half  of  the  sixteenth  century.  While  the  larger  part  stayed  at  home 
to  found,  as  it  proved,  the  short  lived  English  republic,  another  part  devoted 
themselves  at  once  to  the  erection  of  free  institutions  in  the  distant  wil- 

In  an  important  sense  the  associates  of  the  Massachusetts  company  were 
builders  of  the  British  as  well  as  the  New  England  commonwealth.  Some 
ten  or  twelve  served  in  the  Long  Parliament.  Of  the  four  commoners  (jf 
that  parliament,  distinguished  by  Lord  Clarendon,  as  first  in  influence,  Vane 
had  been  governor  of  the  company,  and  Hainpden,  Pyni  and  Fiennes  (all 
patentees  of  Connecticut)  were  consulted  upon  its  affairs,  as  also  the  Earl  of 


IVamnck,  and  those  excellent  persons,  Lord  Say-and-Sele  and  Lord  Brooke, 
1>oth  of  whom  at  one  time  proposed  to  emigrate. 

This  company's  meetings  placed  Winlhrop  and  his  colleagues  in  relation 
with  numerous  persons  destined  to  act  bus}'  parts  in  the  stirring  times  that 
were  approaching  ;  Hrereion  and  Hcwson  (aAerwards  two  of  the  parliamen- 
tary major-generals)  with  I'hilip  Ajr,  who  helped  Sir  Henrj-  Vane  to  cozen 
the  Scottish  Presbyterian  commissioners,  with  Samuel  I'assa/,  with  JoAn 
Vein,  who  at  the  head  of  six  thousand  citizens,  beset  the  House  of  Lords, 
during  the  trial  of  Lord  Strafl<jrd,  and  who  King  Cb^irles,  after  the  battle  of 
Edge  Hill,  excluded  from  his  ofTer  of  pardon  ;  with  Owau  Rowe,  the  fire 
brand  of  the  city  ;  with  Thomas  Andrews,  Lord  Mayor  of  London,  who  pro- 
claimed the  abolition  of  royalty,  and  others  of  equal  distinction. 


Rev.  Jjl.^:  }  oun^s,  of  Southold,  had  been  minister  ol  bl.  Margaret's 
Church,  Suffolk,  England.  He  came  to  America  with  his  wife  Joan  and  six 
children.  They  would  have  come  to  Salem,  Mass.,  in  ship  "Mary  Anne," 
from  Great  Yarmouth,  Knv^'land,  iu  May,  1637,  as  is  seen  in  the  records  at 
Westminster,  Ivngland,  where  it  is  noted. 

"This  man  was  forbyden  passage  by  the  commissioners,  and  went  not 
"  from  Yarmouth." 

"  Perhaps  tlie  scrivener  had  no  idea  of  a  negative  pregnant,  as  the  law- 
"  yers  say,  but  may  have  supposed  tliat  tlie  power  of  the  great  archljishop, 
"  the  imperious  and  foolish  Laud,  could  forever  restrain  the  migration.  As 
"the  whole  complication  of  ecclesiastical  authority  was  overthrown  \hf 
"  next  year,  the  Puritan's  desire  was  then,  if  not  earlier,  granted." 

He  came  to  New  Haven,  Conn.,  with  part  of  his  church  in  1640,  and 
began  the  settlement  of  Southold,  in  October  of  that  v.  .r  M-ii.ere  he  died  in 
1672,  aged  seventy-four  years. 

His  eldest  son,  Jo/tn  Youngs,  bom  iu  England.  1623,  lived  in  Southold, 
and  iu  1680  was  sheriff"  of  that  island  ;  member  of  council  1683-97  ;  colonel 
of  the  Suffolk  militia  to  his  death,  1698,  and  judge  of  the  county  of  "York- 

Appendix  V^L 

Allusion  having  Ijeen  made  to  the  "ship  in  the  air,"  it  may  be  of  interest 
to  insert  the  following  : 

The  people  of  New  Haven  having  built  a  ship,  freighted  and  dispatched  it 
for  England  with  a  cargo  of  their  products.  They  sailed  in  January,  1647, 
and  were  obliged  to  cut  their  waj*  out  of  the  harbour  through  tlae  irr      TIt--' 


were  uever  heard  of  after.  According  to  the  belief  of  the  period,  the  appa- 
rition of  this  ship  was  seen  in  the  air  after  she  had  foundered.  Rev.  Cotton 
Mather,  having  heard  of  this  belief,  wrote  to  his  friend.  Rev.  James  Pierpout, 
and  received  the  following  reply  : 

"Rev.  and  Dear  Sir :  In  compliance  with  your  desires,  I  now  give  you 
the  relation  of  that  apparition  of  a  ship  in  the  air,  which  I  have  received 
from  the  most  credible,  judicious  and  curious  sui-viving  observers  of  it. 

In  the  year  1647,  besides  much  other  lading,  a  far  more  rich  treasure  of 
passengers,  (five  or  six  of  whom  were  persons  of  chief  note  and  worth  iu 
New  Haven,)  put  themselves  on  board  a  new  ship,  built  at  Rhode  Island,  of 
about  one  hundred  and  fifty  tons,  but  so  walthy  ("crank")  that  the  master 
(L,amberlou)  often  said  that  she  would  prove  their  grave. 

In  the  month  of  January,  cutting  their  wa^'  through  much  ice,  in  which 
they  were  accompanied  by  the  Rev.  Sir.  Davenport,  besides  many  ether 
friends,  with  many  fears,  as  well  as  prayers  and  tears,  they  set  sail,  Mr.  Da- 
venport, in  prayer,  with  an  observable  emphasis,  used  these  words  : 

"  Lord,  if  it  be  thy  pleasure  to  bury  these  our  friends  in  the  bottom  of 
the  sea,  they  are  thine,  save  them." 

The  spring  following,  no  tidings  of  these  friends  arrived  with  the  ships 
from  England.  New  Haven's  heart  began  to  fail  her.  This  put  the  good 
people  on  nmch  prayer,  both  public  and  private,  that  the  Lord  would  (if  it 
was  his  pleasure)  let  them  know  what  He  had  done  with  their  dear  friends, 
and  prepare  them  with  a  suitable  submission  to  His  holy  will. 

In  June  next  ensuing,  a  great  thunder  storm  arose  out  of  tlie  northwest  l 
after  which,  the  hemisphere  being  serene  about  an  hour  before  sunset,  a  ship 
of  like  dimensions  with  the  aforesaid,  -with  her  canvass  and  colors  abroad, 
though  the  wind  northerly,  appeared  iu  the  air,  coming  up  from  our  harbor's 
month,  which  lyes  southward  from  the  town,  seemingly  with  her  sails  filled 
under  a  fresh  gale,  holding  her  course  north,  and  continuing  under  observa- 
tion, sailing  against  the  wind  for  the  space  of  half  an  hour. 

Many  were  drawn  to  behold  this  great  work  of  God,  yea,  the  very  chil- 
dren cryed  out  "there's  a  brave  ship."  At  length,  crouding  up  as  far  as  there 
is  usually  water  sufficient  for  such  vessel,  and  so  near  some  of  the  spectators, 
as  they  imagined  a  man  might  hurl  a  stone  on  board  her ;  her  maintop 
seemed  to  be  blown  off,  but  left  hanging  in  the  shrouds ;  then  her  mizzen- 
top  ;  then  all  her  masting  seemed  blown  away  by  the  board.  Quickly  after, 
the  hulk  brought  into  a  careen,  she  overset,  and  so  vanished  into  a  smoky 
cloud,  which  in  some  time  dissipated,  leaving  as  everywhere  else  a  clear  air. 

The  admiring  spectators  could  distinguish  the  several  colors  of  each  part, 
the  principal  rigging,  and  such  proportions  as  caused  not  only  the  geuer- 


ality  of  persous  to  say  "this  was  the  mould  of  their  ship,  and  this  was  her 
tragick  end;"  but  Mr.  Davenport  also  in  public  declared  to  the  effect 
"That  God  had  condescended,  for  the  quieting  of  their  afflicted  spirits,  this 
extraordinary  account  of  His  sovereign  disposal  of  those  for  whom  so  many 
fervent  prayers  were  made  continually." 

Thus  I  am,  sir,  your  humble  strvadt, 


Appendix  VI. 
Sketch  of  the  life  of  Col.  Joshua  /6rtkr,  written  by  himself: 

Salisbury,  August  ye  2nd,  1S20. 

"I  now  being  in  ye  91st  year  of  my  age,  sit  down  to  write  a  short  hislorj' 
of  my  life. 

"I  was  bom  in  Lebanon,  county  of  Windham,  Stale  of  Connecticut,  on 
ye  26th  day  of  June,  A.  D.  1730,  of  respectable  parents.  My  father  was  a 
country  merchant,  and  in  ye  year  1739,  being  in  Boston,  transacting  his 
business,  taking  up  goods,  etc.,  he  there  sickene<l  and  died,  being  about 
thirty-five  years  old,  leaving  a  widow  and  four  children,  two  sons  and  two 
daughters,  viz :  Nathaniel  and  Joshua,  Mehitabel  and  Eunice.  I  am  now  ye 
only  surviving  one  of  ye  children.  My  father,  at  his  death,  left,  a  decent 
property,  and  after  ye  estate  being  settled  it  was  divided  among  his  heirs ; 
my  brother  being  ye  oldest  son  took  two  shares.  My  mother  liveti  a  widow 
about  five  years  and  then  married.  I  then  being  fourteen  years  old  chose  a 
.guardian,  to-\vit,  my  great  uncle,  Peter  Buell,  Esq.,  of  Coventry,  with  whom 
I  lived  about  five  years,  and  worked  at  the  farming  business.  My  brother, 
having  had  college  education,  look  his  first  degree  September,  1749,  I  being 
at  commencement.  I  then  determined  to  lay  out  ye  small  patrimony  left 
to  me  by  my  father  in  getting  an  education.  My  brother  settling  at  New 
Haven,  1  immediately  repaired  there,  and  studietl  under  ray  brother,  and  ye 
next  September  I  was  examined  and  admitted  a  member  of  college,  and  in 
September,  1755,  I  was  graduated,  soon  after  which  I  was  invited  to  go  to 
Newbern,  North  Carolina,  to  keep  a  family  school,  and  accordingly  I  went, 
and  tliere  remained  towards  a  year.  I  then  returned  to  Lebanon  where 
mother  lived,  and  soon  after  I  went  again  to  Coventrj-,  and  studied  physic 
and  surgery  with  a  Doct.  Josiah  Rose,  and  after  I  ju<lged  I  was  able  to  com- 
mence ye  practice  of  physic,  I  returned  once  more  to  Lebanon  and  there 
a  practice,  but  being  there  old  practitioners  my  business  was  small.  In 
1  liber,  1757,  hearing  of  ye  death  of  Doct.  Solomon  U'il Hants,  of  Salis- 
bury, Conn.,  and  there  being  no  physician  in  the  town,  I  was  advised  to 
settle  there.     Accordingly  I  went,  about  ye  latter  end  of  je  month,  and  soon 


went  into  full  practice,  which  I  followed  for  about  forty  years  from  ye  time 
I  went  there.  I  boarded  with  one  Mr.  John  P^arle,  (a  respectable  member 
of  society,)  until  Ma)^  1759,  and  in  March  of  same  year  I  purchased  about 
three  acres  of  laud,  with  a  small  dwelling  house  and  a  small  barn  standing 
thereon,  including  a  small  orchard.  For  ye  premises  I  gave  ^60  lawful 

On  ye  14th  day  of  May,  1759,  I  married  Abigail  Buell,  daughter  of  my 
aforesaid  guardian,  with  whom  I  lived  with  ye  greatest  harmoii}',  and  con- 
nubial state  until  ye  7th  day  of  October,  1797,  at  which  time  .she  died,  and 
by  whom  I  had  six  children,  viz.  Joshua,  Abigail,  Eunice,  Augustus,  Peter  B. 
and  vSally. 

On  ye  31st  day  of  December,  1799,  I  married  Jerusha  Fitch,  widow  of 
Hezekiah  Fitch,  Esq.,  deceased,  daughter  of  Col.  Burr,  of  Frarfield,  with 
whom  I  lived  until  February,  1808,  at  which  time  she  died.  In  August  fol- 
lowing, I  married  Lucy,  widow  of  Samuel  Butcher,  with  whom  I  lived  until 
August,  18  [4,  at  which  time  she  died.  She  was  daughter  of  Col.  John  Ashley 
of  ShefiBeld,  Mass. 

In  June,  1761,  I. purchased  of  Daniel  IMorris  his  dwelling  house  and  one 
acre  of  land,  lying  at  ye  forking  of  ye  road,  leading  from  ye  meeting  house, 
and  thirty-eight  acres  on  ye  east  side  of  ye  road,  for  which  I  gave  ^494  law- 
ful monej' ;  and  in  May,  1763,  I  purchased  of  Daniel  Morris  one  hundred 
and  seventeen  acres  of  laud,  ye  remaining  part  of  his  farm,  for  which  I  gave 
him  /'190  lawful  monej'.  In  1777  I  purchased  of  Elijah  Bennett  eighty-two 
acres  of  land,  for  which  I  gave  him  ^^242  lawful  mone)'.  Since  purchasing 
this  laud  I  have  carried  on  considerable  farming  business,  some  years  having  . 
sold  grain,  wheat,  rye,  corn,  etc.,  and  carried  on  the  making  of  potash,  for 
several  years,  at  ye  same  time  keeping  a  handsome  stock  on  my  farm. 

In  ye  year  1766  (July)  I  was  innoculated  with  the  small  pox,  and  in  ye 
fall  after  Mr.  Amos  Bird,  of  Salisbury,  set  up  a  house  in  ye  oblong,  in  which 
I  innoculated  a  number  of  persons,  having  purchased  ye  skill  of  Dr.  Durard, 
of  Elizabethtown,  in  ye  Jerseys,  since  which  time  I  have  innoculated  a  num- 
ber with  great  success,  and  some  considerable  profit. 

As  to  my  political  and  public  life  it  is  as  follows  :  Two  years  after  I  came 
into  Salisbury  I  was  chosen  as  a  lister,  to  which  office  I  was  annually  ap- 
pointed for  three  years  going.  A  few  years  after  I  was  appointed  one  of  ye 
selectmen  of  ye  town,  which  office  I  sustained  about  twenty  years.  In  Sep- 
tember, 1765,  I  was  chosen  a  representative  to  attend  the  general  assembly 
in  October  of  ye  same  year,  since  which  time  I  think  I  have  been  a  member 
of  ye  assembl}-  rising  of  forty  sessions  being  almost  annually  chosen  during 
ye  revolutionary  war. 


In  ye  year  1 777  I  was  appointed  justice  of  ye  peace  for  ye  county  of  I^itch- 
fiekl,  and  in  ye  year  1778  I  was  appointed  justice  of  quorum  for  ye  county, 
whicli  I  held  until  ye  year  1791,  when  I  was  appointed  judge  of  ye  court, 
which  office  I  held  until  ye  year  1808;  and  in  ye  year  1774  I  was  appointed 
judge  of  probate  for  ye  district  of  Sharon,  which  office  I  held  until  ye  year 
1S12,  being  thirty-seven  years.  In  ye  year  1774  I  was  appointed  lieutenant- 
colonel  of  ye  seventeenth  regiment  of  militia  of  j'e  State  of  Connecticut, 
which  office  I  sustained  a  number  of  years  during  ye  revolutionary  war, 
during  which  time  I  commanded  a  regiment  at  Peekskill,  six  weeks,  and  at 
ye  town  of  Danbury,  which  being  burnt,  and  likewise  commanded  a  regi- 
ment at  the  capture  of  Gen.  Burgoyne  and  army,  and  was  iu  ye  battles  in 
ye  year  1777. 

Appr.NUlx  VII. 

Col.  II  lUiiini  «/.  iJnd,  of  r.uffalo,  N.  Y.,  cominunicitcs  the  tullowuig: 

"  On  the  23d  June,  181 2,  only  the  fifth  day  after  war  was  declared,  (with 

England)  my  brother  was  killed  by  au  18  lb.  shot  from  the  frigate  '  Belvi- 

•Icre,'  tlie  particulars  of  whicli  'cated  by  Commodore  Rodgcrs 

on  his  arrival  in  Boston  in  Oct  ,,  " 

'  .\t  the  commencement  of  the  action  on  board  the  'Tresident,'  frigate, 
a  ball  (au  18  pdr.)  from  the  'Belvidere,'  came  over  the  waist  cloths  of  the 
*  President,'  and  such  was  its  force  that  it  actually  cut  o.T,  without  throwing 
iliem  down,  the  muzzles  of  several  of  the  muskets,  (left  there  by  the  ma- 
rines,) from  six  to  eight  inches  in  length,  killed  one  marine,  took  off  the 
wrist  of  one  midshijnnan,  (Mr.  Monlgomer>',)  killed  another,  (Mr.  Bird,) 
ingether  with  the  quarter  gunner,  and  finally  lodged  upon  the  deck,  and 
was  taken  below  by  the  narrator  of  Ibis  and  shown  the  third  lieutenant 
(Mr.  Dallas)  who  took  it  in  his  hand  and  wrote  on  it  with  chalk  :  *  Cousin, 
I  have  received  your  present  and  return  it,'  clapped  it  iu  the  gun  himself 
and  fired  the  piece.  It  is  a  remarkable  fact,  that  it  actually  killed  several 
of  the  officers  and  men  on  the  'Belvidere,'  and  finally  lodged  in  the  cabin 
of  that  vessel,  where  it  was  afterwards  hung  up  as  a  globe  during  the  war." 
(See  John  Herman  Bird,  Midshipman  U.  S.  Navy.) 

Appendix  VIII. 

Col.  Albert  Pawling  was  a  native  of  Duchess  county,  N.  Y.,  son  of  Col. 
Levi  Pawling,  an  officer  of  the  .\merican  anuy. 

Col.  Albert  Pawling  joined  the  army  as  second  lieutenant  in  a  regimert 
commanded  by  Col.  James  Clinton,  and  went  to  Canada,  where  he  ser>'ed 
under  Gen.  Montgomery  in  the  fatal  expedition  of  1776.     In  that  year  he 


was  appointed  a  brigade-major  under  Gen.  George  Clinton,  and  served  as 
such  until  1777,  when  he  was  made  a  major  in  one  of  the  sixteen  additional 
regiments,  under  Col.  William  Malcolm. 

Under  a  mistaken  view  of  the  situation,  in  1779,  Major  Pawling  sent  in 
his  resignation,  which  the  following  letter  from  Washington  could  not 
induce  him  to  recall : 

"Headquarters,  Middlebrook,  2d  March,  1779. 

"Sir:  In  your  letter  of  25th  ult.  you  seem  to  have  misconceived  the 
intention  of  Congress,  upon  which  is  founded  your  application  lor  leave  to 

"It  is  not  their  purpose  to  reduce  Col.  Malcolm's  regiment.  This  will 
be  incorporated  with  Col.  Spencer's,  and  as  you  are  the  only  major  in  the 
two  regiments  of  course  you  will  be  continued. 

"After  considering  the  just  claims  which  the  country  has  on  good  officers, 

I  am  persuaded  you  will  suspend  your  application. 

"I  am,  sir, 

"  Your  most  humble  serv't, 

"To  Major  Albert  Pawling." 

Col.  Pawling  afterwards  served  as  colonel  of  a  regiment  of  Swiss  for  the 
defense  of  the  New  York  frontier. 

"Pawling  avenue,"  in  Troy,  the  city  of  his  adoption,  perpetuates  his 
memory.     (See  Judge  N.  B.  Sylvester's  History  of  Rensselaer  county.) 

Appendix  XIV. 

The  following  sketch  of  Judge  Augustus  Porter  was  prepared  by  his  son, 
Albert  H.  Porter,  of  Niagara  Falls,  N.  Y.,  who  says  in  that  connection  : 

"It  is  very  imperfect,  and  only  glances  at  some  of  the  more  important 
events  in  his  long,  active  and  useful  life,  and  his  connection  with,  and  the 
prominent  part  he  bore,  in  the  early  history  of  Western  New  York,  Ohio 
and  the  great  lakes. 

"Augustus  Porter  was  born  in  Salisbury,  Conn.,  January  iS,  1769,  the 
second  son  of  Doctor  (and  Colonel)  Joshua  Porter,  in  a  family  of  three  sons 
and  three  daughters.  He  received  a  common  English  education,  including 
a  course  of  mathematical  instruction,  and  was  well  qualified  for  the  business 
he  had  chosen — that  of  land  surveying— and  also  for  the  successful  applica- 
tion of  water-power,  and  kindred  enterprises,  requiring  mechanical  skill,  in 
which  he  was  for  many  years  engaged. 

"  In  the  spring  of  1789,  at  the  age  of  twenty  years,  he  left  his  native  state 
for  Ontario  (then  Montgomery)  county,  in  the  State  of  New  York,  as  a  well 


qualified  surveyor,  at  first  to  survey  lauds  in  which  his  father  held  an  inter- 
est, and  afterwards  in  the  same  capacity  in  the  employment  of  the  original 
purchasers  of  the  lauds  of  Western  New  York  from  the  State  of  INIassachu- 
setLs.  He  was  an  assistant  sur\'eyor  to  Andrew  Elliott,  snrveyor-general  of 
the  United  States,  in  running  the  line  from  Pennsylvania  to  Lake  Ontario, 
as  also  of  all  the  lands  lying  west  of  Seneca  Lake,  first  sold  by  the  State  of 
Massachusetts  to  Phelps  and  Gorham,  and  afterwards  to  Robert  Morris,  the 
great  financier  of  the  war  of  the  Revolution. 

"  In  1796  Mr.  Porter  was  employed  by  the  Connecticut  Land  Company  as 
chief  surveyor,  with  a  large  corps  of  assistants  and  other  men,  to  make  a 
survey  of  the  lands  on  the  south  shore  of  Lake  Erie,  being  the  reservation 
made  by  the  State  of  Connecticut  from  the  grant  made  by  the  United  States 
of  western  territory',  called  the  "Western  Reserv'e,"  the  boundaries  of  which 
were  described  by  latitude  and  longitude,  no  sur\-ey  having  at  that  time  been 
made,  and  the  portion  covered  by  Lake  Erie  not  known.  No  settlements 
had  been  made  on  this  territory.  It  was  still  an  unbroken  wilderness,  a  large 
portion  of  which  was  in  possession  of  unfriendly  tribes  of  Indians. 

"  Mr.  Porter  made  a  traverse  of  the  lake,  from  the  east  to  the  west  bounds 
of  the  territory,  to  enable  him  to  estimate  the  f]nfintity  of  land  within  the 
boundaries  not  covered  by  the  lake 

"A  large  number  of  townships  \\«.rc  survtyc'i  liinng  that  and  the  fol- 
lowing year,  preparatory  to  their  settlement. 

"He  also  surveyed  and  laid  out  the  town  at  the  mouth  of  the  Cuyhoga 
river,  which  received  the  name  of  Cleveland  in  compliment  to  Gen.  Cleve- 
land, the  managing  agent  of  the  company. 

:n  1797-98  Mr.  Porter  was  engaged  in  behalf  of  Robert  Morris  in  laying 
(luwu  the  boundaries  of  the  lands  lying  west  of  Genesee  river,  purcha.sed  of 
the  State  of  Massachusetts,  and  to  which  he  had  obtained  the  Indian  title, 
and  also  in  delineating  the  boundaries  of  a  large  portion  of  the  Indian  lauds 
which  had  been  sold  by  Mr.  Morris  to  the  Holland  Land  Company. 

"  In  i8o^  he  was  elected  a  member  of  assembly  from  Ontario  county.  He 
continued  to  reside  at  Cauandaigue  until  1806,  when  he  removed  his  family 
to  Niagara  Falls,  N.  Y.,  where  he  was  the  first  permanent  settler,  and  with 
which  he  was  identified  during  the  remainder  of  his  life. 

"  In  1805  Augustus  Porter,  in  connection  with  his  brother,  Peter  B.  Por- 
ter, and  Benjamin  Barton,  purchased  of  the  State  of  New  York  a  large 
quantity  of  land  in  the  state  reservation  along  the  Niagara  riv<  1  ii  <  Imli'.  - 
the  water-power  and  lands  adjacent  to  the  falls. 

"In  connection  with  his  associates  he  immediately  commenced  buildiug 
mills  and  making  other  improvements.     They  also  built  a  number  of  vessels 


ou  Lakes  Erie  and  Ontario,  and  with  suitable  means  for  transportation  arotiiid 
the  falls  and  on  the  river  were  the  chief  forwarders  between  Oswego  and  the 
upper  lakes  previous  to  the  war  of  1812. 

"Their  vessels  were  taken  by  the  United  States  and  used  for  public  pur- 
poses during  the  war. 

"On  its  conclusion  the  business  was  resumed,  and  continued  until  the 
completion  of  the  Erie  canal,  when  transportation  westward,  by  way  of  the 
Niagara  river,  was  abandoned. 

"In  1808  the  county  of  Niagara,  then  including  Erie  county,  was  organ- 
ized, of  which  Buffalo  was  the  count}-  seat,  and  Augustus  Porter  appointed 
first  judge,  serving  in  that  office  for  several  years. 

"The  dwellings,  mills  and  other  buildings  at  the  falls  were  burned  by 
the  enemy  in  1813,  and  the  inhabitants  all  fled  from  the  frontier. 

"Ou  the  return  of  peace,  in  1815,  Mr.  Porter  was  engaged  for  some  time 
in  rebuilding  his  houses  and  mills,  and  in  making  other  improvements.  He 
was  his  own  engineer  in  constructing  the  bridge  across  the  rapids  to  Goat 
Island,  a  w'ork  at  that  time  deemed  very  dangerous  and  difficult. 

"At  an  early  day  he  fixed  on  a  plan  for  an  extended  of  the  great 
water-power  at  Niagara  Falls,  and  with  this  in  view  retained  an  exclusive 
ownership  of  the  land  necessary  for  that  purpose.  His  heirs  have  since 
caused  this  plan  to  be  carried  out,  by  extensive  grants  of  laud  and  water- 
power  of  immese  value,  now  fully  developed. 

"In  1821  Judge  Porter  was  elected  a  member  of  the  convention  for  re- 
vising the  Constitutiou  of  the  State  of  New  York. 

"In  1825  he  took  an  active  part  in  the  construction  of  Black  Rock  har- 
bor, and  iu  1836  was  among  the  most  liberal  and  efficient  contributors  to  the 
Buffalo  and  Niagara  Falls  Railraad. 

"The  latter  years  of  his  life  were  chifly  devotod  to  his  private  business, 
iu  tlie  cultivation  of  his  lands,  and  in  various  local  improvements,  with  his 
characteristic  energy,  his  mental  faculties  unimpaired,  to  the  time  of  his 
decease  in  1S49,  in  the  eighty-first  year  of  his  age. 

"He  was  a  man  of  untiring  industry,  sterling  integrity  and  sound  reli- 
gious principles — the  peer  of  the  best  men  of  a  class  for  which  Western  New 
York  was  early  distinguished,  and  of  which  he  had  been  a  resident  for  sixty 
years,  witnessing  and  participating  in  its  advance  from  the  condition  of 
Indian  hunting  grounds  to  that  of  cultivated  fields,  pleasant  homes  and 
thriving  villages  and  cities,  inhabited  by  a  numerous  population,  enjoying 
the  blessings  of  a  Christian  cultivation." 


Appendix  XI. — (See  5591.) 

The  ancestor  of  the  Halls  of  Maryland  came  from  England  with  Lord 
Baltimore,  and  settled  in  Hartford  county,  at '' Shandy  Hall,"  now  owned 
by  Mrs.  J.  G.  Barnard.     The  present  mansion  having  been  built  in  1701. 

Major  Henry  Hall  raised  a  company  in  war  of  1812.  He  married  Char- 
lotte Ramsay,  daughter  of  Colonel  Xathaniel  Ramsay,  of  Cicil  county, 

"At  the  battle  of  Brandywine  Col.  Ramsay  crossed  the  stream  in  front  of 
Knyphausen,  and  engaged  the  Hessian  Yagers.  His  services  at  Monmouth 
were  of  the  highest  order,  and  there  he  was  severely  wounded.  He  was  a 
prisoner  at  Charleston,  S.  C,  1780.  Delegate  to  Congress  from  Maryland, 
1785-7.  One  of  the  pall-bearers  at  tlie  funeral  of  Washington.  His  por- 
trait is  in  Independence  Hall,  Philadelphia. 

At  the  battle  of  Monmouth,  Col.  Ramsay's  services  at  a  critical  moment 
were  such  as  to  merit  the  publicly  exf)re&.sed  commendations  of  Washington. 

He  was  there  desperately  wounded  in  a  personal  encounter  with  an  Eng- 
lish officer,  and  left  for  dend  upon  tho  field,  but  the  object  was  attained  and 
Col.  Ramsay  recovered. 

At  the  close  of  the  war  \\  ..-rngum  ;ii)poimcd  biin  coiicoior  01'  the  pori. 
of  Baltimore,  which  office  he  retained  until  his  death,  twenty  years  after. 

Appendix  XII. 

Col.  J'ctcr  /)'.  /'  Hstinguished  in  our  annals  m  civil  and  martial 

life  ;  and  there  are  '.•  .<  u.s  to  whom  the  meed  of  talents,  braverj'  and 

patriotism,  will  be  more  freely  awarded. 

He  was  appointed  in  181 1,  with  Gouverneur  Morris,  Stephen  Van  Rensse- 
laer, DeWitt  Clinton,  William  North,  Simeon  DeWitt,  Thomas  Eddy,  Robert 
R.  Livingston  and  Robert  Fulton,  the  first  commissioners  in  relation  to  inland 
navigation — being  the  incipient  step  that  led  in  the  sequel  to  the  nol)le  works 
of  art  and  improvement  which  have  contributed  so  largely  (whatever  ex- 
cesses may  have  been  committed)  to  the  glory  and  prosperity  of  the  state. 

Their  labors  were  suspended,  however,  by  the  war  of  1S12;  and  for  these 
ci^'ic  duties  Gen.  Porter  exchanged  the  privations  and  dangers  of  the  frontier 
campaigns.  Residing  then  at  Black  Rock,  he  was  in  the  midst  of  the  most 
eventful  and  stirring  of  the  border  scenes.  He  rallied  the  hastily-gathered 
volunteers,  who  repelled  the  first  invasion  of  that  place  in  midsummer,  1813, 
and  shared,  at  the  head  of  his  corps,  with  intrepiditj'  and  skill,  in  those  bril- 
liant and  memorable  affairs  of  the  succeeding  year,  the  battles  of  Chippewa 
and  Bridgewater,  and  the  sortie  of  Fort  Erie. 


At  the  close  of  the  war  he  was  appointed  Secretary  of  State  in  place  of 
Jacob  Rutsen  Van  Rensselaer,  but  he  declined  the  appointment,  having  been 
elected  to  Congress  the  previous  year.  Near  the  close  of  his  congressional 
term  he  was  appointed  commissioner  under  the  British  treaty  to  run  the 
boundary  line  between  the  United  States  and  Canada.  In  1817  he  was  the 
antagonist  candidate  to  DeWitt  Clinton  in  the  democratic  caucus  held  for 
the  nomination  for  governor,  and  at  the  election  received  a  few  votes  cast  by 
polilicians  in  the  city  of  New  York,  who  refused  to  acquiesce  in  the  nomi- 
nation of  Mr.  Clinton. 

In  the  political  controversies  of  his  time  Gen.  Porter  was  a  prominent 
participator  until  his  retirement  from  public  life  with  Mr.  Adams  in  1829. 
Under  that  administration,  and  for  the  last  year  of  it,  he  discharged  the 
duties  of  vSecretary  of  War.  He  was  warmly  attached  to  Mr.  Clay,  and  was 
related  to  him  by  the  marriage  of  his  second  wife. 

A  frontier  resident  during  the  last  forty  years ;  possessed  of  large  estates 
on  the  border;  he  is  identified  with  the  history  of  Western  New  York, 
and  with  its  gigantic  progress  in  the  great  elements  of  social  and  physical 

As  a  public  man  he  was  sagacious,  shrewd  and  able,  though  to  ordinarj- 
observers,  in  latter  years,  the  impression  was  one  of  heaviness,  approaching 
to  dullness.  In  his  military  career  he  was  distinguished  by  high  qualities  of 
command,  and  by  undoubted  coolness  and  courage. 

Since  1838  he  has  occupied  his  new  and  elegant  residence  at  the  Falls — 
in  the  midst,  as  it  were,  of  the  scenes  that  have  become  classic  ground  to 
every  American,  and  in  the  presence  and  within  the  perpetual  roar  of  the 
great  cataract. 

Gen.  Porter  died,  the  Buffalo  Commercial  Advertiser  states,  in  the  yrst 
year  of  his  age. 

Appendix  XIII. — Col.  Peter  Augustus  Porter. 
To  the  Editor  of  the  New  York  Times  : 

In  a  recent  issue  of  the  Times  the  late  Peter  B.  Porter,  recently  deceased 
at  Niagara  Falls,  is  mentioned  as  a  son  of  the  late  Gen.  Peter  B.  Porter,  the 
distinguished  soldier  of  the  war  of  1812,  and  in  1828  Secretary  of  War  under 
President  Adams.  He  was  not  a  son  of  the  general,  but  of  his  brother  Judge 
Augustus  Porter.  ' '  Among  the  earliest  of  the  pioneers  in  Western  New  York 
were  two  brothers,  Augustus  and  Peter  B.  Porter,  sons  of  Dr.  Joshua  Porter, 
of  Salisbury,  Conn."  (F.  S.  Cozzens'  eulogy  before  the  Century  Club  on  the 
Life  and  Services  of  Col.  Peter  A.  Porter.)  The  lustre  of  military  services 
alone  was  wanting  to  the  elder  brother,  but  in  the  narrower  .sphere  of  his 
home — that  "Western  New  York,"  of  which  he  had  been  one  of  the  "pio- 
neers," and  among  the  most  energetic  and  useful,  the  work  of  converting  it 


from  a  wilderness  ♦o  what  it  now  is,  Judge  Porter  was  scarcely  less  eminent 
than  his  distinguished  brotlier.  lie  died  full  of  years  and  honoi"S  in  (I 
think)  1848 — a  few  years  after  his  younger  brother.  Th^' excellent  and  dis- 
tinguished gentleman  recently  deceased — tlie  younger  son  of  Judge  Porter — 
bore  the  general's  name  of  Peter  Buel  ;  but  it  would  be  a  wrong  to  the  mem- 
ory of  the  only  son  of  Gen.  Porter  to  forget  that  he  fell  on  the  battle-field  of 
Cold  Harbor,  an  illustrious  example  of  that  devotion  to  duty  of  which  our 
civil  war  furnished  so  many  beautiful  exemplars.  Born  to  a  fortune,  edu- 
cated in  the  first  learned  institutions  of  Europe  and  America,  endowed  by 
nature  with  beauty  of  person  and  brilliancy  of  intellect,  which  eminently 
fitted  him  for  social  enjoyment  and  distinction,  surrounded  by  everything 
that  could  make  life  en\-iable,  he  deliberately  renounced  all  these  for  the 
service  of  his  country  in  her  hour  of  need.  Before  leaving  his  home,  "  feel- 
ing to  its  full  extent  the  probability  that  he  might  not  return  from  the  path 
of  duty  on  which  he  had  entered,"  he  solemnly  recorded,  in  his  "last  will 
and  testament,"  his  motives  in  the  following  words  : 

"  I  can  say  with  truth  that  I  have  entered  on  the  course  of  danger  with  no 
ambitious  aspirations,  nor  with  the  idea  that  I  am  fitted  by  nature  or  experi- 
ence to  be  of  any  important  service  to  the  government ;  but  in  obedience  to 
the  call  of  duty,  demanding  even*-  citizen  to  contribute  what  he  could  iu 
means,  labor  or  life  to  sustain  the  government  of  his  country — a  sacrifice 
made  the  more  willingly  by  me  when  I  consider  how  singularly  benefited  I 
have  been  by  the  institutions  of  the  land,  and  that  up  to  this  time  all  the 
blessings  of  life  have  been  showered  upon  me  beyond  what  usually  falls  to 
the  lot  of  man.  ' 

Soon  after  he  had  entered  the  military  service,  and  while  in  command  of 
his  regiment  at  Fort  McHenry,  he  was  nominated  for  Secretary  ot  State  of 
New  York.  In  declining  this  appoiutment  he  gives,  besides  the  original 
motives  which  brought  him  into  the  field,  the  following  reason  :  "  I  left  home 
in  command  of  a  regiment  composed  mainly  of  the  sons  of  friends  and 
neighbors,  committed  to  my  care.  I  can  hardl}'  ask  for  my  discharge  while 
theirs  cannot  be  granted," 

He  fell  on  the  3d  of  June,  1864,  pierced  by  six  bullets,  while  leading  his 
regiment  up  to  the  enemy's  works  at  Cold  HarlK)r. 

Believing  that  the  memory  of  such  a  life  and  death  should  be  cherished  ; 
that  the  State  and  city  of  New  York,  which  (each  separately)  made  public 
acknowledgment  of  the  eminent  services  of  the  father,  should  be  proud,  too, 
of  the  sou,  I  have  sketched  tliese  lines,  drawng  most  of  the  details  from  the 
eloquent  "  eulogy,"  already  referred  to.  It  is  worthy  of  remark,  that,  in  the 
mother  of  the  wife  of  Dr.  Joshua  Porter  (Abigail  Buell),  Col.  Porter  had, 
with  the  general  (now  President  of  the  United  States)  who  commanded  our 
armies  on  the  battle-field  where  he  fell,  a  common  maternal  ancestor.     B. 

INDEX,  No.  1. 


[The  figures  opposite  each  name  designate  the  person's  number, 
imless  otherwise  specified  by  page  or  p.] 


Aaron,  299,  746,  792,  1236,  1963,  2622 
3524,  4096. 

Abel, 543,  1416 

Abigail,  212,  244,  328,  335,  391,  785 
854,  862,  1058,  1235,  1403,  1432 
1930,  1932,  1989,  2124,  2208,  2466 
2478,  3276,  3516,  3644,  3712,  4181 

Abigails. 5296 i 

Abigail  W., 4615,  5143! 

Abiezar, 527,   1637,  2700' 

Abijah,  1752,    1965,  3537: 

Abner, I20I,  2228,  6677 

Abby, 4133 

Abby   a.,  5373 

AbbyB. 5543 

Abby  E., 3783 

AbbyF., 3730 

Abby  H., 3603 

Abraham,  781,  1309,  1933,  2048 

Ada  C, 6693 

Adelaide  E., 5221 

Adele  B., 5541 

Adeline, ..2003,  3612,  3713,  5827 

Adolli\,  3953 

Adna 5797 

Adino,    ;..  4136 

Addison,   2641,  6520 

Alemena, 5^97 

Alice 5332,  6758 

Alice  G., 5'^5 

Alice  m., 4346,  6028,  6712 

Alanson, 3480 

Alanson  K., 2031 

Alonzo  S., 6593 

Alexander, 392  _... 

Alexander  J 6894 

Alfred  vS., 6848,  7054 

Albro  C, 5774 

Albert  A 5615 

Albert  D., .a.  .  3625 

Albert  H 3810,  SSgjfiyf 

Albert  J., .'....  5344 

Aloe 4003 

Almira,...i4o8,  2756,  3664,  3714  3819 

Almira  C 6647 

Alvah ..,.,  2739 

AltramontW., 3794 

Amos, 108,  813,  2028,  2050 

Amelia,  ....2283,  3809,  6674 

Amos  P., 3707 

Amelia  M., 4061 

Amelia  L., 4011 

Amasa, 3655 

Amasa  G.,  5316 

Amaziah 2051,  2219,  3702 

Amanda,  3590 

Ambrose, 2025 

Amy 382,  3245 

Anne  and  Anna,  4,  84,  196,  334  385 
387,  394,  544,  733,  817,  860,  924 
946,  1056,  1219  1238,"  1381  1390 
1815,  1975,  2022,  217S,  2236,  2330 
2472,  2618,  2649,  2810,  3559,  3646 
3658,  3678. 



Ann'E  E 

Ann^H a^^M. 

Anne  L., 

Anne  J 

Anne  M 3095,  5337. 

Anne  P., 

Anne  R., 3813. 

Anne  S. 

Anne  W., 




AssarfK V'" 

ANNEri'E  F.,    

ANNErrE  M......  

Anson, ^oii, 

Anson  H. 

Anthony  S., 

Akuine  C, 


Arad  N., 



Arthuk  H., ^ 

AxAHEi.,  941,    12^2,   2027,   2227, 
2624.  3553.  5>95.  6618. 

Asaeel  C, -. 

asaitki,  i..,  

ASliNhlH.   . 

A'      ' 

Ai-.x,     . 

A;  KKi.iA  J., ..,, 

Al.i'.rSTA,   .....,,., 

AruLSTA  A.,- , 

Art.usTA  S., 



Arci'STis  :^ 

At'C.USTIN,    . 

Austin . 

AUHHN  13., 

Jv\i;>\u.\:.  r'., j"*'.!! 


Barziixas    H., 

BAi.SHEbA,  1757, 


Bel  A.  .  .2623, 


BicssiK  R., 

Bknjamin,  784,  944,  1942,  2284, 
2620,  3242,  3792,  4279. 

BlINJAMIN  F 4063, 

Ben  H., 

Beulah,  ..  



5024  I 





















664  fi 







53-;  ^ 






Bethiah, 267 

Bowman   H., 4191 

Burrell,  2309,  4093 

Cabell  B 6911 

Caleb 791 

Calvin, 926,  2258 

Canuace,    1758 

Caroline,  3232,  3788, 4626,  5209,  5371 

Caroline  A 4336 

Caroline  D., 37" 

:~  ineE., 5183 

iNE  L. 4777,  5828 

INE    N 3831 

ineW., 4780 

T 7152 



^i:>E 383.  4167 

wine  a. 5738 

F., 4103 

M. 6615 

.  ;.Mi  V.  B, 4317 

iNA 5744 

^  N 4280 

TV 3569.    3980 

:)LER  a., 4192 

Charles  2204,  2328,  3601,  3894,  4138 


Charles  A., 5530,  6253,  6599,  6607 


r. 6CJ30,  6686 

.,  5856 

1 3601,4129,  4319,  5274 

C                    ,., 3895.5787.  2204 

'  C                     5284,  6665 

,  I  , 6704 

t  r. 4774,  6384 

V.'. 4053.  5656,  5776 

•  i- 2689,3237,3526,  5090 

CiiAKLOTE   M., 4361,    6(J02 

Charlote  N., 3842 

j  Chari^ote  R 6898 

'charlotte  W 4786,  4790 

Chastma  D. 3710 

CnLOE, 536,  1412.  2698 

'  '"  -TER 2177,  3593 

::r  H 4005 

•CY, 3671 

I  Clara, 198,  4134,  7C63 

Clara  A., 5780 

;  Clara  K 5789 

I  Clarinda, 1241,2170,  2625,  4344 

iCi  1431,2297,2778,3567 

i  •^  ■~^-. .3697.  4628,  5207 

<^^i-^  -"  '••  ^  '• 2x85,  3837 

1  Clark  E 5770 



Clarence  C, 5802  j 

Clarence  W., 6824 

Cordelia  M 5539  1 

Cordelia  W 3845 

Cora  D., 6762. 

Cora  E., 5900  | 

Cornelia,  3503,  3980 

Cornelia  a., 4065! 

Cornelia  F., 3786 

Cornelia  M 5273 

Cotton  D. 4355 

Cynthia, 2748,  2749,  3988 

Cyrus 2741 

Damaris 790,  1754,  1967,  2483 

Dan, 1934 

Daniel,  85,  229,  388,  811,  1225,  2013 
2019,  3554,  3667,  5353.  6616. 

Daniel  A., 3997 

Daniel  W , 4113 

David,  86,  218,  393,  786,  802,  909,  1053 
1218,  1240,  1404,  1835,  1949,  1981 
1992,  2179,  2470,  2471,  2644,  2804 
5125,  3219,  3125.  3547,  3599,  3657 
3835,  4184. 

David  B., 599° 

David  C, 3832 

David  L., 3781 

David  P 53^9 

David  V., 4169 

Deborah 130,  3600 

Deborah  M., 3787 

Delia, 3249 

Delia  A., 4060,  5032 

Donald  W., 6715 

Dolly, 2286 

Dolly  M. 5091 

Dorcas,  250 

Dorothy, 221,  2004 

Ebenezer, 2235 

Edgar  S.,.. 5987 

Edward, 1436,  4623,  4795,  5331 

Edward  C .-43^6,  4785 

Edith,  7060 

Edith  G.,.. 5464 

Edward  F,, 6519 

Edward  G., 6620 

Edward  M., 4069 

Edward  W., 4403,  4789 

Edwin, 3222,^189,  6609,  6759 

Edwin  A., 6357,  5180 

Edwin  M., 5829,  6668 

Edwin  E 6905 

Edwin   H., 5118 

Edwin  S., 5283 

Eleanor, 107,  561,  2474,  4183 


Elijah,  269,  855,  925,  1065,  1954,  2126 
2222,  2699,  3522,  3668,  3675,  5372 
Elizabeth,  526,  566,  757,  877,  929 
1230,  1307,  1433,  1728,  1814,  1816 
1943,  1951,  1993.  2173,  2226,  2467 
2687,  2701,  2725,  2S55,  2772,  3241 
3520,  3534.  3564,  3684,  3836.  5087 
5149.  5653- 

Elizabeth  A., 3812,  4416,  5478 

Elizabeth  L 39^5 

Elizabeth  M. 5757 

Elizabeth  Q., ; 6394 

Elizabeth  R., ., 5350 

Elizabeth  S 4356 

Elizabe^th  V .j^/... ..',..  5046 

I  Ellen 2255,  4328,  4339 

I  Ellen  E 5"9 

Ellen  F 5225 

Ella, 6534 

;  Ellen  A., 5658 

!  Ellen  M., 5287 

1  Ellen  j., 5124 

I  Ellen  M., 5287 

j  Eleazer,    204,    755,    928,    945,  1422 

1817,  1953,  2020,  2256,  2301,  2329 

,        3226,  3231,  3246,  3513,  3703,  4094 

Eleazer  M 1953 

I  Eleazer  S 4010 

!  Eleazer  W. 1817,  4801 

j  Elisha,    550,    760,    1990,    3278,  3594 
I        3682. 

;  Elias, 868 

j  Eliza, ••..  2785 

Eliza  D 3838^ 

j  Elvira, 3808 

,  Elinor 2474 

;  Eliot, 936,  2281 

I  Elihu,  1233 

Elbert 6756 

i  Eli 1387,  3498 

I  Elkanah,  1306 

'  Eliphalet, 1983 

IElam 2287,  4066    < 

I  Electa,  .,--2775,  3485 

I  Electa  A., 5763 

j  Emma, 2696 

I  Emma  J.,  4345 

jEMMA  K., 5793 

Emma  M., 399^ 

Emeline, 2746,  5193,  6648 

!  Emeline  a., 5318 

j  Emeline  E., 3834 

Emeline  L., 4^15 

Emily,  2010,  2206,  2729,  3259,  4097 
4106,  4276,  4625,  4794,  5132,  5182 
5208,  661 T, 
I  Emily  F., 5182 




Enos,  3615,  6666; 

El<APHRAS,    I99I  : 

Epapuroditus 5290 

Ephriham, 2302  ^ 

Erastus 2213,  3694,  3952  j 

Erastus   H. 5654  j 

Ernest  L 7162 

Ernest  W 59° r  > 

Ervxn  p., 4132, 

Esther,  21,  90,  225,  331,  939,  1054 1 

4104,  5194,  5485-  ' 

e:sther  C 2321,  3686 

Esther   E., 537^ 

Etta  L 4137 

Ethan , 3124.  3546 

Eunice,  24^,  390,  8ao,  819,  871.    9t.. 

i22u,  1973,  2172.  2209,  2172,  322" 
■"1     35^1.  3926,  3968,  4182. 

Evelyn  H. 5019 

Eva,  5540,  58261 

Eva  S., 5^55 

E\'HLiNE  0 4194 

Experience, 49,  242,    864 

Experience  P., 869 

Ezekiel, 1929.  3495 

Ezra,  ....j 1060,  2484 

Faith  M...... 

Farley,  4^7^ 

Fanny 5092.  s?.^% 

Fanny  V., 

FiDlCLlA ' 

Flavel    M., 0--.S 

Flora  A., 4131  j 

Florinda =il^^ 

Florknce  M..  .. 

Flokhnce  R., 

Flokilla  F., 6690 

FORDYCK, 2186,   3S43 

Frances,  2786,  3589.  ib<.j^,  3949,  4365 

Frances  A 5295,  5338,  6700 

Frances  M., 6685 

Francls.  2326,  3600,  3854,  3967,  5049 


Francis  A., 5290,  5337 

Francis  B.,  5735 

Francis  E., 6676 

Francis  II.,- 5327 

Frank   R. 5411 

Frank  S., 5771 

Franklin  K., 2531 

Franklin  O., 6614 

Fredkrick,    2702,    2794,    3253,  3521 

3611,  4366,  4622. 

Fp.nrT:riicir  A. 3901,  435S  51S4 

Frederick  B., 6528 

Frederick  C, 5755 

Frederick   D., 6850,  7056 

Frederick  R., 5145 

Frederick  S., 6710 

Gardner,  2316 

Gaylord, 2013,  3951 

George,  1398,  1988,  2229,  2317,  2646 

2738,  35",  3597.  3602,  3607,  3801 

3807,  4084,  4099,  5794. 

Georgb  a., 4342,  6697 

George  D., 5781 

George  E 3602,  7149 

George  F., 4062,  5221,  5224 

("..  ,>i.,  vf  G., 6516 

H., 5473 

:  1 4793 

Gkukoe  M., 3728,  5298,  5624 

George  N 3607 

George  P 3623 

George  R 6822 

George  S., 4110,  5275 

George  W 2229,  4413 

Genevieve  J 6760 

Gertrude  M., 7160 

r.KksnoM   p., 417I 

542,  552,  865,  I4I4.  2482 

A.. 5807 

<iRACK  C 67II,  6854,    7065 

GURDON 3999 

Guy  F  5769 

I  Hannah.  12,  18,  47,  68,  135,  205,  211 
241,  253,  547,  793,  872,  905,  1 93 1 
2014,  2257,  2315,  3666,  3956,  4168 

535 1  • 

Hannah  F 4009 

,  Hannah  M., 5022 

I  Handkl  R., 6691 

'  Hammond  h. 3717 

Harriett,  2322,  2479,  2727,  2743,  3567 
I  3597.  5698,  3957,  3998,  4332,  5355 
;  6612. 

I  Harriett  A., ^ 3897 

Harriett  H 3708,  6598,  7150 

Harjiiett  j 6703 

'  Harriett  L., 5790 

I  Harriett  M., 3624 

I  Harriett  S., 6813 

I  Harrison, 4100 

Hart 2730 

I  Harvey 3591,  3795 

I  Harvey  E., 4130 

I  Helen  A. 6670 

'  Hkli'.n  F 6000 

1  Helen  L., - 5412 




Helen  S., 6714 

Henry,  1426,  2043,   2203,  2745,  2793 

2S00,  3a23,  3506,  3619,  3685,  3719 

3853,  4627,  5386,  6527. 

Henry  A 3619,  4064,  5585 

Henry   B., 5315 

Henry  C, 2203,  3575,    4318,  6395 

6682,  7158,  3896. 

Henry  D., 4791,  54S2 

Henry  E., 3506,  4359,  5122,  7163 

Henry  F., 6671 

Henry  G., 5324 

Henry  H., 6610 

Henry  L., 5185,  6821 

Henry  P., 5086 

Henry  S., 3827 

Henry  W., 4051,  5026,  5739 

Henrietta, 2812,  4116 

Heman  B, 5223 

Hebzibah,  3517,  3533 

Herbert  F 6694 

Herbfrt  L. 5896 

Hervey, 2130 

HerveyB., 5462 

y  Hezekiah,  2^,  45,  129,  136,  209,    525 

780,  1944,  2044. 

Hibbard,  3954 

Hiram,  2780,  3797 

Honor, 1936 

Horace,  1996,  2324,  3227,  3528,  3565 

3680,  3804. 

Horace  A., ..  411S 

Porace  F., 6669 

JlORACE  M., 6522 

Horace  W., 7157 

HOWARIl  A., 6683 

.  HUI,DAH 1078,  1415,  1999,   3499 

HULDAH    P., 5486 

ICHABAD, 50,      252 

"DA  A., 7155 

Ida  E., 4117 

ImozeneG.,  ...  5126 

Increase,  399,  1234 

Inez  E.,...  7159 

Ira  W., 2740,  3504 

Irene .' 1080 

Irena, 922,  2220 

Irene  S., 4006 

Isaiah 2311 

ISAAC,  64,  87,  214,   1751,   1940,  T964 

Isaac  D., 5085 

Israel, 528,  1303,  1368 

Isabel  J., 5765 

Isabella,  6515 

TsAHr  i.T.A  T 6689 


Isabella  M., 6521 

Jacob, L....^ 1302 

James,  id,  16,  62,  i^,  131,  213,  255 
458,  539.  798;  9<A  1386,  1418 
1419,  1972,  2024,  2165,  2182,  2728 
2777,  323.5,  3483,  3669,  3830,  3875 
5192,  5206. 

James  E., 5048 

James  F., 6398 

James  G., 4068,  5021 

James  H., 3848,  5147 

James  R 4335,  5130 

James  S., 3959,  5472,  6517 

James  W., 4788 

Jane,  2312, 3604,3610, 3617,  3721,  4181 
4338,  5329.  5352,  6645. 

Jane  A., 4114,  5611 

Jane  E.,  3898,  4320,  4348,  4621,  5159 

Jane  F. 4049,  5756 

Jane  H., 5617 

Jane  .L., 3784 

JaneM., 3617,  5783 

Jane  S.,  3604,  3914,  5140,  5276,  6698 

Jasper, 3659 

Jannette, 2791 


Jerome  P 5849 

JERUSHA,337,395,756,  1232,  1427,  1755 
1955,  1968,  3251,  3574,  3659,  5093 

JEPTHA, 1402 

Jeremiah, 3236 

Jennie  H., 5408 

Jennie  L., 5098 

Jemima 2609,  3500 

JESSE,   5999 

Jesse  E., 5999 

Joanna,  80,  197,  545,  734,  745,  859 
1062,  1411. 

JOAL 1082,  1228,   2007,   3621 

Job 1976,  3563 

Jonathan,  215,  260,  783,  907,  916 
1819,  1946,  2275,  2221,  5745. 

Jonathan  C, 3969 

Jonathan  D., 3829 

Jonathan  E., 5526 

Jonah, 820,  2042 

John,  2,  13,  46,  72,  82,  104,  222,  224 
243,  336,  339,  38fJ.  396,  448,  453 
488,  563,  797.  805,  810,  858,  863 
1050,  1203,  1224,  1371,  1421,  1821 
1977,  2006,  2023,  2026,  2139,  2202 
2220,  2279,  260S,  2648,  2774,  2784 
2789,  3229,  3573,  3613,  3648,  3654 
3660,  3802;  531 I,  6383,  6681. 
John  A 4313,  5986 




John  B., 3840,  3965,  5356,  5736  | 

John  E 5309.  535*5 

John  F., 2692,  3902,  404S,  6029 

John  J., -A.i.V.ft 474^! 

John  K. 37S5  1 

John  R 5291 

John  S.,  2223,  364S,  5325,  5328,  5406' 
5586,  6699,  6709.  ! 

John  W., 1371,  3725,  4334  ; 

Joseph,  9,  24,  134,  217,  227,  549,     Soi 
806,    943,    1055,    1400,   2001,  200S 
2127,  2277,  2314,  2475,  3502,  3605  I 
5330.  5795-  I 

Joskph  B., 5139 

JosiiPH    R 4187 

Joseph  S 67131 

Josephine  E. 5339, 

Joshua 216,  913,  1938,  2207,  3251 

JosiAH ■». 917,  2167 

JUDAH 3640  I 

Jt'liana, 4185 

Justus 1061  | 

JlXIA,     2782,     2S02,     3238,     3538,   3609  I 
3996,   5146.  ' 

JvUA   A„ 2691,  6^^', 

Jia.IA    C 3.^ 

Julia  D., 51^^- 

JmjA  M., 5614,  5767,  6896  I 

Julia  O., 3620 

JuuA  S., 5442! 

Julius 5028 ' 

Kate  i 

2045.  3596, 

Lancdon  C, 

Lansing  L., 3810,   3814, 

Laura.    816,    1409,    2642,    2742, 

3127,  3549.  3572,  37r.6,   3779, 

5029,  6524. 


Laurinda   B 

Lawrence  G.,.  


Lavinia  E., 

Lavinia   S., 

i/oslilia  e., 

Lea  C. !38ii, 

LliHREUS,  ..  1370, 

LrRov  L...  4362, 


Levi  G 

Lester  W., .- 


Lewis  H., 

Lewis  M., 


3651 ! 


2754 : 





3527 1 

Leonard  D 4619,  5157 

Leonard  H., 6675 

Lilian 7061 

Lilian  A 5786 

Lily  A. 5469 

Lily  J. 6754 

Linn   B., 5127 

LoTAN, 3128,  3550 

Lovica, 3496 

LOVINA, 1384,  2327,  3556 

IvOViSA  L., 5374 

Lois,  132,  940,  1079,  1221,  1935,  2215 

3254,  3523. 

Louis 5784 

Louts  C, 579^ 

Louisa 3618,  3699,  3727,  5137,  5144 

Louisa  A., 4050 

Louisa  J., 3978 

Louisa  W., 4170 

Lucian  a 3979 

Lucius, 2792 

Luther,  927,   1388,    1423,   1756,  1969 

2275,  3126,  3507,  3548. 

I,UTHER  H., .•..6851,  7057 

'  K  S., 4617.  5155 

M 6523 

J. I  -.V.   10.57,   1383,   1836,   1979,  2473 

2619,  2779,  3277,  2480,  3649,  5I9I 


Lucy  A 4008,  4368,  5778 

Lucy  G., 6396 

Lucy  E., 5027 

Lucy  M., 3876 

LucRETiA,  2234, 3248,  3252,  3687,  37^^ 


LUCETTA, 2002,   3568,   5083,  5148 

LUCILLA  C. 6849,  7055 


LUCINA,    1397 

Lydia,  89,  384,  400,    1226,   1239,  1304 

2012,  2320,  2621,  3130,  3552,  3641 
3679.  3960,  4105,  5386. 

Lydia   D., 4616,  5154 

Lydia  E., 3805 

L^TJiA  M., 3817,  5117 

Lynas 3129.  3535.  3551,  4624 

Lynas  a '  " 

Mabel, 220,  794,  1980,  231b 

Mabel  L, 6809 

Mary,  7,  14,  63,  81,  139.  208,  216,  223 

249,  254,  259,  381,  449,  454,  457 

540,  548,  553.  761,  799.  809,  856 

920,  933,  1059,  !o66,  1227,  1231 

1237,  1434,  1721,  1838,  1997,  2000 

2021,  2031,  2049,  2168,  2192,  230S 

2477,  2617,  2686,  2704,  2724,  275j 



Mary,  2773,  2806,  3233,  3505,  3560 1 

•3598,  3616,  3650,  3683,  3688,  3701  I 

3704,  3778,  3903,  3927.  3958,  3986  ; 

4277,  4321,  4333,  4343,  5136,  5142; 

5348,  6538. 
Mary  A.,  3613,  3799,  3871,  41 11,  4349  I 

5285'  5293,  5441,  5461,  5899. 

Mary  C, 3688,  7156 

Mary  D., 5326 

Mary  E.,  4052,  4120,  4376,  5123,  5385 

6518,  6S14. 

Mary  F 4796,  6696 

Mary  H., 4792,  5762 

Mary  J.,  3722,  4415,  5652,  5792,  6608 
Mary  L,.,  3701,  4135.  5xi6,  6537,  6617 

6667,  7062. 

Mary  O. 6688 

Mary  T, 5219 

Mary  W 3505,  3893,  4781 

Marian 65 

Marian  J., 5321 

Martha,  88,  246,  332,  875,   1429,  2141 

2189,  2807,  3800. 

Martha  A., 4620,  5158,  5322,  5760 

Martha  B., 6595 

Martha  E., 6703 

Martha  L., 5542 

Martha  P 4380  j 

Martha  R., 5463 

Martha  S., 4798,  6651  I 

Maria, 266,  2751,  3225,  3720,  4108  i 

Maria  A., 5030  l 

Maria  G., 6531,  6164  I 

Maria   1 5125,  55521 

Maria  O 4379 

Maria  T 435°  I 

Marcellus,  4107  [ 

Margaret 744,  1939,  1984,  3275  | 

Marian  J., 5321  ! 

Marietta,...  "724! 

Mark  N., .      .  ^787 1 

Marvin, 26971 

Marshai,Iv,...  4102,  5336] 

Marcus  M., 6564  | 

Manrice  F., 6397 

Maude  1, 5847, 

Maynard  R.,  6761 

5T34.  I 

Martin  V., 4360  | 

Mehitabel, 48,  137,  202,  248,    251 1 

326,  5'^    ---    759,  S76,  911,  23101 

3592.  I 

MERCY, 258,  1995,  22161 

Menzo  W., 5378  I 

Melinda, 2169,  39661 

MEWSSA  A.,..  5227 

Mewssa  H., 5141 

Miriam,  203,738,     796 

Minerva, 3482,  3695,  3900 

Milton, 3796,  5471 

MiLICENT,  3506 

Minnie  A 6S07 

Minnie  R., 6601,  7153 

MiNDWEi,!,, 386,  1407 

Miranda, 5210 

MiLO   L., 5848 

Monroe, 4002 

Mortimer,  5023 

Mortimer  G., 6512 

Moses,  200,  737,  788,  857,  1729,  1759 

1820,  1971,  1982,  2129,  3244,  3793 

5i87,  5527- 

Moses  C ;326 

Myron  W 5468 

Myrtle  E., 5857 

Myrtle  N., s^aj 

Nancy,   2S08,  2813,   34.S4,   3515,  3961 


Nancy  II., 3S03 

Nancy  M., 5375 

Naomi 537,  7399 

Nathan '. 538 

NATHANiELyii,  17,  51,  71,  138,  206 
*22i,  245,\268,  330,>54i,  V52,  564 
*873,    878,    911,     1051,   M406,  1974 

T^8o,  -^201  ,^  2469.1 2476,  >248i ,  >28o3 

355S,  T5595,  5205,^297. 

Nathaniel  B., 257 

Nathaniel  H., 1986.  3913 

Nelly  B. » 6S08 

Nelly  N.,  6755 

Nelson  L., 5222 

Nelson  O., 5761 

Nettie  J., 6250,  6604 

Nehemiah, 2016,  3643 

Noah, 261,  461,  918,  2231 

Noah  L, 3992 

Norman, 1410,  2763 

Norman  W., 7059 

Olivk, 2000,  353J 

Olive  A., 4567 

Olive  E., 5764 

Olive  F., 4354 

Olivia ..3566,  3874 

Olivia  A., 5340 

Oliver, 463,  1299,  3987 

Orleans, 3663 

Orleans  B., 5341 

Orlando, 377 

ORREN,  , 1^128 

OSMAN,  995 



Ottelta  K.,. 

Pamela,  2726,  3279,  3989,  5189, 

PAMiajA  P., 

Patiknce 818,  1837,  2052, 

Patience  L., 


Paul  P., 


Pktkr  a 3916,  5622, 

Pkthr  B 2211, 



PnEBE 736,  921,  1081, 

Phebu  W 

Philip  S., 



Prudence,  2319, 


5470  Ruth  a. 




391 ' 



Rachel,  464.  1077,    19^1     20'sO. 
3647,  },6c)t 


Ravmdnu  W.,.. 

KlllKCCA,  6,     20,     456,    923,    937, 

Rebecca  S 

Reuben, 22S,   S12,  140.    7t^i^. 







Reual  N'> 
Rhopa,  9*jt, 

Rh;    iana,  . 

Roger  F 

Ror.KK  P 

'75.>.     i<^,     2776.   3497 


\ 4001, 

K<.>  , 

R(».  3*;:?.  ,^657 

Row  UN-  . 

Royal  Iv.,.. 

R(»YAL  F 

Royal  L., 

Roy  E. 

ROXANNA ^,j^^, 



ROYALANA,                                        .529, 
RUKUS    C, 


Ruth,  22,   67,   70,  207.  327,  455, 
S15,  1217,  197S,  2174,  5084. 



'  Samuel,  5.  19.  43.  73,  105.  i33,     T95 

263,  342,  451,  541,  551,  562,    732 

804,    870,    935,    1204,     1405;  1723 

,.  1928,  1994,  2029,  2176,  2225 

.  3479.  4377,  6526. 

;-,......  .  I.  A., ,^ 5020,  5294: 

.Samuel  D ." 552S 

"^^^i'  '  1   F-, ' 4347 

G., 4779,  6392 

M., 5610 

C3AMUiiL   W., 2225,  4369 

I  Sarah,  3,  15,  66,  69,  83,  201,  219,  226 
356,  264,  329,  338,  340,  389,  459 
537,  554,  565,  735.  754,  782.  S08 
S14,  861,  919,  934,  1229.  1305,  1428 
1720,  1723,  1833,  1945,  2125,  2142 
2 1. S3,  2190,  2280,  2313,  2325,  2465 
:'  i''-,  2645,  2688,  2811,  3221,  34S6 
.J514,  3555.  3791.  4101,  5082,  5138 
I         5354- 

j  Sarah  A.,  3782,  37'>5.  :'^i6.  47,14,  4351 
I         5343,  6687. 

I  Sarah  D., -  -'5 

I  Sarah  E., 6027 

vSarah  v., 5612 

I  Sarah  M 4341,  5317,  5655,  5758 

■         6513. 

^awah  J., 4067,  5588 

i;AH   S 4800,  5481 

KAH  W., 5467 

I  Sally 2212,  3539,  3665,  3674,  5095 

'  SELTV'N 5310 

3532.  5i3« 

420,  2194,  3562 

.-II.IH      (.r., 6525 

i  SiLA.s 867,910,  2193,  387.' 

^'  "  '    '  -" 1052,  246^ 

..V 3055 

L,  ~ 35i« 

:  oMON,  567,  1438,    2128 

.  "MON   vS., 3798 

Sophia,  1413,   2206,   2747,   2750,  3243 
3789,  3109. 

Sophia   A., 3S28 

Sophia  H.,.  479^ 

■^-  -'"^  S 5460 

nia,  4000,  4004 

.    ...  -.i-v, 52,  6529 

;  Stephen, •.•..-•807,  1308,  2005 

Sumner,  V. 3521,  6707 

Susan,    1435,  3220,  3677,  3681 

Susan  A., 5798 

;3usAN  B. 6031 

J^USAN    M., 4797,   580.1 

I  Susan  L,., 5272,  5466 



Susan  R., 




SUBNIT, 908,    2187, 

Susannah,  743,  1385,  1937,  1987, 

3247,  3557,  3655,  3672. 
Susannah  J.,  

Tamar 2282,  4056, 



Theoda, 240, 

ThankfuIv, 803, 

Thomas,  44,  262,  333,   915,  930, 


Thomas  E., 

Thomas  B 

Thomas  G., 4618, 

Thomas  Z., 

Theodore, 2191,  3240, 

Theodore  B 



Timothy 210,  530,  568,  787, 

1424,  2015,  2690,  2694,  2788, 

3509.  3640,  5289. 



Vincent  M.  , 5613, 

Virgi ni a  M . , 

WaIJvACE,  . 

Walter  D 













Warren  C, 

Warren  H., 

Warham, 532, 



Wesley  B. 

Wilfred  W,, 4058, 

WiLLARD, 5407, 

Willard  B.,  ..i>-Ar.' 

William,  265,  46!^  569,  759,'  932, 
1425,  1430,  1818,  1952,  2046, 
2276,  2298,  2744,  2790,  2001, 
3622,  3670,  3716,  3855,  3925, 
4276,  4778,  5349,  6415. 

William  A., 2643,  2693,4315, 

William  D 5567,  5651,  6252, 

[  William  E., 

I  William  F 

I  William  H 4414,  5129,  5529, 

]    6595,  6664,  6701. 

I  William  K., 

William  L., 5120, 

I  William  M., 

i  William  N., 

i  William  P. 3780, 

i  William  R., 

I  William  S., 5379.  6852,  6853, 

I         7064 

William  T. 

William  W., 

!  Wright, 

Zaidee,  .., 














ADDENDA,   f^.    %  lj% 



Carlisle  ^' 



David  D  , 


David  E., 




Eliza  BETii, 


Elizabeth  P.,. 




Georgiana  , 



...       19 





Mary, 10 

Margaret, 7,  12 

Nancy 3,  11 

Nina, 25 

Rebecca, 9 

Robert,  2 

Rovena, 22 

Richard, 30 

vSamuel,  4 

Theodosie, , t8,  28 

i  Thomas, 17 

;  William,.  .                                 1  21 

INDEX,  No.  2. 



Adiei., 959 

Abigail, 957 

Anna,  958 

AUKELIA,   2356 

Joanna,  235H 

Triphenia, 2357 


Bertie 5^5'^ 

Henry  P 7cco 

Okra,  5854 

SnsAN  M., 7022 

William   E 7021 

William  P.  5934 


Alice, 6961 

Diana, » 6952 

DwiGHT 6959 

Margaret  G., 6170 

Milton,  6960 

Richard  C, 6168 

Ruth 6963 

w^illtam   c.,..  6169 


Abigail 995 

Alexander, 297    994 

Anne,  499 

Charles, 2542 

Clarissa, 2544 

Hannah,  997 

Henry, 49'^ 

Jane,  ~    299 

John,  ^    298 

Mary, 300,  996,  2545 

Samuel,  .- 2546 




Adam  L 7124 

Alice  V., 6427 

Bessie  M., 7120 

Charles   A., 6425 

Edward  P., 6423  7121 

Elvira  F., 7119 

Hugh  H., 7127 

Harriett  v., 6420 

Harriett  C 7129 

Irvi.n',' 7126 

Ida,  7130 

James  E., 6424 

Louisa  F., 641S 

Lvc\  R, 7122 

Lizzie,   7128 

Marion  B., 6426 

Marion  L., 7123 

MaryC, 6421 

Rosa 7136 

S:W<ahG., 6419 

William   F., 6422 

William  M., 7125 


!         Ralph 7079 

Jessie  K,, 7080 


Ansel,  309 

Chandler  P., 7195 

Ezra 3092 

Harriett  H 7196 

Henry  B., 7193 

I        John, 3093 

I        Laura 3096 

!         Marsh  F 3094 

Mary V395 




Thomas, 3090 

WiivLiAM  B., 7194 


Adai,aide  C, 6639 

Alvah,  5359 

Charles  A., 6863 

Charles  C, 6624 

Charles  H., 6509 

Charles  W., 6641 

Chloe, 5358 

Cornelia, 5203 

Delight  C, 6643 

Edward  A., 6510 

Eliza,  52or 

Emeline, 5199 

Emeline  F., 6635 

Esther  A., 6637 

George  L., 6623 

Henry  P 5592 

Henry  S., 6S64 

James  H., 6511 

Jerome  F., 6642 

Janet 6625 

Jane  F., 6622 

Lovina, 5200 

Lovina  L., 6640 

LucRETiA  A., 6633 

Marietta 5152 

MaryF., 6636 

MaryP 5360 

Nelson  H., 6638 

Porter  I., 6626 

Rhoda  p., 3541,  5150 

Rose  E., 6644 

Samuel  E., 6634 

Sylvanus,  5151 

Selah, 3540 

Stephen  P., 5202 

Walter, 5198 

Wesley  P., 6632 

William, 5204 


Royal  G., 5700 

Walter  S., 5701 

Uriel  P., 5702 


Abbie  E., 4701 

AbbieL., 6349 

Alice  E., 7093 

Alfred  W., 6350 

Caroline  S., 4695 

Caroline  E., 7091 

Catharine  P., 4700 

Catharine  H. 6330 

Charles  J., 4696 

Charles  L., 6335  6348 

Edgar  W., 6344 



Emily  B., 6336 

Frank  W., 4687,  6331 

Geraldine  W 7090 

Helen  F., 6334 

James  S., 6333,  7092 

Jessie  K., 4702 

Julia  B 6332 

Kate  J., 6346 

Lewis  W., 4699 

Louisa  W., 6337 

Lydia  C, 4698 

Mary, 6329 

Mary  C, 6347 

Sarah  B., 6345 


Ralph 7079 

Jessie  K. 7080 


Sheffield, 7097 


Hannah, 1106 

John, 1108 

Mercy, 1107 


Joseph  L., 6488 

Julia  H., 6489 

Henry  K., 6490 


Charles,  5874 

Elizabeth  B., 5S75 

Lucy  R 5876 

Sarah,  5873 


Francis,  5689 

Franklin, 5691 

Lewis, 5692 

Marilla, 5687 

Martha, 5690 

Monroe, ....  5688 


Charles, 2996 

Dolly  W., 2993 

Emeline, 2997 

Elizabeth 2995 

James, 2994 

Johnathan  W. 2992 


Edmtnd  R., 5869 

Elizabeth  A., 5868 

Ellen,  5871 

Samuel, 5872 

Sarah,  5870 


Anna,   2034,  2663 

Anne  W., 6290 

Charles  P. 4-673  6285 

Daniel,  2035 




Anna, 2034, 

Anna  W 


Charles  P 


Daniix  H., 

Eliza  M., 



George  H 


Hknky  ?., 

Harriett  R., 


JamivS  a 

John,  2666, 

John  C 4671, 




Martha  E., 


Mary  A.,  

Moses  H., 

Nehemiah  W 

Percy  R., 

Rehecca  L., 

Ruth _ 



Samtel   H  


Bar  OWE  LL, 

Jane  M., 
















Abel  B., 



Archibald  G., 



Cynthia  B., 


6290 ! 




46S1  I 

6284 1 


62S3 ' 


2664  1 













4678  j 









LucRETiA 5575 

Mabel  P., 5573 

Maria,  5583 

Marietta, 5584 

Sarah 5574 

Samuel 5578 

Sophia  H., 5581 


Charlotte  E., 6448 

Charlics  W., 6449 

Caroline  C, 6443 

Edward 6447 

Evelina 6442 

Henry 6446 

John  W 6444 

William, 6445 


Anne,  711 

Azubah,  709 

Johnathau,  712 

Keziah,  708 

Lucy, 710 

Oliver 714 

Rachel 707 

Shaddrach 713 


Anna  M 6862 

Augustus  P., 6858 

Fred  a.  P 5590 

Jane  B., 6861 

John  G., 559 1 '^ 

John  H 6860 

Robert  F., 6859 

Sarah  G 5589  "" 

William   F., ..  6857 


Almira, 2760 

Blakely, 2762 

Jane  G 2761 

Laura,  ~ 2759 

Bart  LETT, 

Addison  A., 6581 

Mary   E 6580 


Laura  T.,  6810 

Henry  A. 6811 

Mary  C, 6812 


Anne,  318 

Daniel, 3^7 

David, 3^4 

Elizabeth, 312 

Ephraim, 311 

Israel, 3^9 

James, 3-20 

Josiah 315 

Nathiniel, '^^ 




Sarah  P.,  313 


Abigaii., 3506 

Cecelia, 3506 

Elizabeth 3506 

EzEKiEL  P., 3506 

EzEKiEL  P., 1507 

Hannah, 3506 

James 3506 

Julia, 3506 

Mary, 3506 

Mary 1076 

Thomas, 3506 


Abigail, 2498 

Cecelia 2504 

Elizabeth,  2499 

EzEKiEL  P., 1947,  2502 

George, 5346 

George  T., 6726 

Hannah 2506 

Harriett  E., 6727 

Harriett  P., 5345 

James 2501 

Julia 2505 

Mary, 1948,  2503 

Mary  J., 6724 

Mary  M., 1948 

Prudence  A-, 6725 

Sarah  A., 5347 

Thomas, 2500 


Clymene 3857 

David  R., 3862 

John  F 3858 

Joseph   E. 3860 

Maria, 3856 

Mary  E., 3861 

Sarah  A., 3859 


Charles  P 6953 

Lyman, 6954 


Arthur  J. 5968 

Caroline  M 4286 

Caroline  W., 5972 

Charles  E., 5978 

Francis  E., 5966 

Frederick  R 5980 

George  1, 5981 

Geor6e  R., 4287 

Harriett  P., 4283,  5973 

Harriett  A., 5979 

Lucius  .C, 4282 

Marcus  E., 4284 

Martha  J., 5970 

Mary  C, 5967 


Mary  F 5969 

Oliver  A., 4285 

Bollin  H., 5971 


Abigail 2612 

David,  988,  2376 

Daniel 992 

Clarinda, 2378 

Elisha, 993,  2381 

Elizabeth, 2614 

George, 2383 

Lucy, 991 

Lydia  P 2615 

Mary, 2379 

Noadiah, 990,  2375 

Phebe  p. 2611 

RoxA, 2382 

Sarah, 989,  2613 

Seth, 2380 

Simeon, 2377 

Sylvia  B., 2384 

Timothy  P., 2610 


Agur,  1649 

Anne  M 1657 

David, 675 

Eli, 1653 

Ephraim, 674 

Eunice, 672 

Ira 1655 

John 1652 

Philo 1654 

RuFus, 1656 

Samuel, 1651 

Sarah 673,  1650 


Alfred  T., 7166 

Allen 5234 

Anne  E., 5720 

Anne  M 7168 

Charles   B., 5720 

David, 1377,  2716 

Daniel 2713 

Francis,   5722 

Frederick  E., 5889 

George  H., 7167 

George  P., 6672 

Homer  C, 7165 

Jabez, 1380 

John, 2717,  2721 

John  W., 3962 

John  H., 6673 

John  P., 5719 

Lydia, i379.  2722 

Laura 2723 

Lyman, 2719 

Lucy, ?72o 




LoviNA,  2714 

Mary 1376 

Phebk,  1374 

PoLLv 2711 

PORTKR,  2712 

Robert 5890 

Rebecca, 1378 

Sarah,  1375 

sophronia, 2718 

WlUJAM. 2715 

WiLUAM    R., 5888 


Alvah   R.,  4295 

Ameua, 4297 

Caroline, 4300 

Embline  D., 4298  I 

Harriett  P., 4293  I 

Huldah  a 4296  I 

Increase  P., 4301  1 

John  R., 4294  | 

ROSWELL 4299  ' 

Bishop,  i 

Daniel, ...  2515  1 

BiRAM 2516  I 

Annette 2517 


Alonzo  G., 6388 

Alice  T., 7105 

Caroline  P., 6386 

Douglas 6390 

Geokgk  T. 6389 

Glover 7106  1 

Porter 6391  , 

William  P. 6387' 


Simon, 1243 

John 1244 

Jehu, 1245 

Ebenezkr, 1247 

Aaron 1248 

David, 1246 


Adelbert, .• 677T 

Charles  L., 6766 

Clarence  H., 6763 

Elijah   P., 53S1 

Eijzabeth, 6773 

Ellen  F., 6765 

Frances  L 6764 

Francelia, 6772 

Harlev  C 5380,  6774 

Jeannette, 5384 

Marilla  M., 6768 

Merton, 6767 

Mordant 6769 

Rasselas  O., 5382 

Sophia  C, 5383 


Watson 6770 


Clarence, 3906 

Elizabeth  B 6S79 

Elizabeth  G., 6888 

Grace  E. 5608 

Grace,  6880 

Grace  M., 6887 

Jessie  L., 7178 

James  D 7177 

Joanna  D., 6882 

John  A., 3905,  5606 

Maria,  3908 

Maria    D., 5607 

Porter  A 6884 

Russell  A., 7179 

Walter  G 6885 

Welles  M 6883 

William  A., 3907,  5609 

William  A 6886 

William  N.  D., 6881 


Abigail, 480 

Anne 1313 

Hannah,  482 

Isaac,   479,  1310 

Johnathan, 481,  131 1 

Priscilla, 1312 

Ruth, 13T4 

Sarah 478 


Emily  A., 3985 

Erastus,  3983 

Laura,  3981 

Lester 3982 

Salmon, 3984 


Anna  R., 2596 

Carrie  F., 5860 

Charles  T., 5958 

Frkdhkick, 4246 

Ginevra, 5861 

Harvey 5858 

Jason, 4243 

John, 2597,  4242 

Lucy  P. 5956 

Lyctia  H., 5957 

Mary  P., 5955 

Owen, 4244 

Oliver, 4249 

Oliver  O 2599,  4249 

Ruth 4245 

Salmon, 4248 

Warrbn, 5859 

Watson 4247 

Zalmon, 2598 




Abigail, 1030 

Dorothy. 1033 

Joseph, 1029 

Justus, 1034 

Lucius  E., 5050 

Oliver, 1031 

Solomon, 1032 


Abigails., 5605 

Elizabeth, 5602 

Elizabeth  M., 6875 

Edward,  5604 

Harriett  H., 6S77 

John  D., 7192 

John  M., 6874 

Porter  S., 6878 

Sarah  B., 6876 

William  D., 7191 

William  H. 6873 

William  P., 5603 

Guy  a., 6889  I 

Stephen  E 6890  ■ 

burrett,  i 

Anna,  1621 


Israel, 1620 1 

Sarah 1619] 

William, 1 

Richard, 6503 

Francis  P., 6504  j 

Brewer,  ; 

Edward  S., 42261 

Edward  H 6033! 

Edith 6032  | 

Maud  P 6034  1 

Sarah  S. 4427  \ 

Solomon  P., 4428' 


Almira  B., 5230 

Clement, 5229 

Ezra 5228 

Oris  B 5231 


Charles, 4^99 

])ANiEL 4197 

EzEKiEL,  4^9*^ 

John  W., 4201 

Julia  S., 4200 

Susan 4202 


Alice  E., 6559 

Edwin  W., 6558 

Grace  A., 6560 


Adam  A., 7132 

Gilbert  H., 7135 

Lucien  H 7f37 


Marion  A., 7136 

Thomas  R., 7134 

William  E., 7133 


Eliza  W., 6300 

Harriett  S., 6297 

Jane  C, 6299 

Mary  W., 6298 


Anna,  1182 

David, 1183 

Ilaac, 1185 

Joanna 1181 

Phter, 1 184 

Reuben, 1186 


Alice  O., 5245 

Almira,  3586,  5234 

Adeliza,  3587 

Anne  E 5242 

Charlotte, 3576,  5256 

Carolines., 5256 

Edwin   E., 5258 

Emily 3578,  5263,  5267 

Erastis,  3579,  5247 

Eliza   A., 5252 

Elvira 3585,  5262 

Emma  S., 5251 

Ezra,  3577 

Fidelia 5236,  5265 

Frederick  P. 5246 

Henry  H 5254 

Herbert 524S 

Jo.sEPH  A., 5253 

Julia  P., 5259 

Lawrence, 3580,  5235,  5244 

Lorenzo, 5260 

Laura  A. 5243 

Louisa  R., 5232 

Lyman, 3581 

Lvman  O.,  5250 

Mabel  P., 5237,  5261 

Mary  A., 5233,  5255 

Maurice  D., 5264 

Miranda  A 5249 

Norman,  3582 

Norman  P., 5257 

Otis 3583 

Porter,  5266 

Sebastian,  3584 


Abel, 3S87,  5561 

Abel  P., 5569 

Abigail, 956 

Abaigail  E., 4266 

ASAHEL  B., 5566 

AMEILIA, ''^92 




Anna  V., 3S91 

Adeline, 5078 

Cynthia,  3890 

Charles  G., 4269 

Charles  O., 5080 

Charles  W., 6829 

Caroline, 5077 

Che;ster 5563 

David  M., 4267 

Delia  C 5566 

Dillon  T., 5564 

Elihu  p., 4263 

Ellen  F 5936 

Ella, 6557,  6847 

e;lizabeth 5074 

Eliza, 5076 

Emma  A., 6556 

Horatio, 5560 

Harriett 5562 

Halsey  P 5944 

Hart  E., 5945 

Henry  C, 6830 

Judith, 3494 

Jamks t,ShH 

James  H., 5079,  683^ 

James  M., 556s 

John  H 5942 

John  W., 4265 

JosiAH  M., 4268 

LoinsA 5559 

lucrktia 5565 

lucrexia  j 6831 

Mabel  P 3889 

Madison, 6833 

Mary   A., 5950 

Mary  E., 4264 

Mary   F 5073 

Mary  L., 5948,  6555 

Margaret, 5072 

Makiha,  5943 

Maria  K., 5935 

Nancy  E 5567 

Olivkr, 3493,  5075 

Oliver  D., 6554 

Rosa  M., 5949 

Sarah  M., 50S1  i 

Sarah  E., 6846  | 

WrLTHEA,  5558 

William  A., 5071 

Barkett,  j 

Anne, 1621  , 

Israel 1620 1 

Sakai:,  1619 

Butler,  1 

Mary  r., 2507  j 

Charlotte 2508  i 

Fredrick  A., 2509' 


ROSWELL,' 2510 

AniOAiL   P 2511 

Elizabeth, 2512 

JixiA  A 2513. 

Thomas, 2514 


Jonathan,   846 

Lois,   844 

Olive S4S 

Penelope, 845 

Timothy, S47 


ASHUR,  1568 

Avis,  2931 

Betsey,  2937 

Evi:lina,  2934 

Elvira 2935 

Frank  H. 2940 

Herman 1569 

IiHAMAR, 1567 

JTDSON,  1570 

Lorana, 1571 

Mary 2933 

Philo 1566 

Ransom  2930 

Richards., 2939 

Rebixca, 1572 

Royal  I., 2938 

Sally 2932 

Samuel, 2936 


Asa,  4016 

CAI.VIN  P., 4015 

Charles 2237 

Camilla,  2240 

Cleanthe, 2242 

Eliza  A., 4017 

Frances, 2243 

Horatio, 2239 

JosiAH,  2244  - 

Mary 4018 

Miriam, 4020 

Phebe  p., 2241 

Ruoda, 4014 

Sarah  P., 4019 

Zebulon, 2238- 


Arthur  W 7187 

Ethel,  7188 

Henry  C, 7189 


Aaron 1850 

ASHBEL,  1845 

Dorcas 1851 

Elijah, 1844,  3300 

Esther 1848 

Fanny, 3302 



Chapman,  1 

Joanna,  1842 

Polly,  3298 

Rkuben 1843,  3301 

ROXANA, 1849 

Ruth, 1847 

Sally,   3299 

Sarah 1846 


Annk  S 5454 

Charles  P., 5455 

Clarissa, 2247 

Edward, 2250,  3296 

Eliza,  3295 

Eric 2249 

Hart  H., 2254 

JKRUSHA,    3297  *• 

Joel 22481- 

John  O 5458 


Luther  A 5457 

Nathan, 2246 

Nelson 2253 

Oliver, 2252 

RuFus, 2251 

Ruth  A., 5457 

Solomon, 224^ 

Welles, 5453 


Abigail, 634,  1628,  2950,  2957 

Charles 1618,  2947 

Catharine,  633,  1616,  1631,  2955 

Elihu, 631,  2948 

Elnathan  E., ..  ...636,  1632 

Henry,  2956 

Henrietta 4471 

John  S., 1655,  2952 

John, 2958 

Lucy 2951 

Mary,  1627,  2953 

Michael, 2954 

Nathaniel, 635,  1629,  2957 

Nathaniel  W.,. ....V  1630 

Sarah,  632,  1617, 1626,  2949,  4472 
Worthington  G.  , 1633 

Cleveland,  \ 

Aaron,  1746, 

Aaron  P 3x17,  4577  | 

Abiah  H 31231 

Abigail, 1750 ' 

AnneN., 6160 ; 

Alison  N., 6172; 

Anthony  B., 31201 

Charles, 31141 

Charles  D., 45841 

Catharine  A., 457i  I 

Dorcas,  i744  I 

Edward  H., 4578 


Elizabeth, 6175 

Francis, 4579 

Francis  W 6158 

Frances, 3115 

George, 1747,  3110,  S^",  4575 

George  P 4585     / 

Grover' 6163  ^ 

Harriett  A., 6159 

Jeremiah  C. 3122 

John  J., 3x11 

John  T., 4583 

Lucy, 1749,3119,  6176 

Lewis  F 6165 

Margaret,  1748,  4581 

Margaret  L., 6164 

Marietta,    4572 

Mary  A., 6162 

Mehitabel,  6174 

Rose  E., 6167 

Richard, 4580 

Richard  J., 3107 

Stephen  S., 743 

Stephen  B., 3x21 

Samuel  C 4574 

Samuel  M 6171 

Sarah,  3x16,  4573 

Susan 3118 

Susan  S., 4582,  6x66 

Susannah, 1742,  3109 

Treadwell 6173 

Willi  AM,...  1 745,  3108,  3x13,  4576 
William  N., 6161 


Almira  H., 5494 

Charles  P., 5488 

Dwight  T., 5492 

George  E., 5495 

Martha  G., 5490 

Mary   F., 5487 

Reuben  P., 5493 

Samuel  E 5491 

Sarah  M. 5489 


Harriett  L 5397 

Henry  P., 5396 


Joseph 7116 

Mary  C, 7114 

Sarah  G., 7113 

Wallace, 71 15 


Anne, 11 15,  2531 

Bethia, 79 

Comfort  R., 1109 

Elizrbeth xixx 

Elisha, 352,  2530 

George, 2532 





Hannah.  ...75.    35' 

Hannah   1' 353,  1112 

John 76.349.  'no.  2533 

JosHi'H, 355 

JusiAH 356 

Marv 34S 

NOAU ; 77,     354 

PULliG 11  14 

Sarah,  78.  113,  2529 

Thomas, 7J,  350.  1113.  252K 



Ariki.  L 

ASHIvEV    M., 



El.l/AUKTH    P., 

Erasti  s 

ESTHKR 5747 

GUORGIi, 5751 

Harlan, -   r 

Harvey, „ ;  , 

Hoi;  •  

Jon '.  


Oliver  C, 

Silas  H 





Mary  S.,  2521,  4212,  4219,  i- 

Mary  R 

Nathaniel 108S, 

Richard  E., 



Samuel, 1086,  3518, 

Samuel  A., 

Samikl  R., 

Sarah   E 

KH  R., 

;Lr)ON   P 

M  SAN, 


William  J., 

William  W 





D\  .  

i-,  1  tir.\.i:^:i. 

Henry,  .. 

\'  WCY,  .... 

.i.v  H... 



42!  1 







.  6416 

-ICK    P., 4807 

:  .rx  M.,  4S05 

M., 647,  4804,  6417 

C  ■  '  K        ,     1  , ,  A ,     

Caroline  E., 

Charles  S., 


El>TTH  H., '  V   -, 

Ivsther, 1084,  4210 

Htt7AR?:th 1085 

H   A., 4222 

K,  1087 


'  4321 

'!--»  .   > 2522 

Henry 4214 

Henry  F., 4225 

Harriett, 4216 

James  F 4223 

James  R., 6938 

John,  4213,  4'-'i9 

John   C, 2-.\  , 

John  R 4207,  'S   ;: 

Joshua, IU.S3 

LEMAN, 2,')27 

^  "K  }■  4226 

i/\;M:'rn 6056 

r  s  M 6214 

ilA..;:-,  W. 6215 

JoSEl'H  p., 6057 

Julia  P 6212 

Mary  C.  6213 


David  U 621 1 

Mary  C 6209 

William  D., 


Chester, j>^^^-, 

David 4707,  3024 

Elkazer 1709,  3033 

Enos,   1711 

Eliz.vbeth 3035 

Eunice,  3032 

Hannah 3029 

Irene  D., 3030 

Jerusha 1706,  3038 

Jonathan,   3028 

John  D. 3031 

Josr>"'      3026 





JOSIAH,   1708 

Lavinia, 3036 

Levi,  3020 

OuvER, 1705,  3021 

Reuben, 1710,  3039 

RuFus,  3022 

•     Sarah  G., 1704,  3025 

Simeon,  1712 

Silas, 3027 

Solomon 3041  u 

Stought'on, 3034 

Sylvester, 3040  ■ 

Welthea, 3042 

William 3037 


Arthur  C, 4606 

Anne  M., 4513 

Elizaseth  R 4610 

Frakces  a., 4611 

James  R., 4608 

Mary  h., 4614 

Samuel  H., 4607 

Susan  R., 4612 

William  C, 4609 


James  B., 6035 

vSarah  R, 6036 


Helen  m., 5902 

Miriam  F., 5905 

■   RuFus,  5904 

Sarah, 5903 


Abby  a 6745 

Ellen  L,., 6744 

Lucia, 6746 

William  P., 6747 


Auria  B 6835 

Delia  B.,  6834 

Elizabeth  S 6013 

Harriett  E 6836 

James  M., 6837 

John  T., 6914 

Julia  K 6916 

Helen  L., 6915 

Nancy  C, 6838 

^Mary  H., 6912 

Parker  H., 6839 

Sarah  A,, 6917 

William  F 6840 

WiTLIAM  H., 6918 


Abigail, 310 

Anne 1524 

Charlotxe  p., 4782 

Deborah, 324 



Elizabeth, 1522 

Ephraim,  322 

Erastus,  2442 

Hannah, 321,  1024 

James  E., 4783 

Jeremiah,  308,  2438 

John, 1026 

Josiah,  307 

Lavinia,  2436 

Leonard, 2434 

Leverett, 2432 

Lucius, 2437 

Lucy,  1028,  2440 

Marcius, 2441 

Margaret,  2433,  2439 

Martha,  1523 

Mary 1027  2439 

Mary  A.,   2435 

Nathan,  ..-. 1525 

Ruth  P., 323 

Samuel, 1025,  2431 

Sarah, 325,  1023 

William  P., .4784 

Zechariah, 309 


Harriett  S 7174 

PIenrietta  R., 7175 

Mary  B., 7176 


Almon, 4534 

Amanda,  3011 

Catharine, 3008 

Climene, 4537 

Charles  N., 4541 

Elihu,  4535 

Eunice 4536 

Ezekiel, 3006,  4539 

Harriett, 4538 

Harvey, 4545 

Jonathan, 535 

Justus 534 

Justin 3010 

Justin  N., 4544 

Lyman, 4542 

Lydia  a., 4540 

Mary, 4546 

Mercy 3009 

Oliver, 533 

Submit, 3007 

Sylvester, 4543 


Asahel, 3152 

Ardelia  Wt, 4665 

Abby  J., 4666 

Ethelinda,  3146 

Elizabeth, 3149 

Electa  R., 4660 




Elijah  M., 4661 

Henry  W 4662 

Job,  3148 

lucretia, 4644 

LydiaS.,.. 4659 

Mary 4645 

Mary  W., 4647 

Nathaniel 3150 

Nbthaniel  P 4667 

Polly 3147 

Phebe  M. ^ i  4664 

RoswELL, 3151,  4643,  4668 

Samuel, 3145 

Susannah, 4646 

Wn.LiA      4663 


Aaron, 903 

Caroline 4962 

CL.A.RA  E 6S17 

Charles  C, 6819 

Elezar, 904 

Elijah  P., 4966 

Fred  E., 6818 

Gertrude  E 6S27 

Harriett, 4963 

Jessie  h 6S25 

James  S., 4964 

Myra   E., 6826 

Nathaniel 902 

Oscar  H., 6816 

Stoddard,  4965 

William  H., 6828 


Abigail 2053 

Leonard, 2056 

Rose  A., 2054 

Sylvia 2055 


John  N., 5393 


Abigail, 2263 

Adolphus 2264 

Hannah 2261 

Lewis  W., 2265 

LvDiA 2260 

Sarah, 2262 


Anson  P., 6192 

»      Arthcr  M., 6197 

\     Caroline  M., 6184 

/     Charles  C, 6194 

David  L., 6185 

David  S., 45S8,  6193 

Elizabeth  C 4591 

PREDIiRICK  N., 6189 

Geroge  F., 6196 

Harriett  F., 6186 


Joseph  E., 6190 

Julia  S 45S6 

Mary  A 4590 

Mary  S., 6187 

Norman  W., 6195 

Sarah  C, 45S7 

Sarah  F., 6183 

Susan  P., 4592 

William  E., 4589,  6188,  6191 


Alta  p., 6806 

Charles  H 5427 

Charles  E., 6793 

Elizabeth  B., 5430 

George 6803 

Hubert  M., 6796 

Joel  M., 6791 

John  T 5426,  6794 

Kate 6805 

Mark  R 543i,  6S04 

Mary 542S 

Mary  E., 6797 

Mary  L., 6798 

Robert  E., 6795 

Sarah  P., 5429 

Sarah  E., 6792 


Aaron, 467,  1207 

Amasa, 1298 

Armyra, 1297 

ASAHEL,  1205,  2602 

Chloe  C, 2605 

Damaris, 2604 

Dorcas,  443 

Dudley, 444 

Ebenezer 446 

Elijah, 1273 

Enoch, 100,  435,  1272 

Elizabeth 436,  1271 

Eunice 437.  ^274 

Hannah,  103,440,466,  1211,  1293 

Hepzib.\h, 1210 

Hezekiah, 442,  1299 

Isaac 447 

Jacob,  465,  1206 


John, 1208 

Joseph, 1275 

IvOis, 438,  1301.  2607 

Lydia,  445 

Lucy 1295 

Mary,  1270,  1300 

Moses, 1294 

Nathaniel,  lox 

Noah 439,  1296 

Rhoda 2603 

Samqel 102 




Sarah, 99,  1209 

Sarah  G., 2606 


Almira  B. 5269 


Daniel  D., 5270 

Fredrick, 5268 

Mary   E., 5271 



Alonzo,  4374 

Benjamin,  2706,  4371 

BeIvA 2709 

Hiram  H., 4f7o 

Horace,: 2710 

Julius,  4372 

John 2705 

Laura,  4373 

Mary, 4375 

Nathan 2787 

Phebe,  2708 


Hannett  E. 7073 

Nicholas  J., 7074 


Alonzo,  6072 

Eunice, 6074 

James  M., 6073 

Philena, 6071 


Albert 5556 

Alonzo 5363 

Bessie  v., 6733 

Eethiah 3S69 

Clarissa,  5365 

Chp;ster 5369 

Elizabeth, 5361 

Eveline, 5552 

Emily  A., 5555 

Frederick, 5557 

-    Francis  P., 604 

Frank, 7180 

Henry  E., 5554 

Harriett  E. 7073 

Harriett  M., 6737 

Helen  M-, 6728 

Horace  D., 5362 

Jennie  O., 6742 

Lucy  A., 6731 

I/Ydia, 5364 

Martha  S 6736 

Myron  C, 6739 

Mary,  3867,  5367 

Mary  E 6741 

Mary    U, 5553 

Nicholas  J., 7074 

Norman,  5368 


Norman  P., 6740 

Orson,  5370 

Oscar,  5551 

Ralph  I,., 6738 

RoswELL, 3870 

Sarah  A., 6732 

Sally  a., 6743 

Sylvester, 5355 

Sylvester  F., 6735 

Walton,  6729 

Ward  A. 6734 

Webster,  6730 


Edward  P., 6401 

Eliza  G., 6402 

Francis  S., 6400 

John  W., 9399 


Daniel  C, 6137 

Ellen  d., 6136 

Francis  S., 6138 


Agnes, 4830 

Katherine  a 3288 

Charles  A., 4228 

Elizabeth  T,, 3281,  4836 

Edward  W., 4824 

Eugene  P 4837 

Eugene, 3289 

FiTz  Hugh, 4833 

George  W., 3286 

George  B 4835 

Jerusha, 1841 

John  E., 3284 

Jonathan, 1839,  3280,  4823 

Mary, 1840 

Mary  P., 3283,  4826 

Phebe,  4831 

Sarah  P., 3287,  4834 

Susan  L., 4827 

Tryon 3285,  4832 

Walter 3282,  4825 

Wheeler  d., 4829 


Achilles 3083 

George, 3076 

■Hannah,  3082 

Isaac,  3079 

John, 3077 

Julia, 7009 

Mary, 3081 

Samuel 3078 

Timothy, 3080 


Annie  G., 6055 

Edward.  6054 

Henry  W., 605S 




Abner 1737 

Abner  S., 3085 

Albert,  4204 

Anne 662 

Bridget 3088 

Daniei.,  665 

Deborah, 670 

Elijah 1735,  3071 

Elizabeth, 663,  668,  1740 

Elizabeth  W., 4196 

Ezra,   3084 

Hannah, 1736,  3074 

Heman,  4203 

Hepzirah, 3075 

Jane, 3089 

Joseph, 667 

Joanna,  671 

Justin, 4195 

KLate, 3073 

Lois, 1741 

Marsh, 1738 

Martha, 3087 

Mary 661,  669,  1739 

Phebe 3070 

Richard 664 

Samuel  C, 1734,  3072 

SiMILIAS,  3086 

William 666 


Annette  H 6378 

Benjamin  K., 6376 

Charlotte  F 6375  j 

Edward   IT      .  6377 1 

Enos,  I 

Benjamin 423 

Harriett', 420 

James, 421 

Joseph  P., 424 

Sarah,  422 


Deliverance, 3173 

Mary 3176 

Martha,  3172 

Sarah  A., 3175 

WiLLL\M, 3174 


Benjamin 2863 

Elizabeth, 2S61 

William  L 2862 


Abigail, 1128 

Amos, 360,  1122 

Anna  E., 6262 

David, 1129 

Editha,  1118 

Eltakim, 361 

EsTHKR ino 


George  W 6263 

Hannah, 359,  1119,  1131 

John, 357,  1127 

Mary, 362 

Mecdad, 1117 

Mehitalel,  1121 

Rhoda 1126 

Sarah 358,  1124 

Zechariah, 1 120 

Zenas 1123 

ZiLPAH,    I125 


Edwin, 6655 

Elethera, 6657 

JOSIAH  D., 6659 

Sarah  F., 6656 

William  H 6658 


Augustus,  4523 

AiniELIA,  4524 

Betsey  S 5421 

DoRASTus 3775 

Herbert 3776 

Sarah  P., 3777 

Electa 4520 

Fayette 5423 

Helen, 5424 

John 4521 

Julia,  4522 

Lucy, 5425 

Mary, 5422 

Mary  M 4525 


Charles  S., 4385 

Frank  H 4384 


Alice  M., 5824 

Arthur  A., 5825 

Edward  P., 5822 

Ellen  a., 5821 

Henry  a 5823 


Catharine 2960 

William  C, 2959 


L\'DiA  M., 4939 

Mary  S., 4937 

Sarah  A., 4938 

Warren  C 4940 

William  S., 4941 


Charles  I  ..  6467 

DuANE  D., 5240 

Emilv  B., 5238 

Frederick 6465 

George  W., 6463 

Harriett  M., 6461 




Henry  L,.,  6462 

Mary  T 6464 

Nancy  M 5241 

Norman  B., 5239 

Sarah  K., 6466 


Charles, 5894 

Robert  W., 5893 

Susan  H. 5891 

William  J 5892 


Eliza  G., -  5925 

Sarah  L., 5924 

Sidney  H., 5923 


Catharine  W., 6119 

Edward   H., 7038 

Edward  T., 6117 

Elizabeth  P 6112 

Faith  H., 7036 

Francis  P., 6114 

Frederick  P., 6113 

George  H 6115 

George  C, 7035 

Henry  T., 7037 

Richard  T., 7039 


Luther  P., 2737 


Lavalette, 7260 

Samuel  A., 7259 


borodel  m., 4704 

Erastus  E., 4706 

Martha  W., 4705 

NATHANIEL  E., 4703 


Alexander, 677,    730 

Anna  or  Anne,  36, 181, 678,    679 

731,  1662. 

Abigail, 183,  727,  1716 

Benjamin 3014 

Catharine, 1698 

Chester, 3052 

Daniel 681 

Elizabeth,    185,   193,    683,  1658 


Esther, 1S8 

Eliakim, 682,  1659 

Ebenezer, 1661,  1703 

Elijah, 694 

Elijah  M., 1685 

Eliphalet, 1701 

Giles  A 1684 

Hannah, 37 

Hezekiah, 41,  1675 

Ithamar 1663 


ISRAEL;  3053 

John,  38,  179,  194,  676,  719,    729 


Joseph, ,186,  728,  1680 

Josiah,  ...42,  184,  692,  1677,  1719 

Keturah,  3015 

Lois, 3012 

Lucy, 1679 

Mary, 180,  715,  1597 

Margaret, 2713 

Margaret  T 1683 

Martha,.. 1713 

Meribah 1702 

Moses 1718 

Nathaniel, 39,  182,  680,    721 

1660,  1700. 

Naomi,  690,  1682 

Nehemiah, 693,  720,  1681 

Oliver, 1699 

Penelope  C, 3054 

Rachel 189 

Ruth, 187,  190,  722,    723 

Samuel,  191,  718,  725,  1714,  3050 

Sarah 691,  718,  725,  1676 

Submit  D., 3051 

Thomas, 1678 

William, ....40,  192,  715,  724,  3013 

James 6532 

Mary, 6533 


Antoinett  B., 5930 

Betsey, 4238,  5920 

Henry  W., 5933 

Hugh, 4237 

Jane, 42^11 

Jane  a., 5919 

Joseph  M 5932 

Maltby 4240,  5922 

Pauline  W., 5921 

Phebe,  4239 

Sarah  G., 5931 


Hannah  H., 7108 

Lcvina  p., 7107 


Anna, 1280,  1330,  2650 

AURELIA 1335,   2654 

Caroline, 2685 

Chloe,  1331 

David  B., 5947 

Esther, 1333,  2652 

Electa,  2683 

Ellen  M., 5946 

ELf/ABETH, 1276,  2653,  1334 

Horace, 1336,  2655 

Horace  C 2684 




Jabhz,  '-^7^ 

John, 277 

Lucy, 1279 

Prudence, 1281 

RoxA 2652 

Rox.'VNA, 1332 


Elsie.  ...■. 2860 

jAcouRS, 2858 

SAPr-uiRA 2857 

TlIEBIS,  2859 


Abigail,  2070,  4460 

Abigail  P 5062 

Aaron,  748,  1766  i 

Annl 1777.  2079  I 

Butler,  5060 1 

CnAUXcHY 2941,  6048 

Chat.'Ncey  a., 4456 

Caleb,   "^^^54] 

Catharine, 4462  I 

Catharine  C, 2946 

Charles  A 2945,  4461 

David, 1763,  5058 

Dorcas,  1767  I 

Elijah 825  ; 

Elkazer, T761  j 

Eliphalet,  1778,  2080 

Elizur, 2942,  4455  ' 

Elihu,   4464  I 

Elihu  C 2943  I 

Elizabeth,  1764,  1774,2076,  4459 


Ebenkzer  W 5053 

Edward 5055 

Edward  C, 6049 

Emily  C, 4466 

Emily  L., 6066 

Prances 6052 

Francis  B 6068 

George  W.,„ 5061 

Hannah, 823 

Huldah 5059 

Isaac,  2067 

Israel 2058 

Joanna 1768 

Joseph, 2066 

JosiAH,  747.  1760 

Julia,.! 6051 

Lydia 2057 

Lydia  M., 5063 

Mehitabel, 829,  2065 

Mary 1769,  2069 

Mary  A., 4465 

Mary  E 6067 

Martha 2068 

Milicent,  1773,  2075 



Nathaniel 830,  2064  ^ 

Nancy 4457    • 

Porter,  i775.  2077 

Rebecca, 824,  1770 

Ruth 826 

Samuel,  749,  831, 177 1,  2073,  2944 

Samuel  G., 4463 

Sarah, 828,  1762,  1765,  2072 

Sarah  W 4458 

Simeon 2071 

Solomon,  1776,  2078 

Stephen 827 

Welthean, 1772,  2074 

William 5056 

William  H 6050 


Bertha  M 7072 

Charles  D., 7071 

Willis   F., 7070 


Abigail 2734 

Abraham 235 

Anne 3732 

Benet 233 

Daniel 2081,  3731 

Eleazer, 232 

Frederick  C, 5417 

Frances  L 5418 

Hkzekiah 230,    833 

Isaac,  231 

Joanna 237 

Jonathan 821 

Joseph 835 

Joshua  M 5414 

LUCRETIA,   3733 

Lucrhxia  C. 5413 

Lois 239 

Mehitabel,  234,    822 

Ruth,  238 

Sarah 836,  2083 

Sarah   H 5420 

Samuel, 834 

Stephen 236,  832,  2082 

Stephen  A 3735,  5419 


Charles  C, 5983 

Henry  D., 5982 

John  G., 5984 

Joseph, 5985 


Abigail 61.     273 

Adoniram 953 

Anne, 975,  2349.  2365 

ASHBEL,    970 

Bathshe:ba 983 

Benjamin,  205,    295 

Bethiah, 202,    292 





Daniei. 281, 

David, 276,  969, 

Ebenezer, 277,  967,  972, 




Eli^en  W., 

Elizabeth 279,  963, 



Ephriam, 274,  961,  974, 


Eunice, 966, 

Frederick  D 

Grace, 275,  960, 

Hannah 270,282, 


Jessie  R., 4147, 

John, 55,  278,  288, 





Mary, 59,  283,  2345, 

Mary    F., 

Matthew, 56,  280,  979, 


Noah,  54,  272^290j_952j_ci6i^ 

NATHANlEt,". 58, 



Orville  L,., V 

Peter 2342, 







Ruth, 293, 

Samuel 53, 

Samuel  S., 

Sarah,  60,  286, 

Solomon 954,  2344,  2347, 



Susannah, 2343, 


Ulyses  S., 

U.  S.,  JR 


William,  285, 




5864  AnneE., 5522 

982  Augusta  P., 5045 

2366  Charles  H 5521 

2373  Elizabeth  D., 5510 

980  Erastus, 3823 

2361  Eunice  B., 3825 

2372  Eunice  E., 55^7 

7012  Evelina,    5039 

977  Jane  S., 5040 

965      '    James  G., 5043 

968  John  P., 5041,  5523 

2359  Josephs., 5516 

964  Lemuel  C, 55^i 

971  Minerva  P 5^44 

7010  Martha  A., 5524,  3824 

2366  Mary  D., 3822 

981  Samuel  D 3821 

2371  Samuel  P., 5042 

7013  Gray, 

978  Alice  G., 6800 

296  Elizabeth  P 6799 

287  Katharine 6801 

4148  William  C 5994,  6802 

955  Grenelle, 

2364  Charles  F., 7052 

5867  JOHK  S., 7050 

984  Joseph  H., 7053 

29T  William  E., 7051 

^2341  Greene, 

'  294  j         Anna  M., 599^ 

289  Catharine  P., 5992 

2374  MaryW., 5993 

58661         Nathaniel,  5994 

4145  Griffith, 
2370  Alonzo  F., 6997 

2362  Ellen  M., 7000 

2360  Emma  L., 7ooi 

284  George  F 6999 

976  Ruth  L,., 6998 

973  Gilbert, 

2348  Sarah   H., 4808 

271  Gridlev, 

5863  Abigal 2421 

986  Addison, 2986 

2363  Ashbel,  2422 

Elisha, 2419 

2367  Harry  W., 2983 

4146  Joel,  2425 

987  Joseph, 4156 

5862  Laura  W. 2985 

7011  Noah,  2424 

5865  Ralph  W., 2984 

2368  Root,   4^49 

985  Sarah 2420 

2369  Zebina 2423 




Edward  S., 4121  I 

Elizabeth 4122 

Efkik  V 5^50 

Elsie, 5^51 

Francis  J 4124  \ 

Henry   P., 41231 

JOSI-PH 4125 

LURKNA     E., 4126 

Oscar  O 5852  | 

Griswold,  j 

Abiel, 1673  ; 

Abigail 684,689,  i66.s.  1669 

AZCBAH,  ~    ~ 


Deborah, -,- 

Edward,  1664 

Elizabeth, 995 

Elisha 699 

Emma  H 6254 

Frederick  W., 62551 

Hezekiah 687,   1667  ; 

Hepzibah 705  i 

Hester, 696 

Isaac 688,     1671 

jexnnette  h., 6257 

JERLSHA,    410 

John- 6S6 

Jonathan,   4iu 

Keziah,  16661 

Lucy, 411  | 

Lydia,  414,     697 

Mary,   ■ 409,  1668 

Matthew, 412  I 

Noah 413  i 

Nathaniel,  703! 

Naomi. 701  j 

Norbert  W., 62561 

Prldence, 1670,  1672  I 

Rachel 685 

Ruth 7cx)  | 

Sylvanxts,  706  I 


Abigail,  ..  3404  ] 

Abby  p., 2640  I 

Anne  E., 4954 

Anne  M., 43' ^2  ! 

Austin 2637  | 

Clarissa  A., 49491 

Ellen 4953  1 

Francis  L.  B., 4307 

George 4952  1 

Henry 4951  ! 

Harriett  M.  K., 4304  ' 

Henry  H., 2636.  4306  | 

John  A. 26391 

John  W ,2634  4305  I 

Lavinia,   3402  I 


Lucy  E., 4310 

Mary,  2635,  4303,  4950 

Mary  C, 4312 

Mary  E., 4303 

Ralph  R 2638,  4311 

Revere  W.,  4309 

Sarah  S., 3403,  4948 

Selia  R 4308 

Uriah  B 3405 


Anne  M 4839 

Elizabeth 4840 

'       •  ne  E., 4844 

''MiN 3294 

CEs  P. 4841 

-ietta  E., 4842 

.  -  J 329«.  4843 

Jonathan   E., 3290 

Mary    E 4838 

Walter 3292 

William 3293 

William   B 4845 


■^  •"■  \iL A 1624 

:iX    A.,  572 

KIAH  W.,  5173 

Jabkz 16:^2 

Laura  P., 5174 

Margaret, 1623 

Martha  S 5175 


Felixina 6453 

Julia  S 6451 

MaryC 6452 

William  A 6450 


Abel  B., 6845 

Amelia  B., 6844 

James  H., 6843 

Samuel  P., 6841 

William  C, 6842 


David 4291 

James  W., 4292 

Jane 4290 

Newton,  4289 

Philo, 4288 


Arthur  B 7023 

Burdette 6010 

Ellen 6012 

James  P 2764 

Jane  P. 2758 

John  L 2765 

Mary   A., 7024 

Marilla  M 7026 

Minerva  A., 7025 




Norman  E., 7027 

Norman  L 6011 

SamueIv  p., 2757 


Adam  A, 7145 

Alexander  C, 7138 

Anthony  P., 7141 

Alice  V., 7146 

Charles  T., 7143 

Frederick  C, 7144 

LoinsA  P.,   7139 

Marion  A 7142 

Mary  F., 7140 

Susannah  C, 7147 


Abigail, 1731 

Content, 3065 

Elizabeth 3068 

Hannah,  1732 

John,  730,.  3064 

Mary,  i733,  3066 

Mary  L 7041 

Samuel, 3069 

Richard  C, 7040 

Waitstill,  3067 


Emma   S., 5506 

Frances  R., 5504 

Newton  R.,  550S 

Myrtie  E. 5509 

Mary  A., 5507 

Wesley  O. 5505 


Dorothy, 1349 

Ebenezer, 1350 

Eunice, 1282 

Ezra, 1284 

Lucy, 1283 

MiNDWELL, 1351 

Oliver, 1348 


Alice  M., 5816 

James  A., 5815 

Mary  F., 5814 


Elizabeth  P., 6242 

LucyW., 6243 

William  C, 6241 


Andrew,  1038 

Concurrence, 1037 

Elijah, 1040 

]\Iehitabel,  1042 

Ruth,  1041 

Simeon,  1043 

Thaddeus, 1039 


Barbara 3103 

Elizabeth, 3104 

George, 3105 

Henry,   3106 

John, 3099 

Nathaniel,  3101 

Sarah,  3100 

Stephen, 3102 


David  P., 4323 

George  E.,  4324 

Henry  M 4322 

Mary  P., 4327 

Richard  B., 4326 

Sarah  E., 4325 


Caroline  S., 3274 

David  A., 4817 

David  P 3272 

Lawrence  P., 4815 

Martha  S 4816 

Mary  E. 3270 

vSarah  p., 3269 

Thomas 3273 

William  F., 3271 


Alonzo  P 6652 

Francis  K., 6650 

George  A., 6651 

Harriett  M., 6654 

Kate  J., 6653 

Lydia  M., 6649 


Clymene, 1290 

Eli 1287 

Elijah, 1286 

John, 1291 

Lois, 1288 

Luther, 1292 

Lydja,  1289 

Matthew 1285 


Arthur  H., 6265 

Charles  S., 6268 

Clifford  J., 6270 

Effie  V 6277 

Ezra  L., 4658 

Fidelia, 4654 

Frank  B., 6269 

Frank  G 6276 

Frank  T., 6272 

George, 4648 

Grace  B., 6278 

Harriett  G., 6275 

Helen  a., 6273 

Horace, 4652 

Isabella  E., 4656 






LiLV  A.  .. 
Mary,  ... 
Mary  A , 

Rosa  J., 



Sarah  A., 

Wautkr  R 

William. , 


I-MXTA    M , 

J.     N   \S    W., 

Laura  A., 

Susan  A., 

William  H., 







.3919,  60- s 




;  C ^ 

N  M.        J-M?    toi8,  50- 

!\     M 



563  i 


Maria  C, 

Mary  A 392*^^ 

Mary  E 


Porter pace 

Sally  P., 

vSarah, - 

William  R 1 

Aaron,  .. 

Ai>\M,  „ 104s. 


Anna, , 








Isaac, 1044, 




Mary 1045.  i545. 

Olive 1541,  2458. 

I'^-tEXCB,  1544. 


Ki  TJi  E 29C)9, 

>  \i<An 1049, 

Timothy',. ..1047,  1542,  2462, 


William  2451, 







2917.   4450 

■ ^; -^ 

J 4761 

K  D 4755 

-   F 4711 

TE  P.. 4757 

1813.  4747 


3209.  6372 

S 471M 

4734.  4759 


I- 47.^'i 


T., 4760 

.- 6380 


T 47«4 

h 4733 

H 474>^ 


;  1  ■  !;  I  i  1  TT, 3192 

H\K"ii:rT  E 4715,  473' 

l!i  .NKV    B.. ■:  •- 

'  i  INKY  S 

'i      sWUTTaA.,  -^Z 

^    T 4749 

:,   l8«8 

John,  1812,  4751 

John  C, 1801 

John  T. 3197 

John  L 4732.  6379 

JULTVS  H.. ^ 

Lkwis  S 3210, 

LrcY, ^.  . 

Li'LU 63S1 

LrcRETiA  S., 4713; 

Madei _  1806' 

Martha 1803 

Maria  M 4754 




Margaret  D., 4750 

Mary  E., 4710 

Mary  T.,  4717 

Mary  A., 4756 

Nancy 3196 

Nehemiah, 1802 

Penelope, 1800 

POIvLY,  1810 

Robert  O., 6366 

Ronald  M., 5367 

Sarah  P., 1804 

Samantha  h., 4730 

Samuel 1805,  3208,  6355 

Samuel  P.,  3194 

Sarah  A.  W 3207 

Sarah  A., 4753 

Sarah  B., 6371 

Stephen, 1809 

Stephen  G., 3193 

Stephen  W., 4712,  4729 

Susan  C, 3198 

Theodore  C, 6353 

William  S.  B. 4752 

William  S 6374 


Arvhsta  A., 6047 

Ruth  E., 6046 


Sarah,  140 

Eli:^abeth,  141 


Amy  L., 6024 

Angeline  L., 6023 

Bezaleel 1912 

Charles, 3457 

Catharine  L., 5015 

Eliza  W., 5010 

Elizabeth  B., 5013 

Emily  W., 5018 

Ezekiel  W., 3459 

Frances  A 5009 

Hannah  W., 5007 

John, 3456 

LuciNDA  O., 5011 

Margaret,  3558,  5008 

Mary  D., 5016 

Myra   L., 6026 

Sarah  B., 5017 

Sophia  W., 5014 

Thomas  D., 5012 

William  L., 6025 


Charles  A., 4947 

Emily, 4943 

Janet, 4962 

Joseph, 4945 


John  G., 4944 

Marion, 4946 


Almira 3186 

Anna 1726 

Cynthia, 3180 

Daniel 3047 

Elisha,  3044 

Elizabeth,  3046,  4551 

Edmund 3048 

Eunice  N., 4552 

Electa,  6019 

Harriett, 4548 

Jerusha, 3182 

Joanna 1727 

John  W., 3(84 

Lawrence, 3183 

LuciNDA,  4549 

Lucy, 3043 

Margaret, 4550 

Maria,  4547 

Mehitabel,  3179 

Moses  , 3178 

RoswELL, 3177 

Sarah  P.. 3181 

Sophia 3185 

Susan 4553 

Susannah, 1724,  3045 

William,  1725,  3049 


Harriett  A., 7118 

Lucy  H 7117 


Ebenezer, 5715 

Edwin, 5839 

Frederick  P., 5842 

Gertrude  E 5841 

Harriett  P., 5717 

Henderson  W., 5843 

Ida  a. 5838 

Jerry  a., 5844 

Kitty  A 5840 

Nathan  S., 5717 

Ruth  S., 5718 


Abigail ^ 1877 

Andrew,  3334 

Almira,  3336 

Ambrose,  3339,  3350 

Apollos 3342 

Archibald  D., 4900 

Arria  S., 6128 

Bertha, 6107 

Bethia  T., 4557 

Catharine  G 4563 

Catharine  B 4869 

Catharine  S 4805 




Catharine  F. 6121 

Charles  P. 4554 

Charles  S.,  6181 

Charles    W., 6105 

Cyrus  T., 3352 

David  L.  L., 6177 

Deborah,  1874 

Edward  B.,  4558  4S98 

Edward  S., 6109 

Edmund  D.,  6126 

Elida., 7046 

Elijah  H., 6106 

Hlisha 1872  3341 

Elizabeth  P., 4555 

Esther 3348 

Francis  J 3359 

Flora, 6123 

Frederick  A., 3331 

Frederick  S 6122 

Frederick  F., 7047 

Fred  D 4564 

George  S 4896 

George  P 6127 

George  F 6178 

Helen  F., 61041 

Helen  M., 6120 

Henry  W 3353  | 

Henry  K., 48931 

Henry  G., 6110  i 

Hezekiah 1674,  3357  I 

Hiram, 3349  I 

Horace, 3555  I 

Horace  A 3555 

John,  1870,  3330! 

John  L 3348 

John  W., 4559  j 

James  O., 6129  1 

Jhdediah 3347; 

Joseph   C, 70441 

Julia  A 3354 

Julia  P., 6180  | 

Julia  W., 7042; 

Laura, 33441 

Laura  C, 6111  > 

Lucia  C, 7<M3  ! 

Lucy  B 6118  , 

Lucy  C, 679,  7043  [ 

Mary 3333! 

Mary  D., 4562! 

Mary  E., 6108,  6132' 

Maria  C 4S90  ! 

Maria  W., 6125  | 

Margaret  K 4899 

Mkhitabel,  1S71  I 

Nancy 3343  j 

Prescendia 3351  , 

Rebecca,...  3332  I 


Robert  G., 3335 

RCBERT  W 4891 

Ruth 1H7S 

Ruth  P 3345 

Ruth  G. 6131 

Samuel, 1876,  3338,  2356,  4S92 

Sarah  B 4894 

Sarah  C, 6182 

Stephen  V.  D 7045 

Susan  L., 3358 

Thankful 1879 

Theodore  G., 4561 

Thekphilus  p., 4560 

Walticr  E. 6124 

William 1873  16130.  3346 

William  E 6119 

William  P 4556 

William  W., 4S97 


Danif.i.  1587 

Gideon 1588 


Anne  M.. 4724 

Electa  A., 4726 

Frank  P..  4725 

John   T 4727 

Hyde,  , 

Agnes  M., 2997 

Charles  P 3SS2 

Charles  K 6152 

Eunice 2199,  3883 

Esther  E., 3886 

Frances 3880 

George  C. 6149 

Henry  M., 6153 

Jeanie   P 59^5 

Joshua, 2196 

Katharine  C, 6156 

LucRETiA 2200 

Meiiitabel,  2198 

Mary 3877,  4838 

Marietta,  6157 

Melancton  W., 6155 

Nathaniel 2195 

Oliver  C, 2197 

Prudence, 3881 

Rhoda, 3878 

Roxana 3879 

Simeon  P., 6150 

Theodore  M., 5995 

Thomas  S 615 1 

Watson  B., 3885 

Welthea, 3884 

William  C 6154 


Elizabeth  S., 6133 

Margaret  P 6134 





Daniel  Iv.,... 



Eugenp:  B 

Frank  A.,  SzS\i 

Howard  K.,.......„.. 

Jessie  C, 

Mary  L., 



Helen  l, 









Abigail,  34,  584,  637,  1470, 

1550.  2853,  2891. 

Abner, 651, 

Abel, 645, 

Agur 647, 

Anna,  1447, 

Adoniram,   1502, 





Benjamin,  608, 



Charles  A., 

Caroline  F., 

Chapman,  576,  1456, 


David,    159,   578,   615,   644, 


Daniel, 150,  649, 



Edward  L 

Elnathan, 583,  2884, 




Elisha, 587, 

Ephraim, 148,  603. 

Ephratm  E., 

Eunice, 639,  1473, 




Elizabeth 571,  577,  607, 

1474,  1496,  1560,  2893. 

No.  No. 

I  Judson, 

2452  I        Esther 30,  1475,  2830,  2882 

2453  Esther  M., 2900 

2454  Gideon,  ,.  1510 

Grace, 28 

7095  Hannah,... 35,  153,  605,  643,  1450 
^094  2881,  2927. 

7096  j         Henry,    2926 

63531         {lENRY  P., 6233 

6352     ^  -'hollister,  i516 

Isaac 149,    606 

7067  Isaac  E., i495.  i795 

7068  James, 27,157,604,    641 

7069  John 142,  573.  144S 

Jonathan, 145,  590,  1509 

4013  Joseph, 29,  144,  156,  575,  1455 

4012  Joseph  R., 2892 

Joshua, 31,  143.  582,  1493 

1222  JERUSHA, 589 

1223  Keziah,  1481 

Lucy,  1477,  i575 

1514  Lewis 642 

Mabel 1478 

156S  Maria 2925 

1515  Martha 146,  586,  640,  1507 

1565  Mary, 151,  572,  574,  613,  1453 

1574  1472,  1482,  1499. 

2888  Mary  A., 2825 

1578  Matthew, 1513 

2829  Mehitabel,  1561,  1573 

2824  Nathan, 579 

652  Nathan  S 1480 

1577  Noah, 1500,  2885 

1471  Olive, 611 

2899  Patience 1467 

2856         Palmer, 2887 

2880  Philo 1512,2894,  2923 

1511  Peter, 588 

1476  Phebe, 33,  158,  645,  1449,  1494 

1469  Prudence,   1466 

Rhoda, 2922 

2855  Rebecca 155,  610,  1564 

1492  Ruth, 32,  648,  1494 

612  Ruth  A., 2895 

6232  Sabra, 1479 

2989  Sarah,  25, 154,  570,  602,  614,     638 

585  650,  1446,  1549,  1562,  2828. 

147  Samuel 580,  1576 

2928  j         Seth 1452,  2826 

1501  Simeon 1508 

1497  Solomon 1468,  1558 

2879  Susan  C, 6234 

1559  Susannah, 581,  1451,  1454 

2929  Sylvester, 2924 

614  Thaddeus, 1498,  2886 

2883  Thomas, 1551 

616  Timothy,  609,  2827 

Zephaniah,  1457 




Amos , 




Rachel  P., 


Sarab, , 



Abiah  a., 

Alexander  E., 


Alice  C, 


Delia  E., 

Elihu  L., 

Elizabeth  B...... 


Hamkton  n...... 

Henrv  M., 


Laura  A 

Lyman  E ■ 

Lucy  C 

Rebecca  M 




Kleazar, , 

Eliza, , 





Stephen  P... 

Julia  A., 

Mary  A. 

Samuel  W.,. 

Betty  S 

Charlotte  P.,... 

Catharine  B,,.., 

David  L., 


Ellen  L., 

George W, 

Helen  D 

Henry  C, 

Henry W 


Huwell  S 

Israel  H 

Julia  A 

Julia  E., 

Julia  H., 


Jo  J  J--  P  H 



49' 5 
336  r 


491 1 





4885  i 
6482  I 





Martha  P. 6487 

Su.sAN  H 4883,  6485 


Addison,  3937 

Clarence  A., 6969 

Diana, 5663 

Ebenezer,^ 5664 

Electa 3933 

Emeline 3938 

^'•  ^'^'^  B 3930 

KICK  W., 5686 

■  :^'.  ;-  -K   P 695S 

George  E ~ 6965 

Harlan  P., -  5684 

Helen  L., 6957 

Howard 6956 

Joseph  A., 5685 

Lewis  F -  6968 

Loi  3928 

L<'  5662 

Mak., 3934 

Maria,  5660 

Newton  E., 6970 

Oliver - 3929 

Oliver  A 6955 

O.  R 5660 

Persis,  3932 

Ralph  W., 6967 

RoxANA, 3935 

Ruth,  3936 

Sarah  C,» 6964 

Ward 3931 

Ward  M., 6965 


Hknry  C 6855,  7066 

Sarah  J., 6856 


Lewis,   2085 

Ruth .  25S4 


Margaret  E 6415 

William  C, 6414 


Cecelia  A., 6561 

Edgar   E. 6563 

Eva 5445 

John   P., 5446 

John  S 5444 

Mary  E 6562 

MaryP 5447 


Alexander  R., 71J2 

Caroline  F., 7109 

Louisa   F., 7110 

Nora 7111 




Alexander  E., 4173 

Clement  W., 4179 

LiDORiANA 4174 

Lucy  L., 4178 

Olivet., 4175 

Orra  p., 4176 

Silas  H., 4177 


Charles, 4526 

Elias, 4528 

William,   4527 


Ellen  S., 5818 

Grace  A.,  5819 

HOLLIS  F,, 5820 

Horace  W., 5817 


Almira  S., 4397 

Amelia  R., 5475 

Angeline 4399 

Alice 6017 

Benjamin 1215 

Caroline, 439^ 

Eunice 1213 

Electa 4394 

Edward  L 5474 

Ella,  '. toi8 

James, 1212 

James  T. 6014 

John  R., 4393 

Jkannette  T., 6013 

Lorenzo  P., 4391,  6016 

Minerva, 4390 

Reuben  P., 5476 

Sybil, 1216 

Theresa,   6015 

Thomas  G., 4395 

Thyrza 4392 

William,  1214 

William  H., 4398 


Edward,  6279 

Heber, 6282 

Horace, 6280 

Mary, 6281 


James  T., 49S1 

John  H., 4979 

Joshua 49^3 

Thomas  R., 4980 

Samuel  C 4982 

Willliam  S,, 4978 


Cornelia   P., 5439 

John   P., 544° 


Abigail, 630 

Anne,  2601 

David,  629 

Hannah, 2429 

James, 628 

John, 626 

Mary, 627 

Oliver, 1426 

Sarah,  2430 

Selah, 2428 

Seth, 2427 


Emma  W., 4402 

James  H., 4401 

Jane  P. 4400 

John  R., 2768 

Porter,  2770 

RoxANA,  2769 

Simeon 2771 


Abijah, 1329 

Amasa,  486,  516 

Anne, 120,  379,  484,  497,  1200 

1324,  1356. 

Abigail, 496,  503,  "97 

Abial,  520,  1320 

Abner,  519 

Apphia 1338 

Benjamin,  471,  1344 

Beriah,  509,  1353 

Belinda, 1354 

Charles 125,  515 

Christiana, 1189 

Chauncey,  1341 

Daniel,  1322 

Deborah, 474 

Dorothea,  1317 

Dorothy, 508 

Elijah,  495,  511,  1321,  1328,  1363 

Elizabelh,...378,  521,  1191,  1139 

1 195,  1319,  1339.  1358. 

Ebenezer, 1 190 

Ezra 470 

Esther, 489 

Emily,  2735 

Fitch 1347 

Francis, 2733 

Gershon, 116 

George, 477,  1316 

George  N., 2734 

Graves, 510,  1360 

Hannah, no,  485,  488,  502 

Hepzibah, 492,  1193 

Hezekiah, 374,  1194 

Ichabad, 118,  490,  1318 

Issaiah 1192 

Jabez, 114 




Jacob,  522,  1327  j 

JEKIJAH 127      523 

JERUSUA 473i    I3''i 

Joanna,  376 

Jonah 377  I 

Joshua, 112,    473 

JOSIAH 1188 

Joseph  P., 2736 

Joel 476,    513 

Justin, 1342 

Khziah,  1359 

Louisa 1340 

Lois 119,    493 

Lucy 494 

Luke 1364 

LucRivTiA 2732 

Luther, i355  i 

Lydia,     ..  1352! 

Mary, 109,  373,  472,  483,  1196  | 

Michael 1108  | 

Nathaniei., 124,  507,  1357  ; 

Noah 372,   1187 

Odiah 123,     504  I 

Oliver, 501,  1337,  1343  | 

OziAS 505! 

Rachel,  13661 

Ruth, 115,  128.    524  | 

Rehkcca, 121,  506,  1326 

Roger,  125.516,  1323 

Rkuuen 491,  1325  1 

Sarah, 113,  468,    514  I 

Silas,   512,  i}^^' 

Solomon, 375,  518  1 1  . . 

Sybil,  i,;  ■: 

Thomas iii,     409 

Timothy „ 117,    487 

Triphenia, 1346 

Tirzah, 2771 

Uriah, 122,    500 

Watson 1345 

Zerriah, .    475 


Clarinda 5964 

Clarinda   P 6679 

JARVIS 5;>i^ 

Lydia  M., 5962,  "s 

NEI^ON   P 5963,   0:>7.S 

Ogden, 5314 


Elizabeth, 5666 

CrUORCE  S. 5742,    5971 

Frkdkrick  D., 5743 

Frederick  L 6972 

Janet, 5667 

Marcus, 5665 


Edward  P., 4330 

John  M., 4329 

William  A. 433^ 


Abel, 2160 

AzEL 2161 

Alvan,  2162 

Alice, 564^ 

Cornelius, 2164 

Ezra, 2163 

Harriett  D., 6948 

Holly  P 5650 

Isabel  D., 6947 

John, 2159 

Joseph 559.    90^ 

Lucy  B 6949 

Mary, 5647 

Mary  A 0950 

Mehitabel 556,    S97 

.Moses, .....5646,  6946 

Richard, 558.  899,  5649 

Samuei 6951 

William,  560,    901 

ZiLi'AH 557,    898 

Mack  ALL, 

Caroline  L., 7201 

Leonard  C, 7200 


Mary  S., 7048 

Julia  P.,  .  7049 


Elihu, 1695 

Elisha, 1694 

Naomi,  1692 

Olive, 1693 


Elizabeth 2062 

Matthew, 2063 

Mehitabel,  2059 

Saml'ei 2060 

Susannah '. 2061 


Aaron, 3631 

Asaph ;...  3636 

Benning, 3635 

Cyrus 3637 

Ira,  3630 

Jared,   3629 

Joel,  3639 

John, 3629 

Lydia 3632 

Nathaniel,  3634 

Phebe 3638 

Sarah 3633 

Solomon, 3628 




Abigaii, 740 

Augustus, 3153 

Chester, 1791 

-     Charles  P 4642 

Christopher, ,..  1799 

Daniel,  752 

Eliphalet, 1789  7789 

Eunice, 1794 

Elizabeth,  1797,  3139 

Ethelinda,  3142 

Elvira   M 4638 

Hannah, 742,  1881 

Harriett, 1798 

Henry 1795 

Henry  M., 4641 

Joanna 3144 

John, 739 

Job,   1782 

Joseph,  1783,  3140 

LucRETiA,  1796 


Mary  h., 4839 

Martha, 741,  1793 

Margaret, 4640 

Mehitabel,  1780 

Moses, 750,  1779,  3141 

Parsons 1790 

Perez,  753 

Phebe,  1784 

Phebe  p., 3154 

Rebecca, 1785 

Sally,  3143 

Samuel 75^1  1786,  3:55 

Sarah,  17S8,  1792 

William, 1787 


Chester  K., 6311 

Frank   L., 6312 

Josephine, 6309 

Susan  M., 6310 


Abigail, 303,  1021 

Abraham   A., 4531 

Allvn, 1041,  2409,  2412 

Charles, 306,  1012,  2403 

CoTi'ON,  1005 

Cynthia, 2392 

Elisha,  1000 

Elijah, 1013,  2407 

Elihu,   1020 

Eleazer 3004 

Elizabeth 1018,  3002 

Ellsworth,  2416 

Eunice, 1003 

Erastus,  2389 

Grace,  2385 

George  C, 4532 


Hannah, 1022 

Increase, 1016,  2411 

John, 1017,  2391,  2406 

Increase  E., 4529 

Jemima,  2415 

Joseph, 305 

Jasper 1004 

IvUciNDA,  3000 

Lucinda  A., 4533 

Lucius, 3005 

Lucy,  2387,  2998 

Mary,  2410,  2999 

Martha,  998 

Naomi 3001 

Nathaniel, 304,  loii,  2418 

Oliver, 1015,  2414 

Return  S., 2408 

Robert  T., 2417 

Roland 2388 

Rhoda 2405 

vSamuel r7-...3oi,  999,  2386 

Sophia, .....2390,  2413 

Sybil, 3003 

Thomas, 2393 

Timothy 302,  1002,  1019 

William, looi 

Zeckariah 4530 


David  W.,  5520 

Henry  D., , 5518 

John  G., 5519 


Caroline, 4408 

Elizabeth, 4409 

James, 4411 

John, 4410 

Sarah  P., 4412 


Aaron 366,  1166 

Anne, 371,  1163,  1180,  2593 

Anna  H 2570 

Abigail 1145,  2558,  2562 

Augustus,  1150 

Bradley 2556 

Clarissa,  2563 

Daniel,  368,  1159 

Dorcas,  1171 

Drake, 1173 

Ebenezer, 369 

Edmond,  1158 

Edmond  F., 2591 

Elijah 1134 

Elihu 2541 

Eli 2538 

Elisha,  1141 

Elizabeth,  1176,  2585 

Elizabeth  T., 2572 



Mills,  ; 

Elizabeth  H., 2585 

Faith 1179 

Florilla, 2583 

Florilla  M., 3568 

Frederick 2539 

Gideon,  370,  1174 

Gideon  J., 2571  j 

Hannah, 1168,  2557  I 

Harriett 2589  j 

Isaac 1144.  1162 

JEDED1AH,...364,  1139,  1177,  2573  I 

JEDKDIAH  W., 2588  j 

jhrkmiah  f. 2582  i 

Jeremiah  R.,  2566] 

jercsha,  1161  i 

Jane 115& 

John, 367,  1152,  1170,  2565  j 

John  R., 2566,  2575 

Joanna 1136 

JuijA  A 2587  ! 

Lydia 1151,  2534  j 

LEWIS, 1153,  2560  I 

Lewis  A., 2595 

Lucius 2594 

Martha,  1132^  2537 

Mary, 1167 

Margaret 2561 

Moses 1164 

Miriam 1165  j 

Pelatiah 363  1133,  2534  I 

Peter, 365,  1146,  1154,  1169 

Peter  W., 2564' 

Philo 1142,  2559,  2590 

Reuben  B 2574 

Roger 2536  I 

RoswELL 11491 

Ruth 117S 

Samuel, 1135,  1143.  ii55.  2525' 

2569.  ' 

Samuel  J., 1175,  25841 

Sar.\h 1138,  1157,  2555  I 

Sarah  A.,  2586  I 

Stone ii47l 

Susannah, 1137,  2540  j 

Sylvester  H., 2592 

Triphenia, 1148 

Treat 1140 

Thomas, 1160J 

Theodosia, 1172 


Aaron 625,  1593 

Adiah,  1601 

Adoniram 1439,  2816 

Allen  S., 1611 

Anna, 1592,  1614 

David, 1528 

Elihu 1609 


Elisha 624 

Elizabeth,  1442, 1598,  1603,  2815 

Esther 2821 

Eunice 2S20 

Emma 1526 

James,  619,  1594 

Jehu, 623 

John,  622,  1597 

John  J. 1599 

John  R., 1608 

Justus , 618 

JuDsoN, 1604 

LoviSA, 1613 

Love,  2S22 

Mary, 621,   1502,  1602 

Mary  M 1605 

Matthew, 1530 

NoAU, 1440,  2819 

Phebe, 1444,  2818 

Rebecca 1443.  i595 

Reuben, 620 

Ruth  A., 1612 

Rhoda 1596 

Sarah 1527,  1529,  1600 

Sarah  L., 1606 

Salmon 1615 

Seth, 1441,  2S17 

Susannah 28 14 

Sylvia   P., 1607 

Solomon, 1531 

Timothy, 1445 

Urania  P., 1610 

Wait, 2823 


Daniel,  4632 

Edwin  D 5512 

Henry,   4633 

Harriett  M., 4^36 

John  G., 5515 

Mary, 4631 

Mary   D., 5513 

Martha  \., 5514 

Sabra  W 4637 

Sarah   G., 4629 

SoPHRONiA,   4630 

Stephen  S., 4635 

Susan,   4634 


Anna  E. 4364 

Anna  J., 4404 

Chloe,  2659 

PvSTher,  2656 

Frances  A., 4406 

Henry  P., 4407 

Orson, 2658 

Sarah  W., 4363 

Sophronia 4405 





Thomas, 2657 

William, 2660 


'/Nov+o^^     Emmas 7084 

^(^  r         Edith,  D., 7085 

•'''    '      MOSELY, 

John,  2921,  4452 

Mary  A., 4454 

Polly  M 4453 

Olive, 2918 

Truman...... 2920 

William, 2919 

William  G 4451 


Deborah  I., 4902 

Delia  E., 4903 

Edson  K., 4905 

Henry  H., 4901 

Minerva  C, 4904 


Caroline  Iv., 6662 

Edwin  L., 6660 

Harvey  L., 6661 

John  M 6663 


Jessie  C, 7098 


Elizabeth  M., 6235 

Jane, 6240 

John  C, 6237 

Lucy  C, 623S 

Samuel  G., 6236 

Thomas   P., 6239 


Anna,  ., 1485 

Damaris, 1532 

David, 2484,  1534,  1537 

Elizabeth, 4444 

Enos, 2831 

Hannah, 1535 

JEHIEL 1548 

Jerusha,   1547,  4443 

Jonathan,  1533 

Lee, 4446 

Mary 1489,  1539 

Martha,  1538 

Mather,  1638 

Patience, 14S3 

Phii^o 1490 

Rhoda, 1536 

Samuel, 1488 

Seth  p., 1546 

Simeon,  i486,  1540 

Susannah, 1487 

Timothy, 1491.  2832,  4445 


Abigail, .....^ 1104 

Abilene,  1105 

Cotton, 3057 

Ellen  m., 6652 

Emma  L., 6753 

Enos,   3056 

Erastus,  3058 

Hannah, 344,  iioo 

John, 343 

Lemuel, 3059 

Mary, 1102 

Martha,  1103,  3055 

Noah iioi 

Rebecca, 346 

Sarah 347,  3050 

Thomas, 345 


Abigail, 1257 

Benjamin, 1260 

Elizabeth, 1255 

Hannah, 1256 

Roger, 125S 

Sarah, ,  1259 

Thomas, 1261 


Alvah, 4153 

Amos, 4155 

Cromwell, 4152 

Emeline, 4158 

JosiAH,  4156 

Lucy  R., 4154 

Mary 4157 

Olive, 4151 

Rhoda, 4159 


Andrew,   1503,  1528 

Anna,  1505,  1520 

Anne  L., 6340 

Caleb, 1504,  1519 

Charles  I., 6341 

CoRiNNE  L., 6339 

Elisha, 1506,  1521 

Elizabeth, 1517 

Lydia  a., 6342 

Mary   L. 6343 

Sarah  G., 6338 


Charles  R 5535 

ITHAMAR  D., 5533 

William  S., 5534 


Caroline  C, 6545 

Edwin  N., 6546 

Hb;nry, 6547 

Sarah  M., 6544 



Ogden,  * 

AucE  E., 7197 

Charles  R. 7199 

Eli.a  R Jig-"* 


Catharine ~  4229 

'  "•  ■  '  '  s  H.,  4231 

• 4233 

-     \I 4230 

Jane 4232 

Marv  p. 4236 

Margaret, 2551 

Martha,  2553 

Mii.LS, 2552 




Sarah   M., 




Ai.r.iti:T  p.,.. 





.('•.sue  I-; 




V  L.,  ... 


!H   C, 

i-.-:'l.\    r 



Anna  1. 
Phq  ^:^-. 


Hannah 94,  174 

Hezekiah, 175 

Isaac,  171,  418 

Jerijah 419 

John 173 

Joseph 76,93,  416 

Jonathan,  417 

Mary 91,  415 

Moses  P., 3061 


Noah,  177 

Sarah 92,  172 

\Vm.  W., 


■'  •  ■      '  'XE 

NK    M., 


s  H 

■  ♦  .■ ' ' . 


.T  W. 7016  I 

ju:>.vo  P., 5915  I 

IvLOYD,    7019  ( 

''  7014  1 


a>  W 


1  TH    B., 

TH   S., 

1  TH  W., 

1.     W 


LS  H., 


Tl.'.kRir/rr  S., .. 

TT  W., 


.\  .    K  .Al  I 

>  w.,. 

ij  L... 

CAKUi^iNK  M.,.., 

Cma'u  lis 

TH  W., . 

r.i.i,:. i-.iHR,   

J  I 

6022  I 

6020 ' 

3062  j 

3063  I 

178  1  C, 

John  C 5000, 


Mary  H., 

Mary  S., 

Marion  L 

Nancy  P 


Richard  C, 4997. 




William  W., 



Anna 1090, 

























Isaac,  1097 

Job,  1462 

John,  1459,  2834 

John  W., 2852 

JosiAH,   1461,  2844 

Joanna,   1454,  2848 

JuDsoN,  1460,  2839 

James, 2846 

Joseph, 2850 

Levirus, 1095 

Lewis, 2849 

Mabei. 1098 

Mary 2833,  2841 

Nathan, 1093 

Phinehas, 2847 

Phebe,  1465 

Sarjvh 1092,  1458,  2837 

Shadrach 1090 

Thaddeus,  2S42 

W11.LIAM 2836 


Clarinda  H., 6491 

Dwight  L., 6495 

Huntington  K., 6492 

Philip  Y 6493 

Winston  K., 6494 


Aaron 7214,  7221 

Aaron  A., 7241 

Addie  C, 7257 

Addison,  7267 

Anna, 7218,  7252 

Asahel, 7222 

Asahel  H 7250 

Betsey,  7224 

Bernadotte, 7265 

Catharine, 7266 

Charles  R.,.. 7251 

Eliza  M 7240 

Ethel  M., 7270 

PZphraim,   7217 

Flora  J., 7253 

Henry  C, 7243 

Hervey  B., 7271 

James  H., 7250 

James  J., 7244 

John 7272 

John  O., 7255 

John  Q.  A., 7242 

Joshua, 7211 

Joshua  B., 7249 

Lester  W. 7274 

Lydia,  7215 

Luella,  7256,  7269 

Lee  L., 7273 

Mary, 723*^ 

Mary  A 7239 



Marianns, 7245 

Mariette, 7246 

Pamela, 7226 

Polly,  7223 

Porter,  7227 

Sarah 7212 

Sarah   R., 7248 

Solomon 7213,  7226 

Sophia, 7231 

Solomon  L 7247 

Thomas 7210 

Truman,  7229 

Samuel 7225 

William, 7228 

Wm.  H., 7254 

William  P.  P., 7238 

Zacchariah,  7216 


Abraham,  3098 

Elizabeth 3097 

Henry  P., 539^ 

Solon  A., 5399 

Susan  J., 5400 


Harold  C, 6909 

Laura  A., 6908 


Bertie  D 5836 

Clarence  C, 5834 

Emily  G., 5^35 

Helen  L., 5846 

Homer  E., 5^45 

Myrtie  L., 5837 


Edward  P., 5168 

Elizabeth  S., 3477 

Eunice  W 3472 

Frederick  S., 5170 

Henry  O., 3478 

James  A., 5162 

James  B. 3474.  5169 

James  C, 5165 

Joseph  D., 5167 

jennette  l.,  5160 

Mary  E., 5164 

Mary  J. 3476 

Mary  S. 5161 

RoswELL  L., ••••  5171 

Samuel  L., 5163 

Timothy  S., 3473 

WiLLL\M  W., 3475)  5166 


Caleb, 1926 

Caroline, 7205 

David, 1992,  1993 

Damaris, 1959 

Darwin  E., 7204 





Dorothy,   195S 

EuzABETH, 737,  7207 

Hannah 1961 

John, i960 

Lucy 7209 

Nathaniel,  1991,  1992 

Pamela  E., 7206 

Samuel, 720S 

Stephen, 1957 

Thankful, 1992,  1993 

Timothy 1962 


John,  of  Salem  from  Eng- 
land,   SEE  2552 


Betsey  g., 592S 

Clark, 5926 

George  W.,.. 5929 

Malthy, 5927 


Abigail  C, 4598 

Alice  C, 6247 

Anna 1069,  24  ">9 

Charles  C 6228 

DAvin, 1068,  2492 

■;       vRD  C 6245 

ia 1067,  2486 

j.i  1/  ABhrTH,  2487 

Ekastus 249s 

1-KANCIS    B 6229 

I'RirDERICK    B. 6230 

CjKORGE  W., 4593,  62:5 

liENRY    Z. 4-'*^ 

Henry  C 62^5 

James  H., 4597 

Jareu, 1071 

Joel,  io-2 

John  M., 4601 

John  C., 6231 

Joshua, 1070 

Julia  D., 45  ol 

Keziah,  2497 

LovicE 2490,  2494 

Lucy   B., 6127 

Lucy  C, ^599 

Lydia,   i"7 ; 

Mary, r4-> 

Mary  B., 45'j4 

Mary  T., 6240 

Peleg, 2..V- 

Ralph, 2;  .1 

RODOLPHUS, 24'j., 

Sarah,  1073 

Sarah  E 46001 

Susan   C 4595  1 

Thomas  B 6224 



William  H., 6226 

William  T., 6244 


Emma 596 

Esther 599 

Elizabeth, 592 

Hannah, 595 

Jkhiei 600 

"Ma>  tha,  593 

-M  AiY 598 

Ruth, 601 

Samuel 591 

Sarah,  594 

Seth,    597 


Joanna,  162 

Peter, 160 

Samuel 161 


George  B., 625S 

Georgianna  L., 6260 

Charles  N., 6261 

Elizabeth  M., 6259 


Laura  P 38S6 

Susannah  P 3857 


Helen  F., 7^29 

Joseph  H 702S 


Eleanor  P. 5884 

Geok(,e, 5882 

James 5883 

John  S 58i>i 

Lucy  C 5885 

Mary  D., 5886 

Susan  A., 5837 


I\NE 3204 


.Samuel  H., 3203 

S;  itima, 

Semxa,   3206 

William, 3205 


Archibald  A 4423 

Ellen  C. 4422 

Kliza  p., 4420 

r.uDuRA  p., 4418 

I'RANCIS   M., 4419 

JERUSHA    F., 4417 

LOULSA  S., 4421 


Archibald,  6540 

Augustus 6541 

Elizabeth, 6542 

Fordyce  S., 5038 




Julius, 5033 

Lucy, 5037 

Margaret, 6539 

Minerva  P 5035 

Samuei.  p., 5034 

Sarah  F., 5036 

WiLWAM  P., 6543 


Aurora 4386 

Chloe,  4388 

Electa,  2766,  4387 

Theodore, 4389 

Theodora,  2766 


John, 1636 

Lucy  M 5644 

Mary  A., 5641 

Mary  E., 6943 

Milton  H., 5643,  6945 

Samuel, 1037.5639.  5642 

Samuel  B.,  6944 

Sally  H 5640 

Sarah  L., 5645 


Arthur  P., 6899 

Charles 6900 

Cornelia  G., 6902 

David  P., 3S65 

Hiram, 6863 

Julia  O., 6901 

Jane  P 6903 

Naomi  S. 2600 

Parthenia, 3864 


Charees, 2394 

Mary, 2395 

Miriam, 2396 


Amy  P 6411 

Elizabeth  M., 6409 

Emily  P., 6412 

Joseph  W., 6413 

Mary  W 6410 


Eunice  H., 4078 

Nathan  H., 2290,  4079 


Anne,  404 

Daniel,  406 

Lydia 405 

Mary, 401 

Martha,  402 

Mehitabel,  407 

Moses,  403 

Reuben, 408 


Charles  K., 6920 

John  H., 6921 

Mary  L,., 6919 


Abigail, 2042 

Andrew, 4441 

Caleb, 2041 

Curtis, 2446 

Charlotte  A., 4165 

Esther 2904 

Eliza  M. 4162 

Eleanor  P., 4163 

Hannah,  2443 

Jeannette  F., 4164 

Jerusha, 2901 

Joel 2445 

Jonathan,   2037 

Joseph 2902 

Joseph  W., 6042 

Lucy,  2444,  4161 

Mabel 2906 

Mary, 2907 

Olivia  A., 4160 

Patience, 2039 

Rosetta,  4439 

Ruth  E., 2903 

Sarah,  2038 

Sarah  A 2905 

Sally, 4442 

Susan  A., 4166 

Susan  C, 6045 

Thomas, 4040 

Thomas  V 6044 

Welthea  a. 6043 


Helen  L., 5909 

James  W", 5908 

Sophia  R 5906 

Susan  V., 59°? 


Alexander, 6930 

Charles  F., 6934 

George  R., 6932 

Fanny, 6931 

Malcolm  D 6933 

Marcie  H. 6929 


\  Aaron, 3543 

Calvin, 5177 

Ellen,  5179 

Linus 3544 

Luther 3542,  5176 

Martin, 3545 

Orrin, 5178 


Ellen,  6952 




St.  John, 

Abby  a 5918 

EM11.Y, 5916 

Harvey,  4256 

John  L., 4255 

LomsiANNA 4^57 

Marietta,  5917 

Sylvanus 4253 

Sylvestkr 4254 


AUMIRA,  4569 

Arthur  R., 6146 

David  L., 6148 

Ezra, 4566 

Elizabeth, 4567 

Henry  B., 6144 

Henry  L., 6139 

Henry  R. 4570 

Julia  C, 6141 

Laura  A., 6145 

Louisa 6142 

Mary  G., ~ 6143 

Percy  L., -  6147 

Roxana, 4565 

Samii-i,   L. -  4568 

Sami;ui.  W -  6142 


Elijah  P.,..  5436 

Elizabeth, 5437 

Ira 5435 

Mary  S 51-^ 


Addie  B., 

Archie  W., »  7034 

Cr.ARA  F 7031 

Elizabeth  H 7030 

Grace  M.. 7033 


Charles 2795 

rX)THA  C. 5537 

Edward  P., 2796 

Erastus ^ 5536 

John, 2799 

Mary  E., 2797 

vSamuel 2798 

Walter  IL, 5538 


Albert  H 4809 

Albi.kta, 6429 

Alakxander,  4813 

Andrew  H., 6435 

Caroline 4S14 

Charles  P. 6308 

Charlotte 6434 

Charlotte  W., 4812 

Edward  T., „ 4810 

Emeline  a., 6306 

Francis  P., 6304 


Fbank  S., 7082 

Grace  P 1 7081 

JESSIE  K., 7083 

Mary  F., 4811 

Mary  S., 7432 

Martha  B., 6431 

Percy  K., 6307 

Sarah  A., 6433 

Sarah  P 6428 

Stella  F., 6305 

William  S., 6430 


Aaron 1557 

Anna  C., 6040 

Elizabeth 1553 

Elizabeth  M., 6037 

Joanna 1036 

Joseph  R 6038 

Julia,™ 6039 

LiCY,   1555 

Matthew, 1552 

Rebecca, 6041 

RiTfH  P., 1035 

SoLOMOM 1556 

Susannah 1554 


Addison  P  5106 

Alena, 6591 

Amanda 5097 

Arui.i.iA 5099 

^E, 5096 

KS    A., 6589 

DUK.ilT    P 5104 

Emma  J., 6582 

Ella  J., - 6586 

Eva  M., 6585 

Frank  E., 6587 

George  W 5103 

Ida,  6590 

Jane  C 6584 

Mary  E., 5105,  6591,  6592 

Pamela 5598 

Porter  A., 6583 

Porter   D 5100 

William 658^^ 

William  H 5102 


Charles  A., 6405 

Everett 6408 

George  C, 6407 

JoHH  E. 6403 

Martha  A., 6406 

Sophia  I., 6404 


Anna 950 

AsHBEL,  951 

EzEKiEL,  949 




Noah,  948 

Thomas 947 


Abby  a., .' 6750 

Abby  p., 4820 

Althea  L., 6751 

Anne  G., 5415 

Caroline  A., 286S 

Catharine  C, 4467 

Clarissa,   4821 

Charles  H., 5416 

Daniel,  2866 

David,  2948 

David  P., 4993 

Elizur  G., 4468 

Elizabeth  M., 4169 

Henry  L., 6749 

James  E., • 6738 

John  P., 4S1S 

Joseph, 2304 

Lucy,   4822 

Lucy  C 4603 

Lyman, 2305 

Marcus  W., 4995 

Margaret  L., ■.•■  4602 

Mary  H., 4605 

Nathan  R., 2869 

Nathaniel, 2867,  2869 

Phinehas, 2865 

Porter,  2306 

Samuel  D., 4^22.] 

Samuel  M. 4994 

Sarah  H 4819 

Simeon  P 447° 

Susan 4604 

Truman, 2864 


Albert,  5388 

Elisha  P 6775 

Emily  P., 6776 

Henry  A.,  53S9 

Henry  E., 6777 

Henry  P., 7184 

John  A., 6779 

Lottie  M., 7183 

Mary  F 6778 


Elizabeth  S.,  6[35 


Charles, 3191 

Charles  E., 5546 

Gardner,  3188 

George 5547 

Lewis, 319° 

Lottie  M., 555^^ 

-     Maria,  5548 

Margarets., 3^87 


MiLO,    5549 

Samuel, 3189 


Abigail, 1391 

Caleb, 1393 

Clarissa 1395 

Elizabeth, 1396 

George, 1392 

Mary 1394 


Charles  O., 6552 

George  O., 6553 

Hamlin, 6548 

Mary  E., 6549 

Susan  F., 6550 

William  H. 6551 


Chester  B., 7077 

Gertrude  M., 7076 

Lucy  E., 7^75 

Millard  F 7078 


'  DwiGHT  D., 5706 

Edward  P., 5707 

Emily  D., 7002 


John 5432 

Lawrence  P., 5434 

Mary  P., 5433 


Charles  B., 5940 

Flora  J., 5937 

Lucy  E 5933 

Sarah,  7232 

Harry 7233 

Hiram   F., 7234 

Mary  A., 7235 

William  H., 7236 

Maria  S., 594i 

Mary  E., 5939 

Mary  A., 7237 


Aaron,  770,  1880,  3332 

Aaron  B., 4848 

Abigail, 1886,  3371,  3372 

Abigail  S., 4923 

Albert,  4846 

Andrew, 1837,  1883,  3384 

Anne,  1859 

AuRiNDA 3307 

ASHBEL,    -.    1861 

Charles  E., 34oi 

Chester,  1899,  3326 

Clarissa 33°^ 

Clarissa  A., 4868 

Charles  P., 3399 

Cornelia  P., 4924 




Daniel,  1857, 

David, 1863,  3329, 


1  r 1885, 

L...  w.,.A, 764,  1858,  1888, 


E1.ISHA 765, 


Ellen  S 



Ezra  B., 


Hannah 1852,3308, 

Frank  S., 

George, 3320, 

George  H., 

George  W., 4927, 

George  B., 


Harriett  C 3399. 

Henry  L., 

Hknby  O 

Henry  T 6718, 


Horace  C, - 


Hiram   K. 

Isaac  B 

James, 758, 

jAMiis  H - 3368, 

'     n  s  P 

'  \    'iN 

)  ■   Ml  THAN, 


';        >>HA 

i 1862. 

^ 769.    1893,4849, 


_      I.IA   A., 

Jl'LIA  E 


Joseph  McC, 


L\URA 3367,  3386, 

LOVINIA,     » 




Lucy  G 

Lydia  M.. 





Martha  L 

I  Steele, 

4867!         Mary 1856,  1892,  3328,  31S', 

4S64  j         Mary  A., 

3385  I         Mary  M., 

3391  Mary  J. <  ,  -. 

3393^         Mary  B 7«73 

33131         Mehitabel 767 

1857!         Mehitabel  P., 1-69 

1867  '  MiLICENT 3321 

1S9O  MiNEKVA 3317 

439S  Norton 4879 

^'^s-  Olivkr  W., 3365 

;^:n  Pkri-z 1855,  3305,  4S47 

;     ;  Rachel, 1895 

-  ;-^  ,  Rai.J'H 3315 

Roc.i  R  W 1868 

RoswKLL,   3377 

RoXA  C,  3324 

RrsSELL, 48^5 

RlTH, 762,  1854,  1894,  JS98 

Rlth  p., ...  3316 

Sarah 766,  1864,  1891,  3327 

Sarah  A 3392,  4936,  6723 

Samiel, l86fj,   1884 

Sam t  EL  T 3369 

Samuel  A., 3390 

Sarah  G., 4933 

Seth  D 3^23 

Solomon, 1887,  337S 

Sanford 3319,  3380 

Salmon, 3322 

Soi'MiA, 3366,  3394 


"^'  T",    3323 

^    SAN    P 3400 

763.  J853,  33c»9 

n 3395 

-1.  5389.  4930 

\\;i.M\M  H 4880 

WilMVM    K., 4930 

''^;"  -<-■ «882,  3375 

AADOLK  D., 49'9 


Charles  J 5277  p.,  6207 

Clarissa, 6208 

Edmund  C, 6205 

I-'RANK  P., 5278 

George  H., 5279 

4-:^  Jl'LIA  D., 6206 

1-/7  ThomAs  L., 52.*io 

338«  i  Stoddard 

4934  Aaron 830,  2113 

1S65  i        Abigail, 2102,  3758 

i.''66|        Abigail  P., 3904 

3318  Alanson. 3755 

4S77I        Albert  G 3749 

4931  I        Albin 3769 


3397  ; 


4922  I 


331 1 






49  IS 






Alice  M., 4968 

Anna,  2098,  3751 

Amthea, 2106,  3743,  3752 

Asa  B., 3748 

Catharine, 2872,  3765 

Chester 3753 

Cynthia, 3747 

David,  843,  2088,  2099,  21 14,  3739 

David  C, 3772 

Elizabeth  J 2S78 

Emily  B., 3419 

Eliza, 2763 

Eliza  A., 3770 

Emmons, 373^ 

Emos 2105,  3754 

Eunice, 2874 

Gideon, 2108 

Georges., 3421 

Hannah, 837,  2086 

Harmon,  2115 

Helen  M 3767 

Ida,  2117 

Ira 2118 

ISA 2119 

Isaac 2103 

IKEN, 2120 

Irena, 2090,  2122,  3741 

Iva, 2121 

John 839,  2094,  2116 

Jesse, 29S9 

Jasper, 2107 

Joshua  C, 2877 

Judson  B., 2876 

JERUSHA, 838,    2087 

LavalETTE 3759 

Levi, 2093 

Lydia 2097,  3757 

Lois,  2109 

Lucy 4148 

Lucy  C, 3418,  3742 

Lucy  F., 4967 

LoviNA 3740 

LuciEN  B 3766 

Luther 2208 

Louisa  W 4969 

Lyman,    3773 

Moses, 841,  2104,  3746,  3756 

Mariana,  .~v 5762 

Mary, 2101 

Mary  R., 34i5 

Mary  A., 3/60 

Mary  C, 3774 

Mary  F. 497° 

Murat, 3764 

Nathan,  2873 

Neri, 2110 

Obed, 842,  2iri 


Olive, 2112 

Orange  N. 3417,  375o 

Rhoda, 2091 

Rachel, 2092 

Ruth 2095 

Rupert, ; 2870 

Rodman,  2871 

ROLLIN,  3744 

Sarah 2096 

Sarah  S., 342o 

Salome  J., 377i 

Seth  W., 3416 

Sheldon 3737 

Sybil,  2100 

Thalia,  2123 

Truman, 3761 

Virgil 3745 

William  J., 2875 

William  H., 3768 


Christiana, 1927 

Mary, 1926 

Solomon 1925 

Timothy, 1924 


Aaron, S90 

Abigail 893 

Augustus 852 

Benjamin 895 

Cordial 850 

Cornelius, 879 

Constant, 884,  2143,  2153 

Dan, 2154 

Elijah 883 

Eleazer, 889 

Experience,  887,  2157 

Eunice, 891 

Fidelia, 2149 

George 2158 

Hannah, 885 

Huckins, 886 

Jesse,  2145 

John   P., 888 

Joseph,  849,    892 

LuciNDA,  2156 

Luther, 2152 

Martha 880,  2147 

Mehitabel,  881 

Mercy, 894 

Nathaniel,   882,  2144 

Ruth,  2146 

Royal,  853 

Samuel, 896 

Sarah,  2148 

Seth, 2155 

William 851,  2150 

ZiBA,  215T 




Strong,  | 

Addison  K., 5390,  67861 

Anna,  67S3  j 

Annik  C, 6102  j 

Charlotte  M., 6-c>ii 

Eben  R., ;'(■:•• 

Edward  D., 67^(l 

Edward   K., 67«i  \ 

Edmund  R., 5391  ] 

Elnathan 29.S0 ; 

E1.NAT11AN  E., 4.S19' 

TvRA.STUS 2tySl 

(.II.ICS  P. \2-u 

C.fkNEY    S., 67SS 

Harriett  E., 4^. 

Henry  B., 6.,, 

jeri'sha  a., „ 4.^',. 

Jane  C 4>i> 

John  F., G-s^ 

Louisa, 67s: 

Margaret  B., 61-1 

Mary  A., 4262 

Mary  E., 67N. 

-Martha  J., „  61'  ; 

^v>'M{     M. 4.'^S 

II  E 67^1 

■  i>ore  B., c^V,2 

Thomas   P., „  6:^7 

William  C VS17 

William  E., '  1)3 


Harriett  E., S671 

H.  W 5670! 

O.    W., 5656 

Mary  A., »  566.S 


Cara   I., 6326 

Charles  P ^>27 

}':>'i:r.iNL  J., 6324  , 

Hknry   W., 7o-S<> 

JamivS   C, 61,2s 

lX)l'ISA     p., M-'^i 

Mary   A., 

Ellen  P., 

Gr-.ORGE ( 


AraD,    ;;2.^9 

CHIvSTER 22^6 

Charles  T., 4076 

Erastus, 2295  ' 

Esther, 22,) 

Eunice 2:7. 

Gkorge  H., 4<'74  I 

Harriett,   4<>S2  : 

HAR\  EY ?-■':-> 

John  H., ; 

Joseph 22S8, 



Jr.s)CPH   A 4070 

Jane 40S1 

Juliana, 4076 

IvYMAN, 2293 

Mercy  R., 4072 

Nathaniel  P., 4071 

Susan 4080 

William, 2291 


Anne  J 5904 

I'.j;njamin  p., 4217 

(.  HAkLES  P., 5959 

Charlotte 5951 

George  W., ^y<o 

Helen  J 5962 

Increase  N., 4275 

Lucy  VV., 4273,  5952 

Lydia  H., 4274 

Mary  P 5961 

dCTAVIA 4270 

Ralph  R. 5301 

vSiCRATES 5299 

^^\Ml'EL 5953 

Si  SAN  W 5960 

Thoma.s  B., 427a 


Ikkderick, 7101 

1  i.<'RA,  7182 


Charles  A 3849 

Edward  P. 3852 

Hi:NkY  M 3S50 

Mary  E.,  3851 


^    •'^"    i59*> 


n 1589 

Edward  S., 5281 

William  P., 5282 


Amy 1595 

Charles, 1586 

Hannah 15.S3 

'■•'^s 15S1 

.  V 1580 

•  ■.      KCCA 15S4 

^A.MUEL,  15S2 

William  A. 1579 


At'gustus  p., 5618 

I-.Ll/ABETH  J 5619,  5620 

Li;yinia  p., 5621 


Addison  L 5680 

Anne  W., 5910 

Tr  AKA    r,.,  5914 



Fredeick  K 6996 

George  D., 5911 

HEI.EN  L., 5913 

Harlan  P., 5683 

Lois  A 5661 

Mary  R., 6995 

Simon  K 5682 

Theodore  H 6994 

William  W., 5912 


ASAHEL,  5394 



Eugene  D., 7186 

Gilbert  M., 6248 

Henry  R, 7185 

Willis  G 6249 


Benjamin 2273 

Benjamin   F., 4034 

Charles  H., 4045 

Deborah, 2266 

David, 2269,  4021 

Emeline  R., 4030 

Erdix  T., 4047 

Frances  D., 4037 

George, 4024 

George  W 4042 

Henry  L., 4038 

Horatio  B., 4046 

Joshua, 2272 

Jannette 4026 

Julia  A., 4028 

LaPrelate 4043 

Louisa, 4022,  4031 

Luther, 2274 

Lydia  L., 4032 

Maria  A., 4023 

Martha  M 4036 

Mary  J. 4033,  4040 

Nancy, 2267 

Newton  L., 4044 

Orlando  E 4029 

Phebe  p., 4039 

Phebe  L. 4027,  4031 

Phillip, 2270 

Rhoda, 2268 

Rhoda  a. 4025 

Sarah  G. 4035 

Thomas  P. 2271 


Austin  S 4870 

Benjamin  F., 5712 

Calista, 4853 

Catharine  H., 5713 

Charles  E, 6469 

Charles  O., 6460 


Clarence  H. 6470 

Charlotte 5711 

Edgar, 4859 

Eunice  L., 4873 

Ellen 6454 

George  W., 4871 

Gaylord  p., 5709 

Henry,   5858 

Henry  L., 6459 

Harriett  S.,. 4872 

Harriett  F., 7004 

Helen  C, 4874 

Ida   M., 6471 

John  S. 4869 

Lauren  A., 4852 

Lauren  H., 6456 

Lauren  E., 6468 

LoLY  A., 4856 

Lucius,  4861 

Margaret  L., 6457 

Mary  S.,  5714 

Mary  A 6455 

Mary  L., 6472 

Matthew  W.,  7007 

Millie  M., 7005 

Minerva 4857 

Nellie  F., 7003 

Ogden, 4860 

Pamela  P 5710 

Percy  S., 4854 

Perry  E., 5708 

Sarah  B., 6474 

William  A., 4855 

William  B., 6473 

William  E., 6458 

Zerviah  K., 7006 

Van  Dyke, 

Anne  P 5988 

Cornelius  H., 5989 


Hannah,  168 

Samuel, 170 

Sarah,  169 


Henry  H., 6628 

Lovina  F 6629 

Jane  F., 6630 

Mary  A 6627 

Selinda  C, 6631 


Charles  W., 6296 

Edith  F., 6295 

Henry  C, 6866 

Henry  H. 6293 

Mary  E 6924 

Mary  P., 6865 

Matilda  C, 7190 





Sarah,  5723 

Sarah  F 5733 

Elizabeth  T., 5724 

Samuel  A., 5725 

Royal  P 3963.  5726,  5729 

Charles   E., 5728 

Charlotte  P 5727 

Henry  W., 5730 

HoRAiTio 3964 

.  George  W., 5731 

James  H. 5732 

Mary, 5734 


George  A -  6368 

Henry  S., 4425 

Henrietta 4504 

JAM'  <     '         6370 

M  ^  4508 

Sa  ^  6369 

Sally  G., 4505 

Sidney  D., 4506 

Warren  L 725 

William   P., 4424 

William   F., 4507 


LeRoy, 6602 

William  A., 6603 


Aaron, > 2631 

Abigail 2629 

Anna 2633 

Hannah, 2627 

Joel 2628 

Laura,  ,♦ 2632 

IvOviNA, 2630 

Polly «  2626 


Clara  B 5898 

Evelina  P.,„ 5897 


Elizabeth  N 6598 

Francis  P., 6506 

Helen  L 6507 


Abigail, 2332 

AsHER 2335 

Catharine 2337 

Caroline  C., 6221 ' 

Ella  a 4143 

Elijah  D., 6218 

Esther  C 2333 

FRANcii^s  C, 2340 

George, 2339,  4141 

George  P., 6216 

Henry  C, 6217 

Joseph 2338 

Lucy  E 6220 


Mary, 4139 

Mary  A 6222 

Nancy 2331 

Ne%\ton, 4142 

Samuel,  4'4o 

vSamuel  P 2334 

Susan  E., 6214 

William  C, 2336 


Charlotte  W. 6441 

Edward  M., 6436 

Eugene  A., 6437 

Felix 6440 

Locke 6438 

Mary  S., 6439, 

Anne,  656 

Dolly,    1646 

Esthlr, 653 

Hannah, 163,     659 

Hakkiett 2989 

James  A., 1645,  2990 

Jerusha, 2988 

John 657,  1654 

John  J 1644 

Jonathan 658 

Rebecca,  ^, 167,    660 

Roth 165,    655 

Samuel,- 164,  654,  1643,  ^991 

Sarah 166 

Sarah   G 1674 

Sophia, 2987 

Wkli.ingt<jn,        \^ 


I.Al'RBN 4955 


Charles  S 5811 

EnwARD  R 4743  L 4737 

Elizabeth  T 6905 

Emma  A. 5810 

Frank  S., 6906 

Frances  C, 4741 

Gk<'Ki;e  H., 4745 

GKt'R«;E   p., 5809 

Harriett  C, 5808 

John    B., 4738 

Lewis  H 4742 

Lucia  T 4759 

Marion  W,, 6907 

Mary   C, 4740 

Mary  E., 5013,  5813 

NEI.SON 5812 

Rebkkah 4746 

Sarah   H., 4744 

Townsend 6904 




Abigaii,, 1639 

Abigaii,  p., 5063 

Adotia,  3947 

Al^FRED, 4514 

Allen,  5051 

Anne  L., 2667 

Anna,  2978 

Bethene,   3133 

Clarissa,  2670 

Charles  F., 5697 

Charles  T., 6200 

Cornelia 4514 

David, 1638,  2977,  3491,  5068 

Daniel 7641,  3138 

Esther — 1640,  3487 

Elizabeth,  2668,  5213 

Ebenezer, 5064 

Ebenezer  B., 2982 

Enoch 3490 

Emily, 3948 

Evelyn 4511 

Ekskine  N. 6199 

Emma  H., 6201 

Fanny  H., 4513 

Frederick  T., 7008 

George  C, 2676 

Grace  G 3136 

Grace  S 6204 

Harriett, 4509,  5211 

Henry  S 5067 

Helen  C 6203 

IcHABAD,  5695 

JABEZ   L. I3I5,    2671 

James  W. ^ 2979 

James  P., 5069 

James  A., 5699 

Joel  W., 2673 

Jonathan  P., 3945 

John  W., 5070 

Judith 3132 

Julia  C 6202 

Lydia,  3489 

Leonard, 394ii  5694 

Laura,  3946 

Marcia, 3939 

Maria,  4510 

Mary, 3942 

Mary  S 6178 

Norman  B., 5698 

Oliver  H., 5212 

Pamelia, 3135 

Polly,  3492 

Ruth, 1642 

Royal  S., 2674 

Rachel 3944 

Samuel, 394o,  5693 

Samuel  P., 5696 


Sarah,  2669 

Sarah   G., 3134 

Sarah  J., 5066 

Sally,  2976 

Sylvia,  3137 

Sophronia,   2672 

Theodosia, 4512 

Thomas  J., 2675 

Walter,  3943 

William  P., 3488,  5052 

Zenas,  3131 


Charles  C 6062 

Charles  A., 6065 

David  C, 2898 

Elizabeth  , 6063 

Emily  C, 6066 

Fanny  P., , 4438 

Frances  P., .\ 2897 

Frances  C. j 4438 

Frederick, 2896,  4437 

Frederick  A., 4429 

Henry  M., 6064 

John  E...... 443^ 

Mary  M., 4430 

Martha  P. 4435 

Samuel  G.,.. 6061 

Theodore  H., 4431 

Thurlow,  4432 

William  S., 4434 


Abraham  J., 2961,  4483,  4492 

Abel,  2971 

Anna,  2975 

Alonzo  a 4473 

Alonzo  E., 6096 

Amelia, 449^ 

Amelia  A., 447^ 

Chloe  H., 4474 

Chester  C, 4484 

Charles  P., 4500 

Charles  F,, 6095 

Caroline 6098 

Clark,  6076 

Ezra, .....2968,  4482 

Eli,  2969 

Ethiel, 2970 

Eloise  T., 4475 

Emily, 4489 

Emily  J., 6093 

Emeline, 4495 

Edgar  M. 6078 

Edwin   E 6084 

Elizabeth  L., 6088 

Eunice  J., 4407 

Eunice  O 4497 

Frederick  A., 45oi>  6097 




P'rances  M,,. 

T'-  ^  VCIS, 


•    1  vr    T. 

i  1-  M 


Helen  A 

Herman  E., 

James  I.., 2966, 

lAM)  s  W 

JA-K     A 

'     •      SHA, 

,  .fH    B. 


Lucy  M., 

Martin  V 


T>'IlM»ROS  H 

Si. LSD'S,  


Oliver  VV 

"  '  >R  F 

R  N 

i-Y  A.,  

.  n     I 

I    HE  J., 


Vhh.ena ~ 

..LES    N 

II  A 2964,4479, 


'  nORE  B., 

I.IAM    B 







•1  ;"•■-■' 

4---    > 

4  1^7 

6.  /-  s 


;   \H,   ... 

Zehah  p. 

Kmma,   .... 

Mary   L... 

Cynthia,  . 

Emma,   .... 

Flora,  .... 



STA  P., 

N-     M 

i-RLI>ERICK   A.,. 

Frederick  B... 


John  P., 

""'      THA  V. 


ARET    E... 
.;    P. 

6.  .79 


6'-  = 



4-  .;, 







Wallace  B 6868 

William  F., 5599 


Alice  A„ 5679 

.\LicE  M., 59S1 

.\NNA  I., 69S3 

Arthur  M., 697S 

Caro  C 69S4 

Clara  E.> 6977 

Calvin 6986 

Daniel  P., 6975 

Fdwin  M., 567S 

Flizaueth  L., 6979 

Emma 6982 

Edward  V 6991 

Frances  E f>')^j 

JO.'^EPH,  5677 

I>-ipu    A., 6985 

li.  >1E  K 6990 

JULIA   C 6992 

lATHKR 6987 

MaKY   S f-r'. 

Maky    B., ' 

Margaret, (>v,.v. 

William  \V 5676,  6976 


C  HARLK.*^    A., 6575 

Cl.ARK    R.,  6076 

!)\-ir.iiT  H 6576 

'■   '>:>wiN,   6573 

1.1  ANIiER, 6572 

I.'V.U.L,    6574 

Pjiii.hna,  6075 

Vl-„STA 6077 


Clarenci:, 4383.  6004 

FlAVARI), 4382,    6009 

i'    MMA 6>.X^/) 

Hi    NRY,    43S1 

L\l  RA  B 6007 

Norman  P., 6005 

Rose 6rx>8 


AniCAiL,  1907.  3437 

.\i;nY  G., 3267 

,\NNE,  1903 

.•\LICE    1) 6318 

ClIRI.STIANA 776,    I918 

^li  w.  1  t:s 3169,  3435,  4692 

Cii\;i].i-s  A 5974 

Charlotte, 4686 

Chester   R 46S4 

Klii'HalET, 771,  3422,  4977 

Fm.azer 1828,  3264 

HnwARD,    1904,  3334 

IliAVARn  S 3468 

liLENEZER,  3163.   3265 




Elisha, 1830 

EusHA  S 1902 

Eleanor  O 4690 

Eunice,  779 

Eunice  L., 5977 

Elizabeth, 1832,  3441,  4683 

Esther, 1914,  3463 

EzEKiEL,  772,  I9ii,.3444 

Emily, 190S,  3158 

Faith,   1920 

Fannie  L., 1906 

Frances, 3436,  4687 

Francis  H., 3428,  3466,  4976 

George  B., 5976 

Grosevenor  E 3268 

Hannah, 1827,  3433 

Hannah  H., 3443 

Harriette, i.1831,  1910,  4693 

Hariett  p., 5004 

Henry  D., 3157 

Henry  H, 5215 

Henry  E., 5975 

Henry  M., 6321 

Horace, 3161 

James, 3425 

John, 1801 

John  M., 1909 

John  H.,...3i6o,  3165,  3426,  4974 

John  W., 3442,  3460 

Jp:rusha, 1825 

jerusha  p., 3266 

Julia  R., 4975,  5218 

JosiAH   D., 3469 

Kate,  6302 

Lawrence, 6322 

Lewis, 3167,  4664 

Lewis  A., 6319 

Louisa  W., 5216 

Lucinda,  4689 

lucretia  m., 6316 

lucretia  g.,  4689 

Lucy,   6303 

Lucy  T., 4682 

Mabel 7S26 

Marcus  F., 5217 

Mark, 5214 

Mark  L.,  .'. 6301 

Martha 1803 

Mary,  774,  1905,  1913,  3159,  3424 

Mary   F., 3471 

Mary  P., 1648,  1923 

Mary  E., 4683 

Mary  H., 4971,  4973 

Mary  F., 5005 

Mary  L., 6317 

Margaret  S 4691 


Moses, 777 

Nancy, 3431 

Nancy  B., 3440 

Nehemiah, 1802  1829  3165 

Penelope Soo,  1824 

Prudence, 1912 

Percy,  3168 

Percy  K 4685 

Peggy, 3162 

Richard  S., 3461 

Richard  S.  W., 3464 

Samuel 778 

Samuel  P., 1917 

Samuel  H., 3166,  3827 

Samuel  C. 3439 

Samuel  T., 3467 

Samuel  P. 3462 

Sara, 1823 

Sara  P., 3171,  3429,  343° 

Sara  F 6320 

Solomon  W.,  1647,  1901,  1915 

1919,  1922,  3423. 

Sophia,   3432 

Stephen  K 3164 

Stephen  H 4972 

Richard  S., 5461 

Thomas, 775 

Thomas   S., 1916 

Walter 3465 

William 773 

William  T., 1921,  3170,  3470 

William  O., 5006 


Albert  B. 5404 

Amos  P 5403 

AuRELiA  J., 5112 

Charles  H., 5830 

Clarence  P. 1514 

Daniel  A 5402 

Ephraim  a., 5113 

George, 5832 

Harriett  L., 5831 

Harriett  M., 5107 

Julius  J. 5111 

Marietta 5405 

Minnie  G 5833 

Mary  E 5108 

Milton  E., 5109 

Pamela, 5110 

Susan  K., 5401 


Adeline  M., 5503 

Ashman  H., 5501 

Eliza  A., 5497 

Francelia  P., 5499 

Henry  P., 5495 

Joel  S., 55° 





JuuA  S 5502 

Rhoda  a., 5498 


Abigail M'o 

Aura,  3412 

Charles  F 495^ 

Elizur 34f>7 

'•'"'V    3414 

A 4961 

^,  3406 

Laura,  ~  4957 

Mary, 3408 

Mary  M.,-...^ 4960 

Sarah, ~  34JI 

Sarah  E., 49S9 

William 34f«9 

William  W. 3413 


UKRBF.RT,    '^t'^" 



Mary, 545-i 

Orlando, 544** 


Anir.AiL, 1006,  J021,  235;^ 

Ai)IKI 2355 

Alexandkr 427,  1267 

Amelia, 1254 

Christopher,  1265 

c  Hvki.ns  m., r>  j^s 

TH, 426, 

AS 1 

tkAMit  3 4.>o 

Hii/iR,    1010 



i-.I   NU  1., 2350 

Fanny 2354  | 

Georgk, 1263  ' 

Gideon, ICX19  I 

Guy,  1268 

Henry  M., > 2352  \ 

Henry  G. 6059! 

Hkpzibah 42S ' 

JKRUSHA 2397  , 


Marianne 434 

Mary,  1252,  1265 

Mary  F., 6060  I 

Naomi,   1008,  23981 

Oliver 433  i 

Parmenio 1253  I 

Roger, 425,  1250  I 

Samuel, 1007,  2399  1 

Sarah,  ^ J249I 

Simon - 1262  j 

Sophia 2401 

Ursula,   432,  2402  ' 


William, 2351 


Anne  B., 7090 

Anne  M., 4'oo 

Carlton  H /loo 

Carrik  B 7102 

Charli.s  H 6313 

Douglass, ...  7103 

Ellen, 6314 

Edward  W., 6315 

Helen  E 4251 

Henry  D 5879 

Hermionk, 7101 

Hope 7104 

James, 587S 

Joel  R. 5880 

^•*'  'T 5877 

~ 4762 

.TH,  4768 

^ 3215 

lUkLA    C, 3218 

Hannah,  „ 4765 

Hannah  S.,- 3213 

Henry  L., 4770 

Haac  R., 3216 

Jerusha,  - 3214 

'■■■'-    H 3217,  4773 

' - 4767 

O, 32>2,  4766,   4772 

AlARY 4771 

P\:.tT-T:L  A.,., 3211,  4769 


JuilN    11 1686 

Samuel  G., 1687 

Mary  A., 1688 

Rutn  a 1689 

Richard  S.,..., 1690 

Dorothy,  ....' 1691 


Abigail, 5303 

Diana,  5302 

Edward  S 7086 

John   C 7087 

Madison 5307 

Melissa,  5306 

roRTER 5305 

Ra-  hel, 5308 

Walter 5304 


Caroline, 6569 

Cvnthla, 6590 

Eliza, 6567 

Ira,  6566 

Mary, 6571 

Sarah 6568 


INDEX,  No.  3. 


Abbott 92,446,  576,  6oi 

Abeel 516 

Abel 659 

Adams, 163,  593.624,  752 

AuGATE, 409 

Alcock, 177 

Alden, 472,  516,  570,  708 

Allen,  34,  123,  134,  247,500,509,  543 

Alexander, 34,  500,  714 

Allyn, 45,  98,  99,  187,  228  518,  684 

Almy,  542 

Alvord, 638 

Ames 516 

Andrews,  216,  243,  284,  342,  388,  390 
392.  558,  577,  595,  610,  653,  665,  771 

Annable,' 370 

Anthony,  504 

Appleton, 100,  210,  512,  528,  787  I 

Arms,   no,  7901 

Arnold 80,  541,  542 

Armttage, 221,  461  I 

Ashley, 48,  268,  354,  387,  419,  578  j 

Atherton,  ...". 162,  326  I 

ATWOOD 317,  422,  595  I 

Austin,  295,  462  I 

AUDLRY,  663  I 

AveryT 25,  477  j 

Ayer, 255,  42S! 

BaBCOCK 22,   325  I 

Backus, 688  1 

Bailey, .' 605  | 

Baldwin, 223,  501,  767,  804] 

Barber,  39,64,  133! 


Baker, 262,  291,  372,  681 

Bancroft, , 137,  250 

Ballard, 566 

Barnard,  71,  173,  180,  243,  322,  334 

376,  469,  608,  614. 

Bartlett, 83,  207,  775 

Barrows 223 

Ball, 256,  270,  493 

Baxter, 707 

Barton 663 

Beach 28 

Beaumont,  40 

Beeckman 753 

Belcher, 609 

Beckley, V 550,  556 

Belding,  (Belden,)  85,  102,  106,  211 

333,   341,   352,  391,   554,  575,  614 

729,  756. 

BiDWELL, 557,  777' 

BiGELOW,  76,  322,  445 

BiRCHARD, 89,    236,    767 

Bird,  241,  801 

BiRGE,     42 

Bill 463 

Billings,  84,  326 

Birkbee 581 

BiSSELL,   15,  37,  63,  96,   132,   137,   144 

262,  295,  335,  568,  690. 

Blakeman, 60,  619 

Bliss,  in,  142,  222,  297,  431,  482,  563 

571,  651,  667,  735. 

Blanev 758 

Blodgett, 46^ 




bogardus 754 

boardman 319 

boltwood, 329 

Booth, 24,  55,  61,  118 

BosTwicK 103,  773 

Bourne, 143 

BowE,  304 

Bowles, 760 

Brace, 739 

Bradford,  116,  138,  187,  228,  423,  439 
585,  624,  669,  785. 

Bradstreet, 72,  203,  537 

—  Bradley 295 

Brand, ; 751 

Brainard, 394,  532,  784 

Brattle 266,  670 

Breck,    675 

Breckinridge 426 

Brewster 402,  411,  433,  617,  711 

Bridgman, 336 

Briggs, 472 

"•^ROWN, 147,  243,  285,    286,   293,    763 

Buck 452,  559 

BUELL,  9,  10,  21,  92,  244,  383,  417,  460 
525,  626,  654,  755,  7S5. 

BULKELY lOI,    229 

BURNHAM 62,  100,    163 

Burroughs,  88 

buckland,  140 

Buckminister 539 

Bull,  220,  529 

RURHAMS,    754 

Burr, 120,  574 

Buurell 613,  759 

Burgess, 711 

Burkett, 167 

Burt,. ..95,  142,  263,  328,  571,  609,  636 

bushnell, 234,  409,  630,  7s4 

Broomfield,  *....,'. 78S 

Butler,  18, 65, 7^,  85, 171, 210, 544,  560 

Cabell,  426 

Cady,  93 

Cadwell, 19,  79.  431.  503 

Caldwell, 492 

Camp 163,  202,  373,  804 

Campbell,   776 

Canfield, 162 

Cannon,   759 

Carey,  142 

Capen, 677 

Carpenter, 89,  246,  248,  430,  437 

Carver, 141 

Case,  432,  765 

Catlin,   60S 

Caulking, 88,  242,  756 

Chadeayne 756 

Chandler "566,577,  653,  692 

Chapin, 238,  249,  590,  636,  769 

Charles, 635 

Chalker 592 

Chapman 11,  24,  94, 114,  197,  592 

Chauncey, 57,  loi,  480,  &72 

Cheney 350 

Checkley,  760 

Cheesebrough, 169,  482 

Chester,  46,  137,  190,  195,  202,  204 

275,  315.  385.  537. 

Cheves,  798 

Choate, 652 

Chittenden 291,  755 

Christopher,  612 

Church,    19,   108,  209,  338,   353,  436 

771,  772,  774. 

Churchill, 107,  627,  774 

Clarke,  15,  4',  288,  535,  634,724,  767 


Clary,  692 

Clay 806 

Cleveland,  184,  440 

CoFFiNG,  622 

Cobb,  200,  711 

coggshall, 504 

Coleman, 6,  186 

COLTON,  63,  312,  482,  517,  519.  636,    639 

Coles,  (Cole,) 17,  775.  476 

Colt,  294,  357 

I  Collins 228,  291,  755 

I  Cooke,  16,  64,  173,  179,  185,  334,  469 
I         614,  669,  693. 

I  Cooledge,  180 

I  Cone 298 

Conyn, 744 

I  Cotton, 72,  203,  469,  513,  537 

I  Corey,  612 

Crane ; 16,  582,  660 

Crosby,  642 

j  Crowe 392 

-^ROON,  753 

Crittendon 83 

i  Crxghr, 753 

Cruttenden, 207,  484 

Culver, 606 

Curtis 27,  56,  151,  158,  594 

Cuvler, 753 

Dahlbo, 758 

Dane 653,  692 

Dart, 690 

Davenport, ..  193,320,  595 

Day, 49,  327,  394 

Davis, 615 

Deforest 520 

Dean,  379- 

I  Delano 258 

j  Delevan, 632 

I  Deming,...i63,  224,  226,  382,  3S9,  550 
I  Denison, 269,  410,  428,  483,  809 



Densi,ow, 140 

DeWolkf,  299,  409 

I^EWEY 48,  138,   387,   532,   578 

Dexter, 494 

Dibble 135 

Dickinson,  17,  62,  112,  249,  329,  331 
332,  345,   346,   468,   526,  619,  742 

DiMMOCK,    251 

DlNGEI,Y, ^i.,. 642 

I)ix, i^KsoS,  341,  599 

Dodge, 495 

D001JTT1.E, 586,  633 

DOTEN,  259 

Douglas, 690,  775 

Drake,  8,  33,  39,  41,  62,  118,  130,  135 

264.  ■ 

Dudley 203,  367,  428,  491 

Duncan 680 

DwiGHT,...239,  354,  368,  508,  539,  577 
Edwards,  191,  193,  210,  355,  382,  500 

508,  309,  522,  679,  790. 

Eaton, 615 

Eastman, 330,  344,  352 

Eggleston, 39,  75,  127,  285,  676 

Ellison, 767 

Eliot, 337,  641,  760 

Eli^worth, 58,  93,  266,  670 

Ely, 59,  183,357,  481 

Emerson,.. 787 

English, 108 

Enos,  (Eno,) 37,  134,  563 

Ensign, , 278 

,ESTES 629 

Farnham, 447 

Farrar,  (Farrow,) 105 

Fanning 588 

Falley 686 

Fellows 84,  419 

F^IELD, 109 

FiLLEY 23,  130 

Fl^E,   745 

Fitch, 138,  360,  408,456,486,  585 

Fisher,  606 

Flynt, 239,  787 

foote, 102,   iii,  192,  526 

Ford, 141 

FoRDHAM, 617 

Foster, 492,608,  653,  681 

FowLE, 752 

Fowler 51,  83,  250.  463 

Francis 698 

Frary,  112 

French, 463,  788 

Frost, 180 

F'ULLER, 366 

Gager 687 

Gaines, 41,  241 

Gallupp, 482 

Galpin,  153 


Garfield, 445 

Gardiner 611 

Gay 505,  605 

Gaylord, 77,    36 

Gelston, 458 

Geddes, 725 

GiBBES 128,  185,  342,  345 

Gillette, 127,  134,  288,  558,  568 

GiLMAN,    ,,; 87 

Glover,  115,  419 

GoFFE 470,  665 

Goodrich,  51,  68.  77,  78,  85,  134,  254 

319,  490,  475,  544,  594,  623. 

Goodwin, 19,  182 

GooDENO, 799 

Gookin, 786 

Gordon, 770 

Gorham,  366 

Gould, 652 

Graham,  480 

Granger,  761 

Grant,  43,    60 

Graves, 113,  219,  238,  413 

Gregson 182 

Greenhill,  279 

Greene 542,  662 

Greenough 677 

Griffin, 566,  692 

Griswold,  9,  36,  44,  61,  62.  63,    64 

92,  94,  114,  139,  140,  145,  167,  244 

36f\  409,  553. 

Grosvenor,   359,  724 

Grosse, 609 

GURLEY,   290,   371 

Hale, 347,  724 

Hallett, 512 

Hall 273 

Hamlin,   168 

Hand , 104 

Harris 245,  357,  707,  752 

Harrison, 772 

Hart,  146,  301,  302,  374,  389,  476,  664 

Harman, 591 

Hastings 182,  789 

Harlakenden, 164,  517 

Haskell, 788 

Hawkes,  no 

Hawley,  260,  771 

Hawkins, 664 

Hayden, 44,  128,  139,  172,  264,  625 

Haynes,...i76,  194,  321,  332,  717,  641 

Hayward,  516 

Hazelton, 581,  706 

Heaton,  76 

H]^LD,  601 

Herrick, 457 

HiCKOCK,  103 

HiGLEY, TI8,  139,    206 

HiLL,  (HlLI^,)  120,   156,  213,  218,  461 



*.  Hiix,  (Hii,i,s,)  


HlNMAN,  103, 

Hinckley 200,  365, 

Hitchcock 328,  493, 

Hinsdale, 201,  314,  476, 

.  HoBART, 194,  252,  642,  7S5, 


—  HOLCOMB, 118,    285,   625, 

-  Hooker 147.  301.  324, 


HOLLISTER, 156,  164,  254,  460, 




HOLTON,   500, 

-—  Hopkins,  126,  191,  268,  279,  337, 
HooGEBOON,  ....: 

HOLYOKE,  190,  195,  205,  254,   275, 



HOSMER, 341,  422,  548, 

Hough 410,  685, 


Howard 379, 


"~  HOWLAND,     

Hubbard,  181,  218,  237,  320,  348, 
56T.  578,  620,  775. 


—  Hull 


"^  Hunt, 422,  434,  573,  634,  647, 


Huntington,  89,  91,  199,  2.^4, 
4';)C'.  567,  679.  687. 



Hutchinson 347, 

Ingrrsoll, 287,  290, 

INGRAHAM, 33O,  493,    598, 


J     oi.S 

^  J-   "^ 238, 


Jhnks,  438, 



T-  Johnson,  437, 

-—Jones, 277, 

Kellogg,  124,  201,  314,  328,  403, 
613,  656. 

Kknt, 232,  367, 

■Kelsey 134,  287,  388,  557, 


Keyes 346,  351,  358,  359, 

KiLBOURNE,  229,  230,  269,  582,  595, 












273  i 
396  I 

271  I 



605  \ 

70S  I 


590 ' 



629 : 

196  I 







King, 148,  355,  525,  634 

Kingsbury 255,  427 

Kirkland 621  — 

Ladd,  : 86 

Lamb 177 

Langdon,  568 

Lane,  704 

Larned, 200,  365,  588 

Larrabee,  170 

Law,  802 

Lawrence,  3171  779 

Lay, 411 

Leavonworth, 487 

Leavitt,... 534 

Lee.  121,  242,  336,  409,  474,  509,  544  « 
593,  623,  626. 

Leete 291,  755 

Leland, 588 

Leg 754 

Leonard, 601 

Leverett 267,  671 

Lewis 56,67,  116,  214,  268,  550  — 

Little,  143.  594 

Lincoln,   252,  6S1 

Livermore,  375 

Locke 645 

Lloyd 670 

LoOMis 9.  10,  133,  434,  755  — 

IvORD 183,  342,  390,  427,  518,  559  — 

LORING,    681 

LOTHROP,  (LATHROP,)  9I.   I99,    251-*=' 

261,  366,  369,  370,  621,  6S7. 

Low : 495 

Lucas 304 

Ludlow, 619 

Luykassen,  755 

Lyman,  51,  82,  213,  235,  416,  598,  625 

Mack 121  — 

Mallory,  162 

Makepeace, ; 200 

Mann 398,  569 

Marsi-ield, 517,  636 

McKlNSTRY,  292 

Marsh, 21,67,  69,  331 

Marshall, 96,  130,  177,  340,  6S4 

Marvyn, 226,  254,  630,  784 

Mason 642,  809 

Mather,  26,  326 

Matthews, 616 

Maudesley,  (Moseley,) 263,  317 

3S7,  579,  779, 

Melyen, 620 

Merrill, 124,  279,  306 

Merrick,  49 

Merriam 278  — ' 

Messinger,  287 

Metcalf, 490,  593,  624 





Minor 23,  25,  55,  61, 105,  150, 

158,  160. 

Mitchell 53.  68,  153,  159, 

Mix, 107,  212,  277, 

Montague, 237,  497,  597, 

Moody,  227, 

MooRR, 129,  293, 

Morgan, 234,  553,  614,  710, 

Morse, ; 

4-  Morton 416,  562,  601,  614, 

Mur.LiNS, 187, 

Munn,  309, 

Munroe, ? 

Mygatt, 548, 

Nash, 30,  333, 


«.  Newell 771, 

Newberry, 46,  137,  263,  579, 

Nichols, 155,  157, 


Noble,  488,  489.  503.  549, 552,  602, 

—  North, 

Norton, 208,  603, 


Ogden 508, 

Olcott, 192,  217,  282, 

Oliver, 266, 

—  Olmstead, 216,  424, 


OvSbornk,  443, 


Otis, 367, 


-^  Palmer,   

Parsons,  149,  189,  274,  377,  385, 


——Parke, 20,  170,  189.  219, 

Partridge,....'. 239,  355,  420, 

Peabody, 187,  347,  358, 


Peck, 29,  40,  152,  380,  610, 



Perkins, 234,  621,  652, 

Pettieone 676, 


"Phillips, .^..210,  512, 

Pierpont 193,  320, 





Pitkin,  70,  74,  182,  192,  213,  217, 
760,  777,  808. 

^  Porter,  216,  457,  494, 

Porterfield .'...... 













Post, 340,  689,  770 

PoTwiN, 779 

Pratt,  106 

Prichard, 776 

Prentice, 309,  548 

Preston, 54,  152 

Purchase, 677 

Purple, 698 

Putnam 494,  739 

Pynchon, 187,  275,  419,  578 

Raymond, 245 

Reynolds,  30S 

Rhodes, 246,  541 

Richards, 117,  187,  245,  669 

Rice, 218,  237,348,  561 

Richmond, 243 

Righter, 806 

Riley, 220,  303,  772 

RoBBiNS,  no,  170,  283,  527,  561,  623 


Robinson 206,  286,  763 

Rockwell, 264 

Rogers,.... 187,  228,  491,  624 

Root,  223,  247,  269,  316,  335,  432,  63S 

Rose, in,  303,  443 

RossETER, 513 

Rowley, 35,  401 

RoYCE 474,  56S 

Rudd,  770 


Russell, 226 

St,  John 459,  610,  661 

Saltostall, 428,  453 

Sage, 214,  395 

Sadd, 296 

Sanford, 163 

Sargent, 511,  619,  680 

Scott, 782' 

ScoTTowE, -.'. 760 

Seaver, 566,  692 

Sedgwick, 124,  279,  380,  403 

Selden, 491,  598,  620,  762 

SiiWARD, 104,  582 

Sewall,  68 

Sharpe,  539 

SheaFFE, 755 

Sheldon,. ..135,  422,  scxj,  514,  602,  625 
Sherman,  102,  151,  154,  156,  161,  615 

Shurtleff, 369 

Skinner 24,  90,  129 

Snell 516 

Snow, 141 

Smith,  90,  149,  237,  311,  343,  353,  392 
420,  435,  -519,  597,  601,  773, 

Spafford, 581 

Spencer, 394,  575,  620,  757,  762 

vSpring,  604 

.Standish,  570 

Stanley,  3,  4,  147,  213,  217,  691,  777 


Starr,   208,  21      '■■       man, 804 

Stearn-hs,  - 251.  .^                    R, 52,  5S9 

STREr.E,  70,  116,  163. -I''"'     ■-■     *                            \M 50 

Stebbins,  136,141,274,  R.  25,  116,  181,    199,  241,  340 

Stkdman, 390,40.,  .,     ,       ,,  .625. 

Sterling, 7'                  428,  440,  453 

STKVKNS,  65                     CK,  653 

Stiddkn,  7";                  iRTu, „ 477 

Stiles ~ 58,  i-                 n 702,  753 

vStimson N. 143,  258.  322,  518,  594 

Stoduard,   50,  72,    78,  107,    I''                           nc:t«)N, 719 

204,   212,  271,   312, -353.  .                            N 299,  472,  486,  542 

421,  540,  730.                                                     766 

>^i'^ 30,207,242,3;!  -:^    --•    ^'-      ••  "'.S 

Storks ^  4 

STROtrCHTON 99,  144,326,  65.',  i*->  -,'..-<,     -,,-...  / ;^9 

Strkete 1.                         16 

Stmino,   <>,,    122.   324.   399,  460,  4'                             ^ 259,  261 

673,  676,  696,  739.                                            > 567 

i 5                                       161,  507 

'^                     - 57  '.    211.    219,333  — 

S\                    690.788. 

Sn                       2  i>>2.  ii>6,   227,419,  518 

^^                             7^                                277 

T-'"^.  '  -  170.356,375,752 

Talcott,  99, 189, 195, 254. 2                                         - 571 

Tarb«»x,  „ 219  — 

TAVI.0K....175,  215,  517,  57«,  71 672,  701,  707 

Tl-MPI.E 6?9 

Tkwry aoi,  6                     Sf 611 

TrvPT'OKCK \                    219,  220 

Ti'                                   4-                                     60 

Ti!                                   .  ..,164,  ;<74,  fv  ■                                 T47,  76",  787 

1  ICli.Nok,   >\ 


Tl!.'  ■  -:            ,i  ,,... 

"i  I', ..ill,   ./-'I,  jji,    J/J,  OM,   o<j3 

Tl  „ '.    62b 

Z"  '  364 

Tl  299,442,6.  ,„ iyt 

Ti  , :  ,1.1 526 

Ti<  27,149,202,254,3.  442,513,620 

Tl-  3^-  50,  107.  453,  7v:> 

Tv  493.  <-  ao6,  286,  763 

J'^  ''•  763 

li<;M!ii.L,    I'sj  46,99,100,   137,   145 

TrnoR '527,639,671." 

Tittle 86,294,524.586,  633.  ,  .1: 176,  319 

TWOMBLY,  71  680 

Tyi.ek ^?"  '  34, 

TVNG 87,    23ft,  572' 

I'NDKRniLL,  ;i, 289 

Vaill - 61  „ 589 

Van   Acken,^ 77  .; 350 

"^'''"^  - 7-!  ON,  169,  374,  377,  482,  538 

Va  V, 75  ,.  66,  7;^,  12^,  202,  225,  y^-^ 

V.\  I.AER,  „ 741  'V)2,  618. 

Va  - 652.  7^  

\VA..-,....r,  iH,    13,  99,  144,  219,  242,  27.;  I    \^n.ll^ 176,3-7.     419.     "^'Z,    '    ;' 

Waitk 84,  6oi '  Youngs T. .^...,.    86 

1     W) 

.  .  .\ 

J     <i.UiJe{ 

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V-^  C,:  '•^<-^'^        ^  < 

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